» Fiction » The Cardinal, Elif Kaya [best historical fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «The Cardinal, Elif Kaya [best historical fiction books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Elif Kaya

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Chapter 15




All students in the Academy are working as if the Academy is a beehive. I really love this metaphor. Mental high five! Early in the morning, as Phoenix greenies, we have set a platform which some speeches will take place. I’m enjoying my break glancing towards each direction. One could even say, I was looking for a specific person. That might be because you are. I try to ignore my inner voice. Axel is distracting me. I didn’t expect him to treat me like he did the night before.


Preparations for The 56th anniversary party of the creation of Fence. She confesses her main aim to Axel. She tells him about her plans and offers him to help her.

Chapter 16



He contemplates taking her offer. He is hesitant and concerned for his family and his loved ones.


He ignores Sasha during the Anniversary party. 


Chapter 17



I never thought I would be able to laugh after seeing the expression of Axel. I knew he would be hesitant but I wasn’t prepared to the cold shoulder he gave me during the celebrations. . 


Anyways, the scenery in front of me needs more attention than the “bipolar” guy I have almost fallen in love. I warn you, you are going to laugh your ass out. Even I couldn’t resist the laughter that escaped me the instant I entered the Visiting Room. I don’t think anyone can ever resist it. 


Hunter stands in front of me with his bleached short blonde hair -almost fully shaved- and tattooed face -to be more precise, the handwritings that encircle his eyebrows-.


“Hun- Dominic! What happened to you man? Has the government started giving radioactive drugs to the common folk in my absence?” I whisper the last part so that my superiors can’t eavesdrop on us and find out who I really am.


“Don’t make me humiliate you, dear. Go and get yourself a mirror. Those bags under your eyes must weight at least ten pounds.”


“Wow! That was a low shot Mr Walden! I am sincerely hurt and my heart is damaged far beyond repairment.” I say in mock disbelief as if his weak attempt of insulting got to my nerves.


“You are funny!”


“Tell me something I don’t know already sweetie.” 


For a moment, I feel like we are really siblings visiting each other to keep up with our lives. I get stone cold when the realization hits me that by being so reckless in the Academy, I don’t just put myself in danger but the only person I am left with in this big intimidating world. He notices the drastic change in my mood and he gets serious in an instant.


“You might wanna take a look at the sudden increase of the number of patients with stomach aches, “nefes darligi” and fevers queuing up at the doors of the health centers. I know that centers are always filled to the brim with patients in Riverdown but believe me this is different. This time, there are practising physicians running all over the place. They ask for lots of blood analysis from each patient. They distribute vaccines like bread and water. Don’t you also find it weird as hell given that those cocky doctors normally love ignoring the patients and striding past them.”


I feel confused. Why the sudden change of policies?


When Hunter answers me, I realise that I have been thinkin out loud. 


“I actually have a guess,” he leans over the table and pretends to hug me in an affectionate manner to not appear hinky to the soldiers supervising the visitors and the behaviours of the students since they are expected to be loyal to the Academy, not their families or friends. “I think this new policy is related to your parents death.”


“How so?” I feel the room closing in on me at the mention of my parents.


“I have made a little research about the vaccines and found out that the first time they were produced was only a month before your house was raided down by the government. I think your parents were trying to prevent the production or distribution of them, of course concluding from the files I’ve found and what you have told me about the way acted before they, you know...”




I close my eyes and inhale and exhale slowly, trying to steady my heartbeat. I have to find out the truth behind them. That is what my parents wanted me to do all along. I have been so wrong all this time, assuming they would like their daughter spending a lifetime to get revenge. I feel my eyes filling to the brim with unshed tears for a very long time.


“Sash, don’t worry. We are going to take down the bastards that ruined your life. You have my word.” He whispers as he strokes my hair.


“Thank you, brother.” I say with a hoarse voice.


He pulls away from me and kisses me on the forehead.


“Anything for my little sister.”


Chapter 18




All of the Phoenixes are summoned to the Hall. They have increased the security precautions. There are news wandering around the Academy that the crossfire has gotten serious in our border with our neighbour the Federal Union of the Continent which used to be called the Europe before the unexpected epeirogenesis that altered all of the global relationships and the general peaceful policies of the countries. The borderlines have changed tremendously and the Cardinal and its allies -we are called the Western Forces- have been fighting a war with the old British, German, French and other European countries’ armies since our continent grew dangerously closer to them, even merging with them at one point. That junction point is where the Main Front is located today.


Honestly, that is all I know about the past of our country. It is odd that in our History class we are only taught the big events that took place after the Great Epeirogenesis. Speaking off classes, they have become too strict these last few days. The day before, Daniel was given detention because he has got up from his seat to adjust his computer’s cables by our Geography professor which normally kisses the floor Daniel walks on due to his cheerful personality.


Trainings are taken more serious as well. The fighting tournaments have become more often. Nowadays, the corridors are full of black eyed students and the bins are filled to the brim with used ice packs in the Training Center. Everybody is quieter than usual and this eerie silence adds to the already broody environment of the Academy, making it even more unbearable. 


The rumor that the visits would be cancelled does nothing to cheer me up as well. I haven’t seen my parents for a solid six months now. I really need to see my mother and to listen to her wise advices now more than ever. What Alicia -no, Sasha Cohen- told me managed to break my common sense into two opposing discussion teams and I don’t know which side is going to win in the end.

Chapter 19




I ask from the secretary to use my annual leave. They didn't want to let me out at first but when Hunter sent them a fake hospital record, approving that he was resting at the Health Center and that he was shot last night during a bar fight in Marauder's, they finally gave me the permission slip that I needed in order to get out of the Campus and then tbe Fence. 


I go to the remnants of my old house. It is no longer a home for me, not without my parents in it. The upstairs is totally fucked up. Windows are cracked and all but I guess the ground floor and our basement is still well and sound. In the wall there is an illustration of a beach we have never been to but always dreamed of going on a vacation. It used to be called the “Maldives”. It is now a part of the Union of Eastern Communities, UEC.


I examine the corners of the wall, the flooring in front of the illustration. Just when I was about to give up, I find an “alti bos parke” and immediately take the hardwood off. There is a safe under the ground.


I inspect the safe to find a way to unlock it and unveil its contents. The lock has a touch ID system so I put all of my fingers on the scanner one after the other and wait impatiently for it to open up. Finally, the lid opens with a hiss.


There are files about a biological weapon. The government is running trial and error experiments on the citizens without informing them. They are trying to develop a cure for the virus so that the Cardinal can be protected at all costs during the war.


There is a small paper attached to the back of the file. On

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