» Fiction » The Cardinal, Elif Kaya [best historical fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

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on Nixon’s mentor. Just as she was about to say something, I stop her by gripping her arm.


“Don’t. Just calm down and never mind Eric. He has always been a loud mouth. You just grow get used to it by time. Also, if you attack him, you wouldn’t get away with just a chastisement since he is senior to you.”


For a moment she looks like she wants to punch me as well but then her face softens and she says, “Thank you for stopping me from doing something I would regret. However, I don’t need your protection.” She gets out of my grip. I grin at her.


“Don’t worry. I can see that.” I say and point out to Nixon.  “I am glad.” she says barely holding back her smile. I shout after her,


“I won’t be at the Great Hall today but make sure that you’re on time for the Assignments, greenie.”




In the geography lesson, I can’t fight the smile that was permanent on my face as if it was glued. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Daniel and Brandon elbowing each other and snickering. I raise one eyebrow at them to ask them what is causing them to act like toddlers. As soon as they see that I have caught them, they shrug and reply simultaneously, “It’s nothing.”


“You know that I no longer buy your shit. I can tell when you are lying and when you are not.”


Brandon takes a deep breath and starts talking.


“Alright, I am not going to keep my opinions to myself anymore”


“Me neither.” Daniel says giving me a knowing smile. “What are your opinions? Please enlighten me with the outrageous products of those brilliant minds.” I ask them in a bored tone.


“You have caught feelings for Alicia”, Bran tells me. I shake my head at him not wanting to believe a word he has just spoken but deep down knowing the truth.

Chapter 13 ****



It is really hard to suck at something you excel in. Since the day I set feet on the “wrong” side of the river, I’ve had to fight my way in the Riverdown. So when I see a sandbag in front of me, I punch it better than others -even most of the boys- due to my experience and technique. Unfortunately, although Hunter thinks I am a bit attention-seeking, drawing attention of my supervisors is the last thing I want to do in the Academy. You could say it is a bit late for that. My supervisors and all of the mentors are already bewildered by my performance that took place in my first day. I swear to God, I wasn’t trying to put on a show. My survival instinct kicked in the moment Nixon dived in for an attack like a rabid dog asking persistently for his own defeat.


I’m also a fucking superstar among all of the greenies -except Nixon’s lap dogs-, just not the type that is showered with flowers after concerts. The only thing I would be showered with in the close future is probably kicks and punches. Nixon, Drew and Angelo shoot me venomous daggers with their eyes. How I wish I let Nixon beat the shit out of me that day. In the end, I would get rid of the attention and I wouldn’t have saved myself from a lot of problems. Yes, I managed to give Nixon his lesson. However, I probably won’t stand a chance against an angrier Nixon and his several followers who are just as muscular as he is if not. Actually, I would love to learn if the techniques Hunter taught me would be enough to beat them. Fluidity and sophisticated fighting skills against pure muscle strength and rashness. That would put on a hell of a show, Hunter would claim.


After I’m done with my personal training, I try to find someone to train in pairs. Then, I see Hailey drinking from her bottle. Her eyes are all over the place as well. I walk over to her with confident steps and extend my hand to her.


“I’m Alicia Rivers.”


She rolls her eyes and says in a sarcastic tone, “Well, I didn’t know that.” It’s my turn to roll my eyes now. “Ok, alright. I will skip the introductions. I came here to offer you to be my partner in dual training. Would you like that?” And with that I point out my still extended hand to her.


She looks startled but grabs my hand anyways. She then talks under her breath, “I have no idea what I have myself got into.”


“Don’t worry,” I tell her, “I am not a monster. Only a bit psycho, I guess.”


“Then, I assume we are going to be best friends.” Agreed. 




Hailey and Sasha eats together in the Great Hall

Talking and gossiping about people


Chapter 14 **********************




I take the roller bandages off of my left hand and then head to the first aid room to grab a pack of ice to put on my face. The swell on my chin is going to swell a lot if I don’t keep it cool for a while and that is the last thing I want just before talking to Alicia.


I have been thinking about her a lot and even Daniel who is always the clueless ipone among the three of us asked me if I had any feelings for her last night. I gave him the look and that made him shut up for a while but I also caught him asking Brandon about the situation. Of course they acted all innocent when I asked them what they have been talking about, but I had already heard them talking. Who are you kidding guys? 


Yesterday, I have tried really hard not to think of her after what Daniel and Bran told me. Actually, once, I almost convinced myself that I didn’t care about her and I felt attracted to her just because she was so mysterious all the time. However, that wasn’t it. There is something else about her. I have never felt like that and that makes me confused and afraid as hell. I shouldn’t be distracted like that. Recently, I haven’t paid attention to any of my classes and even forgotten about the seniors surveilling my each step. I should be more careful, but I don’t seem to be myself anymore when she is all I can think about. It’s really odd. I have known the girl for just a week and yet I feel as if a connection has formed between us.


Eww, I sound a lot like romantic guys. Or Daniel who is trying to bed a girl.


Today, in the training center, I have caught Alicia peeping at me a few times. You might be wondering how I know. Well, that is because I have been peeping at her more often than she has been. This can’t keep going like that. I am going to talk to her. Maybe if I start knowing her better, my interest in her will gradually vanish. 


As soon as her training session is over, I approach Alicia. She averts her gaze from Hailey as she sees me. They say goodbye to each other and I wait idly for her to acknowledge me.


“Hi, Axel!” she greets me with her radiant smile.


“Umm, hi, how are you doing?”


“Fine, I guess. However I think you aren’t doing well.”


Wait, how did she understand. Did Daniel or Brandon tell her something. I’m going to kick their asses so ba-


“No need to get nervous champ. I’m kidding since real you is kidnapped and you are his clone or something.”


I laugh nervously at her joke. God! I’m so awkward. 


“For the record, this is real me and the real me was wondering if you are free this evening.”


She nods her head and looks at me with questioning eyes.


“Would you like to come to the party Daniel is throwing at the Academy’s bar?”


She averts her eyes. She is going to say no. When she looks back at me, she looks sorry.


“The parties aren’t really my thing, Axel.”


“Ohh, ok then. I’m sorry I bothered you.” I scratch my neck and wish for the ground to split open and eat me as a whole. “See you around then.”


“See you!”



Brandon waves his hand in front of my face. 


“Bro, you have dived into your own world, again. From Earth to Axel. This is Brandon speaking.”


I barely hear him because of the blasting music and my even louder thoughts. When I don’t look away from the drink at my hand, he snatches it away from me. I lean towards the glass to take it back but Brandon holds it further away from me. 


“I think you’ve had enough for the night.” I groan in annoyance and ask for another glass from the bartender. When he shakes his head indeterminedly, I turn around to see the intimidating glare Bran is giving the poor guy. 


“You cannot have another glass unless you tell me what’s wrong?” says Daniel who would normally love to see me drunk and hangover and do everything in his power to make me drink irresponsibly.


Probably because I’m totally wasted, I don’t fight them and give in easily.


“I’m the stupidest person alive.”


“I thought that was me.” Dan says trying to lift my mood but it doesn’t work.


“Not anymore since you didn’t ask someone out that you knew would reject you.”


“Ohh, my boy is growing up. I’m sentimental.” As always Daniel doesn’t take it seriously and keeps on blabbering.


“Who did you ask out?” Bran asks and when I don’t answer he says, “Alicia, I guess.” I nod. Just like that Daniel almost gives me a heart attack because of what he says next.


“But I don’t understand why she showed up if she rejected you.”


I follow his gaze and spot Alicia making her way in with Hailey besides her.


She is here. She actually shows up. She looks different. She is wearing a tight black dress with a leather jacket. Her blue eyes are more striking than ever. I both want and fear her seeing me. 

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