» Fiction » The Cardinal, Elif Kaya [best historical fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

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her though. She looks so petite and fragile, I can’t help but wonder about her story. Moreover, she is wearing high-quality clothes and shoes -just like the ones I used to wear a few years ago. 


‘She probably fled the Cardinal and passed the River to get to the Riverdown. But why would she leave the Cardinal behind in the first place? Is she a criminal?’ I reason. These are none of my business though. I should take her to the Health Center and forget about her anyways.


I look at her once again. Her expression is restless even though she is sleeping. Even if she is a serial killer, I feel like I should save her on my own without getting her in trouble by delivering her to the Health Center in which she would probably be interrogated after waking up. I will not drop her off at a center. I get my phone and text an old friend of mine who used to be a Nursing student at the Academy. 


Loraine, please get to my place as soon as possible. I need you ASAP.


I chastise myself, ‘Fuck me and gentle heart. It is going to be the end of me some day’.



After a while the girl wakes up. Her eyes adopts to the dim lighting of the back room of the bar. For a moment, her face is void of any expression than everything probably dawns up on her judging from the fear that emerged from nothing in her blue eyes.


“Good morning, Miss Mystery. Or should I have said good night. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. What matters is who you are and what the fuck are you doing at my place?”


She tries to sit but I stop her since her wound is freshly stitched and her body isn’t ready to enforce the orders of her brain. She flinches under my touch. I retreat immediately and raise my hands defensively.


“Woah, woah woah! Calm down champ. I have no intention of hurting you. I am just curious to why a Cardinal girl is in a bar in Riverdown?”


She relaxes a bit but squints her eyes suspiciously.


“How did you understand where I am from?”


“I concluded that you either stole or actually own the clothes you are wearing at the moment. Judging from your current reaction, I vote in favor of my second assumption. So tell me champ what is your story.”


She is still hesitant so I decide to get the lead and start the conversation.


“Alright, alright. I’m gonna start first. By the way know that you’re special. You are about to become one of the rare people that actually know about my past. You are lucky that I’m a sucker for a possibly interesting story like yours.


I used to study Computer Science in the Academy. That’s how I easily detected where you are from, actually. Then I got expelled. I‘m going to skip the worrywart details that ended up with me getting banished. But, in a nutshell, I hacked the school's server and got caught during the process. Bummer, right? I was just trying to change my exam grade but after seeing the amount of security walls preserving the information, I got curious. Keep in mind that I tend to get myself in huge trouble when I get intrigued. Just like now. Anyways I continued searching after I was expelled by using my personal computer in my house and discovered that all servers of the city were connected to the one at the Academy and once you take control of that one, you had access to all databases. 

So I contacted my close friends from the Academy and shared my findings with them. They agreed to help me. Those bastards. We swore to never snitch each other. However, they didn’t take their vows a s serious as I took them. One of them gave me away. I almost got into jail but since my mother is a senior official, she hated the idea of me staining our family name by being an official criminal. She managed to convince the leaders to banish me instead in the end. She put some dough in my pocket and shipped me off to the Riverdown. I bought myself a computer here. Then, I did some black market tradings and saved enough money to set up this bar.”


When I am done I look down to check her reaction. Her blue eyes are wide open, her lips are twitched in appreciation and she nods unwittingly as if her brain is still processing what I have told her. Then she takes a deep breath and says:


“I’m Sasha Valeron. Nice to meet you, umm -“ I complete her sentence “Hunter Cohen.”


“Well, you raised the bar for interesting stories but mine mustn't grumble, I suppose. So brace yourself Cohen.”


Chapter 6




Months pass trouble-free. It’s as if I’m stuck in a vicious circle. A wheel that never stops rolling. I wake up, eat, train, eat again, focus on my classes, do the given duties, eat once again, listen Daniel’s never ending nonsense and sleep while planning how not to fuck up once again. 


The one positive thing that gives me strength to continue is that my extra shifts were over last week and I don’t need to suffer from an organism that is named Carter. The last few month have been a great opportunity for me to learn more about my limits including but not limited to for how long I can restrain from punching the aforementioned organism which took my patience as a sign to test my nerves.


This afternoon, the Ceremony of Specialists are going to take place. Most of my class including Bran, Dan and myself are going to attend and be blessed with a new shoulder knot. I feel stressed out. Sergeant is going to be there as well and give me my knot personally since I’m one of the Phoenixes who have finished the semester with distinction.


I can still hear Dan’s wailing in my ear complaining about the bastard teachers who haven’t given him a distinction just because he brought a dead wolverine’s heart to the hands on lesson since he couldn’t find one that belonged to a pig. The stench of the dead body of the wolverine never fails to make me feel a pang of pain in my nose. Brandon never stopped bickering with Daniel the night before Dan’s anatomy class since Daniel was persistent on defending his wolverine not stinking. 


Who would have known the Scarface and Richie Rich would be brothers to me, right? There is no one in the Academy that I trust more than the two. 



“Daniel, come on dude. You are about to break a record. No other living being has taken so long to simply take a shower and put on some clothes.”


“You two might not be going to the After Party since you are miserably like eighty year olds but someone from our room should take the responsibility of representing the other two there. You should be thankful that I volunteered for the task.”


“Thank you, your grace. You’re so altruistic to drink until you forget your own name.” Bran says mockingly. Daniel finally honours us with his presence and sticks his tongue at Bran. I told you, the guy is still a toddler.




Sergeant Kerrington takes the microphone to his hand and starts showering his seniors with compliments and congratulates the new Specialists with the fakest smile I’ve ever that has been glued to his face. He then proceeds to leave the stage and come near us in the Great Hall. A bunch of people are holding a tray filled with knots in front of him and a few other important Phoenixes. 


I wait in anticipation for a few minutes and finally he is standing in front of me. He takes a shoulder not from the tray and takes off my old one that is quite simple compared to the one he is wearing. He attaches the new one easily as if he has done it a hundred times. He probably did, you idiot. Kerrington then pats my shoulder and opens his mouth. I look at his eyes and prepare myself for a humiliating remark that will come out of his mouth. However, he does the opposite.


“I heard you finished your classes in the second place, Specialist Axel.”


“Yes, sir.”


“Well done, I'm glad you took my message the last time and didn’t need a repetition since another warning would be the last one you would have received from me. Do you understand, Phoenix?”


“Yes, sir. I understand.”


He walks past me towards the guy standing to my left. I release a sigh of relief. I’ve been so stupid to think that I could relax now, since my punishment is over. He is not done with me.


I stand there contemplating how to earn the seniors’ trust. I even killed for him. What else does he want?

What wakes me up from my trance is the monotone voice of Corporal Miranda. She is making an announcement that informs us about a new programme that is going to be put into action for the freshmen which requires some of us to mentor them for a while and and guide their way for the duration of their first semester. She then mirrors a list on the wall behind her.


“Here are the names of the ones that will secure the field during the elections and then proceed with meeting the freshmen they are assigned to mentor.”


Honestly, I don’t need any other trouble else than what I have in my plate at the moment. So, when I see that I’m one of the mentors, I once again curse to the sense of humor the karma has. I’m not abashed though. In the end, when it rains it pours. 


A few days later…


The athletic field is full of young faces unsure of what to do. Most of them are here with the hopes of not taking the Test and granting a place in the Academy without going through the severe process of the Test. Only if they knew they are going to take the Test one way or another. 


I spot Daniel a few meters away from me. He mouths me “Let’s have some fun.” and then he rubs his hands together with a mischievous smile on his face. Why am I not surprised?


Daniel then walks over to Brandon, knowing that I wouldn’t want to have a role in his childish game. Together they glance over the field like a pair of cougars. They are looking for a victim which they can play their trick on. They finally decide on someone and I follow their gaze only to see a pair of eyes that is way too familiar.

Chapter 7
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