» Fiction » The Cardinal, Elif Kaya [best historical fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «The Cardinal, Elif Kaya [best historical fiction books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Elif Kaya

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a new recruit. I was at the top of our strategy and shooting classes. I stayed late at nights in the gym to bring my martial skills to perfection. All of the instructors were pleased with me and I was intuiting that the authority also kept  tabs on me. So, on the day of my first day in a field mission on the first day of the new semester, I was both anxious that I could disappoint everyone and antsy because I finally got the chance to show off the results of my hard work. 


We get on a pickup and start to move towards the fence where our ferry awaits. The mission requires crossing the River and entering the dark face of our glamorous city. Being raised by a couple of successful politicians in Cardinal gave me a chance to overhear things that I was not supposed to. I overheard my mom and dad arguing with colleagues all the time. I overheard their phone calls which caused the flow of money which helped the poor to be cut. I witnessed the moment which they decided to murder a scientist couple and their daughter. My parents never let me see their vulnerability after those bothersome decisions but I somehow knew that they felt culpable because they had to be the ones who make the choices as if they are gods. While I was 9 years old, at a night which my parents were the host to a meeting, I made a promise to myself. I will never be like those people who think they are superiors to other people from Outside. I will have the power to correct mistakes in this city that are done in the past and rule both Cardinal and Outside fairly and in dignity. 

I have never been a spoiled brat like most of my peers and I never wanted the efforts of my parents to raise me into a man with ideals go to waste. I always tried to be the best and make them proud of me. 

During the journey, some of the privates sitting at the other side of the truck keep making fun of people we passed by. I clench my fist in a way that my knuckles turn white. I don't want to cause commotion but the redhead sitting across me just doesn't know how to shut up. Teaching him is very tempting, to say the least. The guy next to me who has a scar on his face which looks quite mature realizes my gesture and raises his eyebrows at me with a quizzical stare. Even though I have never seen him in the Academy before, I feel like I can trust him. In the end he hasn't tried to make meaningless small talk with me -I hate those uncomfortable exchanges- and hasn't blessed me with an idiotic comment about these people living in the other side of River yet. 

I point out the two sitting across. He shakes his head disapprovingly. My lips curl into a small smile. I am great at educated guessing. I quickly peek at his badge and it reads James. I have heard of his name before. He is called  the "Scarface" among privates. I once eavesdropped a conversation between two of my instructors and they were praising him. He must be quite impressive, I guess. 

"Dude, we will catch the plague. I didn't know we would be dealing with trash when I signed my name up for the auditions." One of the two said to the other which I recognized from one of the extravagant dinners I joined with my parents.

"I don't know about the plague but I'm sure we will have plenty of fun while watching those people pissing themselves as we walk by and kindly remind them who they are. What about making one of them kneel in front of us Carter?"

"It would be my pleasure Jack. Maybe we should volunteer to maintain order in the dorms. Especially the East wing. Only that would be worth risking our health after all."

At this point, I hardly contain myself. East wing is the orphanage for girls whose age diverse between 15 and 18.  I abruptly get up and hold on to Carter's collar. I gather the fabric in my palm and pull the douche bag towards me. Everyone on the pickup looks at me with bewilderment. They hold their breaths and I can hear a few murmuring.

Carter tries to get rid of my grip but fails miserably. His friend also opens his mouth to say something to me but he decides against it after seeing my serious impression. I must admit that when I want I can be very intimidating thanks to my years spent with a relentless little brother and a sister. I shoot him a teasing grin and say:

"Not so cocky now, huh? How would you like it if I made you kneel in front of me?"

"Back off, bro. I didn't say anything to you. What is your problem?"

"My problem is people like you two who think that their families' money changes the fact that they are useless." I say looking between him and his friend, Jack. I drop his collar he tries to punch me but I dodge his hit. We start to fight and Jack meddles in. I regret my rash decision of warning them for a second. I can't win this fight. Although they lack in the brain and moral department, they have the strength to take me down.

Just when Jack lifts his leg up to kick me, the scarred guy stands up, holds his foot and pulls it, causing him to fall "gracefully". I look at him in astonishment. I didn't see that one coming. He gives me a wink and gets back to his business which was beating the crap out of Jack. That is when Carter finally manages to hit me. I look back at him as I feel my nose starting to bleed. I lose my temper and attack Carter. I elbow his face and then when he loses his balance, I take him down. I climb on top of him and punch him again again. He is squirming beneath me but I don't let him raise his arms.

The door opens. It dawns on me that our supervisor left the front and made his way to the back because of our "negotiation". He looks at us with anger and amusement. I didn't know that these two could be present on one's face at the same time.

"Congratulations! You are the luckiest group of privates I have met till now. You earned the privilege to experience the creativity of the Academy when it comes to punishments just in 6 months."


I pass the main Academy building which is at the center of the campus and then head to the Military building which is normally banned for new recruits like me. However, since the Sergeant wanted to see me in person, I am allowed to enter for once. Honestly, I have no idea about what this whole situation is about. He has already given each four of us quite creative punishments. 

A pair of soldiers are waiting at the entrance with their machine guns hanging down their shoulders. I knock on Sergeant Harrington's door after the long parade. 

A deep voice calls from inside. 

"Come in!"

I gingerly open the tremendous black oak door and make my entrance. I salute him and start to wait for an order. I may not know why I am called to his office but I have enough common sense to understand that I am in trouble. I should have behaved in the truck the other day. Why did I have to attack those scumbags. 

As I take a few steps forward towards his mahogany table he lifts his face a few inches up. I feel scrutinized under the surveillance of his piercing eyes. I shift a little and sweat drops make their way along my spine. 

"Close station, private. I guess that you are clueless about the reason why I called you. Am I right?"

Yes, he is. I am already punished for what I had done during the mission. They gave me my sentence - taking over all the extra shifts at night for the rest of the semester and getting banished from all of the field trips for 2 months- Doesn't he think that spending time in the campus when everyone else is out and useful is enough of a hell for me? 

"Yes, sir!"

He gets up from the leather chair and walks up to me confidently. His gaze is fixed on my uniform which lacks stars and badges. 

He looks me in the eyes again but this time his pupils are filled with both malice and curiosity. 

"What do you know about those people you saved?"

His question catches me off guard but I answer quickly according to what I was taught since I was a toddler.

"They are grandchildren of failed citizens, outlaws who disappointed the Cardinal and betrayed our trust and hope towards them during the War of Century."

He nods slightly but I can sense that he is not satisfied with my answer. I am not patriotic and enthusiastic enough for his standards, I guess. After all, the main reason of the fight was my protectiveness and "fondness" of the Riverdown citizens. I don't blame him for not taking my answer as an assurance.

"Bring her in! " he commands to the soldiers waiting at his door. 

The gates open and two Guards drag a tiny brunette girl with a shabby excuse of clothing and blue piercing eyes which are focused on me. I look between sergeant, Guards and the girl. 

"Adrien, give your gun to this gentleman". The guard that is a bit taller acts to his gun and stretches it to me. I take it gingerly. 

Sergeant keeps talking. "This young lady has been caught while stealing from a precious member of the Cardinal circle. She betrayed Mrs. Clark's trust. She attempted to steal a dress from her while cleaning the mansion. She was given a chance to prove himself and get rid of living in Riverdown but she misused it. " 

Well, I can see why she needed the dress actually. 

"Now take the safety off and shoot her. She is found guilty by the council and our mission is to maintain peace in Cardinal. Her sentence is death. You should show me that you know what becoming a Phoenix means."

I sweat drastically. I am aware that shooting her is against my morals but if I don't I will most likely be shot as well. I can't give up my dreams right now. I aim the gun at girl. She tries to meet my gaze but I avert mine. 

Harrington calls out my name and yells "Look at her!" 

I don't want to witness life leaving her body. I don't want to be responsible for one's death unless I have to. However, I need to gain Sergeant Harrington's trust. I pull the trigger as I look at the girl apologetically. 


Chapter 3




I peek through the loopholes on the vent pipe. I still see an abundance of students that are chit-chatting in the hallway. Great! I have to wait even longer in this rat hole. I decide to watch the student body, instead of getting stuck in

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