» Fiction » A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Ren Kauzki

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the light bulb. She tilted her head to get a better look before grabbing ahold of the ballerina shoe and yanked on it. It creaked resisting for a split second before popping out of its socket. A screech and a groan the door behind her began to open. She jumped down and let out a triumph it HA before running across the threshold squeezing herself between the door and the frame. The room was empty and silent. She looked across the bed that was in the middle of the room and eyed an open archway that was the bathroom, that too was empty she turned standing in front of the bed toward the door that was slightly to the left closer to the bathroom than the bookshelf. She has never stepped her foot through that door before. She takes a hesitant step toward the door her heart beating quickly in her chest. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and she took of running, Lucette ran out of the room and stopped in the middle of the hallway confused on which direction to go...a soft sound of whispers made her ear twitch. Down both sides of the hallway there were doors but one door was cracked open with light seeping out. She looked down the hallway and counted the doors. It was the fourth door to the left. Slowly and quietly she tiptoed toward the door, keeping her back flat against the wall she kneeled down, poking her nose up against the door frame and peaking inside. Yellow light splashed the room inside the room there was blankets covering the entire bed and a man with brunette colored hair leaned against the side, his hand grasped into his, she inhaled. That hand was extremely familiar. Long elegant fingers with long nails. It was Nevra, she leaned into the door more until she fell into it, the door swinging open and she lands on her face. Krix jumps up his arms in a defensive protective stance. His gaze landed on her and he looked at her confused a mix of emotions planting on his face before he lowered his arms. Lucette scrambled to her feet and looked from krix to Nevra and she began to pant. “Why is she in your bed?” She asked her gaze sticking to the lump of flesh in a man's bed. Krix walked over to her his gaze looking at her from head to toe. “What are you ?” He asked picking up her hair that curled at his feet. It was long. Not just long but extremely long. She stepped away from him her back up against the wall. He stood before her staring at her. “you remind me of someone..” he said trailing off. Lucette stared at him. “I don't think I've ever met you before “ she whispered her gaze darting from him to Nevra “Why is she in your bed” she repeated he looked over his shoulder his eyes growing sad. “Who are you and how did you get past the magic barrier?” She frowned irritated that he keeps ignoring her question. With a huge inhale of breath she kicks off the wall and runs toward the bed . Her hair was caught and she was pulled back barely grazing her fingers against her hand she let out a low growl and even started herself. She reached up and grabbed her hair, countering the pull so it wouldn't hurt as much. “Please let go. I need to see her” she whispered her eyes watering “let me see her” she whispered softly sliding to the ground her knees collapsing underneath her and hiding under the ridiculous pink dress. Krix did not move. He stared at her with an intense gaze before responding “She was hurt in battle and she hasn't woken up since.”

Chapter 13

Krix stared at the woman before him. She was a short little thing, her body a miniature version of Kats. She was small with lovely curves. Her hair was rapunzel length in a color he has never seen before is it dyed ? He reached over and picked it up. She stared at him “Why is she in your bed?” She asked and he ignored it. “who are you and How did you get in here ? How did you get past the magic barrier ?” She seemed upset at him and he blinked only to find her darting past him toward Nevra instinct kicked in and he grabbed a thick bundle of her hair. She fell to her knees and grabbed ahold of some of her hair pulling in return. “Please let go” she whispered as her eyes began to water “I need to see her please let me go” his eyes widened as her tears began to pearl at her cheeks. She looked pitiful in a billowing pink dress. She almost resembles a Princess. He sighed “she was hurt in battle and hasn't woken up since” She looked at him her gaze widening “Please let my hair go it hurts..” she said softly and Krix dropped the bundle of hair. She slowly got up and walked toward the bed. She was short so the bed was at her waist. She reached over and grabbed Nevras hand. He ran a shaky hand through his hair and walked over to her standing next to her. “Who are you ?” He asked and she looked up from Nevra tears streaming down her face she sniffled “My name is Lucette..I have lived in this house for over ten years.” She returned her gaze to Nevra sleeping form “I was given to Nevra by my previous caregiver..” Krix mouth opened trying to understand what caregiver meant and who this little thing is. A pixie maybe ? Mermaid ? No she smells different..she smells almost divine...wait. he steps back a few staring at her. “What the fuck are you ?!!!” Her long magical hair her pale beautiful skin. The innocents that seeps off her in nauseating waves. The sound of the door opening further made him turn as Kat stood in the doorway her hand on her hip. She was beautiful with blonde long shoulder length hair no boobs but an ass for days. She gazed at him than back at Lucette.

“She belongs to Nevra  so whatever you are thinking don't she will kill you. “ Krix bit his lip and tilted his head “well I wasn't thinking that way about her..” he trailed off. Kat grinned and walked past him. Lucette stood still grasping onto Nevra. Kat reached over and pushed the pastel pink hair out of her eyes she looks up at her and she steps away “who are you ?” She asks and Kat smiles “I am a very good friend of Nevra and she's told me a lot about you. If you'd like you can lay down next to her.” Lucette eyes widened and she nods Kat giggles softly as lucette struggled to get into the bed. Kat gently boosted her up and watched lucette curl up around Nevra her head tucked into the sleeping shoulder of Nevra. “Goddess please wake up” she whispered softly her hand snaking around Nevras sleeping form as she too closed her eyes. Kat and Krix stared at them both. Something serene about the picture eased a bit of her worry. “You know” Kat said “Nevra imprinted.” Memories of the night that bookshelf room came barreling back. He didn't get a good look at the being in the crib until now. This was her imprinted mate ? He turned his gaze toward Kat and ran a rough hand over his face. “well fuck.”

I stood in the cafeteria a tray in my hand and a cool wisp of air touching my back, I reach behind me in an attempt to close the hole in my medical gown that all residents here have to wear. The room was filled with many people of all different ages ranging from two years old to 21. Staff members tended to the toddlers, feeding them in their high chair as though they were the ones who sired them. I bit my lip and looked around to find a small round table with a little girl in it. She had black raven hair much like face lit up and I walked toward the table. She wore a purple headband with her medical gown, a yellow flower stuck to it. She was reading a book. I set my tray on top of the table “Hi my name is Trinity” the girl looked up and raised a brow. She was a pretty little girl almost like a porcelain doll. She rolled her eyes “Natasha” she replied. I sat down across from her, I picked up my fork and stabbed at the beans and white bread. It was all they ever fed us. “I am eight years old” I said smiling at her in hopes she would converse with me. Natasha seemed very uninterested in me. I frowned when she did not respond and shoved the tray away. I was never really hungry especially with all the shots they give me throughout the day. I let out a sigh and Natasha put her book down and finally really looked at me. “I am eight as well. I have been here my whole life but you” she replied with “are new” I grasped my gown, clenching and unclenching it in my fist. “I was born here but” I said “I have been underground, in the..” I trailed off trying to find the word for it she smiled “the basement?” I nodded “You are a basement baby?” She asked her eyes lighting up. “What's it like down there?” I leaned back remembering the way they killed my mother, I shivered “Dark and lonely” She smiled “That's so amazing, I always wanted to know what it was like down there” I tilted my head to the side and stabbed my fork into the food, I lifted it up and took a bite. It tasted stale and empty like this institution. “There are many rooms each of them made out of cement. There is a hole to deficate in and there is one single straw filled mattress on the floor.” Natasha consumed that information before jumping to her feet “come to my room!” she said and she grabbed ahold of my wrist. She left the book and the tray behind as I trailed behind her. We went through corridor after corridor until we stopped at a room to the left labeled number 555. She pushed open the door and inside the room was nothing i’ve ever seen before. The walls were stripped in pink and purple. The bed was large with a fluffy pink blanket on top and toys littering the pillows. I stared mouth agape. “What?” Natasha asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed “I’ve never seen a room like this before?” I stepped further into the room spinning around to take it all in. It was so different in compared to mine. My room was white with a cot in the corner, a sink on the other side of the room closest to the door and that was it. Nothing like

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