» Fiction » A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Ren Kauzki

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with specialty made corset like lamp shades. They stood out in the room. Beside the bed is a huge bathroom the archway was dropped into a giant curve and white sheer curtains covered it enough to make the bathroom appear modest. I walked along the room and stopped in front of a huge outverted window, a small table and a recliner was placed in the middle and a giant bookcase was to the right of the recliner. All types of books from Romance novels to Science fiction were alphabetically set on the bookshelf. All of my favorite authors with books I haven't even got the chance to read yet and even ones that weren't released yet to the public. My heart seemed to soften toward this Deet guy, who had been so generous to give me all that he has ever owned. He must have a huge influence because this is not just your average rich man, no there is more to Deet than anyone will ever know. I let out a sigh and began stripping off my clothes. I stopped in front of a large oak dresser and opened it. It was all furnished with clothes that I would wear, I opened up the second drawer to find a silk nightie dress that reached my ankles in the color of midnight blue. I grabbed it and walked into the bathroom, lifting the curtains out of my way, they brushed my face tickling my neck. A huge hot tub to the center of the room and a standing shower to the right and to the left was the toilet and walk in closet. I decided to take a quick shower. After my shower I dressed into my nightie. I hopped into bed, covered myself to my chin and curled up into a ball as I let darkness consume me, and waited for the horrible nightmares to commence but the last thing I thought about before everything turned black was the mysterious heart shaped key....

I woke up with sweat stuck to my back, I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and got up. I reached for the key on my bedside table and looked at it trying to rid myself of my demons. The window brought in moonlight so it was still night outside. I clutched it to my chest, my ear twitched. There was something or someone, I could hear them, they are crying..I got up and looked around the room. The crying grew louder as I got closer to the right side of the room. As I approached the bookshelf there was no doubt in my mind that the crying was coming from behind the shelf. I looked at the bookshelf. The unique design around the shelf caught my attention I reached over and touched the sides of the bookshelf and my finger brushed against what felt like a keyhole. I blinked and gently brushed my finger over it again before pressing close to examine the hole. It was the shape of a heart. My heart began to race as I lifted up the key to the hole and slid it in. I turned the key and I heard a click, the bookshelf shuttered and screeched as it slid sideways into the wall, a hydraulic lift made the bookshelf disappear. A gasp left my mouth. Inside the room was Adult size baby items from a huge adult crib to other items like a high chair, a bouncer, a baby swing and a shelf full of diapers, baby toys and baby powder. On the other side of the room beside the crib was a play spot with toys and on the top shelf was baby bottles, pacifiers and sippy cups. I was taken back but I noticed the crying had stopped. I looked around the room as my eyes landed on a small cage in the corner. Inside this cage with a toddler sized mattress and a small woman. She had long hair that curled at her ankles. She was wearing an oversized gray t shirt and a pacifier hung on her pinky as she clutched the bars staring at me with big hazel eyes. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and all I could do was stare..I turned as the bookshelf alerted me that it was closing. It closed behind me and I whipped back to stare at the girl inside the black cage..

Chapter 2



“How long..have you been here…” I asked, slowly and quietly approaching the cage, my hands up in the air. She scrambled back into the corner of the cage, squishing herself into a tiny ball. She trembled and my heart raced. I finally got down on my hands a knees and slowly crawled toward the side of the cage she curled up in. “Please, I will not hurt you, why are you here..” I asked finally reaching her. I lifted my hand and gently brushed her hair. She twitched and hid her face. An electric current went straight through my body I ripped my hand away and clutched my chest. It was painful. I looked up at her and she too clutched her chest. She whimpered out. What the fuck..”Did you feel that?” I asked I reached over and grabbed the bars of the cage, shaking it causing her to scream out. Fear settled deep within me and then hot rage. This cannot be happening. I flung myself up and away from the girl. This is not happening. I touched my chest once more. No this isn’t I couldn’t have imprinted ! I looked down at her and noticed she was human and anger fueled me further. No I DID not just imprint ON A HUMAN FEMALE. I let out a roar and she shook shaking the cage with her. Tears streamed down her face and for a moment guilt racked my soul but I ignored it. I turned on my heel. This female, is bad there is nothing this female can do for me. I looked back at her as she watched me walk away. I opened the door it screeched. I stepped through the threshold, I could feel her eyes on me but I never looked back. The bookshelf slammed shut and I sunk into the recliner. Someone was banging on the door. “GO AWAY!” I screamed and made sure to tape off my conscious so no one would ask me questions.

My rapid heartbeat began to settle but my anger did not. I opened up a mental path to Red and called out to her. She was eager to respond and by the time the connection had come to an end she was gently tapping at the door. I let her in. She was in a red silk robe that matched her hair. I stared her, devouring her appearance. She smiled coyly and slowly untied her robe, dropping the silk to the floor. I let out a low growl, the sound of the girls crying muffled against the bookshelf could still be heard. I ignored it and I’m sure Red was too occupied with excite to even pay it any heed. I closed the distance between us, I pulled her hair, she growled in response, we tumbled to the floor in a heated and lustful frenzy but the girl in the black and red cage never let my mind as I pleasured the woman beneath me.


I woke up with Red tangled and intertwined with my body, we spent most of the night making love. She had multiple orgasms and her cries were louder than the girl in that room. I looked over toward the bookshelf her cries came to a stop sometime during my love making with Red. I had hoped sleeping with Red would ease the pit in my stomach that grew as the lustful night went on. I untangled myself from Red and got out of bed, scooping my night dress from the floor and pulling it over my head. I stared at Red before I threw her robe at her. She woke up and snapped at it but she forgot she was not in wolf form and blushed. She looked down at what was thrown at her and she looked back up at me confused. “Out” I said and she blinked back tears, hurt visible on her face. She nodded and climbed out of bed, wrapping the robe around her. She looked back at me one last time before exiting the door and shutting it closed behind her. I walked to the bookshelf and opened it with the key. It screeched and slid into the wall. I walked over to the cage passing the adult sized changing table and bent down to look at it. Inside was the girl curled up fast asleep the pacifier hanging from her mouth. Her long hair laid alongside her back, curling at her butt in the most perfect swirl. My face softened at her angelic features I scrubbed my face with my palm. I looked around the room and in the very corner was a desk with a piece of paper on it. I walked over to the desk and peered down at the paper.


Dear Bella, you may have found this room and have become shocked with what is inside of it. It is my darkest and largest secret. Inside this room is the most powerful human in the world as the prophecy spoke it decreed of a girl with long pastel hair. I snatched her and have kept her prisoner since. Her blood is of unique origin, the only living pure blooded Rein Lila. She may be mortal but her powers are beyond that of a normal mortal being, that being said my precious Bella know that my intentions were good and that she has been well kept. She is in perfect condition and she is yours to keep. Do with her as you please, she has been branded and she belongs to you now. Be weary of who you bring her around, she is on the most wanted list in the Neutral ground for all supernatural beings. People are looking for her, other immortals have killed to find and have her in their possession.  Because her blood is so pure and potent Raven the Dark Queen will do anything to get her hands on her that is if she ever finds out you have her in your possession. Stay safe my Bella.


Love Deets


I stared blankly at the piece of paper. This is just great, I slapped my hand over the desk in anger in turn it startled the tiny being in the cage. Her eyes snapped open the pacifier slipping from her mouth where she let out an unholy scream that shook the walls with its force. My first instinct was to make the sound stop so i ripped the cage door open practically off its hinges. I reached in and grabbed the girl by the hair and yanked her into my arms. That sizzling spark I felt earlier was now tenfold, almost immediately the girl stopped her screaming as she stared up at me her mouth agape. I looked down at her, gazing into the portal that is

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