» Fiction » A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Ren Kauzki

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the shower wall.  The shower head rained down  upon us and I smashed my lips against her she let out one of the most delicious moans I've ever heard and reached above her head grabbing the bar of soap from the shelf beside the shower head and put it between us resting it on her clit and mine and began to thrust it into her. She squeaked and trembled. The bar of soap began to lather and made it a smooth lubricant between us allowing for quicker friction. I watched her as her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her body quakes and she begins to thrust against me in a fevery need that surpassed my own. I gripped one of her breast and pulled it to me licking and biting her nipples which sent her over the edge and a scream was ripped from her lips.

Once finished I let her slide down my body and I began to lather her body in soap as she stood there dazed and feeling high from her orgasm. I smiled proud of myself and gently squirted some soap onto her hair and lathered it in, thick strand by thick strand picking her hair up and making my way to the ends. I grabbed the shower head and washed the soap out and kissed her neck. I gently scooped her up and wrapped a towel around her and stepped out reaching over and turning the water flow off. I looked up to find Kat waiting in the bed for me. I sat little lucette down on the ottoman and turned toward Kat she stood up and bowed.

“We've got a problem” she said lowering her gaze she pulled a photo from her pocket and handed it to me. I reached and grabbed it from her staring down at it. I bit my lip and stared at Raven. I let out a cuss. Inside it Raven smirked up at the security camera with a letter. “I'm coming for her, Little sister.. “ beside her was one of the butlers dead at her feet.



Chapter 9

Quickly I gathered Lucette into my arms and power walked toward the hidden room. I dropped her into her crib and flung a fluffy pink blanket over her body.  I raced across the room gathered some supplies and quickly Diapered her in the crib. She protested but my strength was far greater than hers. Finished and Diapered she sat in the adult crib pouting with a thick diaper on. I couldn't help but giggle as she looked extremely adorable. Biting my lip I give her a quick kiss and head toward the exit. “Wait I can fight! “ she yells toward me I send a glare toward her.  “You absolutely will not! “ With that I stepped through the threshold and slammed the bookshelf shut. I grabbed the key around my neck and locked it. I took the key and shoved it inside one of the books and put the book near the bed on the bedside table. I quickly gather my suitcase and whip it open pulling out a leather pair of skin tight jeans and boots. I grab a bulletproof corset and wrap it around my bare waist, tying it with expertise and precision. I slip on the leather pants and boots and strap on a few different kinds of knives up and down my thighs.  I grab a AK47 and sling it over my shoulder and attaching a couple hundred rounds of ammo to my hips. I grab a 1911 browning and stick it in my pants with three different loaded clips.  Kat has already suited up in a hot tight leather dress and spandex with knives of all kinds adorning her legs and thighs. Her favorite choice of gun a FN Five Seven attached to her shoulder. Weight means nothing to us.  I adjust my footing cocking out my hip and swinging my long black hair out from my front to the back.  Having superhuman strength does help with the 100 pounds of weight that this AK puts in these luscious lady hips. I grin at the thought of a human’s facial expression at my entirely pimped out get up.

Kat adjust the knives one last time on her thigh and looked up at me waiting for the signal to get ready. I sent a telepathic message to the pack leaving the telepathy open for conversation “Where are you, are you all ready? Raven is here. “ A bombard of voices filled my head, each pack rattling off their location and position, they've been ready waiting.  I told everyone to meet up in the front because it appears that Raven is in the living room waiting. At least she has some manners, unlike Mother. We set off down the hallways I take one last look at the room before bounding down the hallway picking pace,  Kat close behind determined to protect her alpha by any surprise attack but Raven isn't known for such petty tricks. In the middle all of the hall each member turned in from individual hallways that connected to the Master corridor following behind Kat and I. Each of them adorned with weapons and protective apparel. By the time we reach to staircase Raven had already ripped off the front door with a scrawny tiny human maid in her long fingered grip her nails like a dagger pointed at the woman's main carotid. I raise my hand up, the pack stopped in a defensive stance, Kat with her double daggers out gripped in both hands, Patrick with his ridiculous nunchucks. Stark with his retarded emo painted bow, Tyranny and his iron knuckles and Red of course has chosen her original form and Krix well..let's say he has chosen syringes filled with toxic and lethal concoctions. What a weird weird individual. Raven tilted her head her hair curling at her feet the same color as mine an odd dejavu hits me as I remember the tiny figure in the crib with breathtakingly long hair just like Ravens. Her black dress puddled in with her hair causing it to merge together. One pale leg left the cut of the dress and she stepped over the dead body dragging the tiny human along with her. She squirmed and clawed at Raven's hand but it seemed futile.

“You know Dear Sister it's extremely rude to keep a maiden like myself waiting. So I decided to go hunting. Sorry about the door, but it turned out all of your servants here decided that they could run out the front door and not get caught.” She effortlessly lifts up the human female who weighs at least 120 pounds. “Isn't it rude to run away from your duty to Serve those of higher breed? “ Raven asked shaking the female. The female let out a terrified squeak and apparently began urinating out of fear. Ravens face turned up disgusted “Ew” she said before chucking the young woman across the room and over the railing of the Master stairs. A sickening crunch echoed in the room as her body hit the wall and slid down her life force gone. I bit my lip and began descending the stairs.  “You didn't have to kill all of the helpers. “ Raven grinned and ascended the stairs we met half way face to face,  my step just a bit higher than she.  “I kept the boys they will be a pleasure to break and train don’t you think? “ She smiled even bigger “Did you know,  that one of the servants was hiding a son? “ Raven reaches at her dress and lifts the cut, a tiny boy clutches at her thigh in fear his chest rising rapidly and his eyes big and wide. He was beautiful unlike any child I've ever seen. His eyes were blue and green dipped in white. It was the purest blue I have ever seen. I reached for him but she pushed him back forcing him to fall down the flight of stairs. He tumbled and hit the marble floor with a thud knocked out cold.  She clicks her tongue and the black tar like beings appeared out of nowhere crawling out of the cracks of in the walls and snatched the boy and disappearing within the walls again. My eyes widen “He wasn't human, give him back he belongs to me. “ anger fuels me as I look for any survivors.  How could they not tell me there was a half blood born here how could my uncle not tell me of this child! I frown and stare at my sister her pale beautiful face stared back at me. “You know sister you should have join me and Mother, we could rule the world together. The only alpha woman ever born.. “ I tilt my head to the side “Yeah but you are also a half breed. Half Wolf.. And half Demon Rah” She reaches out quick and slaps me hard across the face.  “Your father was a demon wolf, consider yourself a half breed as.well. “

I grin and wipe the drop of blood she managed to pull from my face. “But I am a full bred wolf you are nothing but a mixed mutt, if that. It's not my fault mommy was a whore” fire blazed in her eyes as she jumped from the stair and attacked me, we came tumbling down the staircase, fists flying. “That boy what are you going to do with him! “ I rammed a knee into her stomach, she let out a sound of air before dropping an elbow into my side.  I grunted and pushed away from her jumping back to my feet. She levitated into the air her dress flowing around her. “you are still a half breed sister that is why you were banned from your original pack and the boy? He is no longer your concern. “

Chapter 10

With that Raven raised her arms and creatures seeped out of the walls and dropped onto the floors. Hundreds of them forming from black blobs.I let out a curse and reach for my AK47 but it had been ripped off during the fist fight. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck. Kat and Red back up while Krix looks down at his needles. He lets out what sounds like a really sad sigh and pulls out a case placing each needle back into the case safely. He sets the

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