» Fiction » A Little and Her Alpha Mommy, Ren Kauzki [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

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and hiss. her giant paws made such a loud thumping sound. She slowed down and lowered her head, stretching into a slow walk, it muted her loud scamper to a soft kiss of the floor. I nodded and once again zoomed out into my mind, sensing which part of the mansion was breached. They managed to get in and they appear to be closing in. I let out a silent fuck and backtrack to the Master bedroom. “Our best bet” I w inhisper “is to stay here and allow them to come to us, we don’t have time to look for kri- I turn around and he was standing there in his half wolf form blocking the bookshelf, his back facing me. I let out a low growl and he turns to me, his eyes a piercing red. “I protect” he hisses I grab a book and chuck it at his head but he dodges it. “WHERE WERE YOU” I scream in my head sending the telepathic message to his mind. He grabs his head dropping his kitchen knife. “I eat!” he growled out, shooting me a glare that could kill before snatching up his knife and keeping his back to the bookshelf.
“INCOMING” KAT yowled and we turned, facing three black figures, wearing ski masks, their eyes a red blazing haze shooting out of the mask. A stench worse than the pits of hell wafted off them, it was so bad you could see dark murky black shit seeping out of their clothes and suffocating the room. I twitch my nose. “What the fuck are you, you nasty bitch!” They tilted their heads and an indent of what appears to be a smirk covered the lower half of their mask. “We…” they said in unison “are here for the girl…”

Kat dove out first knocking one of them off their feet, his body clattered against the floor but the nasty being grabbed ahold of one of her ears and wretched her head forward, Kat growled and bit down on the figure's arm. He let out a screech and so did the rest of them before darting off in different directions “WE SMELL HER, WE TAKE HER NOW” they screamed and I dodged one man and snapped my hand against his neck as he tried to go past me toward the bookshelf. “I smell her she is there..” The being pointed toward the books and more of them swarmed into the room. “Fuck..” I muttered and snatched a dagger out from my thigh, throwing it behind me, it landed on the back of the monsters skull. He fell to the floor black crap seeping out of the wound. I dodged a hit from the side and smashed my knee into something squishy possibly a stomach or something and the being doubled over. Kat was shredding creature after creature, keeping them from flocking into the room but some still managed to pass her by. They were like a colony of ants, a never ending stream of them trying to find something to snack on. A frustrated yowl escaped my mouth as Krix tore through one and punched another. My ear twitched. She was awake! I spit out another curse and began tearing through as many as I could, they were easily killed but they kept together in numbers.

Sweat poured from Krixs neck, he had long transformed back to his human form as he had little stamina left to hold a half-form. His clothes were shredded, he looked over to see me panting my hands on my knees wiping black muck from my forehead and looked over at him. “I think it’s over” I said my voice weak but as beautiful as ever. Kat was curled up, licking the black tar like crap from her fur while bodies littered the floor. I stood up straight and closed her eyes, moments later I nodded “they are all dead”. I paused “for now.” Krix nodded and dropped the knife to the ground and slumped down. I let out a deep sigh and sat down on the end of the bed. The room was a mess, black tar painted the room, the sheets the walls and the floor. Furniture was wrecked and broken, walls had holes and the carpet was torn.  “After all this commotion I realized that the maids and butlers are not here either, who sent them home?” I  asked and Kat looked up, from her grooming and tilted her head in response. Krix scratched his head as “I don’t know...maybe Daemon?” The sound of feet running down the hall alerted all three of them and they looked up to find the rest of the pack at the doorway, they dropped the bags of groceries and lifted out their weapons “What the fuck happened..” Stark and Tyranny said in unison. Red had her hand over her mouth and nose “it stinks!” Patrick stood in the hall leaning against the wall just behind Red. I  stood up my eyes now a murky green panting now my fists clenched at either side. My voice boomed “KNEEL!” the force of my voice compelled them and they slammed to their knees, completely against their will, as it is the power of the only female Alpha in the world.

Chapter 6


The whole pack was now on their knees, including Kat who had to fling herself off the bed to kneel before her. She couldn’t even raise her gaze toward me but I knew what she was thinking and I ignored it. “I never thought in my life that I would ever have to worry about whether or not my pack has my back.” I spit out, putting a hand to my thigh and running my hands through my hair roughly, strands of delicate pieces fell out as I ripped my hand away in anger. “UNTIL today.” I hissed, as I crossed the room and stepped over the kneeling subjects, my gaze landed on Patrick who was on the floor his but literally up against the wall. He looked quite odd and must be completely embarrassed being in such a weird pose. My bare feet slapped against the marble floor as I stopped in front of them. “Patrick, you were not present before we came here, after or during, what business is more important then your pack?” I asked while waiting for a response, his body shook and vibrated. Oops, “you may speak.” He gasped out a breath and began rambling off, “my brother, he needed my help, he was trapped in Hades and I had to get to him. I tilted my head to the side, gazing sideways up at the ceiling. “Max would not be in this situation if he had just joined my pack.” Patrick appeared to be biting his lip before whispering softly “he does not believe a woman should be Alpha. He says it's unnatural way of things.” I barked out a laugh turning on my heel, he let out a breath that was soon hurtled out of his mouth by my foot that crushed against the side of his ribs. He grunted but remained in bowing position. “You all belong to me, you vowed your legence, you understood what it meant and my powers as an Alpha woman.” I turned away and walked back into the room, stepping on top of the kneeling forms. “I have treated you all with so much respect as you are my family, my blood runs through all of your veins!” I reached down and ripped off the clothing of Krix. A large bite mark on his chest revealed my seal on him. “You each have this mark somewhere on your body. I’ve made love to each of you as there is nothing more intimate than receiving the ritual of blood sharing in this entire world.” The atmosphere of the room seemed to change quickly as a weight of heavy guilt settled over everyone. “A mate, my mate and it does not matter whether I chose this or not and whether you like it or not does not mean you should NEGLECT them. They are a part of me!” my voice raised a notch. “She was nearly taken tonight because of all of your foolishness. Did I not tell you emotions are dangerous! We are wolves, not vampires! We are cold and calculated, we are vicious and unforgiving.”
I let out a growl “You all acted like PUPS!” they whimpered in unison. “PATRICK, you are blood, you should know I would have helped you retrieve your ill minded brother!” I turned to Red “Beautiful Red, sweet Red, STUPID Red” she twitched at the word “You know as an Alpha we can have a Mate and a Beloved.” I turned to Tyranny and crouched down “Tyranny, your anger will kill you one day, your name is not who you are, just because the Elders named you after Anger does not mean you have to let it control who you are! “ I growled out a warning in the ancient language “I am being lenient, punishments should be given for your insolence but I will not, as your Alpha is merciful.” with that I raised my hand and snapped my fingers “rise” and each of them found their footing rising slowly to their feet, wobbly from the dominant power waving off me like a power converter. One by one they kneeled before me asking for my forgiveness. I nodded “It may be because I act too often as your friend instead of your leader but I do not wish to rein my power upon you, you are my loves, my life..” each of them seemed to frown, their eyes glazing over as if they were to cry, they knew of my past and what I had to battle to be where I am. “Please my family raise your heads, you are my equals, now please help us clean this room..” they nodded and began cleaning. Tyranny lifted a body over his shoulder while Red laid another ontop. Near the end Tyranny ended up carrying all of the bodies out of the room and Stark and Patrick were scrubbing the floors. Kat waved incense around and Krix pulled the sheets from the bed. It took a total of four hours to get the room and hallway cleaned. I settled down in the chair ignoring the presence right behind the bookshelf. I can sense the tiny creature her hands pressed against the makeshift wall, her hair curling at the ends. She was calling to me, not as a person that she has gotten to know but as her mate, but I am just not ready to deal with her. I close my eyes and rest my head against the back of the chair.



Lucet pressed her palms harder against the wall where she knew was a door. She leaned her forehead against the wall before dropping down to her knees. She did not understand why the woman on the other side will not look at her. When they were together she always flinched, was she disgusting..? She touched the ends of her hair to examine them. She slowly got up and made it to the bathroom where an

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