» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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the bed. “You are going to crash at dads for a little while, so get into the wheelchair please.”  “Hold on. I don’t want to go to dads.” Desire said. “Desire don’t fight me on this please you are not safe in this house.” Destiny said. “So you think I will be safe at dads. Use your head daddy is always working he lets people just visit anytime they want and there are no type of security in his house.” She said arguing her case. “Are you serious Des I am doing the same damn thing. There isn’t any security in here as well. People come and go in this place and the worst part is that Brianna knows you are here. Now get your ass in the chair.” Desi said getting agitated.

“Desi I don’t want to go.” Desire said. Sighing Destiny sat on the bed. “What is the problem? You are in danger in this house. I am trying to keep you safe but you are being complicating. So tell me why you don’t want to go to your father.” Closing her eyes Desire tries to avoid the subject. “I just don’t want to.” She said laying back down. “Ok you have two choices. Either you get into the chair voluntarily or I’ll put you in the chair myself.” Destiny said getting off of the bed.

“Why can’t you just give someone a gun and tell them to let nobody in the house.” Desire said. “Maybe because this isn’t my house or because I don’t like it when strangers in the house with guns.” Destiny said. “You let Tiff watch over me.” Desire pointed out. “She didn’t have a gun and look how that ended. Look you have a minute to tell me what’s the problem and then I will put you in that wheelchair.” Destiny said.

“Of course I will be the one to crush your expectations of dad. Dad isn’t innocent either. You look at mom like she was the one who broke up the family but ask her why she did what she did. Matter of fact asks dad what drove her to the affair with Mr. Jackson.” Looking at Desire like she was crazy she walked out of the room.

Going into Tyler’s room she asked him a favor. “Can you please watch Desire for me? Don’t let anyone that you don’t know in the house and when you see Tay tell her to call me immediately.” Tyler grabbed her before she walked out of the door. “You are asking me for a lot so my question is what I am getting out of it.” Tyler said with a smirk on his face. Rolling her eyes she got closer to him. Putting her arms around his neck she kissed him.

Arriving at her father apartment she knocked on the door. Opening the door her father greeted her. “Where is Desire?” He asked. “Dad she is at the house, she doesn’t want to see you. She said you did something so I have to ask you a question and please don’t lie to me about it.” Destiny said sitting on the couch. “Ask me anything.” He said sitting next to her. “Why does Desire think you had something to do with mom cheating?” Looking at his face expression she knew exactly what he was about to say.

“I was going to tell you when the time was right but I think Desire already did.” He said. “No she didn’t want to be the one to tell me but I think I already know the answer. You had an affair didn’t you?”  Shaking his head no he wondered why she would think that. “No I didn’t. When Denise died I turned to alcohol to relieve the pain. I pushed your mother away. I realized that drinking alcohol wasn’t doing anything but I was addicted to it. Ashamed I started going to AA meetings secretly. Your mom caught me on a lie about being in a meeting and she thought I was cheating but I was so ashamed that alcohol was my addiction I let her believed that I was having an affair.” He said. Feeling so guilty Destiny confessed.

“Dad this is all my fault. I should have told you but I didn’t know how. One of the doctors were supposed to tell you but didn’t. When Denise was shot the doctors revived her. She wasn’t killed. It was my decision to not tell you about it but Denise is alive and well. She has been hiding underground. I am so sorry.” She said looking at her father. Hugging her a tear fell from her eye.

Looking at his daughter he confessed. “When I hired the private investigator to investigate the affair that was happening he found something else. I knew she was alive and that you knew to. I was disappointed but I soon figured it out. I was going to confront you but I was waiting for this moment. I wanted you to tell me when you were ready. At first I blamed you for my addiction but I realized that it was my choice regardless of the circumstances. Listen I love you and all of my daughters. I don’t want anything to happen to you guys that why I am here, but you guys have to make your own decisions and accept the consequences. Desire is turning 17 in like two more weeks she will be able to make her own decisions and I am going to have to accept it.” He said.

Getting into her car her eyes watered. Riding in silence Destiny was deep in her thoughts. Arriving at the house she spotted Tay entering. Trying to calm down Destiny stayed in her car. Ten minutes passed and she entered the house. Walking up the stairs she went into her room. “How did you know dad was having alcohol problems?” Destiny said. “I didn’t know he had an alcohol problem, I didn’t want to go there because I thought he was having an affair long before mom did. I feel so bad now. I’ve been giving him the cold shoulder for weeks now.” Desire said feeling guilty.

“Listen don’t do that. He understands he isn’t blaming you he just wants you to forgive him. I also want you to forgive me for not telling you about Denise.” Destiny said touching her hand. “You had to do what you had to do. I am not going to say that I am not mad at you but I do forgive you.” Desire said squeezing her hand. “I love you.” Desi said. Walking out of the room Destiny paced back and forth. Trying to gather her thoughts she sat on the steps.

Chapter Nine: Consequences

Sitting on the step Destiny calmed down her heart beat. Taking her phone out of her pocket she saw that her sister had called her five times. Wanted to know what she wanted she called Denise. “Nicole speaking.” Denise said picking up the phone. “You don’t need to say that anymore. What you want.” She asked. “The money you ask to get, where you want me to transfer it to.” She asked. “Send it to the account you always do.” She answered. “Okay.” She said as the conversation came to an end. Walking down the stairs she stopped next to the refrigerator. Looking at the calendar on it she realized the date.

Walking back up the stairs she went into her room. Telling Desire to sit up she checked her ribs and her leg. “Tell me what positions hurt.” Destiny said as she bends her leg different ways. Moving her leg outward Desire screamed. “So I am guessing that didn’t feel right.” She said placing her leg back to rest position. “So you think you are the comedian huh.” Desire said laying back down. “Stop being a wimp. It’s just a broken leg. Sit up.” Destiny said. “Just a broken leg, in case you have forgotten I got shot and bank so be quiet.” She said sitting up.

“You are such a baby. Pull up you shirt.” Desi said. Rolling her eyes she lifted up her shirt. Looking at her ribs she notices bruises. “Well the good news is that the bruises on your ribs are not black and purple.” Destiny said touching them. Flinching Destiny stopped. “Why is that good news?” Desire asked. “Black and purple bruises occurs in the beginning the coloring on your ribs are more reddish which means it is healing.” Destiny said grabbing the crutches.

“I want you to try to get up with the crutches. If your ribs starts to bother you a lot then stay in the bed, but if it only sores in a certain position then continue.” Destiny said handing her the crutches. Slowly moving her feet so it is dangling off of the bed Desire picked up one of the crutches. Grabbing the other one she placed it under her arms. Using the crutches as her support she tries to get up. As she got up on the crutches she felt a great pain. “My ribs feel like they are on fire.” She said sitting down on the bed.

Walking towards her she looked at her ribs again. “Explain the pain. Like as you got up was it the crutches that irritated your ribs or was it because you were standing up.” Destiny asked. “I don’t know all I know that it hurts.” Desire said. “Ok I am going to be the right crutch this time and if you feel the pain again tell me where does it hurt the most.” Destiny said as Desire puts her arm around her neck. Slowly standing up, the pain continued. “It still hurts like hell.” Desire said. “Is it internal or is it the contact to your ribs?” Destiny asked. “It a combination.” Desire said. “Ok I am going to move a little so I am not touching you. I want you to tell me when I move did it alleviated the pain.” Destiny said as she moved a little. “The pain is still there.” Desire said. “Ok lay down for me. I have to make a phone call.” Destiny said.

Walking out of the room she called Desire’s doctor. “This is Doctor Pryor’s office how can I help you today.” The receptionist said answering the phone. “This is Destiny Carter calling for Dr. Pryor.” Destiny said. “Please hold.” She said. Holding Destiny knocked on Taylor’s door. “Come in.” Tay said on the bed on the phone. “This is Doctor Pryor speaking.” He said picking up the phone. “Hey this is Destiny I am calling to tell you that today was the first day of Desire’s physical therapy. You told me to call you to report her progress.” Destiny said.

“Yes how is she doing?” he asked. “Well she can move her leg in certain positions. Her ribs are still healing and they still cause her pain while standing up.” She said explaining. “Ok I am going to recommend that you bring in Desire every other day so a doctor can check her up.” He said. “Ok.” Desi said. “Great, how about tomorrow at 3pm.” He said. “Ok I’ll see you tomorrow at 3.” Destiny said hanging up

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