» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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This is really fucking great.” Picking up her phone she dials Desi’s number. “What.” Destiny said picking up the phone. “Bury the attitude I am coming so don’t leave.” Tay said hanging up. “Do you want me to drive you?” Sammie asked. “No I’m good I’ll walk, I mean the basketball court is only two blocks away.” Tay said grabbing her coat.

Picking up the phone Tyler was agitated. “I give up I am going home you want me to talk to her then why don’t you bring her to me so I can talk to her.” Laughing Tay still couldn’t believe he couldn’t find the one place that could kept her sane. “I wasn’t calling to check up on you. I wanted to tell you that I got this one.” Tay said stopping at the court. Ending the conversation Tay took a deep breath and walk towards Desi.

“I understand why you did what you did, but do you understand how important life is.” Tay said picking up the ball. “Tay I really don’t need a lecture right now.” Desi said. “Good because I am not giving you one.” Tay said throwing the ball to her. “Then why are you here.” Desi said throwing it back to her. “To play one on one, why else would I be here.” Laughing Desi hugged her. “How can you do that.” Desi said as she continues. “I mean I know you don’t like people being nothing but happy but how can you also make me laugh even in this situation.” Grabbing the ball Tay smiled. “It’s a gift.” She said.

“So why are you really here?” Desi said. “To talk to my best friend without any interruptions.” Tay said sitting on the bench. Sitting next to her Desi had an idea of what she was going to say. “Life has like a million definition. Every letter has its own meaning to it. That’s why taking your own life is not only the selfish thing to do but it is the dumbest thing to do. People can’t decide when they are going to come in this world, so why should they choose to leave the world. Don’t force death, eventually it will be your time. You know why I love astronomy?” shaking her head no Tay continued.

“We probably don’t know all the answers in the sky but when you look up to the sky there’s hope, passion, and dreams. Looking up to the sky gives people possibilities. At night you can see the stars and to me every star is all of the people who are living life. When they live life to the fullest you will see a shooting star. Those are the moments to look for. Maybe you don’t see life in the sky like I do, so I’m going to give you another example.”

Getting up she bounces the ball. “Every bounce is the people living life having a good time. Every block shot is an obstacle they face. Every lost game someone’s life has just been taken. Every won game someone’s life has just begun. Eventually the bounces will go flat but that’s just life. When you take your own life this is what happens.” Popping the ball Tay threw it to Destiny. “All of the air inside was all of the people in your life that supported you and loves you. You take your life you have taken all of those people as well. Maybe you feel like your shot just got blocked and you are ready to go flat but the air inside of it isn’t ready at all.” Tay said sitting back down.

As tears fell Destiny hands starts to shake. “I promised my aunt that no matter what I will take care of my sister. I don’t know how she knew that my sister would be the one who needed more TLC than any one of us, but she just knew. She always saw that something in my eyes. She would never tell me what that something was but, she told me that in any means necessary that I would do anything for my family. If me taking my life will subdue the attack on the air in the ball then why not do it.” Desi said wiping the tears off her checks. “The air in the ball is there because of the ball itself.” Tay said trying to hold back tears.

“I understand where you are coming from but there is another way out. Right now there are two roads in front of you and one of the roads can get the job done easier but at the end everybody falls off the cliff. The other road is much longer and has a lot of bumps and rocks on it, but at the end everybody lives. You never took the easy way out of any situation, why start now. Why take the road that at the end of it everybody loses.” Tay said.

Sitting in silence Tay broke it. “Also no matter what you will always be family forever to me.” Tay said getting up and walking away. Sitting there Destiny contemplated her decision. Thinking for hours and hours she smiled and made up her choice. “Thanks auntie.” Destiny said looking up in the sky.

Chapter Seven: The Clean-Up

Walking into the house Desi saw Tiff in the kitchen sitting on a chair. Closing the door she took a deep breath. “I can’t apologize for what I’ve done, but I can apologize for how I reacted towards the situation.” Destiny said walking up the stairs. “Was that supposed to be an apology?” Tiff said. “No it wasn’t it was more like a way of saying that I’ll stay in my lane only if you stay in yours.” Desi said.

Opening the door to Tay’s room Desi sat on the bed. “You know everything you said was somewhat true, about life and how people portray it. I decided to stay and fight, but this is all I need to know. Are you are ready to get your hands a little dirty.” Desi said. “You already know it.” Tay said putting down her phone.

“Oh and one more thing.” Desi said getting a text message. “What.” Tay said. “You owe me a new ball.” Laughing Tay was thrilled to see Desi back to normal. “Whatever I’ll buy you another ball but we have to clean up downstairs before my mother comes back.” Tay said getting off of her bed.

Walking out of Tay’s room they headed down the stairs, until Tyler stopped them. “Desi can we talk?” Tyler said coming outside of his room. Turning to face him Destiny felt anger towards him. Before she could get a word out Tay interrupted her. “Sure you can talk to her. Just wait until she done cleaning the living room.” Tay said looking at the time it read six thirty, knowing her mother gets off of work at eight she tug Desi towards the steps.

One hour and a half later the living room was looking like it was supposed to minus the vase. “How much did that vase cost?” Destiny asked looking at the table and how empty it looked without the vase. “She said it was 200 hundred but her reaction seemed like it was priceless.” Tay said sitting down. Hearing a bell cling Destiny went upstairs to see what her sister wanted.

“You rang.” Destiny said opening the door. “Yes I did. Sit down we have to talk.” Sitting on the chair next to the bed Destiny didn’t want to have this conversation. “You know you told me that putting your hands on another human being is the wrong thing to do. So why did you put your hands on Tiff. I mean she is a human being unless these pills are making me hallucinate.” Desire said.

“I can’t tell you what happened but I can tell you that my reaction wasn’t the correct one. My anger got the best of me I still do mean what I say.” Desi said trying so hard not to tell her what happened. “I understand that but the only reason why you fight is because of family so I came to the conclusion that Brianna did something and Tiff was a factor in it.” Desire said. “That’s partially right. When you get better then I will tell you more but right now I can’t tell you this for your own health.” Desi said trying so hard not to tell her that Brianna was in this house. Leaving the room Desi headed to Tyler room.

Opening his door she sat on the chair. “You wanted to talk.” Desi said annoyed. Sitting up on his bed Tyler saw that she didn’t want to be around him. “I am sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean it. I was just talking in the heat of the moment. I understand why you did what you did but I do feel like you could have handled it better.” Getting up Tyler touched Desi’s hand. “Listen I understand that’s your family downstairs but do you understands that my sister is all I have. Tiff told me she understood the rules and the regulations of taking and protecting my sister, but look what she did.” Desi said.

“My sister could have died today, how would you feel if you were in my shoes.” His head drooped knowing that he would have done the same thing. Picking his head up, she kissed him softly and told him that she loves him. “I love you too.” He said hugging her.

Back at the office Destiny went into the room where Marisol were and followed out her plan. “My sister could have died because of you. Your services is no longer of need.” Destiny said pulling the trigger. Walking out of the room she entered the room with Miguel. “I’ll spare your life if you tell me one thing and one thing only.” Destiny said aiming the gun at his head. “Where exactly are Brianna and her goons at?” Destiny asked. “You don’t understand that Brianna is way scarier than you. She doesn’t just torture people she kills people. If I tell you where she’s at then I am dead.” Walking towards him she unstrapped his legs. “Get up and follow me.” Destiny said pointing the gun at his head. Opening the door Miguel face reddened. “You want to end up like her then keep doing what you’re doing, but if you want to live I can help you do that.” Destiny said closing the door.

“She has two hang out spots where the goons chill at, one’s on East Street and the other one’s on 5140 street.” Miguel said. “Ok so where does she goes.” Destiny asked. “She doesn’t just stay in one spot she goes all over the place.” “Like where specifically.” Destiny said. “Like to restaurants and malls, but the locations are never the same.” Miguel said looking at the gun pointed at his face. “So she goes to public areas to meet with you guys.” Destiny said thinking of the reason. Untying his arms she directed him to Tyrone’s office.

“Ty I need you to make a death certificate for Miguel. He will give you all of the

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