» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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stories about you and the things you have done.” Desi said looking at her phone. Seeing that it was time for Desire to take her medicine, she went to go do that.

“So what are those stories she is talking about?” Tyler asked suspiciously. “Wow you don’t have a clue? I thought your mother would have told you this already.” Tiff said surprised. “When my father died it wasn’t the only thing I’ve lost. I’ve lost a parent my home and my childhood. I moved in with my mom but that was like taking care of a five year old. Whenever my mom had money she didn’t spend it on groceries, or paid the bills. She would usually spend it on drugs or sex.

She always came in the house tainted smelling like a prostitute and then that’s when I realized that for now on I had to take care of myself and my mother. I was only thirteen years old but I used to hustle people, gamble and all of the things you could of imagine. As I got older I sold drugs and was a part of a clique. Cliques back then were more violent and illegal. We carried guns and recruited anybody. Police departments were seriously down our necks and stopping us were there main focus.

So when I turned sixteen I wasn’t just popular on my blocked, but this state and half of Virginia knew my name. I was one of those people who shoot the people first and then ask the questions later. When I first found out who killed my father I flipped and went after them. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Starting a war with Bossy Chics was the most stupid thing I did. I got jumped and shot three times. I was dead for forty three seconds. Those forty three seconds helped me realized that this isn’t how I wanted to spend my life, but that didn’t get me out of the clique.

I was still going to find and kill the people who killed my father. The only thing that change was that I went to school and got all A’s and B’s. Senior year your mother found out what I was doing and she touched my shoulder. She got me out of the clique and into a university. Two years in UMBC I heard that the person who killed my father was murdered. The police never found out who killed her but I kinda knew who it was.”

Tiffany Canty is the niece of Teresa Canty. Tiffany is in her thirties and she lives in California. Tiffany is married with three kids, one daughter and two sons, which are twins. Back when the clique first started cliques were more like gangs in these days. They had gun wars and were a nuisance to the police department. Every clique was illegal and the HOCs didn’t care what they did, as long as they were getting money. Tiffany was a wild child she didn’t have a parent to tell her right from wrong, so she went down a very dark path.

Her mother died from a drug overdose when she was seventeen. No one paid for a funeral so they cremated her body. Tiffany didn’t want her ashes so her grandmother on her father side took them.

Tiffany’s father was the first kid that Teresa’s mom had. Teresa’s mother was only sixteen years old when she had him. Then came Teresa, and then her other brother. Teresa and Tony are ten years apart and her and Tracey was eighteen months apart. Tony was only eighteen when he had Tiffany. Drooping out of school Tony got a job and took care of his daughter with help from his mother. When Tony died he was only 31 years old. Tracey and Teresa were only 21 and far away from Baltimore. They didn’t go to his funeral and never knew what his daughter was up to.

“Wow I never knew. Now I really wonder why my mother didn’t say anything.” Tyler said. Walking down the steps Desi answered his questioned. “Your mom sacrificed her life to protect her family and did everything she had to do to keep it together. The things she haven’t told her children were to keep both of you safe.” Shaking her head agreeing with Desi Tiff added on. “Now having kids of my own I can see where she is coming from. As a mother your job is to protect your family from danger maybe her past was too dangerous to tell you and Tay about.”

Seeing courage and a sense of knowledge care taking, Destiny finally knew why Tiff was here. Opening the door Teresa enters her house to see her niece all grown up. “Look what the cat dragged in.” Teresa said hugging her. “What have you been up to?” Teresa asked. “Well really nothing just getting my business ready.” Tiff said. “Ok I see your big head finally stopped fighting yourself and followed your calling.” Teresa said as they both started to laugh. “Yeah well you were a part of that change.” “I’m glad I can help.”

After getting acquainted and getting debriefed from Destiny and Teresa Tiff was ready to get to work. “Tell me something. What did you do to her for her to do this to your sister.” Tiff said looking at the doctor’s descriptions on how severe the injuries were. “Brianna and I had history and let’s just say that her actions caused a lot of pain in my future, but before that ever happened we fought and she had to get her jaw reconstructed.” Tiff eyes widens as Destiny finished explaining what happened. “Wow you broke her jaw with your fist.” Tiff said very surprised. “I mean yeah, I didn’t intentionally want to break her jaw but it happened.” “Wow when I was in the clique we really didn’t have any fist fight. It was kill or be killed.” “I know that’s why the HOC made the rules of what you cannot do.” Desi stated.

Back at the office things wasn’t going good for Tay. “I don’t see how that deal will benefit my profits I say you’ll get 10% of what you sell.” The business person said. “Are you trying to punk me? You telling me that we should get 10% and you get 90%. I don’t think that will work. We are the reason why you are selling that much in the first place. The deal was that if we don’t sell 30% of your product then 10% was a good deal. We sold twice the percentage you gave us so we should get 40%.” Tay said sitting down.

Twenty minutes went passed and still empty handed Tay called Desi. “Watsup.” Destiny said. “I’ll tell you watsup these business people are trying to cheat you out of your money. I am trying to be patient but one of them is really about to get cuss the hell out.” Tay said furiously. Trying not to laugh Destiny told her that she is on her way. The phone call ended, and Desi put on her sneakers.

“Tiff your job starts now.” Desi said grabbing her keys then realizing that her car is in the garage. “Picking up her phone she called Tyler.” “Hey baby.” Tyler said changing the oil on a car. “You were supposed to pick a body guard for me.” Destiny stated knowing that he forgot. “Oh yeah baby I forgot to do that.” “So now you need to drop me off at the office.” Looking in the phone Tyler didn’t want to start an argument so he told his father to finish up with the car he was working on and left.

Ten minutes passed and Tyler arrived at the house. Looking at Desi he saw that she was about to grill him. “Before you even say anything just get in the car.” Getting in the car she didn’t drop what she wanted to say. “The bodyguard you pick better be a damn good one.” Desi said. Laughing Tyler couldn’t help himself. “You know I love you girl, but you are so funny when you are mad.” Rolling her eyes she didn’t say anything. “Oh I get the silent treatment ok I like it better when you don’t speak anyway.” Looking at him, she shook her head knowing he was trying to joke it off.

Stopping his car Destiny opened the door. Getting out of the car Tyler pulled her back in. “Really no thank you, nor a goodbye kiss.” Saying thank you but not giving him a kiss he pulled her back in the car. “Tyler I am already late and your sister is losing her patients let me go.” Not letting go he spoke. “Baby I’m sorry for making you mad, now get your butt over here and give me a kiss.” Shaking her head and rolling her eyes she gave him a kiss. “That doesn’t means that I accept your half ass apology.” Destiny said getting out of the car.

Chapter Five: Take Away

Walking into her office Desi greeted Tay and then dismissed her. “So I hear that you have a problem about the deal we had.” Desi said sitting down. “Yes we do have a slight problem. Your assistant tells me that the contract I signed states that the first year of selling my product if you sell at least 30% of it I give you a raise.” The business person said. “Well Stacey it does says that if you would look on page 3 section 3 paragraph 3 it states that by the next renewal of the contract if Player’s Cardz sells at least 30 % of Stacey’s INC product Player’s Cardz should and will get an higher percentage.” Destiny said reading what they agreed on. “Ok so when exactly is the appropriate time to discuss the renewal of the contract.” Stacey said.

“Well since your contract is still validated for another three months I will call you a month before so we can discuss percentages and stuff.” Destiny said closing her book. Agreeing they shook hands and she left. Looking at Desi Tay couldn’t believe it. “It took me about an hour in that office trying to explain to that woman what the contract said and I didn’t get anywhere, but it took you five to ten minutes.” Laughing at Tay’s frustration Desi explained. “She looked at you as an assistant so she treated you like one.” “El ojete”. Tay said. “Watch you language. Destiny said. “How did you know what I said?” “I have a lot of Spanish friends and Sammie is Spanish.” “Oh.” Tay said. “How did the other meetings go?” Destiny asked. “Well those were so easy they just wanted to know when were their contract needed to be renewed.” Shaking her head in approval she sat down.

“How’s your sister?” Tay asked. “She’s hanging in there. I mean the pills she is taking really puts her to sleep so hopefully she will be just fine.” “Any word on the operatives?” Tay asked. “No word on them yet but I gave them a week so by Friday I should know what I need to know.” Shaking her head they sat there in silence. 

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