» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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sister now.” Smiling she punched her. “I didn’t tell you to shoot her and not fucking kill her. Then you don’t even check to see if the damn clip is in the gun.” Brianna said putting in another clip and pointed it in her face. “I didn’t have that fucking gun; Jasmine shot her before I could even get a shot in.” Putting the gun in her hands she told her to go handle Jasmine.

“What you told me to handle her sister not Jasmine I’ve done what you asked just give me my sister.” Trish said putting the gun on the table. “Listen you half ass the job so you get another one, if you don’t do what I tell you, then say goodbye to your sister.” Brianna said walking away. Can’t kill anyone she sent a text to Destiny’s phone and shot herself.

At the hospital Destiny’s mother spotted her. Speed walking towards her she busted out hateful things. “This is all your fault. You put her in the hospital.” Looking at her mother she ignored her. “Well hi to you to.” Stopping her from walking away she continued. “Why are you doing this to me?  Why do you consists on hurting your family like this? If you want to circle the drain then go right ahead but please stop dragging us down with you.” Her mother said. “Are you fucking insane or does the universe still rotates around you. I am not the cancer in this family. If you and dad wasn’t arguing so damn much maybe she would have stayed in the house. If you wasn’t using her as a punching bag maybe she would have stayed. Just maybe if you weren’t fucking my damn geometry teacher maybe this whole damn thing wouldn’t of happen.” Desi said pushing her mother to the side.

Destiny’s father walked away from his wife and followed Destiny. “I don’t approve on you disrespecting your mother, but don’t leave. Your sister keeps asking for you.” Tears fell from her eyes as she stopped and looked at her father. “Dad I am sorry you had to find out like that. The only reason why I fought Brianna was because of that. I know you knew she had an affair but I also knew that you didn’t know with whom. I want to stay but I can’t deal with her right now.”

Hugging her he told her that he already knew. That he hired a private investigator to investigate. “I’ll handle your mother but your sister is requesting you.” Walking in the room she saw her sister on the bed tears formed seeing the damage they did. “Not you. Wipe the tears I am not dead.” Smiling at her she was happy to see her joke. “Same ole Desire. How’s everything.” Desi asked. “Good. It hurts like hell but hey I am living. I know that you know something but do you also know that Trish is a part of it?” Desire asked Destiny.

“Trish told me and then she committed suicide. I can’t go after her I don’t know how many people are involved and what’s her next step. Brianna changes her plans like a guy changes his mind. She has to planned this for a while and I don’t know where she at.” Destiny explained to her sister. “Take your mind off of my injuries and do what you do the best. Read people. You know how Brianna operates so study everything that she has done and give reasons. Brianna does everything for a reason.” Desire said patting on her bed telling her to come closer.

Desire gave her an address. “His name is Jayden he owes me a favor. Jayden has eyes and ears on every clique there is. Ask him any questions that doesn’t make any sense to you.”  “Thanks. You get better quick. I’ll be back soon.” Destiny said. “Desi.” Desire called her name. “Yeah.” “Be careful.” Smiling she answered always that and walked out. “Dad, these guys are going to be watching her when you guys leave they are here to protect you and her.” Giving the guy the signal they came.

“What are you talking about?” Destiny’s father pulled her to the side. “Whoever did this to her isn’t going to stop some visitors might come and asks to see her but they won’t be her friends, they are there to finish the job.” Still looking at his daughter like a deer in the headlights. “Shouldn’t you let the police do their jobs?” He asked. “Dad the police isn’t taking this serious not until another body is found and was involved in a clique war. Let me do what I do and justice will be served.”  “I have a daughter in the hospital I don’t want to see one in a jail cell. Do what you got to do but be careful and aware ok. I love you.” He said as he hugged her like she was leaving his life forever. “I love you too. Dad don’t worry I am coming back.”

Chapter Two: Step by Step

In the car on her way to pick up Sammie, Desi and Taylor was connecting the dots. “So the fight between Kelly and the other girl was just for her to show her face and see how you will react.” Taylor pointed out. “Yeah and the reason she targeted Trish is because she knew her sister and they are related by marriage.” Desi said as something pop in her head.  Making a u turn she was headed to Kelly’s house. “Everything she does had something to do with her family.” Agreeing with Destiny Taylor replied. “Kelly isn’t her family.”

“Legally yeah she is. Derrick is Kelly’s brother, and Derrick married Brelin because she got pregnant. Brelin is Brianna’s older sister. So Kelly is…” Destiny stop and watched how Taylor finished her sentence. “Kelly is Brianna’s sister in law.” Taylor said. “Now if I am right Kelly had everything to do with the hit so if we knock on her door and if she runs she is guilty.” Stopping the car she parked and got out.

Knocking on her door she waited for her to answer it. Opening the door Kelly saw Destiny and Taylor and she ran.  Going around back Desi chased after her. Throwing her keys to Taylor she told her to get the car. Jumping fences and dodging cars Destiny finally caught her. Punching her over and over again, Taylor parked the car and ran towards them. Pulling Destiny off of her she told her it wasn’t worth it. Pushing her in the car they drove off.

Waking up from the horrendous hits Destiny did, Kelly found herself strapped into a chair in a deserted room. Opening the door Destiny came in with a chair. Sitting next to her she started to ask questions.  “What is Brianna up to?” getting nothing out of her she punches her. “Usually when it comes to torturing people I am against it, but today I will enjoy it. Now my sister is laying in a bed because of your sister in law. One of my leaders has committed suicide so I would say I pretty much have no sympathy towards your death if you keep doing what you doing.”

Still isn’t cooperating she taps on the door. Taylor walks in with a gun cocking it back she handed it to Desi. Pointing at her head and then her legs she leaned back. “I know you run track for your school and I also know that you are a damn good runner, even though I caught your ass. You don’t start talking I will ruin your career. What are Brianna’s intensions?” taking a deep breath Kelly spit the blood out her mouth. “She is going to kill you and everybody you love. I am not the only one in your clique that is in her plan.  All of her family members are gunning for you. Whatever you did to her made her vindictive.” Smiling at her Kelly stopped talking.

Walking towards her Destiny hits her with the handle of the gun. Walking out she met up with Sammie. “All of Brianna’s family in our clique needs to be removed now. They are all a part of her damn plan. I want full protection on my family and Tay’s family also. Call Tay’s mom and my father please and tell them I want to talk to them together.” Walking out of the building and getting in her car Destiny called Tyler.  “Hey baby.” Tyler said picking up the phone. “Are you at house?” Destiny said anxiously. “Yeah why?” he replied. “Stay there and keep your mother safe. I am on my way to pick up my father and then I will come by but don’t leave your mother. I have to go babe, I love you.”  Not waiting on him to reply, she hangs up.

Picking up her father she was headed for Tay’s house. Explaining the situation to her father Destiny’s phone went off. “Hello.” Destiny said answering the phone. “Are you sure you want to do this. Do you want to risk everyone you love, or are you ready to hear what I want?” Brianna said. “Listen to me if you think you will get away with this then you are wrong. I will find you and I will kill you myself.” Destiny said hanging up the phone.

Parking and getting out of the car Destiny knocks on Tay’s door. Answering it Tyler drowned her with questions. “What the hell is going on?” looking at him she looked at her father. “Dad this is Tyler my boyfriend also Tay’s brother. Where is your mom at?” Destiny asked. Greeting Tyler Destiny’s father had a concern look on his face. “She is in her room.” Tyler said. Going up the steps she knocks on her door. Opening it Teresa greeted her.

“Hey how are you doing?” She said. “I am good. Can I speak with you for a moment.” Destiny asked her. “Sure.” Teresa said opening her door so she can come in. “So watsup.” Teresa said closing her bedroom door. “I never meant to put you or your family in danger I will take full responsibility for this. I am very sorry and I understand if you are furious.” Destiny said walking towards the door. “Destiny how can I be mad about something if I don’t know what I’m supposed to be mad at. Is this about your sister?” Teresa said confused. “Years before I ever met Tay and Tyler I was in a fight that landed me on probation and the girl was hospitalized. Her jaw had to be reconstructed so it took about a year and a half for her to recover.

Somehow during the year she decided to plan an attacked on me. She isn’t just after me, she is after everyone I love. I don’t know the order she is going in but she isn’t done, in fact she is just getting started.” Destiny said as her head dropped. “If I may ask you this question was your fight really about Jason or did you have other reasons.” Looking at Teresa, she had no idea she knew what people suspected the fight

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