» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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about if she is going to tell Brianna?” Tyler questioned her. “What sup with the twenty questions she isn’t going to tell her she knows what will happen to her if she did anyway. Kelly love her life more than her relationship with Brianna and she isn’t going to risk her life for her.” Destiny stated as she got up and sat near Tyler.

“I know you are worried, but it’s going to be ok.” Destiny said kissing Tyler. Walking in the room Tay’s face was covered in disgust. “Why every time when you are together I always walk in when you are kissing. Come on this is a place of business.” Looking at Tay Tyler gave her a get out look. Not listening to his look she asked to speak with Desi.

Walking out of the room Desi asked what was wrong. “Word on the street is that Brianna is doubling the workers on the hit to your sister.” Thinking how she could handle this situation she told Tay to put more security on her and to make sure that Brianna’s goons doesn’t get any idea on what they was doing. “If you send out more security then Brianna will know that you know she put more guys on the hit.” Taylor stated. “Yea but by not putting more security my sister will be in a damn box.” Destiny also pointed out. “Not necessarily, if we put our best guys on her she will be fine.” Taylor suggested.

Looking at Tay she thought she was implying something. “What are you implying? You know that they are not just body guards.” Destiny question Tay’s motives. “You know exactly what I am implying. Brianna’s goons want you and every one you love dead, so send her a message.” Tay said. “Tay we are not criminals, we are not Brianna. If you want her gone then follow the paper.” Destiny said as she started to walk in the room, but she stopped her.

“We are not criminals but yet look what we did to Kelly. We put Tim and Booker on missions like that for months now. So tell me how this is different. Is it because of the history you have with her?” Tay said making accusations on her reasoning. “This bitch shot my sister and promised my ass that you Tyler and all of the rest of my loves ones will die. What the hell you think I am thinking. I could care less of her fucking life but if we do what you consider we would not just put Desire’s life in more danger but other people lives would be put in danger. I know how she operates and you can’t fight with fire with her.” Destiny said furious on the accusation.

“Look I understand where you are coming from, but this list is fucking bogus. There isn’t a way to be successful by not starting a war.” Taylor said doubting her plan. “So you telling me I should start a war with a person that is expecting that. You think that I should start a war when almost half of my clique are traitors. I have to admit that is a very great plan.” Destiny said sarcastically. “Really the sarcasm wasn’t necessary. All I’m saying is this isn’t us and if I wanted to go down I want to go down like me not trying to be or do somebody else.” Taylor stated. “That is the point right there. You rather go down. I don’t that’s why I made this plan. Brianna is expecting us to do us if we find out who are the power hitters in our clique that works for her than we can move on. We need just a little information first before we hit her.” Still thinking the plan is bull she put her ideas aside and went back to business

Chapter Four: In The Past

After the BBQ was over Destiny’s operatives moved out. Calling a meeting for all of the leaders, Destiny wanted to clear up some things. “Some of you might know that Trish was the inside man of Brianna’s whole operation but some of you don’t know what we are planning next. We are at war with Bossy Chics, but not a violent bloody one. I only want Brianna and Brianna only. If you see a person that is a part of Bossy Chics don’t do anything to them. I don’t want a confrontation between them.” Destiny said as she looked at some of her leaders then she continued.

“Some of you guys know that Brianna is targeting some of us. If I didn’t tell you privately then you don’t have anything to worry about but just to make sure I provided body guards for those who have a choice. Just because we are in war with them doesn’t mean that the duties I assigned you to do isn’t validated. I expect you to follow your schedule just be more aware. For the relatives of Brianna that are in this clique I’m taking control of that so just treat them the same as you would do if this wasn’t happening. As for Desire’s birthday party, it has been postponed to another date. That date is still TBA at the moment. If you have any questions say them now.” Destiny said as she finished up her announcements.

Now at the Canty’s residents Destiny and Tay was talking. “About the whole thing at the BBQ, I’m sorry for being a jerk.” Tay said. “It’s cool you had an opinion on something. You weren’t being a jerk.”  Destiny said shoving her. “What happens next?” Tay said smiling at her. “Well after I get the report from the guys about who are the big threats, we move to step two.” Shaking her head Taylor turned the television on. Opening the door Tyler walked into the house. “Yo did someone break your phone or were you just ignoring my phone calls.” Tyler said dropping on the couch. “What are you talking about?” Destiny said. “I called you like a thousand times and you didn’t pick up. Check your phone.” Reaching in her pockets she pulled out her phone.

Looking at the missed calls, she apologized and recognizes another call she has missed. Not recognizing the number she turned the volume up on her phone. “What did you wanted anyway?” Destiny asked. “I wanted to remind you that I have an extra shift at the garage so you are not leaving my sight.” Rolling her eyes she left the situation alone. “Ok I see you are not fighting me on this.” Tyler said joking.

For the past few weeks Tyler started putting more hours and days in the garage. Getting an idea of why he was doing it Destiny stopped fighting him in the situation. She wouldn’t admit it to him but she likes watching him fix cars and having car oil on him. She found that attractive.

Now this week was completely different. While he went to work Destiny had to get another bodyguard. Tyler was busy with his work and Destiny was taking care of her sister, who just finally got out of the hospital and dealing with her clique.

Calling Tay on the phone Destiny watched her sister sleep. “Desi you are not just late but you are late as hell. You have a lot of visitors coming in like twenty minutes.” Tay said answering her phone. “I know that why I called you. I am not going to make it so tell Sammie to take care of it for me.” Destiny said. “That’s going to be a problem. Sammie called in sick and Ty is in New York. There isn’t any commanders here.” Dropping her head she walked out of the room.

“Tay I can’t leave her and now I can’t wake her up either.” Destiny said cracking the door close. “Don’t worry let me handle them. Just take care of your sister.” Tay said. “Wait do you even know what you are doing? I mean these guys are looking for a deal.” Destiny questioned her. “I got this I mean I was the captain of the debate team I think I can handle some business people.” Not having a choice to disagree Destiny approved. “All right I’ll talk to you later.” Hanging up the phone Destiny went back in the room to find her sister up watching TV. “Wow you know I can take of myself you should go to those meetings.” Desire said overhearing Destiny’s conversation.

“How can you take care of yourself if you can’t even walk yet?” Destiny pointed out. “Yeah but that’s why the doc gave me a wheelchair.” Desire said. “The doc also said that you need a provider so you are stuck with me for now.” Before she could say anything she was interrupted by the knock on the door. Looking at the time Destiny wonders who it could be. Grabbing her gun off the dresser she walked down the stairs towards the door. Peeking out of the window she saw it was Tyler. Opening the door she asked him why he didn’t use his key. Looking at the gun in her hand he stepped back. “Whoa I swear I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman.” He joked. Smiling at him she kissed him. “Why are you home you are supposed to be changing my lights?” “I know what I am supposed to be doing. I am taking my break.”

Giving him a look she walked back up the stairs. Following her he smiled. “What was the look for?” “Nothing.” She said leaving the situation alone. Walking towards her room she peeked inside to check on her sister. Seeing that she was dosing off, she closed the door. Walking in his room she sat on the chair next to his bed. Pulling her to the bed, Tyler got on top of her. Kissing her softly Desi was falling for his charm.

Ten minutes of making out Desi phone went off for the fourth time. Ignoring her phone call something interrupted them. Someone has entered the house. Jumping up Desi grabbed her gun and walked out of his room. She pushed Desire door open to find her sleep. Then she went down the step slowly. Seeing an unfamiliar face in the living room, Destiny cocked the gun back. “Who the hell are you? Turn around now.” Desi said. Turning around with her hands up, she saw that it was an older looking girl. Thinking about how Brianna is she didn’t withdrew her weapon. “Who sent you? Why are you here?” Desi asked walking closer to her. Backing up the girl answered her. “I’m Teresa’s niece, I should be asking you the questions?” still looking at her suspiciously she called Tyler. Running down the stairs spotting his cousin he greeted her. “Tiff is that really you?”

Putting her gun down, she apologizes to Tiff. “No problem.” Tiff said hugging Tyler. “Wow, what are you doing here.” “Well I don’t know myself your mother called me and said that she needed me for something.” She explained. Sitting on the couch things hit her. “You are Tony’s daughter.” Desi said. “Yeah, how did you know.” Tiff asked. “Let’s just say that I have heard

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