» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

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information you need. Miguel you need to know that you are going to have a different identity and you are gonna have to move out of the state. Hopefully you saved all of the money you got from us, because whatever you do, do not use any credit cards nothing that they can trace you with. Your name and whoever you are taken with you have to change. You won’t be Miguel anymore you will be another person just until I handle Brianna. Do you understand.” Destiny asked. “I understand.” Miguel said. “All right I’m going to ask you some questions and you will be good to go.” Tyrone added.

Walking out of his office Desi went into Tay’s. “I need you to gather up as many experienced shooters outside of this clique and I need them ASAP.” Destiny said. “I gotcha.” Tay said. “Hold on, Desi since I have to go scope the streets out can I at least use your car.” Looking at Tay like she was speaking in another language Desi laughed. “You are one funny person. You can use the van outside for surveillance.” Desi said. “You need to pay me more so I can go buy a car.” Tay said. “You had a car remember, and look what you did to it. I give you enough money for you to buy three cars.” Desi said.

Sucking her teeth she went into her office. Going into Sammie’s office she sat down. “So I guess our plan is in motion.” Sammie said seeing a smile on Desi face. “Yeah it’s in motion but that’s not why I am smiling.” Desi said. “Ok so why are you so happy.” Sammie said as Desi’s happiness confuses her. “I finally understand what Brianna’s plan is.” Desi said. “I know we establish that weeks ago.” Sammie said. “Yeah that isn’t accurate. If she wanted me to commit suicide then she would have killed my sister the day she put that camcorder in the vent. She is postponing us so that when she does attack, we won’t be prepared.

The family members in this clique isn’t a part of the final assassination they are just here to make me paranoid. Brianna knows me as well as I know her. She plays by my weaknesses when we were best friends but the problem is that I have changed. Some of my weaknesses aren’t my weaknesses anymore so whenever her next move is I will work off of her mistake. The brilliant part about the plan is that she is going in order by my most effective weakness to the least effective weakness.” Destiny said smiling even harder. “So our move is to Clean-up the mess she has made.” Sammie said making sure what she heard was accurate. “Right just call the operation the clean-up.” Desi said laughing.

Chapter Eight: Surprise!

Waking up from a phone call Desi answered it. “Sammie you better have a good ass reason to wake me up on my morning off.” She said walking out of the room. “We have a slight problem.” Sammie said. “What is it.” “The operation is still in motion but the H.O.C wants our profit.” She said sounding worried. “Ok so give them the profit.” She said, wiping her eyes. “They are asking for 25,000 but we only have 10.” She pointed out. “What! We were supposed to have more than that. We are supposed to have like 80.” Desi said sitting on the steps. “I know and I did count the money last week and we had 80, but now that shit is gone.” Sammie said. “Don’t go anywhere I am on my way.” Desi said ending the conversation.

Looking at the time Desi walked into the bathroom. Twenty minutes passed and Desi was headed to the office. Arriving at the office she spotted Sammie pacing back and forth. “When does the H.O.C needs the money?” Destiny asked as she got out of her car. “In six hours.” Sammie answered. Looking at the time she shook her head. “Look we don’t have time for this I’ll handle the H.O.C just call everybody and tell them that the war has begun.” Destiny said getting back into her car.

Driving to her private bank she called her father. “Good morning.” Her father said picking up the phone. “Hey dad, can Desire stay at your house for a little while.” Desi asked. “Sure. May I ask why?” Desi’s father questioned her. “For her own safety.” Desi said trying to leave out as many details as possible. “Ok should I pick her up or are you going to drop her off.” He asked. “After I am done with what I am doing then I’ll drop her off. So you should look out for her in like an hour or so.” She said turning into the driveway. “Ok.” “Ok dad I gotta go I’ll see you later. I love you.” Desi said getting out of her car. “I love you to.” He said as the conversation came to an end.

Walking into the house she called out a name. “I’m in the back.” Nicole said. Walking into the back she heard a noise. Putting her hand on her gun Desi walked slower. Hitting the corner she peaked and saw her picking up a tub of books off of the floor. Letting go of her gun she helped her pick them up. “You are such a klutz.” Desi said. “I am not a klutz the books knock themselves over.” Nicole said getting up.

 “So what you been up to.” She asked Desi. “Nothing really, I been working and taking care of Desire.” Desi said. “I heard about the accident I am very sorry how is she.” She said sympathetically and concerned. “It’s cool she is doing much better now.” Desi said sitting down on the couch. “So what brings you to my place of business?” Nicole said. “I need you to take out seventy grand out of my account and then I need you to give me these things on this list.” She said handing the list to her.

“Damn what the hell do you plan on doing with this.” She said as she read through the list. “Should I even ask what is this all about.” Nicole said. “No.” Desi answered her. “What happened to the person who said that violence wasn’t an answer?” She said looking into her eyes. Seeing nothing but hatred nearly scared her. “She died when a bullet went into her sister.” She said reminiscing on the moment she saw her sister lying in a hospital bed.

Sitting on the couch next to her she put her hand on her shoulder. “Should I be worried? I mean here you are packing heat and now you want me to give you more heat to pack. The image you gave me was that you didn’t like violence you would take any road other than violence. I thought you learned your lesson when you severely injured Brianna. You could go to jail for life, if you do the things that you are thinking.” Nicole said.

“Violence is the only answer for this situation. Of course I looked for other solutions but none of them are even possible. I tried talking to her but that didn’t work. She wants one thing and one thing only and that involve me in a box six feet under. I am done hiding from who I am.” Desi said clenching her teeth. “Who do you think you are exactly because I know you are not a murderer? This list is coming from a dark place inside you. You just need to overcome it.” She said worried. “It’s too late.” Looking at her she dropped her head. “You killed someone already.” Shaking her head a tear fell from her eye.

“Listen to me whatever you did, you better hope that the police don’t figure it out. I promised you that I would keep this underground but your action is making this come to light. Mom, dad and even Desire don’t even know I am alive. You just made mom win. You broke your promise to me and you know what that means right.” Nicole said. “Yes Denise I understand.” Getting up she asked a question. “So are you going to get the things on the list or what.” Desi said. “On one condition.” She said. “What’s the condition?” Desi asked. “Well I will be a part of this whole war.”  Looking at Denise like she was crazy she gave in. “Ok that’s a deal.” Desi said.

Nicole was Denise cover. Five years ago Denise was involved in a hit and run initially for Destiny. At the hospital doctors revived Denise but Desi and Denise came to a decision that Denise was going underground until things got better but it had gotten a little troubling and the agreement changed. They got doctors to hoax her death. Their mom, dad and sister were supposed to be informed but that didn’t happen. Denise agreed that she would be underground until Destiny took a life.

Denise is Destiny’s twin. They pretty much did everything together. Since they were twins Destiny and Denise didn’t want all of the attention to be on them so when they were about to leave Denise decided to stay in New York with her Grandmother. When her grandmother died then Denise moved. When school was about to start Denise didn’t want to go to the same school as Desi so they decided that they would go to different schools. People didn’t know that Desi was a twin so when the hit and run happened people thought that Destiny was the one who got hit, but then people saw that she had a twin.

Back at home Destiny went to go talk to Desire. “Destiny don’t get mad but I know your secret I checked your phone when you were sleeping.” Sitting down she didn’t know what she was talking about. “What are you talking about?” she asked. “Denise isn’t dead and you knew that all already. You really need to be more careful about where you lay your phone.” Desire said. “I still don’t know what you are talking about. I mean Denise is still alive but I haven’t text her since the whole hit and run.” Desi said.

“Then why your phone has a billion text messages to Denise “Looking at her text messages she was still clueless. “Desire there is no text messages between me and Denise on my phone. Who phone did you have?” Desi said handing the phone to her. “This isn’t the phone I had. I mean it is the same model and all but the phone I had has two letters on the side of it.” Desire said giving Desi her phone back. “Please don’t tell me the letters were T.C.” Desi asked leaning against the wall.

Looking at Desi like she had just won the jackpot she realized that Taylor was the person’s phone that she had. Walking out of the room she went into Tay’s room to find her not there. Storming into Tyler’s room she asked if he had seen Tay. “No I thought she was with you.” walking out of his room and back into her room she grabbed the wheelchair from under

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