» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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the phone. Looking at Desi Tay laughed. “What’s so funny?” Desi asked.

“Nothing at all.” Tay said. “Everybody have jokes today.” Desi said lying on the bed. “I have a question and this may sound crazy but I need to know.” Destiny said. “Watsup.” Tay said. “Desire found a phone that she thought was mine and she looked through the text messages and found out that Denise wasn’t dead. I already knew she isn’t dead. The only people that knew she wasn’t dead was selected. I don’t know how your phone got into my room, but I am more interested in how did you find out and who told you.” Destiny said.

“Nobody told me. Six months ago I went groceries shopping with Tyler and I ran into her. Now at first I thought it was you because this was when you had your own place. Then I had gotten a phone call from you. I didn’t know what to do. I thought I was going crazy, until she spotted me and quickly moved away. I followed and called out her name, but she didn’t respond. So while she was in the checkout line I followed to her car. She told me everything and then she wanted to know how you were doing since you only come to visit once a month. We exchanged numbers and I kinda been her ears.” Tay said.

“So you didn’t tell her anything about this operation.” Destiny asked. “No, then that would only make her worried and scared.” Tay said. “Ok listen I can’t be mad at you for how you found out but I am mad at you because you didn’t say anything to me. Denise is coming out from the underground so I am going apartment shopping after I drop Desire off tomorrow. Do you want to come and catch up with Denise.” Desi said sitting up on the bed. “Sure but you do know that you have a business meeting with the HOC today in like forty minutes.” Tay said.

Forgetting all about the meeting she called Sammie. “Where the hell are you?” Sammie said picking up the phone. “Calm down I am on my way. I got caught up with some things.” Desi said getting up. “Did you at least handle the problem.” Sammie asked. “Yeah it all under control, but right now I want you to check the security cameras and see who went into the room and came out looking suspiciously.” Desi said. “Ok hurry your ass up and get here. Oh and tell Tay that she is an ass.” Sammie said hanging up the phone. “Sammie called you an ass.” Destiny said walking out of the room.

At the office Sammie looked very agitated. “Ok I am here so turn your frown upside down.” Desi said walking into her office. “Ok let see if your smile will change when you see this.” Sammie said turning the computer monitor so it could face her. Looking at the monitor Desi walked out of her office and into the game room. Spotting Justin she grabbed him. “Yo watsup with you.” He said as she let go of him. “Watsup with me let see I am trying to work up a master plan to defeat Brianna and then I find out that there is a thief in this clique.” “A real stupid ass thief.” Sammie added playing the footage.

Looking at Destiny Justin tried to explain himself. “Desi this is not what it look like, but I needed that money. I figured that you didn’t need the money until a month so I was going to replace the money.” He said. “What the hell did you need 70 thousand dollars for.” Sammie said getting out of chair. “My sister is in trouble she could die if I don’t deliver him 100 thousand by the end of the day. I already gave him 90. Listen I am sorry but my sister’s life is in my hands and I don’t have 100 thousand dollars.” Justin said.

“Did it occur to you that Sammie and I could have helped your situation if you would have asked instead of take shit that doesn’t belong to you.” Desi said. “Like you said you are going through a lot and I didn’t want to bother you.” He said. “Look around Justin what you did is bothering us. You said you needed 10 grand by the end of the day I got 10 grand who is this person you paying anyway.” Sammie asked. “His name is Donald but people call him…” “Domino.” Destiny said cutting him off. “Yeah how did you know.” Justin said shocked. “Let’s just say that we go way back.” Destiny said. “Domino is a drug dealer why are you paying a drug dealer money.” Sammie said. “My sister got banked and they took the money and the rest of the product that she had. Now Domino isn’t happy and said that she had today to give him his money or she will pay the consequences.” Justin said.

“So where is your sister?” Sammie asked. “She is at my mother’s house. I told Domino that I will give him the money and to leave my sister alone.” Justin said. “So you gave him 90 already and you owe him 10. Let’s go.” Desi said grabbing her keys off of the desk. “What! What are you doing?” Justin said. “You are going to tell me where Domino is and I am going to handle it and then when we get back Sammie will tell you what is your punishment for stealing shit from us.” Destiny said.

Giving Destiny the direction to Domino hang out spot Justin hand started sweating. “What are the consequences for stealing from you.” Justin asked. “You will find out when you get back.” Destiny said. Ten minutes of driving they arrived to an abandon house. “He is in the back of the house probably sitting on the hood of his truck.” Justin said. “His goons are strapped so don’t say anything offensive.” Justin added. “Don’t tell me what to do I am in charge here.” Destiny said getting out of the car.

Following her Justin heart beat fasten. Approaching Domino, Desi called out his name. Getting off of his car he moved closer to see who it was. “Well look who it is.” He said smiling. “Little Desi, what’s good with you.” He said opening his arms. Bear hugging her he picked her up. “I haven’t seen you in like three years.” He said letting go of her. “Yeah I know.” She said. “I see you got buffer.” She said poking him. “Yeah well you know I gotta do what I gotta do to survive these streets.” He said.

“Now I know you didn’t come to reunite, so what is this visit about anyway.”  He said. “Walk with me.” She said. Walking away she started talking. “So I here that you have a problem with one of my workers.” She said. “Naw I don’t have a problem with him I have a problem with his sister.” He said. “Ok I know about the story and I understand that business is business so here you go.” She said handing him an envelope. Looking inside of it he smiled. “Look at you all grown up. I remember when you were in middle school so quiet and all sweet looking. Now everybody knows your name and shit. Nothing but respect for you.” He said.

“Next visit though should be about our friendship and not about our business.” He added. “That sounds fair.” She said. Back at the spot they hugged and Desi and Justin was headed back to the office. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me.” Justin said. “Don’t thank me yet because you still have to face the consequences.” Desi said entering the highway. “So how do you know Domino anyway, I mean he is a notorious drug dealer.” Justin said. “Domino wasn’t always a drug dealer. We went to middle school and high school together until he dropped out.” Desi said. “So ya’ll were friends for a long time.” Justin asked. “Yeah watsup with the twenty questions.” Destiny said. “Nothing just your life is very interesting.” He said amazed. “Ok glad you think that, but just because it doesn’t seem like I am mad trust and believe I am.” Destiny said.

Arriving at the office Destiny and Justin entered Sammie’s office. “He’s all yours.” Desi said dropping him off. “Ok so here is your punishment. Since you like stealing, the 100 grand is coming out of your paychecks. What I mean is for the next three months every time you get paid, 100 grand is deducted from it. That’s the first punishment. The other punishment is that you got one strike, you get two more strikes then something happens that you don’t want to happen. Your third and final punishment is that your ranking dropped twice. So you are no longer a jack you are nine and you can’t rank up until all of the money is paid off. Do you understand.” Sammie said. Shaking his head he left her office.               

Chapter Ten: And Action

In the meeting with The HOC Destiny was getting grilled on the Brianna situation. “With all due respect I don’t know why you are talking to me about retaliation. She shot my sister and threatened to kill her and everybody I know. What would you do.” Destiny said agitated. “Listen rules are rules you break a rule then you are out.” Mr. Mckinsey said. “What exactly are the rules because if I am correct Brianna already broke like ten of them by shooting my sister.” Destiny said getting heated. “My rules are simple no illegal stuff that means killing Brianna.” He said. “So I get it now I can shoot someone but don’t kill them right. Listen you are about to lose everything good about your money, because I am going to kill Brianna.” Destiny said walking out of the meeting.

“I hope she was just playing.” He said speaking to Sammie. “I doubt that. Destiny isn’t the joking type. Put yourself in her shoes. Don’t look at her situation as the HOC but as a human being that the only thing that keeps her sane is the people around her that she loves. Brianna already took basketball away from her now you are saying that she can take her love ones away from her as well.” Sammie said.

Not responding Tay jumped in the conversation. “Sir you may not know me but I think you know my cousin Tiff. She was part of the reason for you and the others in charge to put rules. I understand that you want your money and on time. Destiny and this clique have been number one and always met our deadline. We have been consistent for like three years now. The only reason you made those rules was for you to get your money consistently. I guarantee that you would get your money consistently from us all the time just let us go forth with our plan. Destiny wants justice and the police isn’t doing their jobs so let us do ours.” Tay said.

Looking at Sammie and then at Tay, he closed his

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