» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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was about. “No Brianna had spilled some of my personal business to almost half of the school. I wasn’t fighting her because of Jason I fought her because she disrespected my family.”

Patting her bed to signal Desi to sit down she passed her a piece of paper. “That’s right that is the agreement we had when you moved in. You followed and memorized all of the rules. I treated you like you was my own and I appreciated how you helped around. We came to an agreement that you will pay and you met every deadline. To let you know I didn’t spend the money you gave me. I saved it for you, if you ever changed your mind on college. Destiny you are the most determined, smart and caring person I know. How could I possibly be mad at you? Sure you put us in danger but you have also helped us become rounded and aware of things. I can see that you only care to protect us and that is what I have always loved about you. You put others first and that’s why I am going to tell you that It’s ok.” Putting her hand on her shoulder Teresa handed her an envelope.

Looking inside she saw steps. Not sure what the steps were for, Destiny looked at her. “About years ago something happen to me as well. My brother died and his daughter was in your situation, but she wasn’t as smart as you. She got beat up and shot three times. No one was there as in family. I was in college and really didn’t call or visit there that much until my mom contacted me. She needed me to help her get my niece right. I didn’t know anything about how a clique function but I knew how to get out of horrible situations. I talked to Tiffany and saw how deep she was in and the reason she did what she did.

When she told me she knew who killed her father I wanted revenge as much as she did. I was more of plan things first and then do the actions type of person so I came up with steps to get close enough to the person without them knowing. Bre’shay was the person who killed my brother so I killed her. Brianna is just like her mother. First she threatened and kills off your family and then she will kill you last. These steps helped me get close to her mother and killed her with no witnesses and evidence.”

Chapter Three: A Little Information

The next day Destiny went to go see Desire’s doctor. “How is she doing?” she asked sitting in his office. “Well she is doing good as soon as the bullet wound heals a little more she would be able to go home.” He said. The doctor looked like he could only be in his mid-twenties.  Not sure if his eyes were scanning the room or her body she broke his focus.  “And how long will that be?” she said giving him a weird look. “It could take like four to eight weeks.” He said closing his book and checking her out. “Doc does your wife know that you have wondering eyes for younger girls.” Desi eye brow went up, and then she got up and walked out of the room.

Breaking his gaze he walked out of the room. Looking at her sister sleep Desi gets a phone call. Walking out of the room she picked it up. “Come to the office now.” Sammie said. Hanging up the phone she walked back into the room and kissed Desire on her forehead.

At the office Tay and Sammie lay the news on her. “Ok since you want us to follow the steps on this paper you are going to do something for us.” Looking at them she answered them with a what. Giving two boys a signal they read her reaction. “Before you disapprove on this just hear us out. You put us on speed dial and we have full protection so we decided that you needed the same thing.” Still looking at them in disapproval they continued. “That is the same look we gave you but we did it for you so do this for us.”

Walking towards the guys she gave them a stare down. Not talking Tay and Sammie was clueless. Still in silence Destiny broke her stare. “No offense but my grandmother can beat his ass and the other one looks weak. Look I understand that you are worried but Brianna isn’t targeting me.” Desi said. “You don’t know that maybe this is what she wants.” Sammie pointed out. “If these guys follow me around how they look right now, not only would they embarrass me, Tyler wouldn’t approve so I’m good.”

Giving out another signal Tyler walked out of the room. “I don’t mind they don’t have anything on me.” Tyler said very cocky. Looking at her boyfriend she gave him a look. Not phased at the look he gave it back. Rolling her eyes she saw that she was going to lose this debate. Not giving up she thought of a new plan. “Come here.” Destiny said walking towards the door. Walking towards her Tay and Sammie joked around.

“Why do I need men and black over there I can handle Brianna’s goons.” Kissing her softly Tyler smiled. “Just do it for me. I want to be able to sleep at night knowing you are safe.”  Still fighting on this she looked at the guys. “How about you be my body guard then you don’t have to feel that way.” Laughing Tyler realized that she wasn’t kidding. “Yea that wouldn’t work I have a job.”  “Are you serious you call that a job, babe you help out your father in the garage every Monday how is that a job.” Destiny questioned him. “Ok so maybe it’s not a job but who is going to protect you on Mondays when I am in the garage.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t want those muscle heads surrounding me.” Sighing Tyler cave in. “Ok I will be your body guard with these conditions you will be coming home at eleven and you have to spend Mondays with me in the shop.” Smiling at him she accept. Walking back towards Sammie and Taylor they told them what was going to happen.

“How is it that we have to be followed around by them all day long, but you having your boyfriend to watch over you? That isn’t fair you are mixing business and pleasure together.” Sammie and Tay argued. “Ok how about your boyfriends can be your body guards.” Destiny joked knowing they didn’t have a boyfriend. “Oh that is cold you would say something like that.” Tay said. “I know can we at least make them look like bodyguards and not like my 12 year old brother.” Sammie said looking at her bodyguard. “Go right ahead as long as they are following you.” Desi said walking away with her boyfriend.

“What exactly is your plan?” Tyler said walking out of the building. “Well you read the steps and we are on step one, which is to establish a BBQ for my clique and get all of her damn family members tagged so I can know where they are going without them and Brianna knowing that we are on to them.” Destiny said walking towards her car. Pulling her back Tyler grabbed her keys. “What do you think you’re doing?” looking at him like he was crazy she ask what was he talking about.

“Did you really think that you were driving in your car?” Tyler said walking towards his car. Looking at the piece of junk she stop walking. “Where is your car?” Destiny asked. “This is my car.”  He responded. “No this is a piece of junk you have a Benz this isn’t a Benz.” She stated. “Oh you meant that car, it is at the shop getting tinted windows.” Grabbing her keys she walked towards her car. “I know you didn’t expect me to ride in that. You can drive my car just until your car is done getting tinted.”

“When did you become that girl? I remember your first car and wasn’t what you called good looking.” Tyler joked. “Don’t do that my first car was a 2000 BMW it wasn’t a damn 1989 ford with two different colors like that.” Destiny pointed out. “Now look at your car 2014 BMW 7 series.” Tyler said. “Yea exactly, but you can’t be talking Mr. 2014 Benz.” “That’s right.” He said pulling off.

Destiny’s car is her pride and joy. Black on the outside, red on the inside, customized from the wheels to the hood of the car. Destiny didn’t come from a poor family when she was younger her mom was a wedding planner and her father owns his own law firm. Even with all of the money her parents had she never acted like a spoiled brat. Destiny is quiet and independent. Now she has money of her own and she still lives like a normal person, living in house and going to regular shopping stores. The only thing that is very expensive is her car.

Tyler is more of a bragger than Destiny. Even though Tyler doesn’t get as much money as Destiny and his sister, it doesn’t intimidate him. Tyler graduated from his community college and helps his father out in his garage. Tyler and his father already have an agreement that he would take over the garage as soon as his father turns forty- five, which is in like three years.  So right now he is living off the money he gets for fixing a car.

At the BBQ everybody seem like they are having a good time. Looking at the cameras she check all of the people who are there. Then she put a star against all of the relatives of Brianna. Going through the list Jayden gave her she saw that three of them are not there. “The motion is in play start tagging the names I call out.” Desi said speaking to the operatives in the field.

Players Cardz have eighty people that are in their clique. A third of them are Brianna’s relatives. Brianna’s relatives’ intentions are to destroy Destiny’s business and to kill off her family. In order to save her business and keep her love ones safe she tags those people and determines if they are a threat like Kelly or just a messenger.

“The last person that you need to tag is Kamonte Johnson.” Destiny said. Taking pictures of all of them the operatives moved on them. “So what are you going to do with the three?” Tyler asked. “I’m going to wait until I see them to let the others, tag them I can’t pursue them like animals Brianna is too smart for that. I am going to let her think that I don’t know what her next step is and then when she is ready to take that step I will kill her.” Destiny said getting a flashback on the footage she saw. “What about Kelly wouldn’t she know a change in her? Aren’t you at least worried

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