» Fiction » Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Play Your Cardz Right, Sydia Smith [best book reader TXT] 📗». Author Sydia Smith

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love you too.” Tyler said as they hang up. Looking at the time she rushed out of the building.

Opening the door Desi saw that someone was in her house. She grabbed the gun out of the drawer as she walked towards the living room. Looking at the person’s face Desi withdrew her weapon. “What the hell are you doing here?” Desi questioned Desire. “Mommy and daddy are in an argument again and I feel like it’s not going to end no time soon.” Looking at her sister she shook her head. “Your best friend lives three houses away from you. What is the real reason that you broke into my house.” “Ok damn you just couldn’t go on with the whole story. Mom is using me as her punching bag ever since you left. I can’t take it anymore. If I hear another reason how I am a disappointment to her I swear I’ll kill myself.” Desire said leaning back on the couch. “I am sorry that this is happening to you. If I could help I would, but I haven’t talk to mom in like four years.” Desi pointed out. “I could give my spare key so you won’t break into my house again.”

Placing her key on the table Desi recognizes the time. “I love to stay in chat but I have a date so I’ll be in the shower.” Forty minutes later Desi was dressed and headed out the door. “All right Des I am out don’t eat up all my food.” Shutting the door Desi hurried to her car.

Arriving at Tyler’s house she knocks on the door. Opening the door was Tyler’s mother. “Hey sweetie, come on in. You look very cute today.” “Thanks, Mrs. Canty.” Desi said walking in the house. “Please for the last time call me Teresa.” “Ok Mrs.… I mean Teresa.” “Now was that so hard.” Smiling and joking around Tyler came down the stairs. “Wow you look amazing.” Tyler said admiring her figure.

Looking at his mother he said good bye and they were on their way. “Babe where are we going?” Desi said waiting impatiently. “You’ll see when we get there.” Pouting Desi turn on the radio. Ten minutes passed and Tyler parked the car. Looking around Desi was amazed. “Please tell me that you didn’t do what I think you did.” Desi said looking at Tyler. “Well what great way to show you that I love you.” Grabbing her hand they walked toward the door.

Chapter One: The Message

After a good dinner the day couldn’t go any better in Desi eyes. Turning on her phone she saw that she missed eleven calls from her father and from Taylor. Calling Taylor back she wonders what was so important. “Yo I called you like twenty times. I got some bad news. Someone broke into your house and Desire was shot and she’s hospitalize.”

Hanging up the phone Desi couldn’t believe her ears. Walking towards her Tyler saw something was wrong. “Baby what’s wrong.” Looking at him tears fell from her eyes. “Desire is in the hospital with a bullet in her.” Hugging her Tyler drove straight to the hospital. Walking inside of the hospital Desi ask the receptionist where was her sister. Pointing to her father Desi walked towards him.

“Where is she?” Desi said looking around. “She is in surgery. The doctor isn’t sharing anything with me.” Desi’s dad answered his daughter. Hugging her tears formed in her eyes.  Three hours of waiting the doctor showed up. “How is she?”  Desi’s father asked him. “We retrieve the bullets and she is going to be just fine. She is suffering from broken ribs and a broken leg. Other than that she will be fine.” “Can we see her?” Desi asked the doctor. “Not tonight. She needs her rest, but tomorrow morning you could.” The doctor said walking away.

Talking with her father she saw Taylor walk in the door. Walking towards her she gave her some more bad news. “The hit to your house was planned. We still don’t know who did it but we retrieve some footage from your cameras, well see for yourself.” Taylor handed the camcorder to her. Looking at the damage three people did to her sister she couldn’t watch it anymore. Getting a general idea of what happen she called Sammie and went back to the house.

Meeting Sammie there they examine the house. “What exactly am I looking for?” Sammie asked. “Clues. Clues that the camera did not pick up. When you first walk in here what do you think they did.” Desi asked. “Well they first attacked your sister. Looking at the damages she put up a fight. Then someone tried to send a message to you by shooting her. They took out the camera and walked to your bedroom.”

Looking around Desi found the clip of the gun under the bed. Showing it to Sammie she asked why was they in her room. “It depends on their motives of breaking into your house. We know what happened all we need to know is why and who. Imma take this to my cousin, she could probably get some DNA off of it. Whoever did this knew that you had cameras, someone close or studying your every move.” Sammie pointed out. “So you are saying that an inside man was a part of this operation.”

Shaking her head yes Sammie walked towards the living room. “Do you remember the soundproof department store we was about to buy as our hang out spot.” Desi asked. Not knowing where Desi was going with her story she agreed. “I want you to buy it.” Pulling out her black card she handed to her. Grabbing it she walked out of the house.

In her old room in the Canty’s household Desi couldn’t go to sleep. Looking at the clock it read 1:30a.m.  Getting out of her bed she went into the kitchen. She poured a glass of water and drank it.  She walked back to her room until someone stop her. “So you are the night walker who is keeping me from a good night sleep.” Tyler said wearing nothing but basketball shorts. “I am sorry I can’t seem to go to sleep.” Desi said admiring his six pack. “Come.” He gestured her to get in his room. “No your mother would kill me if she knew.” Desi said backing away.  “She’s not going to find out come on.” Not believing what she was about to do, she walked into his room.

Pulling Desi closer he hugs her tightly. “What’s on your mind?” Tyler asked. “Who could be this bold to come after my sister? How did they know that she would be over my house? Was the hit for my sister or was it for me?” Destiny questioned herself.  “So the events that happened are making you anxious and that’s why you can’t go to sleep.”  Still in his arms she began to think who was the inside man of the operations. With her best people scoping around and collecting evidence, gave her some comfort, but for how long.

“It’s natural to have questions in your head, but you can’t make them control your body. You will find out who did this, but right now you are going to sleep because you walking back and forth isn’t going to work.” Tyler said kissing her cheeks.

After five minutes of talking they fell asleep. The morning hit as Desi woke up. Noticing she wasn’t in her room she got up and walked out of his room. Looking around she saw that the coast was clear she checked if Taylor was up, but she wasn’t so she went in her room and called her father. “Good morning sweetie.” Her father said answering the phone. “Hey dad did I wake you.” “No I was just getting some coffee.” He said. “So you did stay at the hospital.”

“Yeah I couldn’t leave. Your mom is here.” Her father added. “Oh great any idea when she is leaving.” Desi said. “I don’t know I think she is waiting for you to show up.” He said questioning his wife’s motives. “Yay what a great honor.” Desi said sarcastically. “I will be there as soon as I get ready.” She added. “All right, I love you.” Her father said. “I love you too.” Desi said hanging up her cell phone.

Destiny’s father usually tries to stay out of the whole tension between his wife and daughter. Knowing the reasons of the whole fall out he is on his daughter side, but they don’t need to know that. Destiny’s father is like the referee of the arguments. Destiny was always close to her father but this drew them closer. Even though Destiny is heartbroken of what she found out and how her mother treated her, she still loves her. She sends her birthday cards and happy mother’s day cards as well but she came to an agreement that, that’s how far their relationship will go.

Walking in the kitchen she stops at the sink. Thinking about her sister her phone rang. Didn’t want to walk back up the stairs she let it ring.  Walking down the stairs Tyler has one big kool- aid smile on him. “Good morning. Do you have any idea how many times you kicked me last night.” He said hugging Desi. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was sleeping in someone else’s bed.” She said smiling. “All right I’ll give you that.” Tyler said and starts kissing her softly.

Walking into a kissing match Taylor was very disgusted. “Come on we prepare food on that counter. Get a room.” Taylor said separating the two. “Come on why are you hating.” Tyler said grabbing Desi closer to him. Punching him on his arm Taylor pointed at him. “I am not hating, it is too early in the morning for that.” Looking at Desi she handed her phone to her. “Sammie called.” Opening the refrigerator she took the milk out.

Walking into the living room she called Sammie back. “What sup.” Desi said. “Well Bossy Chics did this and the streets are saying that they are not done. I still don’t have a clue on who is the inside man but DNA confirmed that it was a girl about 20 years of age. My cousin is dusting it for prints but I doubt she will find any. The clip has letters engraved in it.” Sammie paused hoping that she wasn’t going to ask what it said. “Ok what did it say.” Desi said a little impatient. “NMTSMT.” Sammie said as she waited on a response.

Hanging up the phone she grabbed Taylor. “Brianna is targeting me. The hit was meant for my sister. We found a gun clip under my bed and it had engraved letter on it. It said NMTSMT never make the same mistake twice.” Looking at Desi like she was crazy. “Someone is framing one of us. Our group is too tight for disloyalty.” Tay said clenching her teeth. “Tay this is an inside job. We need to find who before we can make our next step.”

Walking in the office Trisha handed the gun to Brianna. “I did what you asked I want my little

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