» Fiction » Real Strange Vibes Volume 10, Al Calm [kiss me liar novel english .txt] 📗

Book online «Real Strange Vibes Volume 10, Al Calm [kiss me liar novel english .txt] 📗». Author Al Calm

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in sweat, hand it back to Franco. The fucker thinks I wanted to shake his hand.

Time to look for an alternate exit; stay here only a wait to be handed another fine. Jackson already pulled off some wire, found a squeezable gap to another area. Hear pig choppers swirl about us above, probably got those infra red cameras on. Still think it bad of Dibble set their dogs on some ravers at a illegal one. Can't remember where but it at a bigger rave than this. Serious injuries to ravers, though cops always get off lightly even though it'll slowly change. Only people too, most forget it as soon as slip on their uniform. They're still all killjoys – surely they can clock if we all wiped out, surely whole of Blighty all go total apocalypse styley by now. Ain't only bog rolls M.I.A., common sense faded end of 2019. The bat flu wears people down, even if out of a lab, it don't matter, it'll wear em down slowly but way it goes. Gettin' lotsa stuff will do the same, won't like to get malaria loads but can't compare it to some new virus.

I still got Ronnie Rainbow and Charley's ecstatic faces etched in me mind. We all rushin' - proper loved up euphoria, even all the trippy hysterics by the time huge Whirly parachute came down; always mad at the Whirl-y-gig at the great seOne, it cracked us right up. Ronnie shouts: I WANNA KEEP ON, DON'CHA FUCKIN' END IT!

We all wanted to keep on, but it had to end, that surreal moment of silence when the music finally over. Charley had to pull him down. She suddenly looked like a squaw, Ronnie some kinda brave. I really wish Ronnie still here – wish he'd never end, the world needs his spirit, his kindness. I wish I did more for him. Ronnie Rainbow: Never fear a thing – fuck fear in its shitty face – there be only love. What a mad vibe love is.

It mad as we didn't really know each other – we all hugged each other like family, hugged randoms like we'd known 'em years. Must've taken us a hour to leave. It not bad value since it started during the day ending the next morning. Fuckin' Whirly spirit. I always wonder what DJ Monkeypilot up to now. Whirly gigs still pop up nowadays - hope shitty bat flu chemical weapon pandemic not killed em off - but never same from seOne days.

To be honest, I can't believe Ronnie Rainbow not here, he seemed invincible. He's been gone time now. Amount of raves I see him and Lady Charley at – loves happy hardcore, jungle, all drum n bass, all kinda house. He loves it all. Ronnie rocked and raved the lot – he even rocked dubstep as he knew Congo Natty bigged it all up, maybe even unknowingly pioneered parts of the sound! He told me he'd even bump into Kode 9 and Mala at Blue Note back in the day, before he'd even hooked up with Lady Charley.

Mad for sure, Ronnie even knew the dude who ran the notorious Eskimo Noise Soundsystem what the whole Metalheadz loved so much. Ronnie at the first of the best: Genesis, Labyrnth, Dreamscape, Telepathy, Desire, Helter Skelter, Fantazia, helped hold the tent up at one of the early Raindance's - at the first Bangface, even back at the early Kool raves at Astoria.

Ronnie always happy, always had a big zoot, the maddest MDMA known to humanity. Righteous ravin' – nothin' in our world beats it. Totally miss Ronnie, it mad bastards like me who always be his disciples.

Ronnie Rainbow had more of aura than some DJs – I always say to some DJs, if they ever bumped into some at a rave: Trust me, Big Time up yourself DJ, don't ever forget every fuckin' DJ needs a Ronnie Rainbow!

They all laugh, nod, some of the young kids don't get it. They only want mugs who'll buy a download or follow 'em on their shitty socials. It way it feels - it all a transition to sell out the people who really do care*.



Unreal Ronnie's six feet under. Lady Charley followed Carl Cox to Australia. Another legend for sure but Charley always said it always the memories. And both of them got grown up kids down under, too. I doubt I'll get a invite over, I've had too many deportations on me passport now. And always hear Oz real strict on border checks but Charley says the gear not bad out there even if some things better in London.

I reckon it a new way of life, Charley rings me up on a cheap phone card, we shoot the breeze, she loves hearin' me talk about Ronnie. It all I talk about in honesty, it as if he's really here. Plannin', tokin', a wide-eyed wonder - always headstrong! We laugh but tears always there.

Ronnie's not dead, Jackson always tells me, through a haze of wavy smoke. He's there, right there in our hearts, Jackson slurs, flecks of spittle spray from his wasted face.


I must've really zoned out as next thing I know we've left Pussy Claw. Me and Jackson quickly trek up some dull street towards the busted bus stop, fuckin' long wait on lockdown night buses some routes shut up but can only see how it goes. Only wait. It colder now but Jackson seems wired - shrugs off cold as always. I only clock we've left Franco at Pussy Claw, chuffin' roach, his iffy gear what won't get him high.

Jackson all smiley says, Dude you look real fucked! It's not even four in the fuckin' mornin'!

Fuck it, I say, fuck it all. It all I ever say nowadays. Whatta mad world!

When we get to the bus stop we wait for the bus in zoned out silence. We don't care if it late - we'll wait out for the fat old sun rise to wig out last of our buzz.

People Who Have It Out


So it meant to be all lockdown, what are people meant to fuckin' do? I'm broke now, fed up  with  speedy candy anyway. But stuck sofa surfing then on a house sit in the burbs, decided to turn the room me mate DJ Hog usually crashes into a storage room for any synthetics I can get me mitts on.

Hog only had a broken Akai in there, maybe a punctured airbed. Fuck knows where that fucker gone to now. I can't be sure but I think it his fuckin' gaff - was only meant to stay for a bit. Someone's paid rent, no fuckin' baliffs yet. Maybe it just a lockdown thing - really should watch the shitty news now n then. Though, gotta say, Hog's gonna find it a real tough squeeze to get back in his old room now.


Sure, I'm not great on the geekbox tricks, computers do me nut in. So I know fuck all about the dark web shit. Wish I did but I went industrial. Started order printer toner til it got tricky to order, then did same with brake fluid. Oh yeah, I did have a shit gig economy delivery job, eighteen hours a day for piss poor money - meant to be self-employed though all your shifts come through one app - but decide I'll fuck it all off after only a couple weeks into lockdown one.


Signed on, started to live off cheap cookies, vitamin pills and these cheap ramen noodles from the corner shop. Only drank spirits, no beer. Makes you fat, right? Then ordered loads of cheap health supplements full of piperin and DMAA which is a synthetic amphetamine really popular in the Americas as it got so cheap now. Sure it got banned in Blighty but everything gets banned in shitty old Blighty even if our politicians and their families got shares in it all! Fucking Hypocrite central here!


So it also reminded me that I needed to call up this fuckhead called Salford John. He's fucked, always on shit. Really strong shit n weak odd kinda shit. Mainly prescription shit. It's the mix with the illegals n research chems that hits him; Salford John always tells me its the legal shit what fucks him up more nowadays.


So I tell Salford John about his new dingers, these yellow Locos, yellow circle discs. Not enough chick powder. It weird. I tell him they're all shit. You need so many to feel a thing off them. Fuckin' did shit!


Salford John laughs, tells me: Yeah I been drinkin' all day, doin' shitloadsa snort, sure I've felt somethin'. You should do more, bruv.


Unreal. He not even tried 'em without gettin' shit faced on booze, coke and his own shitty meds! No wonder he real fuckin' clueless - he don't even know what fuckin' day it is!




Text: Al Calm
Cover: Al Calm
Publication Date: 10-14-2021

All Rights Reserved

Oi oi massive, Peace, Love, Unity n Respec'!;P RIP Skiba

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