» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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his arm and grinned at me and said “Don’t be late.” I smiled and nodded. I unlocked J and sat in the black leather seat and closed the door. I sat there for a bit, letting the smell of the leather and the old scent of Jacob intoxicate me. Finally I decided it was time to go. I turned the key and heard the engine; I smiled widely, J gave me chills. I opened the garage door and backed up without looking and then the familiar path of home disappeared and I was on the road. I remember the day I got J.

**** “Renesmee are you sure you want that car? It’s quite conspicuous is it not?” Dad asked me. I smiled widely at him. “Dad does it really even matter? This car is beautiful and fast.” He grinned at me and said “So this is the car that you desire?” I nodded. He looked at Mom and Mom was looking at me with a -some-what worried expression. I sighed heavily. “Mom I’m not going to crash, I promise.” She looked at me like she doubted it. “Mom,” I said and pointed to my chest and said “Vampire remember?” She frowned and said “You’re also human.” “Mom you worry way too much.” She wasn’t budging. “Mom, I’m only going to drive the car to school and back and ill drive below speed limits please?” I whinnied. Her perfect brow puckered as she considered it and when it finally relaxed I screamed in delight. “OH THANKS MOM! THANK YOU!” I couldn’t believe it. Dad and Mom held each other looking at me kissing the glossy black coat and cooing to the car. I decided that I was going to give this, my car, a name. I thought threw what this car reminded me of and realized this car reminded me very much of Jacob and in that I found his name. His name would be J. Dad went to the front and bought me J. “Dad can I drive J down to La Push? Please?” Dad raised a brow and said “What did you just call the car?” I blinked and said “Um I named him.” Mom laughed. “Who’s J? “Um,” I said and blushed crimson. Dad chuckled and said “Jacob.” Mom laughed again. “Can I please?” “Sure,” Mom and Dad said at the exact time. They smiled at each other. “Well I’ll meet you guys at home okay?” They nodded as I got in and started J’s engine. When J’s engine started I squealed; this car was made for speed and Jacob was going to love it. I drove to La Push in a hurry, anticipating Jacob’s reaction. Finally I made it to Jacob’s house. I turned the engine off and opened the car door and ran to ring the door bell. I ran it twice and was nearly jumping up and down. I heard Jacob come to the door and unlock it. When he opened it and saw me, his heart stuttered; I heard my heart stutter just as his did. We stared at each other for a few seconds until he cleared his throat and said “So um…what’s up?” I cleared my throat and said “I just got my car.” He looked at me, with excited eyes and said “What did you get?” I let him sit there for a minute and then said slowly “I got a Koenigsegg CCX.” He stared, gaping at me, like he couldn’t comprehend what I was saying. I laughed and said “Jake, you wanna ride in it?” He looked at me with wide eyes and said “You have it here?” I nodded eagerly. “Where?” He asked excitedly. I laughed and said “Right behind me silly.” He finally noticed it and his already wide eye’s grew even wider. He shook his head and laughed and said “No way!” I laughed and said “Come on Jake.” He laughed and took my hand in his and towed me down the porch stairs. At first I walked perfectly fine until I walked atop a moist moss covered rock and flipped backwards; My balance seemed to be perfect when I was young but apparently the older I grew, the clumsier I got, thanks to my human side. I thought I was going to hit my head on the gravel but warm hands caught me before that could happen. Jacobs’s beautiful face was just inches from mine and his warm eyes melted into mine. His right arm gripped my left hip and left arm held my head. We stared at each other for a while when we heard someone chuckle. We both looked up and saw Embry and Quil staring at us. “Nice save,” Embry noted. Then they both started laughing and I blushed. We spent the rest of the day taking turns driving J. Finally it was time to go home and I was still debating on wither I should tell Jake about J’s name and finally decided not to, but then Jake said “This thing runs great.” I looked at him and said “He has a name so stop calling him a thing.” Jake looked at me and said “He?” “Uh…” was all I could say. It seemed like I just started thinking of those days when I was already at school. I heard everyone’s gasp as I pulled in. I parked in a spot and got out. When I got out, I heard Phil whistle and whisper to Alex “Hot and rich.” Alex nodded and stared. I started walking and met up with Luna at the entrance. “Nice car,” she said nodding toward J. I nodded. The day passed by so slow. The clock seemed to never move. Throughout the whole day everyone complimented me about my car and my name was constantly said, either with envy or jealousy. Finally I made it to Mr. Mason’s class, truly the only reason I looked forward to school, beating Blake was my one and only priority in school. “Today Blake Vandergilt’s luck was going to run out,” I thought as I heard Mr. Mason explain about the thirty questioned pop-quiz he was giving in five minutes. He smiled like he was being nice. Everyone, not having studied the material, sighed with relief and found notes and books while others quizzed one another. I didn’t even move; I knew the material and Mr. Mason knew that and so did the other students. So I sighed deeply and waited…until I realized that I wasn’t the only person not studying. Blake Vandergilt sat in his chair and stared at others studying instead of studying himself. He felt my stare and turned to smirk at me; those grey blue eyes pierced me into stillness. He then rose, quite gracefully, and walked over to my table and grabbed a chair and planted himself in front of me. “What the hell do you want?” I said sourly. He smiled widely. “Are you sure you don’t need tutoring?” My eyes narrowed and I spoke through my teeth. “Even if I did I wouldn’t ask you,” I spat. He laughed quietly and a spark came into his eye. He looked down at his hands for a second and then looked up at me and smiled; my heart faltered. He put his hands on my table and leaned in and said “Do you like competition Renesmee?” I could feel him expecting me to say no so my jaw jerked up and I said “Of course I do. What’s it to you?” He looked at me and said “Well you didn’t seem like the type, especially when I beat you.” “Ha! You didn’t beat me, there was a mistake.” He chuckled and said “Is that so?” I nodded once. “Well how about we make a bet?” I folded my arm across my chest and leaned away from him, so I wouldn’t do anything rash. “No,” I said. “Why? Too scared?” he said sarcastically. My eyes flared. This little boy thought he could scare me? Ha! If only I could tell him what I was and maybe show my fangs a bit. Ha-ha. That would scare him beyond words. I sighed and rolled my eyes; better not let my imagination get out of hand. “Am I annoying you?” he asked in a humorous tone. My eyes flashed back to him and narrowed when I saw that he was smiling. “Don’t you have something better to do otherwise bother me?” He smiled sweetly and said “Nope, this is really fun you know.” I sighed again and looked around the room trying to distract myself. It was quiet finally and I could feel him staring at me. He sat there and stared and stared. Finally it was too much; I looked at him and said “Why are you staring at me for?” He smiled and said “Because you are utterly amazing to look at.” I stared at him; what was wrong with this boy? He kept staring and I felt my face turn red and hot so I quickly looked down, hoping he hadn’t seen that, though of course he did. He chuckled making the blush even brighter. What was wrong with me? Why was I blushing?? I glared at my shoes for a few minutes, until I was sure the blush had faded. Finally I looked up and still he was staring. “Isn’t staring rude?” I asked, irritated. He smiled and said “Well clearly there is more to you than normal, so I don’t think it applies.” I gasped. Did he know? How? I hadn’t done anything that would have tipped him off…did I? He looked so amused and finally said “I’m sure everyone, even you would stare at an angel if she appeared in flesh, would you not?” I exhaled and relaxed. So he didn’t know. He was just talking about how I looked. He watched me and that made me feel weird. “Your reaction…something about it bothers me.” I shrugged and said “So? I really don’t care.” He smiled and said “What did you think I was talking about?” I rolled my eyes and said “Get your life together Blake.” He laughed and said “What’s that supposed to mean?” “It means leave me alone and go away.” He laughed again. I rolled my eyes and looked somewhere else and caught Anna’s eye. I smiled and waved. She smiled back and then her baby blue eyes darted to Blake and back. She smiled but I could tell she wanted to ask me something so I waved her over. Blake watched me as Anna walked towards us. Finally she came to our table and looked at me with questions raging in her eyes. “Hey Anna,” I said. “Hi Renesmee,” She said in her light, babyish voice. It was quiet for so long, I understood why now. They wanted me to introduce one another. “Er…Anna. Blake, Blake. Anna.” I waved to him and back to her. Blake stood up and walked towards her, right hand outstretched. “I’m sorry for being so rude. I haven’t introduced myself properly, I’m Blake Vandergilt.” He shook her hand. “Oh…well um I’m Anna Williams, nice to meet you.” He smiled and said “Well I’ll leave you ladies to chat.” He smiled at her and turned his back to her and said “But before I go, Renesmee are you still willing to make a bet?” I glared at him. “I already told you no.” He ran his hand through his light gold hair, which I noticed was short and shaggy, just as Jacob’s was. “I bet I’ll beat you…again.” He smiled angelically. My teeth grinded together; Anna looked at me with curious eyes. I couldn’t believe this; he was trying to embarrass me! I couldn’t let this happen. My jaw jerked up and I said “Fine. I beat you and you have to stop talking to me.” He smiled, clearly delighted. “Alright then, and if you lose?” I snorted. “Now Renesmee we can’t
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