» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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felt the anger radiate out from me; she knew I was mad as hell with her. Luna said nothing either as we dropped her off. She said thank you to Mom and left. Mom turned around and drove back home much slower than usual, ugh she so wanted to talk to me. I could tell she didn’t know where to start; she would often open her mouth as if to say something but then just closed her mouth once again. I glared out of the window watching as the green fly by us, getting closer to home. It was only a matter of time before she said something.

Chapter Eight: Family Love.

She cleared her throat and said “So how was school Renesmee?” “Fine,” I growled. She nodded and sighed. Finally Mom spoke. “Renesmee why are you so angry?” “Because I know that Luna informed you about what happened today and yet you pushed the subject!” I yelled. She sighed. “Renesmee, I didn’t know your reaction was going to be so strong.” My anger flowed out now. “Oh, so since you didn’t think I would react that way you push it? Mom I was PISSED OFF,” I shouted. Then I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “Honey,” Mom began in a soothing tone. “I was just messing around with you; I don’t know why you’re so angry for…” She stared at me for a long time. Then she asked me “Honey is there more to this?” I looked down. “No.” “Then why won’t you look at me?” “Cause,” I didn’t want to tell her that I was really down because even as a freaking half vampire I couldn’t beat a mere human. We finally got home. I jumped out and went straight for the door but Mom blocked my way and held my face. “Renesmee, what’s wrong. You can always tell me.” I stared at her butter-scotch eyes and saw no trace of humor so I explained, rushing through it. “Mom, I’m half vampire but I can’t beat a mere human in school. What am I gonna do with my life if I can’t beat a human! A human Mom! See I told you I’m not going any-“ “Renesmee, calm down honey! It’s alright! You made a mistake, big deal! Everyone makes mistakes! Remember you are half human as well,” Mom interrupted me. She held my face a tad bit tighter to make me look at her. Her eyes were fierce her voice soothing. “Renesmee you can’t let one mistake bring you down, understand?” I nodded and she smiled and kissed my forehead. “Now let’s go inside, it’s starting to rain.” I looked up as drops of rain fell on my face. I nodded and walked next to mom. As she opened the door, I heard Uncle Emmett’s booming laughter; I could feel the embarrassment already. We walked in and everyone had grins on their faces. I could feel the blood run to my face. Uncle Emmett couldn’t hold his laughter any longer; he busted out laughing so hard the house shook. Everyone joined in. I felt my face get hotter. “Beat by a human!” Uncle Emmett laughed. “I was not beat by a human,” I said. “Then why are you so mad?” He questioned. I growled. He laughed again. “I didn’t get beat by him; there simply is a mistake that has not been found yet, but will soon.” I knew he did something to get by but what? Then I heard Aunt Alice’s silvery laugh. I looked at her. She laughed so hard I blushed again. Dad looked like he was holding laughter back himself. “What?” I asked. Aunt Alice shook her head and said “Are you sure there is a mistake?” I nodded. “Of course, why?” She laughed again. UGH! This was so not funny. I turned and ran to my room, escaping from the laughter. I then threw myself into studying, something I never did…until now. Then a thought occurred to me; he probably cheated! AH HA! I knew it! I laughed out loud and stopped studying, closing the book and walking down the stairs with a smug smile; I knew it. I walked into the living room and plopped down on the coach, melting into the cushion. Dad eyed me speculatively. Uncle Emmett turned from the TV and smirked at me.

“Aren’t you supposed to be studying Renesmee?” My chin jerked up. “Nope, I figured it out.” He raised his eyebrow and said “Figured out what?” I shrugged. “How he beat me.” He stared at me, looking confused. “He cheated.” Aunt Alice busted out laughing so hard everyone jumped. She laughed so hard that if she was human, I swear she’d be crying. Dad joined in too. I frowned. “Why are you two laughing so hard?” I asked annoyed. Dad shook his head and snickered. Aunt Alice sighed and giggled and leaned into Uncle Jasper. Uncle Jasper adjusted so that her head was on his chest and his right arm hugged her close. I stared at them and thought of me and Jake. Uncle Jasper and Aunt Alice have been together for so long…would Jake and I get there as well? And then I looked at Mom and Dad, always together, and Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rosalie, they were the most romantic and then Grandma Esme and Grandpa Carlisle, they always had that look in their eyes…in fact all of them did. Dad cleared his throat. I looked up and blushed. Uncle Emmett laughed guessing. I blushed again. Then Mom said “So how do you think you’ll do tomorrow?” I shrugged. “Don’t really know.” Aunt Alice snickered and said “Renesmee he didn’t cheat.” I grimaced. Shoot, how did he beat me then? Uncertainty crept back and had me running up the stairs to my room again. I heard Uncle Emmett laugh again. He was seriously getting on my nerves, if he didn’t watch it I was going to bring up him getting beat by mom in that arm wrestling match. I smiled imaging his reaction. I shook my head; I had to concentrate. I studied my book for quite some time until my phone buzzed. I jumped up and ran to get it. I picked up seeing the name. “Hello,” I said breathlessly. “Hey,” I sighed in relief hearing Jacobs voice. “How are you?” he asked me. “Great now,” I smiled. He cleared his throat and said “So how was school?” My eyes narrowed. “Fine,” I said curtly. “Really?”Jacob asked. “Yes really why?” “Well…er your mom called me and told me ab- “WHAT?” I screeched. Jacob back tracked. “Er…something about a human …?” I was furious! “What about it?” I hissed. “Well I was just wondering wither you were gonna take the tutoring offer.” I stared gaping. I closed the phone quickly with a twitch of my fingers. I set it down and shoved my face back into the text book for about five seconds until my phone buzzed again. I sighed and answered. “Hello,” I said. “Hey,” Jacob said in a small voice. “Look Nessie I was just thinking about your grades when I asked about the tutoring. I didn’t mean to make you upset…”I sighed and said “Jake I know you were…I was just pissed off cause Uncle Emmett.” “Oh,” he said relieved. “So what’s new with you Jake?” He sighed and said “Nothing. We’re searching and still coming up with nothing. Sam is starting to think it was a waste of time, I guess we’ll be coming home soon then.” His voice dragged at first but at the end it grew cheerful. I smiled. I yearned to stroke his dark beautiful skin; I yearned to crush myself to him like I had. He seemed to be on the same path. He cleared his throat and said “Well I’ve been thinking…” he didn’t continue. “Thinking about what Jake?” “Well…about telling you something really important.” “Like?” He took a deep breath and said “Renesmee…I…I…” “You what?” I said. “I’ll tell you when I come home…it’s special and I don’t think telling you over the phone is special.” I heard a smile in his voice. My stomach flipped thinking of what it was he wanted to tell me. “Kay.” “Hey speaking of coming home, I’m thinking about leaving soon.” I gasped. “Really Jake? Really?” He laughed. “Yeah, it sucks being away from you.” His voice was soft, and yet passionate. “I know! It sucks going down to your house and you not even being there.” He laughed. I sighed and got up and lay on my bed. “What are you thinking about Renesmee? Jacob whispered. I sighed. “Nothing much.” “You’re lying Nessie.” I sighed and blushed. Whispering as light as a moth’s wing I said “Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Emmett…are going to…you know…have another…” I broke off. There’s no way I was going to get this out. “Another what?” he asked, sounding curious. I swallowed hard. “Um…?” He sighed and said “Nessie come on, you can tell me.” I sighed and decided to tell him. “Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Emmett are planning too…have another…uh…honeymoon soon.” “And?” he questioned. I sighed. “Never mind,” I said quickly. “Renesmee, your killing me, come on tell me!” Jacob groaned. “No,” I said I shaking my head. “It’s too embarrassing.” “Nessie come on,” Jacob whined. I sighed heavily. “Fine! Well…I just wanted to know if…that…could…ever…” “Ever what?” Jacob asked again.

I took a deep breath and said “Do you ever think that could happen… you or me?” I changed my mind at the last moment. “Um…yeah of course. Why?” Jacob asked. “Just wondering,” I mumbled. Jacob sighed. “Renesmee that wasn’t what you were going to ask before.” I sighed he knew me so well. “Jake…I wanna tell you…but I don’t feel it’s the right moment.” “Nessie! Come on!” Jacob sounded frustrated. “Jake, listen to me! I will tell you but I’ll tell you when I see you,” I smiled. He sighed and said “Okay, fine.” After that we talked until he passed out. “Love you Jake,” I whispered and hung up. Then I jumped into the shower to take a fast shower. After I got out I stared at my reflection. The image in the mirror changed. There stood a beautiful woman. I looked at her face; perfectly smooth, pale white and an undertone glow, her cheeks a soft rosy pink, her lively chocolate brown eyes were framed with long dark lashes that seemed to go on forever, her lips were full and balanced. Her hair was half-up half-down; a waterfall of cascading bronze curls fell gently down on her left shoulder caressing her long graceful neck while the white veil mixed in with the curls on her back. She wore a long, princess strapless white wedding dress. The sweetheart neckline, shaped like the top half of hearts, made her collarbones prominent and arms long and graceful; the corset hugged snuggly at her curves; little pearls made an elegant ring around her waist as the dress bloomed out into a royal train with little wavelets of silk that reached the ground. To regard the lovely dress she held a bouquet of colorful flowers; Bright Peony’s, Peruvian Lilies, Queen Anne’s lace, Jasmine, Impatiens, Freesia and Tuberose. Holding that bouquet of flowers, on her long, slim third finger was a diamond ring. It was simple but absolutely beautiful; the top of the diamond was cut in a square shape and glistened brightly. The overall shape was that of a pyramid; the silver band made a circle then towards the diamond criss-crossed and coiled, wrapping around the diamond. She stood staring; then there was a figure behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close, murmuring something into her ear; she giggled. Then he placed a Jacob’s ladder behind her right ear and kissed her cheek. He had a ring as well; sliver and masculine but still graceful. I watched as the woman morphed into me and the

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