» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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I asked confused; I thought I dialed the right number. “This is her.” I laughed and said “Hey Sarah, it’s me Renesmee.” “Oh, hey Renesmee” she answered, a bit louder. “Sarah…Embry called me and he’s really worried. You should call him.” “He called you?” she asked in a small voice. “Well technically he didn’t because I was on the phone with Jake and Jake passed out cause I overreacted to something last night and made Jake stay up all night and Embry was on his way to call you and I just happened to be there.” “Oh,” she said relieved. “Sarah, you shouldn’t make him wait too long, he really loves you,” I said in a soft, understanding, voice. “Why should I? I’m the one who suffers?!” she said angrily. I knew immediately why she was so upset. “Sarah, do you really believe that Embry wants to stay away from you just to stay away?” She didn’t answer so I went on. “It’s difficult for him also,” I said in a soft tone. As I told her these things, I realized that I would follow my own advice. “Don’t give too hard of a time…remember he’s doing this for you.” She sighed and I knew she would call him shortly. “Just think about it Sarah,” I said. “Okay,” she whispered. We sat there in silence, letting her think when she said “You’re right Renesmee! I’m being so unreasonable! I’m going to call him now! Thank you Rensemee, I love you!” We both laughed and then I said “Yeah love you too; now call him before he goes mad.” “Okay, Bye!” and then the line disconnected. I shook my head and smiled. Embry imprinted on her on my 16th birthday party. Aunt Alice had sent him and Jake to the back to get more drinks and BAM. Sarah and Embry bumped into each other and then it was over; they were in love. This made me envy Sarah; she had been imprinted on by Embry which roughly meant he wouldn’t leave her for another person because she was “the one”. Me and Jake though…he hadn’t imprinted…not yet. I shook my head; I would not think of that. I heard the whole family crossing the river as I took the finished lasagna out of the oven. I heard Mom and Dad hesitate, not coming in immediately. I smiled and said “Mom, Dad, I’m fine, really. You can come in.” I chuckled at the end. Mom and Dad poked their heads into the kitchen and examined my face. I laughed at their expressions; Dad flinched back when he heard my laugh, probably expecting crying instead. I laughed again. “I’m really fine Dad.” He sighed and exhaled and said “Love, you scared me for a bit.” I smiled and said “Yeah I know, sorry about that.” He smiled and walked over to hug me tightly and kiss my forehead. Mom came over and stared at me with a weird expression. “What’s wrong Mom?” I asked. She sighed and smiled and said “Honey, you cleaned the house.” “So?” I prompted. She laughed and said “You never clean the house.” I blushed. “Thanks Mom.” She laughed and touched my cheek. “You must’ve had something on your mind?” she guessed. I smiled and said “Yeah I did but it’s solved.” Somewhat I thought internally. “What was that Renesmee?” Dad asked me. Crap! I forgot Dad was here! “Uh…nothing” I said. I turned away from Mom so she wouldn’t see the blush from getting caught. Mom seemed to realize. “Renesmee, what was your Father talking about?” “Uh…he was talking about nothing, nothing at all. Um I’m gonna run this lasagna down to Billy and Sue okay?” “Don’t say anything to Mom, Dad! You’re gonna get me in trouble!” I thought. Dad didn’t laugh but his eyes were amused, he thought this was funny! This was sooo not funny! His eyes gleamed and this time he couldn’t help but chuckle. Mom turned to look at him and asked “What’s funny?” He shook his head and said “Renesmee.” Mom turned to look at me with suspicious eyes. I smiled at her with an innocent expression. “Well I’m gonna go now okay? I’ll be back soon.” They both nodded. “Don’t stay out too late Renemsee,” Mom said. I nodded and left.

The lasagna was still very warm so I ran fast, not wanting it to be cold. I ran too La Push and went to Sue’s house first. She thanked me and told me how lovely I looked. I laughed and thanked her and left off to Billy’s. When I got there, Billy wasn’t there. I searched around panicked. Where was Billy? I followed his scent and found him on the beach shore, near the driftwood. I sighed, feeling relief. “There you are!” I yelled behind him. He jumped and turned to look at me. His eyes seemed surprised, like he wasn’t expecting me here for a while. I went and sat next to him on the driftwood. His eyes were still bewildered but he controlled it. “Renesmee, I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” I nodded and said “I didn’t either,” and smiled. He shook his head and sniffed. “So what’s that you got there? It smells delicious.” I laughed and said “Lasagna. I made it for you. Come on I’ll make you a plate.” I got up and wheeled him towards the house. Once we were inside I made a plate for him. The house was a wreck! Clothes everywhere, beds not made, dishes filled the sinks, refrigerator empty. Jeez. This house was so dark too. I got the hamper and picked up all the clothes, opened all the windows and curtains, vacuumed, scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen down, then the dishes. The house looked so different after I cleaned it; it was bright, open, clean and tidy. It actually looked like people lived here, not werewolves. I smiled, happy with myself. When Billy was done I cleaned up after him and wheeled him to the front porch, even after he objected to it, and sat in the rocking chair next to him. “Renesmee, you spoil me,” Billy complained. I laughed. “Well someone’s gotta take care of you.” He shook his head and said “I can take care of myself.” I stared at him and said “That’s why the house looked a mess, right?” We both laughed. Then he said “Well I try…but things aren’t always easy especially with me not being able to walk…” I felt so sad. He had no one but Jake. His daughters didn’t visit often. I felt the tears overflow. They fell silently down my face and I turned away so he wouldn’t see; but he noticed and said “Renesmee, are you alright?” I nodded. Billy didn’t believe me and waited for me to say something. “Billy...” I said. He waited for me to continue. Internally I told myself that this was my duty, he had no one else, except for Jake and even he couldn’t always take proper care of Billy…heck I took care of Charlie if Mom didn’t but she did often, almost every day, wither it was a call or a visit. “Billy, I know you probably are told this often and I’m not underestimating you or anything but…some things you just can’t do because you can’t walk and I wanted to ask you if I could come every day you know too make sure you have food to eat, clean clothes to wear and company. I know it must be lonely here…” I trailed off, hoping I hadn’t offended him. I looked up at him and saw him smiling. He looked at me with a gentle expression. “Renesmee, that’s kind of you but I’m sure you won’t enjoy it…it will be like a nursing home without getting paid and I can’t ask you to do that.” I shook my head. “Billy, I want to do this. Billy you’re…you’re important to me and Jake…” He smiled and said “I don’t know Renesmee. You’ll probably just die of boredom trying to talk to an old man.” Billy laughed his throaty laugh; I tried to laugh too but couldn’t. Billy saw that in me and sighed; he knew I wasn’t giving up. “Please Billy, this would help me sleep. Please?” He sighed and said “Fine…whatever you want to do.” I smiled with delight. “Thank you Billy. Stay right here I’ll be here in a few minutes okay?” He looked confused and asked “Where are you going?” I smiled at him and said “We have some shopping to do,” and left.

Chapter Six: Room Service Anyone?

I ran to the house and told Mom and Dad everything and they both looked at me with proud expressions. When I asked for the car, my parents didn’t hesitate; I drove well. I ran upstairs and changed into some normal clothes and grabbed my purse and went to the Volvo. I drove to La Push in a hurry. Billy sat there and looked at me with amused eyes. I pushed his chair to the Volvo and got him in the front seat and his wheel chair in the back, and then I went into the house and grabbed all the clothes and returned to the car. Then we were off. We went to Seattle to do the laundry and the food shopping. After the clothes were washed and folded and bags of food were in the car we finally left. After all the food was in the fridge, and the clothes put away and Billy full, I left. I told him I would be back tomorrow to check on him, he didn’t say no because he knew I would come anyways, wise of him. I headed back to the house, realizing that my phone had not gone off once today. Keeping my eyes on the road, I took my phone out. I glanced and saw that Jacob hadn’t called me yet. Panic ran though my body; had something happened to him? I really hit the gas then. I nearly jumped out of the car and ran into the house. “Mom” I yelled. She was by my side quickly, alarmed by my voice. “Mom, has Jake called at all? He hasn’t called me all day! What if-“ Mom broke me off by saying “Calm down Nessie! He’s just busy! He’s fine!” I nodded and plopped down onto the couch, suddenly so tired. Mom sat next to me and held my face. “Better?” “Uh-huh. Thanks Mom, I was gonna go crazy!” I laughed and she laughed with me. “So what did you do with Billy?” Mom asked. I shrugged. “Washed the clothes and brought food for the house and I made him dinner.” Mom nodded and smiled and said “Renesmee you’re a wonderful person and I’m so proud of you.” I smiled. “Thanks mom, that means a lot to me.” She kissed my forehead and hugged me. Then she pulled me back, so she could see my eyes and said “What brought that on though? It’s good that you want to help and all but I’m just curious.” “Well…um…really I just think of Billy as family. He needs to be taken care of too.” Mom nodded and said “So how was it?” “Mom you should’ve seen the house! It was a mess! It was dark and stuffy and ugh! Don’t get me started on the rooms! And Mom there was absolutely no food in the house! No food at all! I really don’t understand how he lived,” I said frowning. She laughed and patted my head and said “Renesmee you’re a mess.” I laughed along. Then I said “Mom, I miss Grandpa Charlie. Can we go see him tomorrow?” She smiled and said “He’s going to be soo happy when we call and tell him.” I smiled. “Can I call him now?” She nodded and I pulled out my phone and dialed the all too-familiar number and let it ring. It

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