» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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to Grandpa Charlie’s house when Grandpa Charlie was saying bye, I’d run down to Billy’s and now before I knew it I was home and it was time for bed again. What had happened to my day? My head spun; like things were going too fast and I couldn’t breathe. I shook my head and tried to breathe. I lay in my bed trying to remember today, nothing came. I didn’t even remember answering Jake’s call or how I ended up even laying on the bed. I was so confused and I wanted to try to remember but my heavy eye lids would not let me, they closed without my permission and I drifted off to sleep, or so I thought.

Throughout the whole night I tossed and turned waiting for sleep and finally oh finally I fell asleep, exhausted. I woke up gasping again, and once again Aunt Rosalie was there wiping my sweat drenched forehead with cold hands looking at me with worried eyes. I told her it was nothing and ran to the shower to hide from her always too perceptive eyes. After the shower I felt calmer, but I also felt my sleepless night. My eyes were half closed as I went to the closet to get dressed. I picked out whatever clothes I touched, grabbed my phone, converse’s and book bag and headed down stairs. Instead of going to the kitchen I collapsed into the love seat and tried to put my shoes on. I blinked and forgot how to open my eyes again. I heard snickers coming from not too far and I heard something like a click. Was someone taking pictures of me? I opened my eyes and looked at everyone. No one had a camera but they were all smiling. After Mom helped me put my shoes on and, a pop-tart in my hand and a kiss on the head from Dad, I was off. Grandma Esme was driving me to school today. She let me sleep not making a sound. Unfortunately we made it to school and I had to wake up. I walked out feeling grouchy; I was so tired! Luna sat on the bench waiting for me. She walked up to me and said “Are you all right Renesmee?” I shook my head and said “Didn’t get much sleep.” She nodded and said “Good thing I’m not human anymore.” We both chuckled. Then we walked to class. I went to Mr. Mason’s class in a daze. Mr. Mason explained about the 200 questioned test he was giving out today. Excellent! I could actually get some sleep. I settled into my chair, feeling my sleepless night yet once again and waited impatiently for him to hand me my quiz. Finally he handed me my quiz and I started immediately; I was done within minutes of getting my quiz so I had about an hour and a half to sleep. I put my head down and drifted off. After a while I heard Mr. Mason coming around to pick up the quizzes. I sat up and stretched and felt better. I looked around and everyone was talking quietly to one another. Anna, a funny, pretty girl, who sat in front of me, turned around and said “Hey Renesmee.” I smiled back.

“Hey Anna, so who are you going to the dance with?” She blushed and looked down. “I’m going with Tony,” she said. I smiled. Tony was a nice guy. She looked up and said “What about you?” I smiled and said “A friend.” She smiled and whispered “Who?” I smiled back and whispered “Nobody here,” and giggled. She cocked her head to the side and her expression became confused. “What?” I asked her. She hesitated and then said “Well…Phil said he…was taking….” She let it trail off, probably because of my expression. “Phil said what?” I said through my teeth. She looked frighten so I had to take a deep breath and said in a softer tone “What exactly did he say?” “Uh…he said he was taking you to the dance.” I tried to smile but couldn’t so I just grimaced. “This is unbelievable. Who else knows about it?” She shrugged and said “Not sure.” I sighed and said “Well thanks.” She smiled and said “So what are you wearing?” My brows furrowed. “Not exactly sure yet but I’ll figure it out. What about you?” She shook her orange hair and sighed “I’m not sure either…I wanna go shopping but nobody will come with me.” I smiled and said “Hey, how about you me and Luna go shopping Wednesday?” She smiled and jumped up and hugged me. “Really? This will be so much fun! I can’t wait!” I smiled and hugged her back and said “No problem you would do the same for me.” But my Aunt Alice will I added internally. She smiled and exhaled, like a big burden had been taken off of her chest. Mr. Mason then came to the front so she turned around. Today was a good day. “Alright class. I’ve graded the test and I will read the top scores.” I smiled feeling a bit smug; my name was always called first. “With a one-hundred percent A, Mr. Blake Vandergilt, and with a ninety-eight percent A, Miss Renesmee Cullen,” after my name, I let it trail off. WHAT? I stared at Mr. Mason expecting him to burst out laughing and say that it was a joke, but he wasn’t, he continued down the roster. Everyone’s head was turned in my direction, probably reading my expression. Everyone applauded. I stared gaping, not being able to believe this.

Blake got up and came in front of me with a hand extended and said “Congrats.” He kept his hand in the air. I stared at it wishing I could snap it off. The room was completely silent. I looked up and saw him still staring at me, looking so smug. I wanted to wipe that beautiful smile right off his face! “Take your hand away from me,” I whispered menacingly. I glowered at his hand. He dropped his hand awkwardly and said “Well someone’s not too happy about me getting the highest grade.” My jaw dropped. Who did this insignificant little human boy think he was? “Get. Away. From. Me.” I growled through my teeth. Everyone stared at me with shock. I had to tell myself to calm down, I wasn’t at home. I stiffly grabbed my stuff, stuffed it into my book bag and walked out the door into the hallway. I went to the girl’s bathroom and told myself to calm down before I hurt him; he wasn’t Jake so he wouldn’t heal. I stayed until the bell rang and I rushed to lunch. When I came into the cafeteria everyone stared at me. Ugh. It was like the first day of school again! All because of that stupid human! I went to my table and sat fuming. Luna came over and said “Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head sharply and exhaled. She nodded. We sat in silence the whole time. Finally the bell rang and I took off going to Mr. Mason’s class. “Mr. Mason you had to make a mistake,” I said. He shook his head and said “Miss Cullen there is no mistake here, you missed one.” He showed me my paper. How did this happen? How? “Mr. Mason there has to be a mistake, there just has to be!” He shook his head and said “Miss Cullen, this is your grade.” I took a deep breath and turned and walked out of his class feeling even more frustrated than before. I didn’t realize how late I was to class until I entered. As I walked in Mr. Andrews gave me a glare I didn’t care to see. Everyone stared at me…again. Ugh! All this because of an insignificant human boy! Ugh! How did this happen? How did a mere human boy beat me? I’m half vampire for crying out loud! I had perfect memory but a human got a higher grade than me? Impossible! I was so caught up in thinking that I didn’t notice Mr. Andrews call my name until he walked right up to my desk and waved his hand in front of my face. “Renesmee, did you hear me?” he asked in an upset voice. “Um…er…what sir?” I asked confused. “What is your excuse for being late?” he said. “Um…I had to talk to Mr. Mason,” I said. He nodded and said “Speak to me after class.” I sighed. Ugh.

I couldn’t pay attention, I was still so infuriated! I told myself to let it go and calm down, but every time I told myself that I just made myself angrier. Finally the bell rang and I got up and nearly ran out when Mr. Andrews called my name. “Renesmee, please come in here.” I sighed and turned back around. “Yes Mr. Andrews?” I heard my voice, it sounded too tense and I guess you could say pissed off. “You will have to make up class.” I sighed. “Alright.” “Also I will be calling your parents telling them of your little incident, but I assure you, it’s just teacher procedure.” I rolled my eyes and said “Can I leave now?” He nodded and I stalked off. I went out the door and looked around for Luna. That was so odd, usually she was here waiting for me if I didn’t meet her in the hall way. I looked around when I heard someone burst out laughing. I turned to see where it came from and found it. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. Blake was at the car, talking to my Mom, staring at me smirking gorgeously and taunting me with those beautiful eyes; his eyes danced and gleamed. That did it. My fury peaked and I realized suddenly that I was walking too fast for a human and that I was hissing. I was next to the car within seconds. I breathed deep, slow breaths, feeling more like a werewolf then a vampire. He chuckled and said “Well hello there Renesmee, I just had the pleasure of meeting your lovely mother,” and winked. I growled back, too angry for words. “Also may I add that you look very much like her,” he added in an antagonist tone. “It’s doesn’t matter who I look more like because it is none of your business,” I hissed. Blake nodded thoughtful. “Well I also told your mother about how I got the highest grade and how perhaps I could tutor you,” Blake smiled kindly. My lips pulled back from my teeth without my knowing and almost showed my fangs, almost. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to get a grip on myself. I knew I would lose control if I didn’t leave…now. I opened my eyes and pushed past him, no, shoved past him, and went to the passenger seat and got in. “Mom, get me out of here before I do something,” I said through my teeth. She looked at me and said “Shouldn’t you tell your friend Blake goodbye?” “He. Is . NOT. My. Friend, ” I hissed. Mom looked at me and probably decided that she was pushing it, so she nodded and turned to Blake. “Well it was nice to meet you Blake.” He nodded and ducked his head in through my window. “So what do you say about tutoring?”Blake asked. I glared at him and said “Get the hell away from me,” putting as much venom into it as I could. He chuckled and said “Don’t worry when you change your mind I’ll be here,” and then left. I was so bewildered I sat there and blinked several times. I watched as he got into a silver van and drove away. “Let’s get out of here,” I spat at Mom. She sighed and drove. The car ride was quiet, I’m sure Mom

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