» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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laughed and said “Think about it.” I thought and thought but still nothing came. “Jake,” I said “I don’t know! Tell me!” He laughed and answered “Because I miss you…” in a soft voice. I blushed and said “Miss you too.” We talked for about 2 hours then he said “Sam wants help.” I sighed feeling gloomy already and said “Oh…well…you should go then…” of course it was half-hearted. He said “Okay…” and trailed off. Neither one of us wanted to say good-bye. “Love you Renesmee,” Jacob said. “Love you Jake,” I replied. Then he said “Don’t worry Renesmee, I’ll be home soon and then we’ll be together again.” I smiled at that and said “Be careful.” He laughed and said “Apparently I have too, I have priorities now.” I laughed and said “Bye Jake. Call me later okay?” He agreed and then the line disconnected. As soon as I put my phone down Aunt Alice was there with excitement written all over her face. She dragged me to the closet to change my regular clothes for a yellow colored halter dress with sliver high heels. This was so Aunt Alice. She gleamed as she saw me. Then she took my hand and we turned toward the door heading for the stairs. She brought me down and had me turn in a circle showing me off to everyone. I blushed crimson. Why did she always do this? Everyone murmured about how adorable this dress was on me and what not. Mom looked up with a sympathetic look; like she knew how I felt. I bet she did. She kissed me and said to go have fun. We took Aunt Alice’s Porsche as usual. After I got my hair cut and four new outfits and four new pairs of shoes Aunt Alice brought me lunch. We sat down and I started to eat. She started by saying “So…who’s the human boy?” I sighed. “Aunt Alice I don’t even really know.” She nodded. Then she said “Hmm…I wonder why I keep seeing him so clearly…and then as if I’m going to get a clear picture Jacob comes back up and ruins the whole picture.” I stared, gaping. “W-what?” I stammered. “What are you saying?” She looked at me with troubled eyes. “I’m not sure Renesmee.” I shook my head. “What are you seeing Aunt Alice? Tell me,” I begged. She sighed and said “Well…Renesmee sweetie…I’m seeing this human boy very often…more often than Jacob but as soon as I think I’m going to get a clear picture of this boy Jacob comes back into the picture, blurring everything again, I wonder why that is…” I stared at her so hard; I’m surprised my eyes didn’t fall out. “So…what are you saying?” I asked. She looked around me and held my face in her hands and said “I’m not sure Renesmee, we’ll talk more when were alone.” I nodded. “Eat honey,” Aunt Alice said. I shook my head; I no longer had an appetite. She sighed and said “Should’ve listened to your father.” I really didn’t care anymore. I was thinking about what she said. What did that mean? That she could see Blake better than Jacob then as soon as she was going to get a clearer picture Jacob came and blurred everything out? I shook it off internally because Aunt Alice still had a hard time seeing Jake because he was a werewolf, so it shouldn’t worry me…should it? We went home and I went up stairs taking all my new items and putting them away. I put on some jean shorts and a tank top and some sandals. I wanted time to think. I grabbed my phone and ran down stairs. Dad and Mom looked up when I came in. “I’m going down to La Push okay? I…I just want to be by myself for a while, to think.” They nodded. I was almost out the door when Dad stopped me. He said “Nessie love, don’t be out to late. We have to talk as soon as you come back alright?” I sighed and mumbled “Sure, sure,” and sprinted into the woods. I ran fast, wanting to be far away from everything I’ve seen for far too long. I felt so free, running with nothing to worry about. I arrived at La Push feeling free.

I walked toward Jacob’s house knowing his Dad was at home. “I hadn’t seen him in while, might as well say hi while I was here,” I thought to myself. I could never lie to myself feebly. I walked up and knocked. I heard wheels coming toward the door and a grunt as Billy reached for the lock up then the door opened. Billy looked at me with surprise and said “Well hello there Renesmee, haven’t seen you in a while. Come here and give me a hug.” I smiled and gave him the biggest squeeze I could manage. Billy laughed and said “Well what brings you here? Jakes not back yet.” I smiled and said “I can’t visit an old family friend anymore?” He laughed and said “Well I suppose so.” Then Billy really looked at me and said “What’s bothering you Renesmee?” Sigh. He knew me just as well as his son. That’s why I always came to La Push; I could always talk to Billy. I turned around then, looking out to the sunset. “I want to talk about Jake,” I said. Billy laughed his throaty laugh and said “That’s not a surprise to me.” I didn’t laugh. He sensed that it wasn’t a laughing matter. He turned to me and said “Renesmee, what’s really bothering you?” I didn’t know how to start but I started anyways. “Billy…how much do you know about me and Jake?” I whispered. He cocked his head to the side and said “Renesmee, I know pretty much everything. Why?” he asked, confused. I nodded and then said “Well…I was just wondering abou-“I was interrupted by a howl coming from behind the house. I spun and listened harder, so did Billy. He wheeled himself off the porch going toward the back of the house; I was right behind him. My heart was hammering, my hands cold, my breath coming quickly now. We were close to the back now. Five steps left. Four.Three. Two.One. We were at the back now. I looked around half expecting a red-brown colored wolf to come out or to see his long, dark skin sitting there waiting for me, but instead we saw nothing. We could hear one of them in the woods but we couldn’t see him. I sighed frustrated. Why couldn’t he just come out? Then I sniffed. I skidded back a few steps pulling Billy’s wheel chair with me; it wasn’t a scent I recognized. Billy looked at me and whispered “What’s the problem?” “It’s not one of them,” I hissed. I pushed Billy behind me, I had to protect him. I heard the familiar sound of someone phasing. I sniffed again. It was an unfamiliar smell but the same? “Who’s out there?” I said; I was crouched in front of Billy now. I heard footsteps coming forward; they were much too light to be a male. I hissed. I snatched my phone out and was dialing Dad’s number when I heard “Chill Renesmee. Can’t a girl come home anymore?” Whoops. So I had overreacted. Leah left when I was eleven. She used to come often but she stopped coming about three years back so her scent smelt new. I came out of my crouch and sighed with relief. There was no danger. But as soon as relief left me, disappointment flooded through me. I felt my face fall. Leah saw this and said “Jeez that’s real nice. I finally come back and you’re all pouty. Maybe I should’ve just stayed away.” I rolled my eyes; she was still the same Leah. Then Leah sniffed. “How long has the pack been gone?” “Just a few days,” Billy replied. She nodded then said “Renesmee what’s up with you? You look all depressed.” I rolled my eyes again. She looked at me for a bit longer and then said “Ah. Guess you found out about her…I guess he still isn’t over her. Darn. Well I would feel depressed too cause he says he loves you when really he’s still in love with your-“Billy interrupted her quickly nearly shouting “Leah, you’re here now, go see your mother!” She looked at him and he looked panicked. Then she looked at me with surprise in her eyes. “How long do you think this little charade is going to last Billy?” Who was she talking about? Me? “What are you talking about Leah?” I whispered, confused. Billy said nothing and neither did Leah. “Leah, what were you talking about?” I nearly screeched.

Leah sighed and shook her short spiky hair.”Billy this ridiculous letting this go on for so long. She’s going to find out someday.” Billy sighed and said “The time well come and when it does…someone…will tell… her.” She shook her head again and said “I knew he wouldn’t get over her…even with you here.” I stood there gaping at her. What did that mean? Billy wheeled towards her and said something in a language I didn’t understand. He was speaking to her in Quileute which roughly meant he didn’t want me to know; Great. Leah sighed again and finally said “Billy I’m going to go to my mom’s house, come when you’re done here.” He nodded, seeming upset and uncomfortable and torn; as if her words were true but he wouldn’t say anything else. She looked at me again with sadden eyes; obviously it was towards what they were hiding from me. I stared at her in mute horror. Another secret I didn’t know. I watched as Leah’s silhouette faded away with the light. Finally I turned to Billy, who looked as if he was trying to find something to distract me with. My eyes stung, I could feel the angry tears coming. He sighed and said “Renesmee…it’s late. You should head on home. You can come back...another day.” I nodded and turned, fearing if I spoke then I would explode on him; better to explode on someone away from here; this was my refuge. Instead of going home I went to the cliff. I sat there, fuming and chewing over the conversation. A few angry tears escaped but only a few. “I knew he wouldn’t get over her even with you here.” “She’s going to find out someday.” “Guess you found out about her,” I heard Leah’s voice echo. Who was she? Had I ever seen her? Well that was a stupid question to ask! Apparently I did know her, well from what Leah said. I reviewed all the faces of girls that I’d seen. Jake never said anything about them...then again he hid a lot from me. I felt anger pulse through me. I bet he had liked one of those girls, he just didn’t tell me! I decided to direct my thoughts elsewhere otherwise I would do something awfully embarrassing. Okay so obviously he had been in -wince- love with her…that shouldn’t bother me…people fell in and out of love plenty of times before they actually found their true love…but something about that made me feel even more suspicious. Why hadn’t Jacob spoken of this girl? And what did Billy mean by “When the time comes?” What did Leah mean by “he says he loves you?” He loved me and I loved him…right? I sighed when the sun was no longer up; I had to go home now. I got up and ran, slowly, home. The lights were on and I heard mummers from inside. I heard Dad growling about Leah. Ugh. Of course Aunt Alice would tell everybody about the “Almost danger,” scene. I didn’t want to go in yet. I sighed and took two deep breaths and started walking again and thought

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