» Fiction » Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Renesmee, L.Perez [the first e reader .TXT] 📗». Author L.Perez

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man morphed into Jacob. I wanted this to happen, I wanted to belong to him and I wanted him to belong to me. I suddenly felt a sort of greediness; I wanted Jacob for myself. I was so caught up in this illusion that I was startled when I heard an engine start. I walked out of the bathroom glancing at the mirror, trying to make the image in the mirror linger. I walked to the window tying my robe and heard a car driving away, it hadn’t been that far. I went down stairs and everyone was there. Dad and Mom talking about a trip they were planning to go on in a few months, Grandpa Carlisle and Grandma Esme were talking about their days in the back, Uncle Emmett and Uncle Jasper in the back past the river wrestling, and Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Alice in the kitchen, discussing a shopping spree soon.”Hey Dad did anyone have a guest over?” I asked. “No love, why?” Dad questioned. My brows furrowed. Then whose car was that? It surely was not one of ours. It didn’t make sense…why would someone even come up here? Nobody knew where the Cullen’s lived except family. “Love it could’ve been someone who got lost,” Dad said in a soothing voice. I shook my head. I felt suspicious but for what reason? “Love what’s all this about?” he asked sounding worried. Everyone had come into the house now and everyone was staring at me. I felt uncomfortable under everyone’s eyes. “Nothing Dad,” I said and turned and went upstairs; my mind wasn’t safe down here. I went to my room and sat down on the bed. Something was off…I had no actual evidence…but something wasn’t right.

Chapter Nine: 

White curtains were opening on either side of me. As the curtains opened, I realized I was on a beach that looked all too familiar, the sand was a deep chocolate brown and the water was midnight black. The moon, high up in the black star-filled sky, beamed down brightly on me as I walked out. There was a huge white tent that bloomed with Calla Lilies and Sweet peas; Handel’s Finale was being played by the orchestra. To my left were blurred faces, looking fuzzy like bad reception on T.V, I couldn’t see the faces but they had beautiful copper skin. I turned to my right and saw the immediate difference. They were too still; too white and they glittered gently even though it was dark out. I knew the people even though I couldn’t see the faces and I knew where we were. We were on First Beach in La Push and the left side would most likely be the local Quileute’s, the right was obviously my side of the family. Then suddenly out of no-where, Jacob stood under the tent looking so beautiful, I gasped; He wore a black tux with the traditional black jacket and pants and white button up shirt under. He smiled at me; I wanted to run to him but when I tried to run I realized that I was in a familiar dress; the dress from the vision in the mirror. Then I felt something cold touch my right arm lightly and turned to see Dad holding my arm. He smiled and winked at me and said “Ready love?”I heard Wagner’s traditional start playing and nodded and felt my heart racing. Small white lights guided us on the long white carpet leading up to the altar. Finally we reached Jacob; Dad took my hand, and placed it into Jacob’s and smiled. Then I could no longer pay attention to him because I knew what was happening; Jacob and I were getting married. I couldn’t help the slow burning I felt deep within me. He was mine! He smiled at me and held my hands. The minster then started off. I couldn’t quite concentrate, but I tried. Finally, oh finally he said: Do you, Renesmee Cullen, take, Jacob Black, to be your lawful wedded husband? To love and to cherish, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health?” I made sure I spoke loudly, opening my mouth and answering in my clearest voice, “I do.” He then turned to Jacob and said: And do you, Jacob Black, take Renesmee Cullen, to be your lawful wedded wife? To love and to cherish, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health?” Jacob stared at me and said in a strong sure voice “I do.” “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” Jacob took my face in his hands and bent his face to mine. I let him pull me close and put my arms around his neck and kissed him with so much passion that it was almost violent. I heard laughing coming from around but I didn’t care; I never wanted to let this end. Then he pulled his face from my and brought his soft, warm lips to my ear and whispered my name. “Renesmee, Renesmee, Renesmee,” Jacobs voice changed from his to a lighter voice and then I was aware of cold hands shaking me and saying my name. “Renesmee dear, time to wake up,” I heard Grandma Esme say. My eyes fluttered open and I stared at the ceiling, tears welling up and over flowing. “It was just a dream,” I whispered, felling the pain. I wanted it to be real, I wanted it to happen…but it was just a dream. Realizing that all of that was nothing more than a dream, I started to cry. “Renesmee, whats wrong?” Grandma Esme asked hastily. She picked me up and hugged me and rubbed my arm. “It’s alright Renesmee, shh, it’s alright,” She said over and over again hugging me close and rubbing my arm. Then I laughed out loud and sniffled. How ridiculous of me, crying about a dream. Finally when I calmed down Grandma Esme turned me to look at her in the eyes. “Renesmee, are you alright?” I shook my head feeling embarrassed. “I’m fine, really Grandma,” my voice broke twice, making my bluff unconvincing. She nodded, not really believing me. I assured her I would be fine and asked for some privacy. She nodded and kissed my head and left. I got up and went to the bathroom and took a shower remembering that dream. It was so real! I felt the cool breeze and smelt the delicious smell of food and flowers all together! It was so real that it could only be a dream. I heard Grandma Esme talking to my Dad about it; ugh just perfect. I dressed in a daze, not even noticing what I picked up and put on. My mind was on the dream; how real it was! I wouldn’t think of it when I went downstairs, Dad would be sure to be listening as soon as I was down. I brushed my bronze curls, grabbed my book bag and walked down stairs. Dad and Mom acted like they weren’t looking at me but they were. I grabbed a hot pocket and popped it into the microwave and turned to face them. “How are you today?” Dad asked, trying to sound indifferent. I almost pulled the wedding image up when I remembered Dad listening. “Uh,” I said and cleared my head. “Um, I’m…fine,” I shrugged. Dad raised his eye brow, questioning me. Mom’s beautiful face looked stressed. I sighed. I walked over to Mom and sat in her lap and hugged her. Mom wrapped her arms around me, probably feeling surprised because I stopped doing that after I was twelve. “Mom, I’m really fine.” I put my hand to her cheek so she could really see that I was fine. She smiled and said “Alright if you say so.” I nodded. Suddenly Dad was next to me with an arm around both of us. “Did you two forget about me already?” We both laughed. Dad stretched his perfect long neck up so he could kiss Mom on her full lips. When Dad kissed Mom, it was like an electric current ran though her. I watched her jump slightly as if she had been shocked and then gasped when her always careful cold arms became steel bars, closing too tightly around my torso; Mom forgot a lot when they kissed. They didn’t seem to notice. “Can’t…breathe… grip…too tight,” I gasped. Mom and Dad seemed to have forgotten I was there until that moment. Mom finally released me and I gasped deeply. Dad and Mom chuckled and Mom said “Oops.” I laughed, a bit breathless and dizzy. Mom sat me in my own chair and I breathed deeply. Mom looked at me apologetically and I just smiled. I jumped up and went to the microwave and took the hot pocket out and went to the fridge to get some juice and returned to the table and sat next to Mom and started eating. Before I knew it, Dad said “Nessie, time to go.” I sighed. “Dad can I drive myself now?” He was shaking his head before the words even came out. “Absolutely not Nessie.” “Why not?” I whined. “Because you can’t afford to have another tardy,” Mom said. I turned to glare at her; she was supposed to be on my side. Dad got up and said “Renesmee, when you learn to be responsible we may discuss this.” His tone made it final; no driving myself. I sighed and pouted; ugh I soo hated it when I was treated like a baby. Dad came to my side and said “Renesmee its time to go.” I sat there refusing to move. I was seventeen, practically an adult! Dad sighed and lightly tugged on my hair. “Come now Renesmee, you are being absurd.” I crossed my arms and huffed; I wasn’t moving until I got a deal. He sighed, clearly frustrated. “Why must you be so…so” “Stubborn?” Mom said, finishing Dads sentence. I looked at Mom and she was smiling. Dad chuckled and said “I guess you’re exactly like your Mother.” I smiled at him, hearing some compromise in his voice. He looked at me for five seconds and sighed heavily. I jumped up and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you daddy!” I screamed. He laughed and hugged me and pulled me back to look me in the eyes. “Now just because you have the privilege of driving today does not mean get a ticket or another tardy.” I nodded quickly. “Just get to school on time alright and you can keep driving yourself.” I nodded and hugged him again. Dad kissed my forehead and said “Better get going if you want to make it on time.” I nodded hugged him and kissed his cheek, then ran to Mom and kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her tightly and whispered “thank you” in her ear; I knew the only reason why Dad was letting me was because Mom. I got up and ran to get my book bag on the couch. I tied my shoes and put my jacket on, not that I would feel cold, but for humans it was cold out so I needed it. I turned around and Dad threw something at me. My hand automatically opened and caught it; the keys to my Koenigsegg CCX. I squealed with delight and jumped up and down and had to kiss Dad again. He laughed and said “Time for school.” I nodded and ran to the garage. I ran to J and stroked his glossy, black coat over and over; I hadn’t ridden him in so long. “Finally able to drive yourself Nessie?” I heard Uncle Emmett ask mockingly. I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed. Aunt Rosalie smacked

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