» Fiction » Suspended, Mercades Licht [hardest books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Suspended, Mercades Licht [hardest books to read TXT] 📗». Author Mercades Licht

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figuring this all out and knowing alot of secrets about my prey gave me the new name for all Vamps to call me. Death X, because I don't let my dargets get away. Chapter One

Stabbing forward into the chest of the Vamp in front of me, with the bone handled red sword, I'm suddenly blinded by a bright whitish light. You know how when you look up at the sun and you blind yourself or you look to closly at a flame and your eyes start to water or how you get blinded by a bright light-bulb or bright flashlight? well that's what this brightlight feels like, but a hundred times worse. The only good thing about the Vamp that bursts into a brightlight, is that if you keep your eyes open long enough you get the great eyesight that that Vamp once had, before you killed it. The only bad thing is it's alot harder and more painful when you already have some Vamps good eyesight.

Blinking rapidly I look into the light for as long as I can. Groaning, I look away and cover my eyes from the light as it disapates. Man I wish I knew when I was killing a Dayer that way I will be prepared when I kill it that way I can either diside to cover my eyes ahead of time or just plainly be ready for the bright blinding light. Blinking multied colors out of my eyes, I look around the dark abandend street and see that my eyesight has declinded from super to suckish, a lot worse than the last Vamps eyesight I had. Still better than a humans, but not as good as the eyesight I had was.

"Stupid New Borns." I silently curse to myself as I pick up the blade I dropped when the Vamp exsploded into light.

How the stealing eyesight thing works is once you kill the Dayer you have to stare for as long as you can at the light as it desenigrates the Vamp in the light. Any Vamps eyesight is better than what my going blind human eyesight was. Your eyes don't change color, but your ability to see one-hundred times better inhanced. All the Vamps when they are killed seem to...I don't really know how to discribe it. Exblode I guess you could call it. Dayers turn into brightlights and when you look into it you can see the Vamp disendigrating. Night Wings turn into smoke when you hit them in the heart. And then Rougs turn to coils and those coils if they hit your skin do burn.

With New Borns I only know about one of the types. The type that is born from other Vamps, which rarily happens. Now the New Borns that are turned, I have no clue exactly how that transition goes. I don't know if you have to consume a Vamps blood and die before a certain time limit or have to be drained of blood and then the Vamp that drained you feeds you there blood. I don't know how a New Born is made, but I as sure as hell don't want to find out myself, but I do know that just being bitten by one doesn't turn you, otherwise I would have been turned into one along time ago.

Walking down the deserted street on the north side of town where all the none slaved humans try to hide I start walking past abandened building after abandened building, heading torwards the run down one farthest away from the outskirts of the Vampire town. I've found books from a long time ago about how the world used to be and I've read them. The world used to be a beautiful place, but from what the book said it was also an ugly place except it wasn't as bad as it is now. With Vampires controling everything we do and me being the only one knowing how to kill the Vamps. Believe me when I say I would love to tell other Slayers about how to kill the Vamps, but not all of them you can trust.

But Slayers have to stick with Slayers, that crap is false. Let me explain it this way, first you have to show the newbies how to create the weapons to kill a Vampire and then you have to teach them how to kill there target. And then in the end espicially if your the most wanted person alive like me, don't be surprised if even Slayers turn on you and then your cover is blown and your Vamp food. That's why I don't even let the blacksmiths fully make my weapons. I just let them make the blade and handle and then take my new weapons and do the rest myself.

Siencing something fallowing me I turn around on my heal and watch the shadows as they move to see if I can find out what the sorce of my unease is coming from. Seeing nothing, but sensing something watching me closely, I turn back around and keep walking. With my sense of hearing (cause when you start going blind, other senses become more sensitive) I hear a slite hiss of air and grabing my glass-handled, Himpred-blood water covered silver dagger, I spin around quickly and toss it through the air torward my target. The blade slices through the air and knowing Vampires are faster than my movements I exspect the Vamp to dodge my blade right off the bat, but he just stands there as it cuts through the air. At the last second when the dagger gets close to its face, it catches it by grabbing ahold of the glass handle.

Not being able to see my attackers face with it being covered in shadows I watch the blade as it glistens in the moonlight as my attacker inspecks its new weapon. I feel the slightest breeze behind me, that you only feel when a Vamp uses it speed and comes to a stop, I start to turn, but the movement of light on my dagger as my attacker lifts it up catches my attention as it is thrown. Arcing through the air aimed at heart level, I bend backwards and watch as the dagger flies above me and hits the Vamp behind me and I watch as coils fall, were my other attacker once stood.

Leaning upwards that way I am standing up strait I see two more shadows have joined my first attacker. Seeing light glisten on metal I get ready to dogde I blade, what I didn't exspect to have to dogde is throwing stars coming at me in the midel aimed at my stomach, below aimed at my legs, and above aimed at my head. One after another being thrown at me all at once with no way to move out of the way. Seeing two of them to close for my liking, aimed both at my stomach and my head I bend backwards and watch them wize by.

Sensing another one close to my legs I put my hands on the ground for a breif second to push my body off of the ground and do a few more backflips, but I'm not fast enough as I feel a slit sting here and there. Coming to my feet I stand strait and see another throwing star coming torwards me at throat level and then its like everything is in slowmotion, I move slitly to the side and without my bodies consent, reach out and grab the throwing-star from mid-air and spinning with the force that it was going by I throw it back. Spinning really fast in an upward circle I watch the star slice through the air and get swallowed by shadows. Not exspecting it when it makes contact, I'm blinded for a brief painful second as the throwing-star comes into contact and a blinding brightlight exsplodes from the shadows.

But that brief painful second cost me a second when I'm grabbed around the throat and thrown against a brick wall. As my eyes clear I see a flash of fangs attached to a very pale and very pissed off blonde Vampire in front of me.

"What's up, Blonde?" I ask the Vamp in front of me when I feel a slight pressure inside my head and have to laugh. Well, as best of a laugh as I can manage when Blonde tightens his grip around my throat.

"Shut up Huntress. Devin, where's the Infeeryor?" Asks Blonde as he looks behind himself to look for the Vamp named Devin. I glance over to my left and can see a shadow, but only a shadow and get even more pissed off at my new eyesight. A brown haired Vamp is suddenly next to Blonde.

"What do we do now Sam? He's already killed seven of us and this bitch," Says the one I now think is Devin as he jerks his thumb back at me, "has killed one of us too. I don't see how a human can do that." This last part is said on a growl as he flashes me his fangs.

"I'm taking that as a complament." I croak out as best as I can with a hand wrapped around my windpipe and deflating the rest of the air I was currently holding. 

The blond Vamp named Sam, who is currently choking me to death, brings me forward and then slams me against the wall again. "Does the Little Huntress want to talk or does she want to die?" Asks Sam as he lifts me off the ground.

I smile as best as I can with out turning it into a grimace before croaking out, "Neither. What's going to happen is, I'm going to kill you. Both of you. At least then this Infeeryor person doesn't have to worry about it."

Sam brings his face close to mine and I get a nasty taste of his breath as he breaths infront of me (his new nickname is now bad breath. If I could grimace without have him tight his hold on my neck I would.) before saying, "And how do you suppose you're going to do that? Hmm."

Tapping my left foot a few times with my right foot I know the glistening steel is now out and say, "Like this!" Before kicking the Vamp in the gut with the Himpred-Blood water blade at the tip of my shoe. He stumbles backwards and abrubtly his grip on my neck falls away and I'm now falling (man the dude has long arms and is freakishly tall with how he lifted me up so high.) I land on my feet in a crouch and back away from both him and the brown haired Vamp. Even though his gut is still bleeding because with the concation it won't heal until the Vamp feeds, Bad Breath lunges at me at the same time that his brown haired friend jumps at me. Before the brown haired Vamp can get even an inch closer to me, he's sailing through the air backwards. I don't have time to even glance toward the flinging Vamp when Bad Breath is on me, slicing through the air towards my neck.

I bend backwards a bit to avoid his claws and my backbend turns into a

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