» Fiction » Suspended, Mercades Licht [hardest books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Suspended, Mercades Licht [hardest books to read TXT] 📗». Author Mercades Licht

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back handspring with a douple upward kick under the Vamps chin. When I right myself Bad Breath hisses and runs at me, so I run in the oppisite way, strait to a wall. I run a ways up the cemented wall and do a backflip over the Vamp and my hand goes to my belt for one of my small blades, when I'm slamed in the stomach by something big and hard and fly backwards, through a window. 

I hear the glass break and fly through the room and into a wall, where I fall forwards and slam into a hard wooden desk face first. I give a painful grunt as I fall off the fucking stupid desk and land on my knees on the floor. I see crimson on the marble and see that my hand is bleeding, ignoring it I stand and walk torwards the broken window. I don't see my blade anywhere and don't really care at the moment, I'm beyond pissed off, and when I get to the window I see that the fucking Vamp through me though the second story window and then grin when I see all three Vamps below. Bad Breath and his brown haired buddy are attacking Mystery Shadow and he's on defence as BB and his buddy deliever blows that never make contact.

With excitment bubbling in my stomach I jump out of the window above the Vamps and plument really fast towards the cement platform and Vampires, lifting the wooden stake I took from my belt, covered in a light crimson, I raise it over my head as I descend downward torwards Bad Breath. Before I land, my stake goes through BB's back, puncturing his heart from behind. BB disapears in a poof of smoke and flies and with him gone I crash land into the other two Vamps, knocking them down with me.

Where all three in a brawl on the ground, blocking, and recieving punches, or for me, blocking throat lunges and delivering upper cuts. At some point it me and some other Vamp that's rolling around on the ground fighting as the other Vamp is lunging for my kneck now and again, while attaching the other Vamp from behind. It takes me a minute to realize that the new dark-haired Vamp is the Mysterious Shadow, and after a few minutes of us brawling (punching and him slicing me with his claws and me, him with the stake) we both at the same time lunge for the brown haired Vamp when he goes for my kneck again.

I do a round-house kick and my knifed shoe goes clean through the Vamps cheek and he slams back into Mysterious Shadow. They have a slight battle before Mysterious Shadow pens the Vamps arms behind his back and his claws dig into the brown haired Vamps throat.

"Hurry. If your gonna kill him, do it now." Grunts out Mysterious Shadow as he jerks the captured Vampire closer to me. Holding the stake in attack position, I contemplate my chances of killing the captured Vampire and being able to hurry up and kill Mysterious Shadow before he captures me and drains me dry.

"Then this means I can't kill you unless you gun for me first!" I tell him frustratedly.

"If your going to kill him do it now!" Shouts Mysterious Shadow as he adjusts his hold on the fighting Vamp. 'Here goes nothing' I think to myself before I jump the distance between me and the captured Vampire and drive the stake through his heart. As I take the stake out of the Vamp, he turns into coils. I brace for the multiple burns I was getting ready to recieve, since I knew I wasn't going to be fast enough to get out of the way in time, but I never recieved the burns. Come to think of it, I don't remember this strong arm being around my waste either.

Opening my eyes, I'm at chest level with Mysterious Shadow. His arms, once loosely around my waste start to tighten and I gasp. I hear a groal and his arms tighten again as one arm reaches down lower, under my ass and lifts me up until I'm at eye level with him. My eyes can't help but wonder his face since its the first time I've been able to see it. His dark brown hair, sort of on the longish side, coming down to slightly cover his goldish red eyes. He's not exactly pale like the Night Wings, but almost has the same color of an actual human. He has a slight stubble on his chin and his lips...

'Snap out of it!' I tell myself as I snap my eyes back to his eyes. I notice that his eyes aren't focused on mine anymore, but something else on my face. 'Did I somehow get blood on my face again? Oh great.' Noticing that I'm stareing at him, he focuses his eyes back on my face. Suddenly I feel a wall behind me and when he abrubtly lets go of me to pin both of my hands above my head, I instinctively wrap my legs around his waste and then call myself stupid for doing it. I go to unwrap my legs from his waste and he growls. I freeze. When I go to unwrap my legs from his waste again, he again growls and then thrusts himself up against me and pushes me closer to the wall. Gasping, I arch a little and bite my lip really hard to keep myself from moaning.

Opening my eyes I notice that his eyes have wondered to something else on my face again. My lip starts to sting the slightest  bit so I release the hold I had on it with my teeth and feel a sticky liquid on them that signifies that I'm bleeding. 

Watching Hot Mysterious Shadow I watch as his tostrials flare. Wait, is he staring at my mouth? On impulse, my eyes lower to his lips. His lips seem closer. I start to breath heavily and relize that I was already doing that before his lips started to descend torwards me. The direction of his mouth isn't going torwrds my lips but to my throat and having know chance to react I'm surprised when I feel a sting. Not the sting that implies that you've been bitten, but the sting of a cut, as he covers the cut with his mouth and kisses it. After a few seconds I feel his tongue slide across the cut. Pleasure and the slight sting of pain come together and I can't help but moan this time.

He growls and I can't help but moan again. His lips move to another cut on my body, to the one I didn't know was on my chest. Loving the way he growls when my legs tighten around his waste, I gasp/moan when he does an upward thrust of his hips every few seconds. His lips move to my shoulder, then my chin, cheek, forehead, and then I'm squirming so much, from each upward thrust he does every few seconds, that I almost couldn't wait for his lips to come to mine. When his lips meet mine and his tongue slides accrossed my bottom lip, I can't figure out if I should give him access to my mouth or not, but then the disition is made for me when he does another upward thrust of his hips into a sweet spot I didn't know I had or that could be hit fully clothed. Not being able to help my gasp/moan I give Hot Mysterious Shadow access to my mouth.

As soon as our tongues meet, I gasp and he growls and with that growl comes another thrust of his hips. I feel the grip he has on my hands loosen and then tighten. After each time I moan I feel  his grip on my hands tighten and I don't even care if it hurts or not, the only thing I can think of is his mouth and the thrusts he's doing with his hips. Feeling like I'm on the edge of something, I can't help but cry out. Upon hearing this Hot Mysterious Shadow abruptly drops my hands and I wrap them around his kneck and slide one into his hair. Breathing heavily I feel his hands wonder my body and don't even care when he finds one of my weapons and tosses it aside.

He slows the movement of his hips and does a thorow check of my body and tosses aside all my weapons. I give a slight low whimper of need that I tried so hard to keep in. He freezes and then he gives out a long low growl and resumes his movements but only faster. His tongue attacks mine and his thrusting becomes faster, as one of his hands grabs a hold of my ass and squeezes it, while the other hand wonders up my shirt. After every moan he growls and speeds his movements and goes into a freenzy when I whimper. The slide of his hands sliding down my sides makes me gasp and then moan and then I hear him growl. Once both of his hands are at the top of my jeans I feel his hands attack my belt and then the button and ziper. Moaning I bite his lip and he gives out another long low growl and shoves one of his hands into my pants, moving my panties aside and driving his fingers into the valley between my thighs.

Feeling so close to something again, I cry out and then  give out a whimper. Hot Mysterious Shadow growls and goes nuts. Thrusting his fingers in and out, in and out, I can't help but scream slightly into his mouth as wave upon wave of pleasure blasts through me. I gasp and scream louder as he keeps up the fast movement with his hands. I don't know how long I was like that, arching and screaming and whimpering, all I know is that after every sound I made he would growl and move faster.

Once down from my pleasure high, I slump forward onto Hot Mysterious Shadow and gasp for breath. I feel him sniff my hair and then my kneck and lean back some to look up at him. He looks down at me with a look of need, wanting, hunger, and a bit of anger. Watching me very closely, he slowly slides his fingers out of me and I can't help but close my eyes on another moan as he slides his fingers out. He growls and I open my eyes and watch him as he licks my juices off of his fingers. The gold in his eyes flare and theres more hunger in his eyes.

His nostrials flare and he presses me closer into the wall and I can't help but gasp as his so not going away erection meets my core. My hand tightens in his hair and he growls. His nostrials flare again as he breaths in and then I find both of my hands pinned to the wall again.

"So close." He growls as he brings his face torwards my kneck and breaths in. "Its almost worn off. Why'd you have to mask it? Oh, God why'd you have to mask it?" The last part was said on a growl, but everything said with need. He presses closer to me and I gasp again when his erection moves against my core and he growls.

He leans enough to touch his forhead against mine. His lips whisper against mine and as I go to lean forward for more of the kiss, his lips are gone. Groaning in frustration I lean back and look at him when he growls and then leans forward to touch his lips to my kneck. When he starts to suck on the sincitive skin there, I can't help but gasp/moan, and then when he growls, pleasureable shivers go up and down my back. With my body screaming for

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