» Fiction » Suspended, Mercades Licht [hardest books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Suspended, Mercades Licht [hardest books to read TXT] 📗». Author Mercades Licht

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Lots of people always wondered what life would be like without a President, without any rules, without having to pay for anything with money, so I'll sum it up in one word. Chaos. Ever since a hundred and twelve years ago vampires have romed the Earth. The first people to die were the Presidents unless they made a deal with the blood suckers to live; otherwise, they all died. The rules we used to live by a long time ago are different from the ones we live by now. As the years went by things have gotten worse (I guess lots of people got what they wished.) If you steal and are caught then you can be sentenced to death or just be punished in some harsh way. People that steal and don't get caught might have some Vamps that get suspisous and the Vampire that thinks you've done a crime will bring in a mind reader if they are not one themselves.

All the things that we thought about vampires a hundred years ago was wrong. There are three types of vampires that I'm aware of and all three are able to go out in daylight. The Night Wings are a type of vampire that can go out in daylight for a short period of time, if they stay out to long the get really weak and if they stay out in daylight from sun up to sun down they could die. Night Wings can also shape-shift into anything and sometimes anyone. The only problem with the shape-shifting is that they have to be a certain age to actually have great control of their shifting ability. Yes, they can turn into bats, but they can turn into all sorts of other things too.

The Dayers are the ones that can stay in the sun days on end with out getting weak, unless they don't feed reagularly, but the sun has zero chance of killing them. 

And then there are the Rougs. But these vampires are ravenous, always hungry. They can be out in daylight, but half like the night and half like the daylight. The Rougs don't like listening to the rules that resolve us humans.  Any rule they get about how to act around a human, meaning to not kill them all the time, they almost always break it. Only a small group used to care about how healthy the humans were, but when humans started to go extinct because of the Rougs there only remains a small group of Rougs that just want to kill which are mostly the newborns.

With newborns there's two types. The ones that can be born and the ones that are turned. If you create a newborn just to keep them as a pet and then destroy them later is illegal. Turning one because you've somehow gotten close to them or in love with them, which rarely happens (and the false love or friendship I'm pretty sure is just fake.) 

Now the only humans that are okay for vampires to kill his the Hunters/Huntresses. They like to try and kill vampire and the key word is try. Vampires are super fast and strong and can heal really fast and not so easy to kill, like the hunters like to believe. Though they like to be called Slayers there pretty bad at there job. They think just because lots of them can mostly stay out of reach of vampires and hide and steal without getting caught that trying to kill one will be a piece of cake, which they learn later when there injured or dead or just dying that killing one isn't a walk in the park like they though it would be.

Vampires also have powers that they can use against you that also adds to the strengths they have to use on you. Some of the blood-suckers have Telekinesis-can movie things with there mind, Compulsion-can make people do what they want them to do, by looking them in the eyes and compelling them to do there bidding. Hallucinations-making people see things that aren't really there, but making there prey think its there. Telepathy-vampires being able to read your minds and know what your thinking before you do. There are even some others that nobody has seen or heard of.

I had a block put up in my mind that way compulsion didn't work on me. After every other month (even though my block hasn't bee parished) I would re-build the block, that way it was stronger.  A block is a mental thing and when you go to re-build it and your not careful it can cause excrusanting pain. Trust me I've been there and done that. I found out about the block from my parents when I was seven and they taught me how to make the block. Along with that they also taught me how to follow a vampire without them knowing, which is really hard to do, and since we didn't really know how to kill a vampire all we could do was parilize them and them barry them either in the grave that they cam out of or just barry them a saccred holy ground.

I was put through battle training when I turned nine, working on my speed and strength, even though your not as fast or as strong as a vampire the training helps because your not as slow as others and have a fighting chance at living. A couple of weeks before I truned eleven my parents were killed. They went out on a hunt and didn't come back. Three days later there bodies were found drained of blood and torn apart. I was and am still devastated about it.

I trained harder and took my revenge out on the vampires, putting as many as I could back to there grave, not one being able to get through my block espiecally when I kept re-building it. Until two years ago when I almost got myself killed, when I met my match. When I say I met my match I mean he was way stronger and way more exsperienced in using compulsion and tore my mental barricad to tiny pieces. And that hurt like a bitch. It was also I very dangerous way to find out that even without my mental wall compulsion still didn't work on me. That same night I found out what could kill a Roug vampire.


Having your mental wall torn down and being in pain metaly is not fun espiacly when that said vampire who broke your barricade is tossing you around and kicking your ass. It was not fun and hurt like hell. Once the pain had supsided a bit from mentally within I did my best to ignore the pain that my body was being given right that second, even if some of the wounds were really bad and need imergency repairing, so I got up and started fighting back. I thought I was doing good with all the hits I was dodging until I tried to get one in and was pinned.

Both hands behind my back being held captive by one of the vamps hands, while the other hand was on my cheek tilting my head to the side, exsposing my neck. I felt the presence of his head moving torwards my neck when I bit him. As I tasted blood on my tongue all he did was laugh at my tactiful move, until I brought my head back really hard into his face making him loosen his grip and stumble back a few steps, which was all I needed to free myself, taking the blade that the Night Wing had attached to his belt with me.

Being taught how to fight with any type of weapon I raised the swored and bent my knees a bit in a fighting stance. The vampire cursing he runs at me full speed, only a blur to my eyes. Squating down with the tip of the sword up, I wait a mili-second and then trusting my instincts I jump up, pushing the blade in a slit diaginal and shove really hard. Letting go of the handle I back away from the vampire and then there's a slit breeze. The last word I heard from the vampire was 'Ancikigo' and then smoke swirls were the vamp was and the sword that impaled him in the chest drops to the cement ground with a clank. An X type symbol appears for a breaf second and then a sworm of flies appear. I whisper the word "Ancikigo" for some reason and then the flies fly torwards me.

They swirled around me and then a portion of them slid down my left arm and slowly disepated. Once the flies disappeared, what they left was a sword, with a curved bone at one end of the handle and a black piece of something that is closer to the blade. And then the blade itself had symbols etched into it and then the tip of the blade was a light red and had a wooden tip. Along with the sword what the flies left behind on my wrist was a tatoo of the X like symbol that was created in the smoke.

Walking over to were the Vampire used to be I pick up the sword that I impaled him with before he turned to smoke.


After every Vamp I killed I would say the word Ancikigo, but with other Vamps it wouldn't work, so I have a theory that unless the Vamp says the word themselves then otherwise when I say it nothing will happen. Using both the sword that the flies created for me and the redbladed sword with wood on it that I took from the very first Vampire I killed, not put in the ground, I've killed Vampire after Vampire. Even taking there weapons to add to my collection of weapons that can fully kill a Vamp. Well, I test it on a few Vamps before I add it to the pile that can kill them.

And now I have a warrant out for my head on a plater for the Vamps. If I corroperate, I get a trial. If I don't, then I just die. At least that's what the signs say that are posted everywhere. The only good thing and funny thing is that no one knows what I look like. When my parents were alive, people they somewhat trusted never got to see me, so no one knows that I am the daughter of the Holy Ground Hunters. It was a weird name they were given, but it suited them. I guess you could say it suited me for awhile too, until I found a way to kill the Vamps.

I know lots of people wouldn't like being in hiding, even if nobody knew what they looked like, but to me its a cakewalk. I can blend in with all the other humans very easily.

It took me three years to figure out what was used to make the two swords and the weapons that the Vamps had and once I found that out, it took me a few months to figure out how to make the weapons and get everything for them. Now that I can make the killer weapons my whole hide-out is filled with nothing but piles, upon piles of weapons. All my new weapons not all of them are swords I have, guns, stakes, daggers, throwing stars, arrows, and there are only two people that are blacksmiths that I even trust helping me create the weapons. I still don't give them the secrete on how to make the Himpred-blood water though. Not only do I know how to create the weapons to kill the Vamps, but I also figured out a resipy with the Himpred-blood water that can mask your sient. 


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