» Fiction » Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗

Book online «Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗». Author Vamperic Knight

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scary knife is much sharper than it looks, because it makes little work of the thick laces. She blushes as Andrew slowly takes the shoe off, and eyeballs her pink flowery sock, and she looks away. Andrew whistles softly, and her eyes snap back to him “What?” He looks at her with a slight frown, the aqua eyes going empty in seconds, again the shadow falling over his face. “That’s sprained badly. I have to take the sock off, but it’s going to hurt like a bitch in labour” Realising what he said he quickly looks up at her and sees her going paler than she is already. “ I’m sorry. It might hurt a lot, but I will try not to.”


“You ready?” His fingertips poised on her calf, she blushes profusely but nods, biting her lip. Andrew looks down, gently peeling the sock from the swollen ankle, applying pressure and releasing it when he feels her tense. Maegen blushes more and groans softly, wishing she had put nail polish on the night before, but felt too lazy. How was she to know some idiot would try to kill her ? She grunts, annoyed, and Andrew’s hands stills immediately, and he looks up at her questioningly. She shakes her head in silence. ‘Asshole’ As if he could read her thoughts he grins again briefly, but his smile fades almost immediately as he concentrates on her foot. Taking the sock off completely, a look of horror comes across his face, making her blush even more. “ I’m sorry “ Maegen whispers, I wasn’t expecting some ass to attempt breaking my legs. “ Andrew looks up at her, and their eyes meet for a moment , but again the aqua has a strange light in them this time. ‘ There is that empty, sad look again’ Maegen tries to identify the emotion behind the eyes. ‘But there is something deeper, something way deeper behind just the way he looks at the world’


She watches him reach into his sachets again, wondering what else he has in the huge belt, as she becomes awkwardly aware that a lot of people are openly stopping and staring at them, most of these people are acquaintances, but for some reason nobody approaches. ‘idiots’ Maegen fumes. ‘ Do none of you actually care that a stranger in our neighbourhood is doing this to me ?’  She is torn out of her rant by the sound of a spray can being shaken, the marble in it ringing loudly in the morning air. Goggling at him she watches Andrew shake what looks to be paint. “Hey, wait! “ She utters the words too late as she gasps, the sudden cold of the spray making contact on her skin, feeling like her foot has just been dumped into a bucket of ice, and she yanks it away from the offending space, calling out in pain


“Oi you can’t do that “ Andrew mutters, not taking his eyes away from the job at hand, merely taking her foot back to where it was, and applying more of the cold spray, this time holding her calf in place with authority, but without hurting. Luckily the coldest of the spray is over, and now it’s just a funny tingling on her foot. She realises with a shock that her foot has gone numb, and the pain is also fading rapidly. Interested, her wrath gone for a moment, she peeks at him “ what is that ? “ He looks up briefly, whilst placing the bottle back in a sachet, switching hands on her calf and now producing a bottle of ointment from his other side, opening it one handed and placing it on the ground  before answering her “ It’s an Anaesthetic spray used on bullet wounds, but also used in sports injuries. This might hurt abit, I do not want to wait for the spray to work completely otherwise I won’t be able to see exactly what happened inside here.” Again he takes her foot, and softly starts massaging some of the salve into her foot, and the strong smell hits her nostrils with a fury. “Oh my god, what is THAT?!” Maegen turns her head away from it, covering her nose. Andrew chuckles. “ This is my own salve that I mix and use on almost a daily basis “ Finishing with her foot, Andrew wipes his hand on his shorts and returns the bottle to his pocket, lastly taking out a bandage, which he starts putting on her ankle, Maegen watching him with a slightly different opinion now. What felt like hours for her  was nothing more than a few minutes, in which he effectively tended to her injured foot.


The pain dissolving fast, Maegen now watches Andrew packing up her shoe, hooking it in some way to his belt, and he sits down next to her on the bench, taking out a packet of cigarettes and lighting one. “ We have to wait for the foot to be completely numb before I move you” When Maegen does not respond, he looks at her, and notices her staring at him intently. “M’lady?” Without thinking she takes the cigarette out of his mouth, breaks it in two, and throws it away. When she realises what she’s done she gives a soft “Oh” and looks at him fearfully, her hand in front of her mouth, as he watches her with an astonished look on his face, his mouth half open. Again the eyes meet, and again, Maegen gets lost in the sea of aqua, trying to phantom the emotions behind the closed windows of this man’s soul, whilst she tries to figure out what his response will be to her mechanical reaction.

“Well now. That’s a first.” Andrew shrugs, and lights another cigarette, taking care not to allow it to be in his mouth too long, lest the girl tries to sabotage him again. She sighs, but doesn’t attempt her bold move a second time. Watching her foot, Andrew notices the slight blueish tinge on it and inwardly swears at himself. His calm and collected thoughts going haywire, he tries to fend off  the memories and looks at the girl next to him “ Where do you live, M’lady? “ She gives him the address, and he thinks for a moment. “ That’s too far, you will never last that long. I’m going to carry you to my place, and then take you home in the car, okay? “ She looks at him for a moment, then nods slowly.


Finishing his smoke, Andrew looks at Maegen. “ Okay then. Let’s get you home.” He bends forward, and she almost automatically puts her arm around his neck, lifting her leg slightly so he can get an arm through. “ See you can learn quickly, m’lady” Maegen looks at him, annoyed. “ What the fuck is it with you and ‘M’lady’ ? “ she hisses at him, all her zeal back now that the pain is gone. Andrew looks at her in surprise. “ Oh I’m sorry, It’s just the way I speak, my apologies if it annoys you” She stares at him. The sincerity with which he spoke took the fight out of her bite. “ It doesn’t annoy me…Its only that we are in the 21st century you know “ Andrew starts walking back towards his apartment, a slight smile on his face “ Yea. I know “

The rest of the trip to the small apartment is made in silence, Andrew carrying Maegen effortlessly, whilst she broods, at times furious and at others curious. Now and then she peeks at him, but either he does not notice or he does not make a comment about it, his face is closed and sombre, his eyes steely light blue,  his lips a thin line. She marvels at the fact that he shows no fatigue, even though he has probably run a lot more than he is used to. For some reason she becomes sleepy, possibly from the crying, and she fights the urge to sleep with all she can. She eventually loses the battle, and falls asleep, which Andrew notices when he feels her relax completely, and looks down. Without waking her, he steps into his yard, and somehow manages to open the slam lock with one hand, without dropping the sleeping girl.


‘Gods I wish I opened the windows and doors last night’ The place has not really been open for about a year, with only his landlady’s housemaid being in here once a week to clean and dust, so it has a stale air about it. Gently laying Maegen down on the couch without waking her, he disappear into the bedroom for a moment and returns with a coat, lined with synthetic fur for a collar, which he throws over her. He then makes his way to the open plan kitchen, rinsing out mugs and the kettle, going about looking for things he haven’t used in well over a year, like teaspoons. While rummaging in a cupboard on his knees looking for coffee, he hears Maegen groan and comes upright suddenly.


Maegen snuggles the warm, fluffy blanket, smiling softly in her sleep. She wakes up unwillingly, not wanting to leave the warmth of sleep’s safety, she stretches and groans catlike, and then her eyes flare open as she hears a thud and a man’s voice, uttering a word that could only be a swearword. With a gasp she sits bolt upright. Looking down at the ‘blanket’ she realises it’s not a blanket but an actual coat, looks like its military but it has insignia on the shoulders that she doesn’t recognize. As everything comes back to her, remembering the morning’s happenings she throws the coat off her, and looks in terror at her bandaged foot, then turns around on the couch and finds a teary eyed Andrew with a bag of what looks like instant coffee in his hands. “ I thought you said your taking me to MY home?” She glares at him, and tries to get up, instinctively checking that nothing on her clothing is out of place. Rubbing the back of his head, Andrew shakes it slowly, cursing inwardly for forgetting the drawer open. “ You fell asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you. “ He gestures foolishly at the kettle. Besides, I was going to offer you a cup of coffee first. If you wish, I can take you home immediately, but will appreciate it if you will allow me to say sorry with a cup of something I can drug “


Maegen glares at him, opens her mouth and closes it. “ Fine. Il have your drug. But you better take me home before it kicks in. “Andrew smiles at her. A genuinely pleased smile. Maegen blinks and looks more closely at him. The difference is like night and day. ‘Holy shit!’ she thinks to herself. ‘Why on earth is this man so confusing and exasperating at the same time?! ‘She watches him as he busies himself with mugs and the kettle, as he carefully rinses everything again and prepares the coffee. The aroma of the coffee is intoxicating, and for a moment she forgets about the morning, drinking in the scent. She then looks around the room, which is sparsely decorated, except for a few photos of military origin and a table full of medals and other trophies, there is a television set, a guitar and a computer connected to a hi-fi system. Looking into the bedroom curiously, all she can see is a wardrobe and a double bed, but it looks brand new and unused.


Her thoughts is interrupted by Andrew bringing her a huge mug of coffee. “ Your drug, m’lady. Drink up “ She stares at him and takes the mug mechanically. “ you expect me to drink this entire tank of coffee? “  Andrew smiles. “No. I expect you to enjoy it.” Especially with the drug I put in it.

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