» Fiction » Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗

Book online «Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗». Author Vamperic Knight

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And with that he is gone. Moments later she hears the front door open, him uttering a soft word of thanks to her father, and the door closes again.


She sighs in exasperation. ‘Asshole’ She opens the envelope, finds a card, and several crisp notes in it. Way more than she spent on the few things she bought the day before. Maegen gasps, then pelts out the door, envelope in hand.


Waking up feeling much better, Andrew stretches in the early morning light pilfering through the blinds of the living room. Looking at his wristwatch in the semi dark, he snorts. ‘Never fails.’ It is 5 AM. He frowns, looking at his fist. Memories rush back into his consciousness. He knows Maegen was here. The thought of the slim, dark haired beauty makes him sit upright quickly and he resolves into a fit of coughs.


He swings his legs from underneath the duvet, and spots the cold mug of coffee on the table. Taking it , he sips it, then drains it. The coffee is good, but the disprin and fluzin taste is unmistakable. He chuckles to himself “Yup. Karma” he says to the room in general. His eyes then fall on the paper on the counter when he enters the kitchen to wash his cup. Picking it up he makes a note of the amount and then puts the receipt in a drawer.


A few hours later he pulls up to the well kept house, and checks that he has the envelope in his pocket. Pressing on the steering wheel, he writes a small note on the card and stuff it into the envelope, with a slight frown. ‘I don’t know why I’m doing this, writing cards and things. But I guess you just have this effect on me.’ He gets out, walks up to the front door and rings the bell. He waits a moment then rings it again. The man from the last time he was there opens the door and regards him in silence. “ Good morning Sir. Would you be so kind as to give this to Maegen?” The man looks at him then stands aside, opening the door. “ She is in her room.” With a nod, Andrew steps inside.


He walks directly to her room, and draws an inaudible breath when the sight of her meets him, where she is poring over her books, music blaring in her ears, earphones hiding his presence. He watches her for a moment, drinking in the sheer beauty of her well formed, fit legs to the dark hair, loose now, falling softly across her face. He shakes his head, clearing his mind from the thoughts rushing through him, and he hides his wrath for himself as well as he can before knocking on the door softly.


After giving her the envelope and thanking her father he gets back into the car, his emotions washing over him like a cool summer breeze, waves of silent persistent emotions colliding inside. He lights a cigarette, moodily drawing on it, rolling the window down. Just as he wants to start the engine, the front door bursts open, and Maegen rushes out, looking around for a moment before finding him, and the dark eyes pin him down as she determinedly walks down the pathway to his car.


“This is too much. I did’nt even spend half of what you have in here.” Her voice is ls slightly higher. She is clearly upset. Andrew takes another drag, blowing it into the other side of the car, knowing how much she hates the smoke, before answering her. “ The rest was for nursing me. You will find that it’s actually not enough, as the price of private nursing is way more than that. I take it you haven’t read the card. “ Maegen looks at him, then scowling takes the cigarette from his hand and throws it away. Again his eyebrows shoot up, and after a moment of silence he lights another. “ Do you honestly think I expected to be paid for this? “ She takes the new cigarette, barely smoked, chucks it away as well. The blazing aqua meets the dark eyes for a moment, and again, they speak at the same time. “Asshole” Andrew’s eyes starts to twinkle, and this annoys the girl even more.


“Just stop it will you? I am not a charity case, I don’t need donations from total strangers.” She throws the envelope back into his lap. Andrew Sighs. ‘ Okay. You didn’t read the card. “ Taking the envelope in his hand, he starts the engine, holding it out to her. “ Take it, read the card. “ He waits a few moments, then lets go of the paper, it falling on the pathway next to the car. “ Take care, m’lady “ He releases the shifter, pulling off slowly and smoothly. As he drives away, Maegen hears him coughing that horrible cough again, but she only stare after the car with her mouth half open. It takes her several moments after he turned off and she is no longer able to see the car to force an exasperated “Asshole!” whisper after him.


Picking up the envelope, Maegen fiddles with the small card. His handwriting is surprisingly neat.


‘ Dear Maegen.


Thank you for nursing me yesterday, and taking the time to care for an asshole. I am not the type to buy roses and chocolates or even thank you cards for that matter. But I do hope that you will know what to get yourself as a treat for caring for an idiot. I have included the amount you used as well.


Kindest Regards

AJ Du Faberge.’


She sighs, highly annoyed by the baddassed idiot. ‘What the fuck is your agenda?’ She wonders. Deciding that she cannot concentrate on her studies again, she goes back inside and dresses in a light top, running shoes and a small backpack. She walks to the park, brooding in silence with her music blasting in her ears as per custom, and she sits on a bench without noticing the familiarity of it, while she thinks.


Later she decides on a small lunch, or maybe a piece of cake, when her stomach reminds her she is a living being. With her mind still busy, she barely pays attention to the people around her, her thoughts stuck on various things. A man steps out of a building up ahead, his eyes on the piece of paper in his hand, frowning. She collides with him as she walks, and they both utter quick apologies  and carry on their way. It’s only when the man behind her starts coughing that she stops dead in her tracks, and swing around.


Andrew, trying to decipher the horrible writing on his prescription, steps outside of the doctor’s office and stands, a frown on his face. Perplexed by the seemingly useless scribbling, someone bumps into him , and he quickly mutters an apology before starting to walk forward, the person doing the same. Something in the voice registers but he does not pay attention to it, and he dissolves into a coughing fit again, angrily he starts walking off, trying to stifle the annoying bursts of air. He does not get far, before he has to stop and try to breathe. He closes his eyes after the intense cough, and try to stabilise his breathing.


A small hand taps his back, and he recognizes the angry voice instantly “ What the fuck is wrong with you, are you retarded? Why are you not in bed you dumb idiot!” Andrew’s chuckle forces him into another coughing marathon, and he turns away, holding out the small piece of paper to Maegen in answer.


She, taking it to see what it is, absentmindedly pats him on the back as she looks at the incredulous scribbles. Realising that he’s been to the doctor, she immediately feels bad for reprimanding him, then blushes when she realize that she’s patting him. Andrew breathing slowly and attempting to breathe deeply, watches her in silence. Again the two pairs of eyes meet. “ Would you like a cup of coffee, m’lady? “


“Really, Andrew?” The piece of paper in her hand on her hip, she looks at him. “I have a name you know. It’s Maegen. Not m’lady. I don’t even like coffee. And after you drugged me last time by your own confession, what makes you think I will drink anything with you again?” A smile touches his aqua eyes, and for a moment they light up, and she almost drowns in the blue depths, but his words quickly brings her back to earth and her face goes crimson “ Guess we are even now with the drugging, huh. Just so you know. I finished your coffee you made me, drugs and all”


Maegen scoffs.”Fine, let’s go have a coffee and drugs. But I am having tea. And I am keeping it as far away from you as I possibly can! “ Andrew nods and looks around for a shop that would sell the desired liquid. “Oh you are hopeless. This way.” Maegen doesn’t think about what she’s doing, merely grips his wrist, and pulls him in a direction. They sit outside, and Andrew flags down a waiter for them, then looks at her questioningly. “ Tea?” After nodding her consent, he nods to the waiter “ Tea for the lady and the biggest coffee you have for me, please. Thank you”


“Do you ever drink anything else than coffee?” He smiles. “Yes occasionally I drink coffee with flu medication, once someone manages to slip it” Maegen blushes again, looks down at her hands and mutters “ You started. “ Andrew, laughing, mutters back, leaning in confidently “ You asked “ He leans back quickly and coughs, then reaches for his pocket, taking out a cigarette. Lighting the lighter, his eyes meets hers, the small flame flickering between them. With a sigh he puts the lighter down and returns the cigarette to the packet. Maegen snorts softly “Good to see even idiots can learn” Andrew does not respond but merely points at a small fish fountain at the front of where they are seated. “ That looks nice “


Maegen, looking at him for a moment in shocked silence, turns around to see what he is pointing at, and grudgingly, agrees with him.” Yes it is” They sit as such in akward silence until the waiter interrupts their individual thoughts with a pot of tea, some milk and a ridiculously large cup of coffee,, at which Maegen only shakes her head, busying herself with the tea. Andrew, who was busying himself with the menu, points at something and looks at the waiter, who nods and leaves them. Maegen registers that Andrew has ordered something, but doesn’t really care, as she no longer really feel the need to eat.


The waiter returns shortly afterwards, Maegen looking in shock at the amount of sugar sachets disappearing into the coffee, looks up and sees a huge piece of cake, way bigger than she even normally eats, being served to herself, and Andrew moving aside his cup of coffee to receive the same portion.”But…” Andrew does not allow her to finish. “No butts.Eat up. That way I don’t feel guilty.” He gives a slight cough and digs into the cake with a spoon. Watching him for a moment, Maegen cannot help but notice how he enjoys the cake almost like a child, and his enthusiasm finally wins her over. The cake is heavenly, and they sit in silence and eat. Their drinks finished, and the cake crumbs the only evidence of said delicacies, Andrew offers another pot of tea.


“No thank you, I’m good. I need to get home.” A Shadow passes over his face, and Maegen wonders what is going through his mind. “Can I give you a lift?” She shakes her head. It’s okay, thank you, I’ll walk. Andrew nods and stands up, taking out his wallet and giving the waiter a few notes. “Wait, I’ll pay for my share.

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