» Fiction » Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗

Book online «Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗». Author Vamperic Knight

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foot of the ladder completely, his astonishment not concealed in the least. His mouth is half open, and while she breathes heavily, she pokes his chest softly. “ don’t stare at me like that, it cant be that ugly! “


He shakes his head gently, then takes a hipflask from his utility belt, opening the cap and holding it out to her. “ Here, have some. Its pure water, don’t worry” He bangs against the lid of the truck when the others inside start wolf whistling the girl outside, calling him on his rank. Taking the flask, she tries to peek into it. “Relax, its only cold water” Eyeing him, she takes a sip – and realises the water is still ice cold and filtered . After returning the flask to him, he places it back on his belt, and gently asks “ So Mae, what brings you here so beautifully dressed? “


‘Damnit!’ She completely forgot what she was here for.  Flustered. She pushes the white flowers into his hands, mumbles something that sounded like good luck and fortune and swiftly turns away, starting her way away from him. “ Mae.” She turns. He fumbles with something around his neck for a moment, then breaks the string holding it to his neck, disentangling it from another string that was still around his neck, and he walks closer to her putting the trinket in her hand, closing it in her palm with his. His voice is barely audible when he speaks “ Thank you” Before she can compose herself he jumped onto the back of the truck, vaulting himself over, banging twice on the lid, and the truck pulls away immediately. Aqua eyes staring at dark ones, he lifts his hand just before they round the corner, and only a few seconds after the truck disappeared, Maegen lifts her own. “Bye, asshole”

That night, Maegen has a hard time sleeping. Eventually rolling out of bed with a sigh, she makes her way to the kitchen and busies herself with a cup of tea. A frown is gently distorting her face. ‘ Why is it that I cannot get you out of my mind? ‘ Switching the lights off, she returns to her room, cup of tea in hand, pondering why the aqua eyed idiot is disturbing her sleep, even when he has finally left her in peace, going back to whatever it is that he does.


Back in her room, she looks at the small trinket he broke off his neck. It’s nothing spectacular. A small celtic cross in silver. Her eyes burns slightly, and she tosses her head to one side, annoyed with herself. ‘ Be glad you are rid of him!’ she chastises herself, and finish her tea with a scowl. Getting back into bed, she turns out the light by her bedside and look at the small silver glint on her bedside table in the darkness, eventually drifting off to sleep, broken aqua eyes in her dreams.


In the morning, she is barely able to sit up in the bed. Looking at herself in the mirror does not improve her already foul mood. The circles under her eyes are clearly visible. Her hair refuses to be strung into her usual ponytail. Getting ready for jogging is taking longer than usual, with her drifting around like a zombie, due to the lack of sleep from the night before. Eventually she makes her way to the front door, half expecting his voice to mock her. It doesn’t come. She starts a slow jog, then stops dead, before starting to stretch with a soft smirk on her face.


Returning home, Maegen is utterly exhausted, having pushed herself way beyond her normal limits. The shower does wonders, and a little bit of tasteful makeup hides her tiredness. Busy chewing on a piece of toast, she overhears the television in the living room talking about soldiers being dispatched, and uncharacteristically of her, hurries inside to have a look. All of the people on the screen wearing the same uniform and generally being unrecognisable, she lets out a sigh and returns to the kitchen, washing her hands and her plate before grabbing her bag.


Getting off the bus, she walks up to the college doors, just to be swept into a hug that makes her groan. “ Oooh it’s so good to see you! “ Maegen’s friend from High School, Belinda, croons over her, nearly taking her clothing off with her eyes. “ Man and look at that body…did you get a private instructor or something ?” Maegen smiles gently, her friends excitement addictive. “ You could say something of the sort. But don’t worry – he is a total asshole.” Belinda frowns slightly but doesn’t peruse the conversation, immediately going off in a rumble about her vacation in the south.


Maegen smiles broadly. It’s hard to be depressed around Belinda. The joyful even hyper blonde is never quiet and gets excited by almost everything. The morning passes quickly, and class is quite laid back as new books are shown off, vacations are talked about and the latest gossip is exchanged. “OI. Earth to Shuttle M” A sharp prod in the ribs brings her back from the outside where she has been staring at nothing in particular. “ What’s got you all thinking with that dreamy look in your eyes? And why are you blushing?! Do tell, M, don’t let me beg you!” Belinda is all over Maegen, her green eyes pinpointing her to the wall like a fly.


“Oh shut up, I’m not blushing – the sun is hot” Meagen retorts hastiliy ‘ Damn it, get yourself together! ‘ she quickly reprimands herself. “ Oh, come on, Maegen….what’s got you so worked up?” Belinda does not let the subject go and throws a rock in the bush. “Is he tall?” Maegen looks at her in shock and the rabbit jumps out before she can put a leash on it. “ He ain’t really that tall, but he ain’t short either. He towers over me, obviously “


“ I knew it!” Belinda lets out a cry of joy, ignoring Maegen’s horrified face “ Who is he… what does he do… what does he look like… do you have a picture…..come on Maegen tell me!” Maegen shakes her head. “ You are impossible, B. It’s some random guy that tried to break my legs at the start of vacation. He insists on jogging with me even after I told him to get lost several times “ Belinda folds her arms. “ So what, he is like a tall handsome stalker or something? You know I did warn you you are gonna attract the type with you continuously turning down guys.” Maegen snorts “ No I would not say Andrew is a stalker. He is however a bloody weirdo that sounds like he swallowed some play of Shakespear’s”


Belinda looks at her in wonder. “ Swallowed… wait..what? “ When she starts giggling Maegen slaps her arm gently, but her own smile is a dead giveaway. “ He is a nice guy with ancient manners. Keeps calling me m’lady like some 1800 french idiot. “ Pity he’s gone away. I could have introduced you two to each other – he is exactly the right type of weird you would like. “ She shrugs. “Oh well. He aint here, but my study book is, so I will rather talk about that. “ She steers the conversation away with determination, but a twinge in her chest reminds her of the aqua reason she had no sleep last night.


That night after showering, her hair in a towel, her eye catches the small glint of the cross once more. Maegen sighs, picks it up, and ties the string around her neck, posing to herself naked in the mirror. A sense of calm comes over her, and for the first time since they parted, Andrew’s twinkling blue eyes replace those broken ones in her mind’s eye. ‘ I still don’t know why you are so broken, Andrew. And I don’t even know why I should care. I have never really worried about strangers. Guys come and go. That’s how it goes. But you…’ Towelling her hair dry, she gets into bed,  studying the small cross in her hand , still around her neck. ‘ Be safe, asshole.’ Soon the girl drifts off to sleep her slender hand around a silver trinket.


Days come and go, and Maegen is forced to forget about the blue eyed reason that so regularly incurred her wrath. Her studies in the second year , the pace picks up considerably, and she has to give it her all. As the days turn to weeks, weeks to months, the girl gets caught up in her life, and it returns to normal, however occasionally she would wonder if the young man is still okay, but would casually shrug off her concern and carry on with her day.


Andrew watches the soldier as he walks around the car, open the door and hold out a crutch. He sighs deeply, then awkwardly pulls himself up using the side of the car’s door. With this out of the way, he takes the crutch from his colleague and nods “ Thank you Sebastian “. The young man nods and takes out a duffel, walking with Andrew to the front door, placing the bag next to Andrew, nodding to him once more and then getting back into the car, he leaves.


Again Andrew sighs deeply, and puts his key in the door. Once inside, he looks around, once again back at the place which he cannot recognise as home. Leaving the front door open, he pushes the duffel inside with a cast wrapped leg and closes the security gate behind him, leaving the wooden door open for fresh air. He pulls a sheet  from the sofa, throws it aside and slowly sits down on the sofa, picking up the remote of his stereo, before switching it on he makes himself comfortable, adjusting the arm in the sling and the casted leg in order that he wont fall off.


Shortly afterwards the sounds of instrumental guitar fills the small flat, and Andrew keeps at it, pressing the volume button up until the stereo had no more to give. Closing his eyes, he leans back  into the sofa, relaxing for the first time in months, drinking in the sounds of the strings booming from his speakers in the living room. As he dozes off he relives the nightmare of blood steel and smoke in his mind’s eye.


Walking briskly in the quickly darkening street, Maegen curses herself for missing the early bus. She got out of college late and had missed the early bus that she normally takes with mere seconds to spare. Thus she had to take the much later second bus. She walks past the street where Andrew lives, or lived, not paying much attention to it. Someone is playing some nice music, and for a moment out of pure curiosity, she checks the flat, noting that the front door is open. Her heart explicably missing a beat, she walks closer, touching the gate with a hand.


A shadow falls over the light streaming in from the door, and the subtle change of lighting wakes Andrew immediately. Pulling himself upright with effort he looks at the door, and gets up, the sun blinding him. Slowly making his way  to the gate he unlocks it, opening it so that he can see who is at his door, and then takes in a sharp breath when he recognises the girl on his doorstep, and a genuine smile breaks through the stone-set face, his eyes thawing in seconds. The girl looks at him, gaping at his shoulder in the sling and his leg in the cast. A second later he is nearly thrown over from her grabbing him and hugging him to her fiercely.


A Moment he stands in shock, fighting with himself.  Then, seemingly losing his internal battle, he places his good arm around

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