» Fiction » Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗

Book online «Impact, Vamperic Knight [ebook reader ink .TXT] 📗». Author Vamperic Knight

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“ Andrew shakes his head and the waiter nods, stepping aside and wishing them a good day. “ Well. I will be going to get whatever it is I’m supposed to get, God knows what it is.”Andrew points at the prescription that Maegen put on the table.” So. I guess I will see you around, m’lady. Thank you for spending the morning with me, I greatly enjoyed your company” Andrew holds out his hand. “You are such a lord of an asshole, Andrew” she briefly takes his hand, wondering if he is gonna kiss it. Andrew notices her reluctance and squeezes her hand softly. “ Don’t worry, Mae. I’m old school, not French.”


He abrubtly turns and leaves a shocked Maegen repeating the three letters softly to herself. “Mae…”



Chapter 3


Maegen does not see much of the thorn in her side, and she almost forgets about him, focussing on her studies and exams. Finally with the last exam out of the way, Maegen goes jogging the one evening but end up sitting on a bench in the park, just staring at the sky.


The next morning, Maegen mumbles sleepily when her phone buzzes and vibrates. Pushing a button, she lets out a moan when it starts buzzing again. Squinting at the screen, she does not recognize the number, but seeing as the caller is so adamant, she moodily answers the phone. “ Yea?”


A soft chuckle from the phone’s speaker wakes her up a bit more. “ come on lazybones. Time to wake up “  She lets out a snarl but the phone is killed before she can even voice her aggravation.  ‘ Knowing him he is probably waiting outside. Damned asshole ‘ Yawning, she pulls on a robe, and makes her way to the front door, which she opens. Not surprised she finds Andrew on the outside of the gate, jogging on the spot. He looks at her and grins “ Please don’t tell me you are going to go running like that ! “


“Andrew you are such a damned asshole!” She bites the words out at him and slams the door shut again, huffing to her room. Thoroughly annoyed, she pulls on her shorts and top, getting her phone and earphones and strapping the phone in, her music blaring in her ears. Ignoring Andrew completely when she gets outside, she walks briskly in her normal direction, warming her muscles. She does not see him, but she is aware of his footsteps next to hers, matching her own pace. Still very annoyed by him, she starts her lengthening her strides when she gets to the corner before turning off to the park, and stealing a glimpse at him, she notices that he is smiling, looking ahead of them, and the aqua of his eyes captivates her.


At the park, Andrew stops for a moment, and Maegen stops instinctively, looking at him. He sits down and stretches, his face looking young, and seemingly unworried by the world. After stretching , he looks at her, says something and lifts an eyebrow, understanding that she could not hear him.  “ I asked if you need some help stretching, m’lady?” Maegen rolls her eyes, and sits down, after he replaced the tiny speaker in her ear. Without asking, Andrew takes each leg in his hand and stretches her muscles for her, and she cannot help but blush.


They start circling the park, and the brisk morning air lifts Maegen’s mood significantly. In silence, they jog, one foot after the other, Maegen noting that Andrew is pacing himself perfectly to her stride. After a good few rounds, she slows down gradually, eventually coming to a stop, aware of him next to her, then she looks up at him, surprised by how evenly he is breathing. “ Okay. That’s me for now. “ He nods and smiles. “ Mind if I do another round or two ? “ She shakes her head gently. “ As long as you don’t expect me to do them with you. I’ve already done more than my usual amount, I don’t want to strain something.” He nods, and again his boyish smile touches the aqua, and Maegen feels herself melting.


But then the smile is gone, and Andrew along with the smile, in seconds. Sitting down on the bench, Maegen watches him absentmindedly, again noting his pace. Now running alone, Andrew stretches his legs to the full extent, and increases his pace to the point where he might be running all out. He works his course around, then cuts short of the next corner, coming straight past her, and as he thumps past her, noticing Maegen’s eyes on him, he winks and then he is gone again. Chargrined Maegen blushes. After several laps at a seemingly insane pace, he finally stops next to her, breathing slightly more than usual, but with no significant difficulty. “ Wanna grab some breakfast? “ He holds out his hand, and Maegen takes it, again surprised by the ease at which he pulls her upright.


They walk across the park, where people are starting their day, other runners, businessmen, schoolkids. The silence between them is charged, but not uncomfortable. Each are busy with their own thoughts, in their own worlds – Maegen with her blaring music, Andrew with his closed hard face, no one would know what is racing through his mind. At the same restaurant they were last time, Andrew holds open the door for her with a gallant bow. “Seriously Andrew, get real “Maegen bites at him, but walks past him with her nose in the air, pony furiously brushing her shoulders. The only response she gets is a slight chuckle.


Andrew ordering his normal tank of coffee, Maegen opting for juice she looks at him and decides that she will figure out his agenda today. “ So tell me, Andrew. “ He puts down his mug, and gives her his undivided attention, the paper he was busy paging through being put aside in the same fluid motion. Slightly taken aback by his attentiveness, she steels herself ‘ Get a grip Maegen. This man is technically still a stranger!’ Her dark eyes meets his, and for a moment the aqua eyes flashes their heart melting brightness again. “ What is your plan, with all this? “ He frowns slightly “ What do you mean? “ His voice has a certain coldness in it, and it scares her “You. Always being around me. I am trying to figure out why you insist on running with me. You give me outrageous gifts. Always act like such a gentleman ”


She keeps her eyes on his face, but bites her tongue when she sees the shadow creep up his face. ‘Oh my god…’ The shadow reaches the blue eyes, and it looks like the windows to his soul shatters “ Ah.” He looks down at his hands, fumbling with the mug. “You see. In my line of work, I deal with a lot of things.” His silence makes her look up at him, trying to search his face, only to find a hard line in his mouth, his fingers clenched on the mug, the knuckles white. “ It’s good to have someone remind you now and then that you are human – that you are more than just a tool programmed for destruction. I find my remembrance in you. I am sorry, if it disturbs you.” He looks up, straight in her eyes, and for a moment, the curtain in front of the hard face lifts, and pain is etched into every inch of his face, before it flits away, the waiter putting his bowl of cereal in front of him. He says nothing more.


They eat in silence, Maegen not daring to probe deeper into his cryptic words, him not seemingly wanting to continue the subject. Finished, Andrew orders another mug of coffee, whilst she still sips on her juice. The silence is now laden, with the electricity almost crackling between them. Again Andrew looks up at her, and his voice is soft, pained, and the strain with which he formulates the words emulates the chaos inside. “ I have no friends to speak off. I know no one here. Aside from you I do not speak or interact with any other person. So while I was here, I reluctantly found a person I could deem as a friend”


Her eyes not able to break away from the blue ponds of pain, Maegen nods. “ I understand” She frowns slightly.
“ Wait. Why are you referring to the past tense?”

He smiles bitterly. “ My vacation is coming to an end. I am flying back tomorrow”

Looking at him, Maegen wonders at the amount of bitterness in his voice, and are surprised by her own feeling of loss, registering that this might well be the last time they spend time together “ what time are you leaving?”

He looks up, meets her eyes. “ At about 3 in the afternoon “

Finishing their breakfast in silence, Andrew refusing to allow her to pay for  her share of the breakfast, they go their separate ways, Maegen deep in thought and a plan brewing in her mind.


Morning breaks grim and rainy. Andrew opens his eyes from the couch and sighs long and hard. ‘ I cant believe that I am so reluctant to go back. And I don’t even know why’ In answer his brain allows a sillouette of a young, beautiful, dark eyed girl hang before his eyes for a brief moment, but he shakes his head, ridding himself of the image ‘ She would not even look at me in that way’ He rises, entering the shower where he spends almost an hour, before getting dressed in uniform, freshly washed and ironed, and sits on the couch, tackling his boots to make them shine. Afterwards he spends some time, cleaning the place, throwing over dust covers and ensuring taps are closed . Lastly he switches the electricity off, double checking the fridge to see that there is nothing there that can go off. Sporting his beret he takes the trash out from the can, and taking a last look at his home, turns and exits the door.


Depositing the bag of garbage in the pikitup bin by the front gate, Andrew hears the truck long before he can see it. He smiles as one of his comrades  calls out to him “ Lieutenant! Looks like you picked up a few kgs there! “ Swinging his duffel onto the back of the truck, Andrew puts one foot on the stepladder but freezes when he hears his name being called out...


‘Shit, I’m late!’ Maegen panics as she tries to pick up the pace’ Damned sandals! Don’t know why I’m doing this, It feels so stupid anyway’ As she approaches the corner before Andrew’s flat, she notices the bulky green and brown truck coming down the road, and when it turns down his road, she cusses softly, taking off the sandals, breaking into a barefooted run. As she rounds the corner, she notices his familiar tall frame on the back of the truck, his foot on the step. ‘ No choice ! ‘ she thinks to herself. “ Andrew! “ She sees him freeze, then turn around, before taking his

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