» Fiction » A Moonlit Path, Chocolatemeerkat [thriller novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «A Moonlit Path, Chocolatemeerkat [thriller novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Chocolatemeerkat

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broken the warrior code, what if I become leader when everyone knows? The clan will hate me and will want me out. If that happens, I can't meekly go over to ForestClan and ask to join. I'd have to be a rogue."
"Dawnsong would go if you go." Crowpelt reminded him. "She thinks the world of you, would you leave your own mate behind?"
"I guess not." Noblespirit sighed, scratching the ground with his claws. "You'd make a good deputy too, one day. You know what to do."
"Remember that I haven't trained an apprentice yet." Crowpelt meowed, twitching his whiskers.
Before Noblespirit could reply, Ivypool and Hollypaw returned, each carrying a small blackbird. His eyes shone in pride. "Great catch, both of you!"
"Hollypaw found both of them before me." Ivypool admitted, dropping the prey. "I think it's about time she became a warrior."
"Thunderpaw too." Crowpelt added. "He's nearly completed training, hasn't he Noblespirit?"
"Yes." Noblespirit confirmed. "We need more warriors in the clan. I'll speak to Peacerain and Bravestar to see if we can get you becoming a warrior, Hollypaw."
"Great!" Hollypaw exclaimed.
"We'd better get back to camp now." Crowpelt mewed, flicking his tail back.
As Noblespirit led his clanmates back, he thought of Dawnsong and him, living life out as rogues due to their forbidden love.
I can't let anyone else find out. He decided in his head. If Dawnsong is going to be safe, then no one can find out the truth. >1>

Swiftpaw sat in the Outcast's den, gazing at all the cats. They had just returned from the battle against the dogs, which they had won. All of the cats were injured, but Wolf, the Outcast she-cat, had died bravely during it. Bear, Legend and Arrow had carried her body to the lake, where many other cats had gone to sit vigil with her for a bit. Swiftpaw had gone twice already, both times Bear had been there. He had cared greatly for the silver she-cat since his arrival, despite both of them having rather fiery tempers.
"You fought bravely today, Swiftpaw." Brokenheart told him gravely. "If the clan had seen what had happened, all of the apprentices would be warriors. I am proud of all of you."
"Thanks." Swiftpaw replied, dipping his head respectfully to the senior warrior.
Joy, who the other Outcasts called their leader, padded quietly through the lichen curtain with Arrow and Featherpaw.
"We've checked all round for any signs of the dogs returning." Arrow reported. "You'll be relieved to know that they've all retreated. I've got a good feeling that they won't be returning for a long time."
"That would be the last thing we need." Chickenpaw mumbled from the corner, his yellow and white fur only just visable among the scarce light.
Swiftpaw turned his attention to Chickenpaw's sister, Featherpaw. The two had been great friends for some time now, they looked after eachother and listened to eachother's worries and grumbles. Chickenpaw didn't approve of this friendship betweem them, yet it didn't bother Swiftpaw.
"You look exhausted." Featherpaw observed, padding over towards Swiftpaw. "Of course, no one blames you after today. Perhaps it would be good to get some rest."
"I guess so." Swiftpaw meowed, settling down in the moss where he'd been sitting for some time now. "I'll go and pay my respects to Wolf again later."
"I'll come too." Featherpaw offered. "I've not been yet." She then curled up beside Swiftpaw, her blue eyes showing exhaustion. "Think I better get some rest too." She murmured. "I'll wake you up when I'm awake."
"Thanks." The black and white apprentice replied, drinking in Featherpaw's sweet scent. He soon forgot that he was in a unfamilar territory and thought of his home in ForestClan, hunting for his clan during the day and catching up on news during his time in the apprentice den. Featherpaw's presence comforted him greatly during this time of fear.
Go to sleep now. Swiftpaw could had sworn he heard Lightleaf's voice in his head. Her mysterious words still rang in his ears, repeating over and over again.
"I'll find out what you mean soon." Swiftpaw mumbled before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"Swiftpaw, you can get up now."
The black and white tom slowly opened his eyes and stumbled up to his paws, groaning. His wounds were incredibly painful now, especially a large gash on his shoulder.
"I'm going to pay my respects to Wolf. Are you coming?" Featherpaw inquired, gently flicking her tail towards the gash on Swiftpaw's shoulder. "I would rest if I were you, but it would be nice to have some company."
"I'm coming, don't worry." Swiftpaw told her with a yawn.
The two young apprentices padded out of the den slowly, the moonlight glittering on the lake close to where Wolf had been buried. Bear wanted her to be near the lake, as Wolf was skilled at catching fish and had loved being by the river on warm nights. Swiftpaw felt a pang of sympathy as he caught a glimpse of Bear's dark brown fur among the grass.
"Greetings, apprentices." The Outcast cat greeted them, trying to hide his grief of Wolf's loss. Featherpaw dipped her head to him. "Have you sat there all day?" She asked.
"What else can I do?" Bear wailed. "I don't feel like going back to the cave. The rest of the Outcasts will think I no longer care. And besides, here, it is a custom for one cat to sit here with a fellow dead Outcast all day. I volenteered to do so."
"In our clan, our medicine cat will ask StarClan to welcome the cat's spirit to their forest, then the cats closest to the deceased one will sit vigil for the rest of the night before the dead cat is buried by the elders." Featherpaw explained. "I-I wanted to sit vigil when my mother died, but everyone said I was too young."
Swiftpaw instantly remembered Roseheart, who was Echopath's sister and the mother of Featherpaw and Chickenpaw. She had been taken by a wild dog four moons after her kits were born. It had hurt both kits, especially Featherpaw. Swiftpaw gave his friend's ear a quick lick. "Four moons was too young. Sitting vigil is a emotional time for any cat and kits shouldn't experience it."
"Swiftpaw is right." Bear agreed. "Now, are you here to pester me or pay respects?"
Stifling a small chuckle, Featherpaw stepped forwards and looked up to the stars. "StarClan, this cat we are celebrating the life of was not a warrior of your forest, neither of the clans, but she died a brave and noble death that any cat would be proud of. She did not follow you, yet I ask you to remember Wolf. Her memory will be treasured forever by the cats that knew her and I would like it if you reconised her." She meowed. "She was a bright, strong young warrior who cared for any cats, especially us."
Featherpaw never speaks out loud so confintently. Swiftpaw noticed. She's always the quiet one. Yet she shows empathy for other cats. I bet she'll make a great mother one day. He then lost track of thought, slightly embrassed of the thought of Featherpaw being a mother. The little brown and white she-cat was pretty, yes, and Swiftpaw was very fond of her, but she was a confused apprentice with a over-protective brother. How could she act so calm while Chickenpaw panicked about everything?
"It would be best if you left now." Bear mewed gravely. "Young cats like you shouldn't be out now."
"Okay. Sorry." Swiftpaw gulped, starting to pad away. "Whatever ancestors you have, I'm sure they'll welcome Wolf."
"They should." Bear replied bitterly. "The dogs shouldn't have taken her life. Goodnight, now."


Eagletalon sat up in the warrior den, gazing at the first stars as they came into view. He knew that Willowstream and Lostsong were up there somewhere, including the other StarClan cats that had died for their clan.
He soon stopped thinking about his family when Echopath appeared at the entrance to the den, a fat mouse swinging from her jaws. "I thought you might want something to eat." She meowed, dropping the prey. She then added bitterly "Ghostfire caught it."
"Prey is prey. It doesn't matter that a former loner caught it." Eagletalon told her gently. "You're still the best hunter by far." Echopath blinked in suprise, but she smiled warmly. "Thanks."
"Have you seen Dawnsong's kits?" Eagletalon asked, changing the subject. The young grey she-cat had given birth to Runningbreeze's four kits not too long ago, a great time for the clan. They needed apprentices more than ever, but Poppyfoot's three kits were six moons old. Bramblestar wanted to hold their ceremony tonight, but so far nothing had been said.
"Who hasn't seen them?" Echopath purred in amusement. "They are the cutest kits ever! Especially Honeykit, I'd love to mentor her when she's old enough."
"You might get one of Poppyfoot's kits." Eagletalon reminded her. "I think Morningkit or Toadkit would suit you."
Before Echopath could reply, a loud yowl echoed again the gorge walls. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!"
"Time to go." The silver she-cat meowed, rushing out. "Come on!"
When Eagletalon got out, he sat down between Echopath and Runningbreeze. He smiled as his own apprentice Gorgepaw settled down with his sister, for now they wouldn't be lonely as Poppyfoot ushered her three kits out.
"As you are all aware, the apprentices have been missing for a while." Bramblestar started. "Prey is scarce and more cats are dying. We need new apprentices to start training as ForestClan warriors. So, can Poppyfoot's kits come up here please?"
Eagletalon watched in amusement as the three kits scrambled up to the rock. He remembered his own apprentice ceremony, how excited him, Lionclaw and Lostsong had been.
"Morningkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Morningpaw. Your mentor will be Twistpelt." Bramblestar announced. He then turned to the golden tabby she-cat, who looked delighted at the thought of being a mentor. "Twistpelt, you have shown loyalty and respect for others. Pass all you know to Morningpaw."
"I will." Twistpelt promised, padding up

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