» Fiction » A Moonlit Path, Chocolatemeerkat [thriller novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «A Moonlit Path, Chocolatemeerkat [thriller novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Chocolatemeerkat

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Sunlight crept into the Outcast's cave, warming Swiftpaw's fur as he opened his eyes. He wasn't sure how long he had been sleeping before, but not many cats were left in the cave. Clawedpaw and Future were among the few. Their wounds from the battle had not been as bad as Swiftpaw's, but they were exhausted.
Waving his tail in greeting, the black and white apprentice pushed his way through the lichen curtain and out into the long grass, which was tipped with morning frost. Swiftpaw shivered, remembering that leafbare was on it's way and prey would be harder to find. Even the best hunters would have trouble finding as much as a scawny mouse or so.
It had been a moon since the ForestClan cats had joined the Outcasts. So far, everyone was getting along apart from Swiftpaw and Rainpaw, since they had been fighting yesterday. Joy had spoked to the blue tabby she-cat, and she had been spending more time with Moonpaw, her best friend. Looking across to the river, Swiftpaw could see the two she-cats speaking to Bear, who's fur was dotted in frost here and there. A pang of sympathy struck the black and white tom as he remembered that Bear hadn't returned to the cave for a second night. Wolf's death had obviously really hurt him.
Upon hearing a rustling, Swiftpaw darted away and headed deeper into the grass, trying desperately to keep himself hidden. He relaxed as he realised that the noise was caused by Arrow and Featherpaw, who were talking.
"You acted very differently yesterday." Arrow commented. "You know, when Rainpaw attacked Swiftpaw."
"What do you mean?" Featherpaw enquired. "Swiftpaw would do the same for me. He saved me when a enemy clan attacked our camp, and he looked after me when I was on the brink of death. He is a very loyal friend."
"I am sure he is. But haven't you wondered if he has his bad points?" Arrow pressed on. "I mean, look at Vulture for example. Yes, he's probably the grumpiest cat you know, but he is a excellent fighter and is protective over his friends."
I may be a little short-tempered, but I'm not a terrible cat! Swiftpaw thought in dismay. I thought the Outcasts trusted me!                                                                                                                   "Excellent spy work you're doing there." A voice grumbed from behind. Swiftpaw clammed his jaws shut to stop him yowling in suprise as he looked behind his shoulder. Chickenpaw was crouched down behind him, his yellow eyes cold. Swiftpaw flashed him a furious look for following him, but Chickenpaw yowled out, sounding like he was in pain.
"That sounded like your brother." Arrow gulped, rushing through the grass. She skidded to a halt as she reached Swiftpaw. "What happened?" She demanded.
"Swiftpaw attacked me!" Chickenpaw responded with a wail, showing Arrow his shoulder. Claw marks had been scored down and blood was trickling out.
"I didn't touch you!" Swiftpaw protested, his yellow eyes showing shock.
Featherpaw peered out from behind Arrow, her pale blue eyes clouded with sorrow. "Why?" She choked out, her words hurting Swiftpaw. "Why must it be like this?"
Without another word, Swiftpaw retreated away from the scene, blood pounding in his ears. He was hurt, furious and curious all at the same time. Why had Chickenpaw framed him for no reason whatsoever?
My life here is over. The apprentice decided. I'm going home, back to ForestClan. StarClan will guide me home.                                                                                                                                               Ignoring Arrow crying his name, Swiftpaw headed towards the forest, leaving his clanmates behind.

Swiftpaw's stomach was growling with hunger as he padded through the trees. He wasn't sure how far away he was, but he knew that he had been travelling for some time now. StarClan had been silent since he left, and he started to feel a bit anxious.
A familar, sweet scent wafted past Swiftpaw's nose as he continued onwards, making him stop. He glanced over his shoulder, his yellow eyes showing suprise, then delight as two StarClan cats appeared. Lightleaf was easily reconisable, but Swiftpaw didn't know the other cat with her.
"Where am I?" Swiftpaw begged, just managing to hold back a wail of despair. "I'm lost and alone!"
"Little one, you are never alone." Lightleaf comforted him. "StarClan are always with you. And you have friends that believe in you, but you have abandoned them." She cocked her head to the side. "Does your life just revolve around getting back home? Or does your heart think differently?"
"The Clan meant everything to me too, but not as much as one cat." The other StarClan cat meowed. Her voice set off a memory in Swiftpaw's mind, when he was a new apprentice. Sandtail, Lionclaw, Icebound and Rabbitleap had taken him on hunting patrol during greenleaf. He had missed a very large hare by a whisker, but Icebound had told him that the hare was very fast.
"Icebound!" Swiftpaw realised. "B-But you're n-not dead!"
"I am now." The white she-cat sighed, shaking her head. "While you've been gone, a lot has happened. I died in a battle against ReedClan, protecting Spiderleg." She sighed loudly again, her eyes clouded with emotion. "I couldn't let him die."
She loved him! Swiftpaw realised instantly, feeling a pang of sympathy for the young she-cat.
"But I can't go back now!" Swiftpaw wailed. Lightleaf pressed her nose to his ear. "Lights will guide you home." She murmured, only so the apprentice could hear.
Swiftpaw blinked, and the two she-cats were gone. He seemed a little overwhelmed at what had happened, but he knew what Icebound had gone through as she chose to protect Spiderleg rather than the Clan.
Maybe I have been a bit mouse-brainned. Swiftpaw told himself privately. I'll try and find these lights, then I'll get back to the Outcasts and apologise. Especially to Featherpaw.                                                  Swiftpaw started padding the direction he had come from orgianally. I've got a lot of explaining to do. And I defintely need to talk to Featherpaw. It's time she knew.



"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!"
"Specklenose, do me a favour and watch those little ones of mine." Dawnsong meowed quickly to the old she-cat. "I would like to hear who is going to the Gathering."
"Sure." The dapple grey she-cat replied.
The young queen left the nursery and settled down beside Foxtooth and Eagletalon. They had just returned from a hunting patrol, but hadn't had much luck.
"Dawnsong requested to go to the Gathering tonight, so I will let her come." Bramblestar announced. "And Sandtail, Eagletalon, Tigerpelt, Ghostfire, Frostear, Echopath, Lionclaw, Gorgepaw, Heatherpaw and Spiderleg. I want apprentices from ForestClan to appear at the Gathering this time, to show that we are still strong."
"What about me?" Toadpaw cried, lashing his tail in fustration. "Morningpaw, Fernpaw and I aren't kits anymore!"
"You are very young apprentices." Bramblestar purred in sympathy. "Perhaps another time, when you have gained more experience. But you will get your chance soon, I'm sure Gorgepaw and Heatherpaw will tell you all about it."
He leapt down from the Highrock, flicking his tail at Rabbitleap. "I'm leaving you in charge while we're gone. Send out a hunting patrol to have a sniff around the forest."
Motioning for the called cats with his tail, the light brown tom led his clanmates out of the gorge.

Not long after, the ForestClan cats had reached the sacred Gathering place. Dawnsong decided to stay with Echopath, who had been a good friend to her for a long time. ReedClan were currently the only Clan here, suprising all of the ForestClan cats.
"Greetings." Dawnsong spun round and saw Cinderfoot, one of the least hostile cats. Minnowtail was beside her, her blue eyes showing no threat at all.
"Hello." The queen replied. "How is life?"
"Prey's scarce, we're just waiting for the river to freeze over." Minnowtail sighed. She then drew her attention to Gorgepaw and Heatherpaw, who were talking to Sharkpaw and Branchpaw. "I see your apprentices have returned."
"No." Dawnsong shook her head. "Those two were apprenticed half a moon ago. Eagletalon and Spiderleg are their mentors."
A skinny dark brown tom barged past the light grey she-cat, grumbling under his breath. He had a strange scent about him, but there was ReedClan scent mingled with it. Could he be one of the rogues Noblespirit told us about? Dawnsong wondered. She didn't dare question Cinderfoot and Minnowtail, just in case they got protective about their Clan's business.
CourageClan entered, Noblespirit leading them. Dawnsong guessed that Bravestar was still sick, if their deputy was taking them to the Gathering. She watched Noblespirit leap up onto the Three Rocks.
"Let the Gathering begin!" Bramblestar cried. "Prey is scarce, but ForestClan are coping well. We have welcomed two new apprentices, Gorgepaw and Heatherpaw!"
"Gorgepaw! Heatherpaw!" The cats chanted below, ReedClan being less enusactic. Dawnsong felt a chill go down her spine. We will always be rivals, no matter what Clan we are. She realised. Even CourageClan can't be our allies forever.                                                                                                                            "We also have three other new apprentices, Morningpaw, Fernpaw and Toadpaw!" Bramblestar continued. Again, the same cheer went up, and the light brown tom went on. "StarClan also blessed us with four future warriors, as Dawnsong kitted a few nights ago. They have been named Honeykit, Maplekit, Stormkit and Brightkit." He turned to Noblespirit. "Does CourageClan have any news to share?"
"Yes, we most certainly have news. As you can see, I am repersanting CourageClan as Bravestar is absant. Currently, she is unwell, but getting better." Noblespirit spoke rather quickly, as if he was trying to hide something. "Anyway, moving on, we have welcomed two new warriors, Thunderstrike and Hollyberry."
"Thunderstrike! Hollyberry!" The assembled cats chanted, their voices loud and clear. The two young warriors, who were sitting near Crowpelt and Treasureheart, held their heads up high and exchanged a excited look with eachother. Dawnsong smiled, delighted knowing that they were very happy becoming warriors.
"Prey is still scarce for us, but we have recently smelt rogues on our territory." Noblespirit reported. "That is all. Fishstar?"
"ReedClan are very well, no new apprentices or warriors have been named, but prey is plentiful." Fishstar meowed. "But we have nothing else to report."
"Wait!" A loud screech went up from the ForestClan cats. Dawnsong spun round and realised Ghostfire was making her way up to Three Rocks. Her fur was bristled, eyes filled with hatred. "I have something that every

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