» Fiction » A Moonlit Path, Chocolatemeerkat [thriller novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «A Moonlit Path, Chocolatemeerkat [thriller novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Chocolatemeerkat

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"You should see Bravestar." Crowpelt sighed. Dawnsong pricked her ears up instantly. "What do you mean? Is she more than ill?"
"She's sick, that's what Hazelfoot said. Very sick. Several other cats are ill too, I think it's something to do with the prey they've eaten. It smells sickening."
"Is Treasureheart alright? And Noblespirit? And yourself?"
"We're all fine. But I think Bravestar's going to loose her second life. I remember when she lost one when I returned to the clan."
"So do I."
"How are your kits, anyway?"
"They're great. Especially as they are your kin! I had four, three she-kits and one tom."
"Honeykit, Maplekit, Stormkit and Brightkit. Quiet, timid little things."
"We haven't got all day." Tigerpelt growled through gritted teeth. "Hurry up." Crowpelt gave his sister a quick lick on the cheek and rushed over to his clanmates, while Noblespirit followed Bramblestar into his den.
"What do you think this is all about?" Specklenose enquired from the nursery. She was mother of Tigerpelt's three kits, who had been born about three moons ago. They were playing outside with Galekit and Flashkit, Dawnsong's two foster kits that she had taken in before her kits were born.
"Maybe CourageClan wants revenge on ReedClan." Silverleaf suggested, her tail wrapped around her two young kits. "The attack took the life of Clawedear, remember?"
Clawedear had been the former CourageClan deputy before he was killed in battle not long ago. Bravestar had grieved for her lost friend, but she chose Clawedear's kithood friend to replace him as deputy.
"Bravestar is a good-tempered cat." Specklenose pointed out. "I remember her as a apprentice. Friendly young she-cat, defintely had her eye for Noblespirit."
"Does Noblespirit have a mate?" Silverleaf asked. The older queen shook her head. "He isn't really the cat I would expect to father kits. With all these new duties, I don't think so. Maybe he was fond of a certain cat, but I don't think he's got a mate."
He was my mate before he became deputy. Dawnsong told herself. And he's father of my kits.               "How did Bravestar end up as deputy when there were more exprienced cats in the clan at the time?" Dawnsong asked the two queens, settling down in her nest. Specklenose sat up and coughed before speaking. "StarClan sent Clawstar a omen, according to Treasureheart. I'm not sure what it was, but it involed Bravestar, Braveheart at the time, becoming deputy. She wasn't deputy for very long, seeing as Clawstar died in battle not long after."
"But she is a fine young leader." Silverleaf pointed out. "She will serve her clan for many moons to come."
"May all cats old enought to catch their own prey join beneath the Highrock for a ForestClan meeting!" Bramblestar yowled.
The cats assembled under the Highrock. Dawnsong sat down between Eagletalon and Spottedlark, who was gazing at Barleyfoot as usual, but this time the black and white tom seemed to smile back at her.
"What's up with him?" Dawnsong mumbled to Eagletalon. The gold and white tom chuckled mildly in amusement. "Those two are mates now. I reckon Spottedlark will be expecting Barleyfoot's kits within a few moons."
"Cats of ForestClan, as you are aware, we had a visit from CourageClan." Bramblestar explained. "Noblespirit has told me that Bravestar is ill and is weakening each day. There has been news that ReedClan are plotting another attack to drive CourageClan out of the forest. We cannot let this happen, as StarClan have said that there was always three clans in the forest. So, Noblespirit has asked that we form a alliance with CourageClan against ReedClan."
"ReedClan have recuited rogues." Noblespirit added, leaping up onto the Highrock. "They are fierce and strong, exactly the thing needed to overthrow us."
"Why should we help you when all of the clans are at war?" Tigerpelt challenged, his claws poised to strike. "How do we know that this isn't a excuse to steal our prey?"
"Do you deny the word of a deputy?" Noblespirit retorted. "All prey is scarce, even for your clan, so why would we steal prey from you? And I am here in peace, not to discuss stolen prey."
"I don't think we should trust you." Tigerpelt growled. "What have you done for us?"
"Bravestar has proposed a deal." Noblespirit replied calmly. "If you will help us, then CourageClan will leave your clan in peace for two moons. You can breath knowing that we will not attack you for two full moons. We will become your allies whenever you need us for those two moons of peace and harmony."
Murmurs broke out between the gathered cats. Eagletalon turned to Dawnsong. "Noblespirit is a good friend to the clan. I think we can trust him." He meowed.
"Crowpelt wouldn't let Noblespirit come to us if we couldn't trust him." The young queen agreed. "Although his heart lies with CourageClan, he will defend me with his life."
"Silence!" Bramblestar yowled. "I have found a way to settle this. If you agree with this idea, stand beside the warrior's den. If you disagree, remain here and I will question you."
Dawnsong followed many of her clanmates over to the warrior den and sat there, while two cats stayed behind. One was Tigerpelt, but the other shocked her.
Lionclaw! >5>

A bitterly cold wind ruffled Swiftpaw's pelt as he settled down in the den, eating a plump squirrel. Clawedpaw went on hunting patrol with some of the other Outcasts and they had just returned. Swiftpaw had wondered if the young ginger tabby apprentice would return with his clanmates, or stay with his newfound friends here.
"Swiftpaw." Chickenpaw greeted the black and white tom. "I would like to speak to you. Outside, if that's at all possible?"
"I guess so." Swiftpaw sighed, rising to his paws.
The two apprentices padded outside, where the wind continued to batter the grass. Outside, Featherpaw, Rainpaw and Moonpaw were teaching some of the Outcasts battle moves they had learnt in ForestClan.
"I'm concerned about Featherpaw." Chickenpaw started, flicking his tail over to his sister. "Her wounds from the battle are terrible. I know you got a gash on your shoulder, but if you look at Featherpaw's hind leg, she's got a nasty looking wound. It opened up earlier and she's lost a fair amount of blood."
"She never told me." Swiftpaw murmured. "I don't believe it."
The two toms stood in silence for a bit, watching the three young apprentices. Featherpaw had pinned down Moonpaw for a demostration, while the Outcasts smiled and tried out the battle moves.
"Hey, Swiftpaw!" Arrow called. "Can I try and attack you?"
"Go ahead, but I'll loose!" Swiftpaw replied cheerfully, leaving Chickenpaw's side. He stood in front of the tall Outcast she-cat and crouched down, snarling. Arrow just locked her gaze with Swiftpaw's, her blue eyes showing no threat. She then sprang onto the young apprentice and batted the tom's face. Swiftpaw slipped out of her grasp and quickly nipped her hind leg. He did so again, and Arrow fell off balance.
"You are so useless!" He declared with a chuckle, pinning her down. "I am your leader!"
"Swiftpaw, there's no need to do that." Rainpaw scolded him gently. "The enemy is defeated, you don't need to taunt them."
"When did you become Rainstar?" Swiftpaw challenged. "I'm older than you!"
With a angry yowl, the blue tabby she-cat hurled herself at Swiftpaw and dug her claws into the gash on his shoulder. Swiftpaw yelped in agony, his yellow eyes filled with pain.
Suddenly, the young apprentice yowled in pain and was thrown off. Swiftpaw sank to the ground, licking his shoulder.
"Featherpaw!" Chickenpaw cried. "Why bother attacking Rainpaw? She would have finshed him off without too much blood!"
"Swiftpaw is a honest warrior who wouldn't hurt a cat of his own clan!" Featherpaw hissed, her fur ruffled up in anger. "No one attacks him and gets away with it!"
Featherpaw saved me! Swiftpaw realised. What made her save a cat like me? I deserved to die!                  His thoughts were disturbed when Featherpaw crouched down in front of him, her bright blue eyes showing sympathy and horror. "I thought she would have killed you!" She exclaimed, her tail tip carefully stroking the gash on his shoulder. "What herbs would have Oakpelt used?"
"Flowerpaw showed me how to treat wounds like this when I was a kit." Swiftpaw replied. "When Rabbitleap got a gash like mine on his leg, she used goldenrod, chevil, horsetail and marigold."
"I'll find someone who knows herbs!" Featherpaw decided, dashing off. She then yowled "Does anyone here know how to heal injuries?"
There was silence for a bit, but then Joy stepped forward. "I posess the ability to heal the sick and injured." She meowed. "I can heal your friend's shoulder."
"Oh, thank you, Joy!" Featherpaw cried in relief. Joy gently silenced her. "For me to heal him, I need you to take him back to the den and let him rest. His wound is infected."
"I'll help." Arrow offered. "Legend and I will carry him back. Featherpaw will stay with him until you return, Joy."
"Thanks." The white she-cat meowed. "I'm grateful for it."
As Joy left in search of herbs, Swiftpaw felt Legend grab his scuff and carry him back, with Arrow walking beside him closely.

"You've got to stay still, little one."
"But it hurts!"
"Swiftpaw, we know it hurts, but if you don't stay still you'll die!"
Swiftpaw knew Featherpaw and Joy were trying their best to keep his mind off his shoulder, but it wasn't exactly working. Luckily, Joy had almost finshed applying the herbs to his shoulder.
"There, done." Joy exclaimed. "Now, eat this. It will make you feel sleepy, but it will help you."
"Poppy seeds." Swiftpaw mumbled to himself, carefully eating up the small black seeds. He curled up by himself and shut his eyes, wanting to sleep.
"I'll stay with him." Featherpaw decided, settling down beside him. Joy shook her head. "No, let him rest. You could do me a favour and try to remend your relationship with your brother. Brokenheart tells me often of your arguments."
"I try and try, but he won't listen." Featherpaw sighed.
"Then find something else do to." Joy replied. "Swiftpaw needs all the rest he can get before you lot can go home."
Great. So I'm the reason why we haven't started travelling home! Swiftpaw thought to himself guiltly. I'm holding everyone up because of my stupid shoulder!

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