Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
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he does this ritual called Stockpiling. What he does is pile up all his missing assignments he never gotten around to do, clothes that direly needed to be cleaned and all the garbage and other things for two weeks and then on Monday he takes care of it all after school for hours in the laundry room on our dorm floor. One time I went to the laundry room to check on him and it was the most astonishing thing you would ever see.
Gilbert doing homework and laundry at the same time.
I once offered to help him with taking the trash to the garbage chute on one of those days, but he just stubbornly refused saying he was awesomely tough and all.
Though today I wished he asked me to help him so I could delay Tino and Emil from barging into my dorm room with handfuls of wires and tiny cameras. I really didn't want to get caught on tape while changing underwear in the morning when Gilbert took a shower, there was a reason why I did this while he did that and now I might as well do that in the closet.
Emil was checking every corner of my room while Tino was trying to find a cord that matches the color of the wall. I sat on my bed holding Kuma while watching the door, thinking that at any minute Gilbert would burst through the door and completely freak out that I have my fellow Secret Uke Club members wiring the place. That can't be suspicious at all.
"Hey Matthew I'm gonna put this camera on your bear here," Tino said holding a tiny lens camera that was the size of a button. The bear he was referring to was my big black bear with white embroidered ovals for eyes and the same thread work for the triangular nose. Seeing that Tino wanted to put a camera on him I snatched the bear from Tino.
"No way, Pin-Pin was a gift Alfred won for me," I protested clutching the bear against my chest.
During the summer before high school for me started there was a fair that Alfred and I went to for kicks just to see how cheesy it was, but we ended up having fun and tried every booth game. At the end of the day there was one booth game we haven't tried which was pin dart throwing. Alfred claimed that he could pop every red balloon on the board, which led to a giant argument with the guy who ran the booth when Alfred did hit every red balloon, short story short Alfred got fifty bucks and I got the biggest bear in the booth.
"Don't worry it's only gonna be clipped on its ear," Tino said opening and closing the clasps of the tiny camera between his fingers.
Giving a sad and defeated whine, I handed over Pin-Pin to Tino, who clipped the camera onto the bear's right ear. He then clicked a little switch on the camera and propped the bear up against the wall facing Gilbert's bed.
"Hey Emil, let's put one on Gilbert's lamp," Tino suggested with a hyper look in his eyes while eyeing the clip on red lamp light on Gilbert's beds headboard.
As I let the two mess around with my room I decided to grab my laptop and check out Facebook. I smiled when I saw a picture my little sister Madeline uploaded with her at Niagara Falls. My little sister Madeline is a year younger than me and is the cutesy thing in the whole world, even though she and I get mistaken for one another, but she lives with her real father in Toronto. My family isn't that kind of family where your parents get divorced and get remarried to someone else, but that's not how it went with my parents at all.
"Oh my, what do we have here~" Tino giggled so strangely that I had to look up from my computer.
When I did I let go of my grip on my laptop letting it slip off my lap and onto my bed. Tino was holding up a fold out poster that came from a magazine he was holding, that went from his head down to the floor. On the poster was a woman laid out on white bed sheets in a small orange bikini like underwear with a suggestive look in her eyes.
"A teaser poster? Oh, that's photo shopped," Emil said taking interest in the nearly naked girl on the poster.
"Here, see the color line darkens a bit near the breast line, and the skin looks more digitalized which means they put it through a paint edit. The magazine is not so popular so it makes since to spend less and have it photo shopped," Emil explained with a straight face on the whole time examining the picture.
"Wow, you’re really good Cheif!" Tino chirped as he began to fold the poster back into the magazine.
"I just pay attention to detail, make sure to place that camera away from the switch on that light."
"Ay ay sir!"
After Tino had put the magazine back under the pillow he and Emil went back to business. I picked my laptop back up and checked some of my emails for a while until it just got boring. Right when I was about to log out of my Gmail account a pop up attacked my screen. The pop up had a URL on it with a picture of a man posing without a shirt on and his hands looking like they were about to take off his jeans in a suggestive way. Suddenly weird noises like panting and moans came from my computer which had surprised me so much that I half flanged and half threw the computer off my lap. When this happened Tino dove for the computer, but instead ended up flinging it back when he fell over the edge of Gilbert's bed, when Emil came into action. He leapt gracefully over Tino's body, catching my computer before it collided into the wall and landed on Gilbert's bed with a squeak. While he had the computer in his grasped, I watched in an embarrassed state when the weird sounds attracted Emil's attention.
"?... Click," Emil said pressing the touch panel on my computer.
"No! I'll get a virus on there!" I cried out.
But Emil didn't listen to me, no instead he sat down on Gilbert's bed with an interested look on his face while going through, what I can imagine, the unmentionable on my computer. I felt hot the entire time he quietly went through that site without an eyebrow raise or any facial expression of deep interest or horror.
"Can I send this link to my computer?" Emil final said after a long time.
"Sigh... Sure."
After all that went by I finally got my computer back and Tino got to set up the rest of the cameras before the two of them left. Once everything was quiet and peaceful I got out my homework and moved to my desk. It felt awkward knowing that I was being watched over by cameras, which reminds me, how did they even get small spy cameras like that? But even so I knew where they all were, including the ones on the curtain pole facing the whole room and the small one on the frame of Gilbert's closet, I would go on, but I think people would start to fall asleep.
"Ooookay! Part One of Operation Observe Gilbert is complete!" Raivis cheered.
It was Thursday night during midnight again for the Secret Uke Club meeting as always, except this time Arthur was chained to a large round oval table by a cuff around his right wrist. I needed to talk to him sometime soon and ask how he got involved with this mess.
"Ok so the next thing we need to cover for tonight is on the Halloween Costume Party that is coming up soon. Raise your hands if you are going."
Almost everyone except for Toris, Lovino, the two Chinese boys and I.
"Whoever did not raise your hands raise em, because as a Uke we have to attend all school affairs as anti bully and anti Seme Action patrols. Those of you who don't want to stay the whole night don't have to, but we at least need you to stay halfway through the event and have a couple people stay for the entire night. And because it is a Costume party we're taking a trip next Sunday to go shopping for costumes so if you don't have a costume then you must come. Clubs orders~!"
I groaned leaning in to bonk my head against the table. Why do I end up going to these kind of things when I don't want to?
"If I have to go to a fucking Costume party then I'm being Zorro, no one else fucking copy me or I'll fucking punch you," Lovino claimed before anyone else could speak.
"Why Zorro?" Felik asked.
"Because he's like me, he kicks ass, too fucking cool to be cool and likes to vandalize property with his initial, plus I would look so fucking badass carrying around a sword," Lovino proclaimed smugly.
Everyone else started socializing about what they would wear and I felt sort of left out, that is until I saw that Kiku was being left out too. He was pretty nice when I talked to him the other day after I saved him from that weirdo.
"What about you Kiku?" I asked earning a delayed look of shock from him before he composed himself in a calm manner.
"My boyfriend and I are going as the Tortoise and the Hare, but not in animal costumes, just in some animal wear like rabbit ears and a tortoise shell patterned shirt, nothing too complicated."
I did a double take when he said boyfriend.
"Kiku, you have a boyfriend?" I asked bewildered.
"Yes, his name is Heracles."
"The guy who sleeps a lot during class that mumbles about cats in his sleep?"
"Yes that's him."
"Wow, I never thought that there was anyone, ur, um-"
I blushed when Kiku said that word so simply like it wasn't a big deal.
"Y-Yeah, gay."
"Are you gay Matthew?"
My blushing increased up to max and my face felt like it was on fire immediately.
"I-uh... I-I mean, that I... Ur... Can we not talk about this now?" I stuttered out awkwardly.
Our conversation was interrupted by a loud noise from across the table, where Toris was suddenly tackled into a hug from Felik, whom was now in his lap rubbing against him.
"Liet~ !" Felik whined against Toris.
"I-I-I, I said no!"
"C'mon, go with me to the party!"
"No way."
"I can, like, go as red ridding hood and you'll be ~my very~ big bad wolf, I wouldn't, like, mind wearing a dress for you Liet! You can even be the one to take it off at your dorm."
With all the movement and with Toris's chair starting to tip, the two boys ended up falling out of the chair and onto the fluffy mess of pillows to break their fall. Everyone else ignored them as Felik kept giggling and Toris was yelling for help when Tino raised his hand.
"Yes Tino?" Raivis said.
"Ok, well I'm very confused, can two Ukes still be Ukes during sex, I mean Seme means your the dominate one, so if two Ukes have sex then
Gilbert doing homework and laundry at the same time.
I once offered to help him with taking the trash to the garbage chute on one of those days, but he just stubbornly refused saying he was awesomely tough and all.
Though today I wished he asked me to help him so I could delay Tino and Emil from barging into my dorm room with handfuls of wires and tiny cameras. I really didn't want to get caught on tape while changing underwear in the morning when Gilbert took a shower, there was a reason why I did this while he did that and now I might as well do that in the closet.
Emil was checking every corner of my room while Tino was trying to find a cord that matches the color of the wall. I sat on my bed holding Kuma while watching the door, thinking that at any minute Gilbert would burst through the door and completely freak out that I have my fellow Secret Uke Club members wiring the place. That can't be suspicious at all.
"Hey Matthew I'm gonna put this camera on your bear here," Tino said holding a tiny lens camera that was the size of a button. The bear he was referring to was my big black bear with white embroidered ovals for eyes and the same thread work for the triangular nose. Seeing that Tino wanted to put a camera on him I snatched the bear from Tino.
"No way, Pin-Pin was a gift Alfred won for me," I protested clutching the bear against my chest.
During the summer before high school for me started there was a fair that Alfred and I went to for kicks just to see how cheesy it was, but we ended up having fun and tried every booth game. At the end of the day there was one booth game we haven't tried which was pin dart throwing. Alfred claimed that he could pop every red balloon on the board, which led to a giant argument with the guy who ran the booth when Alfred did hit every red balloon, short story short Alfred got fifty bucks and I got the biggest bear in the booth.
"Don't worry it's only gonna be clipped on its ear," Tino said opening and closing the clasps of the tiny camera between his fingers.
Giving a sad and defeated whine, I handed over Pin-Pin to Tino, who clipped the camera onto the bear's right ear. He then clicked a little switch on the camera and propped the bear up against the wall facing Gilbert's bed.
"Hey Emil, let's put one on Gilbert's lamp," Tino suggested with a hyper look in his eyes while eyeing the clip on red lamp light on Gilbert's beds headboard.
As I let the two mess around with my room I decided to grab my laptop and check out Facebook. I smiled when I saw a picture my little sister Madeline uploaded with her at Niagara Falls. My little sister Madeline is a year younger than me and is the cutesy thing in the whole world, even though she and I get mistaken for one another, but she lives with her real father in Toronto. My family isn't that kind of family where your parents get divorced and get remarried to someone else, but that's not how it went with my parents at all.
"Oh my, what do we have here~" Tino giggled so strangely that I had to look up from my computer.
When I did I let go of my grip on my laptop letting it slip off my lap and onto my bed. Tino was holding up a fold out poster that came from a magazine he was holding, that went from his head down to the floor. On the poster was a woman laid out on white bed sheets in a small orange bikini like underwear with a suggestive look in her eyes.
"A teaser poster? Oh, that's photo shopped," Emil said taking interest in the nearly naked girl on the poster.
"Here, see the color line darkens a bit near the breast line, and the skin looks more digitalized which means they put it through a paint edit. The magazine is not so popular so it makes since to spend less and have it photo shopped," Emil explained with a straight face on the whole time examining the picture.
"Wow, you’re really good Cheif!" Tino chirped as he began to fold the poster back into the magazine.
"I just pay attention to detail, make sure to place that camera away from the switch on that light."
"Ay ay sir!"
After Tino had put the magazine back under the pillow he and Emil went back to business. I picked my laptop back up and checked some of my emails for a while until it just got boring. Right when I was about to log out of my Gmail account a pop up attacked my screen. The pop up had a URL on it with a picture of a man posing without a shirt on and his hands looking like they were about to take off his jeans in a suggestive way. Suddenly weird noises like panting and moans came from my computer which had surprised me so much that I half flanged and half threw the computer off my lap. When this happened Tino dove for the computer, but instead ended up flinging it back when he fell over the edge of Gilbert's bed, when Emil came into action. He leapt gracefully over Tino's body, catching my computer before it collided into the wall and landed on Gilbert's bed with a squeak. While he had the computer in his grasped, I watched in an embarrassed state when the weird sounds attracted Emil's attention.
"?... Click," Emil said pressing the touch panel on my computer.
"No! I'll get a virus on there!" I cried out.
But Emil didn't listen to me, no instead he sat down on Gilbert's bed with an interested look on his face while going through, what I can imagine, the unmentionable on my computer. I felt hot the entire time he quietly went through that site without an eyebrow raise or any facial expression of deep interest or horror.
"Can I send this link to my computer?" Emil final said after a long time.
"Sigh... Sure."
After all that went by I finally got my computer back and Tino got to set up the rest of the cameras before the two of them left. Once everything was quiet and peaceful I got out my homework and moved to my desk. It felt awkward knowing that I was being watched over by cameras, which reminds me, how did they even get small spy cameras like that? But even so I knew where they all were, including the ones on the curtain pole facing the whole room and the small one on the frame of Gilbert's closet, I would go on, but I think people would start to fall asleep.
"Ooookay! Part One of Operation Observe Gilbert is complete!" Raivis cheered.
It was Thursday night during midnight again for the Secret Uke Club meeting as always, except this time Arthur was chained to a large round oval table by a cuff around his right wrist. I needed to talk to him sometime soon and ask how he got involved with this mess.
"Ok so the next thing we need to cover for tonight is on the Halloween Costume Party that is coming up soon. Raise your hands if you are going."
Almost everyone except for Toris, Lovino, the two Chinese boys and I.
"Whoever did not raise your hands raise em, because as a Uke we have to attend all school affairs as anti bully and anti Seme Action patrols. Those of you who don't want to stay the whole night don't have to, but we at least need you to stay halfway through the event and have a couple people stay for the entire night. And because it is a Costume party we're taking a trip next Sunday to go shopping for costumes so if you don't have a costume then you must come. Clubs orders~!"
I groaned leaning in to bonk my head against the table. Why do I end up going to these kind of things when I don't want to?
"If I have to go to a fucking Costume party then I'm being Zorro, no one else fucking copy me or I'll fucking punch you," Lovino claimed before anyone else could speak.
"Why Zorro?" Felik asked.
"Because he's like me, he kicks ass, too fucking cool to be cool and likes to vandalize property with his initial, plus I would look so fucking badass carrying around a sword," Lovino proclaimed smugly.
Everyone else started socializing about what they would wear and I felt sort of left out, that is until I saw that Kiku was being left out too. He was pretty nice when I talked to him the other day after I saved him from that weirdo.
"What about you Kiku?" I asked earning a delayed look of shock from him before he composed himself in a calm manner.
"My boyfriend and I are going as the Tortoise and the Hare, but not in animal costumes, just in some animal wear like rabbit ears and a tortoise shell patterned shirt, nothing too complicated."
I did a double take when he said boyfriend.
"Kiku, you have a boyfriend?" I asked bewildered.
"Yes, his name is Heracles."
"The guy who sleeps a lot during class that mumbles about cats in his sleep?"
"Yes that's him."
"Wow, I never thought that there was anyone, ur, um-"
I blushed when Kiku said that word so simply like it wasn't a big deal.
"Y-Yeah, gay."
"Are you gay Matthew?"
My blushing increased up to max and my face felt like it was on fire immediately.
"I-uh... I-I mean, that I... Ur... Can we not talk about this now?" I stuttered out awkwardly.
Our conversation was interrupted by a loud noise from across the table, where Toris was suddenly tackled into a hug from Felik, whom was now in his lap rubbing against him.
"Liet~ !" Felik whined against Toris.
"I-I-I, I said no!"
"C'mon, go with me to the party!"
"No way."
"I can, like, go as red ridding hood and you'll be ~my very~ big bad wolf, I wouldn't, like, mind wearing a dress for you Liet! You can even be the one to take it off at your dorm."
With all the movement and with Toris's chair starting to tip, the two boys ended up falling out of the chair and onto the fluffy mess of pillows to break their fall. Everyone else ignored them as Felik kept giggling and Toris was yelling for help when Tino raised his hand.
"Yes Tino?" Raivis said.
"Ok, well I'm very confused, can two Ukes still be Ukes during sex, I mean Seme means your the dominate one, so if two Ukes have sex then
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