Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
Book online «Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer
there's a question that's been on my mind lately, why do you sell vodka on campus?"
"That's easy, my father imports vodka from Russia in giant portions, I just slim down his supply by selling it around here for pocket money, but you get it for free since I like you," Ivan said waving a different brand of vodka than the one he had before in front of me.
"Oh no thank you, I don't drink, but if you're going to spike the punch bowl do it now before the teacher comes back," I said rejecting the bottle.
Ivan nodded and switched out bottles before returning back to the punch bowl. I decided to ditch the punch bowl and snoop around for anyone I could converse with. I was looking so hard that I barely saw the person that I had bumped into just as the music changed into a slow song.
"Oh I'm so... Sorry?" I said, a bit hesitant when I saw who it was.
"Ohonon, hello there monsieur."
(Tino's POV)
"Hey Ber-chan I'm going to go get some punch so I'll be right back," I said leaving Berwald to go get some punch.
I was surprised to find the punch bowl was still full, heck it was at the rim, well that means I'll be the first one to get any. After pouring some punch in a cup I decided to taste test it first In case it was bad, but when I did I felt incredibly warm and my throat burned a little, but it was still sweet so I drank some more. I know I'm supposed to be looking out for Ukes and all, but this atmosphere seemed tense and everyone here looked too scary for me to handle. Without knowing it, I was wandering around the hallways for no apparent reason and my vision was blurry.
That was when I picked up the sound of footsteps behind me. But I felt so warm and tired that I could not or I did not want to move, instead I ended up leaning up against the wall feeling warm and content. The footsteps drew nearer towards me until I could actually feel the owner of the footstep's breath on my neck- wait, were they that close to me? I felt my arm bringing tugged off towards another direction, but I didn't want to move at all, so I ended up being dragged towards a janitors closet.
Inside, everything was completely dark and I couldn't clear my mind or vision when my body was starting to be assaulted with light and rough touches and lips being crushed against mine. The feeling was too familiar, the big rough skinned hands, and lips like those all of it so hungry that I was actually scared of being devoured. Yes I have been acquainted with this person before.
It was my assaulter
(Gilbert's POV)
Where did my Birdie go?
I wanted to show off my mega ultra-awesome and sexy costume some more, I can tell he liked it because he had that awed look on his face. The first place I should look has to be around the punch bowl area, if he's not there then I can always get a hit of spiked punch. But before I could get a ten feet radius of the punch owl, Ivan piped out of nowhere with a bottle of vodka.
"Hello friend, would you like to step out and have a drink?" he asked.
I stretched my head over his shoulders still looking for Matthew. "Uh, yeah one sec," I said still searching the crowd of people bobbing to a good upbeat of music. When I saw that cute polar bear hoody in the distance I smiled, until I spotted the Dracula dressed Frenchy talking to him.
What was he doing talking to Matthew after Alfred and I had told him to back off. Speaking of which where was that so called hero?
What surprised me more was when Francis took a step back and offered his hand in a chivalrous manner to Matthew right when I started to notice the song playing went into a slow song. And what happened next shocked me.
Matthew took Francis's hand willingly.
"So still want to drink my friend?" Ivan asked pulling my attention back to him.
I swallowed bitterly.
(Matthew's POV)
"What do you want Francis?" I asked with enough hatred I could muster into that sentence.
Francis was dressed in a black caped, with some royal renaissance clothes on underneath, his hair was smoothed back and he had a pair of vampire fangs on. He took a step back, bowing slightly as he gestured his hand out for me to take.
"Oh, just a dance."
"No way in hell," I murmured, about to turn foot and run when Francis said something that changed my mind.
"I know you're a part of the Secret Uke Club, if you dance with me then I won't tell a single soul," he said with a grin.
What should I do, if he goes and tells people this then I'm sure to be the punch bag of school, not to mention nonstop rumors and everything else that will follow. I bit my tongue, reached out and took Francis's hand, letting him pull me to him and capture my other hand in his. He gracefully spun me off into the dance floor where all eyes can see, and then toned down the spinning into a slow dance.
"Who told you about the club," I whispered demandingly.
"Let's just say a British frienemy of mine ranted to me nonstop for an hour about the club, oh don't worry like I promised I won't tell another soul about you being a Uke," he murmured back in a husk voice.
"Arthur told on us?" I said I said in a believing tone.
"Mhm, now that I have you to myself at the moment tell me something, are you in love with your dear friend Alfred, go on you can tell me, everything said in this dance will be confidential."
I thought twice about telling Francis no stubbornly that is until the thought that he may think about backing off if he knew came to mind.
"Yes, I love him," I declared bravely, feeling my heart race ten times as hard than it did before.
"Hmmm, he's a child you know, he wouldn't know what to do with you if he even went out with you."
"You know, this is coming from the same guy that would probably end up having sex on the first date.
"Haha, you don't beat around the bush do you?"
"Excuse me!" a shy voice said beside us.
We stopped dancing to turn our attention towards Kiku who was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of white bunny ears. I felt a wave of relief hit me when I saw him.
"I am so honorably sorry, but I'm stealing your polar bear here for a moment," Kiku said, abruptly sliding his arm through mine so we could lock elbows. I let go of Francis's hands to run off with Kiku from the scene.
"That was close, thank you so much, I don't even know how I ended up there," I lied.
"No problem I just had to tell Heracles that I needed to find a friend," Kiku explained.
"Anyways, I have a message from Raivis that he needs to pass on to everyone, so far the only people who have not gotten this message is Arthur, Tino and Yao, please pass this onto either one of them and tell them to pass it on to one of the others the same. Surprise meeting after the party in the secret meeting room in the dorm house, well I gotta go now please be more careful," Kiku bowed quickly before racing back to find his tortoise.
(Arthur's POV)
I can't believe I was forced to come here, and dressed as a dog! You know that Secret Uke Club is getting on my nerves saying that I'm the Club's dog, and they talk about helping other Ukes and to stop bullying, but they never do anything more except talk about sex and positions. It ticks me off.
"You, club dog," I heard someone say to me.
Oh great it's the nagging Chinese guy named Yao from the Secret Uke Club. Why does he call me club dog?
"What is it?" I spat.
"Tell that Tino boy there's a surprise meeting after the party and you have to come too, bye bye," Yao said leaving me to find where the bloody hell Tino is.
Ok, I can't find him anywhere, heck I accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up somewhere down the schools hallway. Then there was a sound coming from a door down the hallway. It was a cross between words and a moan with a couple other noises. When I was standing righting front of the door I was deciding whether I should open the door and see what sin side or if I should turn tail and run. No, I won't be such a wanker and leave with my tail between my legs. I grabbed the door knob and swung open the door. Inside it was pitch black.
"Hey who's in here?" I called out.
Suddenly I was pushed to the ground and I heard retreating footsteps running out of the room. I sat up rubbing the sore spots on my back too hurt to get up right away. I caught the retreating person wearing all black and their hair was blond... I think. Hissing in pain I got up and went into the room, flipping on the light switch.
My eyes widened in horror.
(Matthew's POV)
What a night.
I didn't think that being forced to shuffle with Feliciano and Kiku because we were fellow Ukes would tire you out. And now I had Party Rock Anthem in my head.
Everyday I'm shufflin.
Even after the song Feliciano insisted on hanging out with him and even after the party and we were heading to the dorm house with Kiku along with Felik and Toris Feliciano bursted out singing Party Rock Anthem and like odd ones that we were, the five of us joined in as a death toned vocal group. We were having a good time walking into the Secret Meeting room chatting and enjoying the Halloween night.
"Ok, who wants to hear the ghost story of a girl named Elizabeta Héderváry?" Emil said bringing a lit flashlight up to his face, illuminating his face in an wert manner.
He blew out the candles one by one, making the room pitch black.
"This is a true story in honor of Halloween. Four years ago a girl named Elizabeta Héderváry lived on the Omega floor. She was just an innocent and very beautiful Freshmen girl excited about the mysteries of high school. But there was another girl that was in competition with her beauty, her name was Duchess Aust. To ruin her reputation, Duchess threaded a rumor about Elizabeta sleeping with her lover and even made her lover tell everyone that it was true. More rumors started and Elizabeta became less trusting of people around her, even her friends started believing the rumors, and then-"
"Hey, where's Arthur and Tino?" Raivis asked everyone in a raised voice, cutting off Emil's sorry telling.
No one answered him. We haven't seen them anywhere after half of the night. Raivis started relighting the
"That's easy, my father imports vodka from Russia in giant portions, I just slim down his supply by selling it around here for pocket money, but you get it for free since I like you," Ivan said waving a different brand of vodka than the one he had before in front of me.
"Oh no thank you, I don't drink, but if you're going to spike the punch bowl do it now before the teacher comes back," I said rejecting the bottle.
Ivan nodded and switched out bottles before returning back to the punch bowl. I decided to ditch the punch bowl and snoop around for anyone I could converse with. I was looking so hard that I barely saw the person that I had bumped into just as the music changed into a slow song.
"Oh I'm so... Sorry?" I said, a bit hesitant when I saw who it was.
"Ohonon, hello there monsieur."
(Tino's POV)
"Hey Ber-chan I'm going to go get some punch so I'll be right back," I said leaving Berwald to go get some punch.
I was surprised to find the punch bowl was still full, heck it was at the rim, well that means I'll be the first one to get any. After pouring some punch in a cup I decided to taste test it first In case it was bad, but when I did I felt incredibly warm and my throat burned a little, but it was still sweet so I drank some more. I know I'm supposed to be looking out for Ukes and all, but this atmosphere seemed tense and everyone here looked too scary for me to handle. Without knowing it, I was wandering around the hallways for no apparent reason and my vision was blurry.
That was when I picked up the sound of footsteps behind me. But I felt so warm and tired that I could not or I did not want to move, instead I ended up leaning up against the wall feeling warm and content. The footsteps drew nearer towards me until I could actually feel the owner of the footstep's breath on my neck- wait, were they that close to me? I felt my arm bringing tugged off towards another direction, but I didn't want to move at all, so I ended up being dragged towards a janitors closet.
Inside, everything was completely dark and I couldn't clear my mind or vision when my body was starting to be assaulted with light and rough touches and lips being crushed against mine. The feeling was too familiar, the big rough skinned hands, and lips like those all of it so hungry that I was actually scared of being devoured. Yes I have been acquainted with this person before.
It was my assaulter
(Gilbert's POV)
Where did my Birdie go?
I wanted to show off my mega ultra-awesome and sexy costume some more, I can tell he liked it because he had that awed look on his face. The first place I should look has to be around the punch bowl area, if he's not there then I can always get a hit of spiked punch. But before I could get a ten feet radius of the punch owl, Ivan piped out of nowhere with a bottle of vodka.
"Hello friend, would you like to step out and have a drink?" he asked.
I stretched my head over his shoulders still looking for Matthew. "Uh, yeah one sec," I said still searching the crowd of people bobbing to a good upbeat of music. When I saw that cute polar bear hoody in the distance I smiled, until I spotted the Dracula dressed Frenchy talking to him.
What was he doing talking to Matthew after Alfred and I had told him to back off. Speaking of which where was that so called hero?
What surprised me more was when Francis took a step back and offered his hand in a chivalrous manner to Matthew right when I started to notice the song playing went into a slow song. And what happened next shocked me.
Matthew took Francis's hand willingly.
"So still want to drink my friend?" Ivan asked pulling my attention back to him.
I swallowed bitterly.
(Matthew's POV)
"What do you want Francis?" I asked with enough hatred I could muster into that sentence.
Francis was dressed in a black caped, with some royal renaissance clothes on underneath, his hair was smoothed back and he had a pair of vampire fangs on. He took a step back, bowing slightly as he gestured his hand out for me to take.
"Oh, just a dance."
"No way in hell," I murmured, about to turn foot and run when Francis said something that changed my mind.
"I know you're a part of the Secret Uke Club, if you dance with me then I won't tell a single soul," he said with a grin.
What should I do, if he goes and tells people this then I'm sure to be the punch bag of school, not to mention nonstop rumors and everything else that will follow. I bit my tongue, reached out and took Francis's hand, letting him pull me to him and capture my other hand in his. He gracefully spun me off into the dance floor where all eyes can see, and then toned down the spinning into a slow dance.
"Who told you about the club," I whispered demandingly.
"Let's just say a British frienemy of mine ranted to me nonstop for an hour about the club, oh don't worry like I promised I won't tell another soul about you being a Uke," he murmured back in a husk voice.
"Arthur told on us?" I said I said in a believing tone.
"Mhm, now that I have you to myself at the moment tell me something, are you in love with your dear friend Alfred, go on you can tell me, everything said in this dance will be confidential."
I thought twice about telling Francis no stubbornly that is until the thought that he may think about backing off if he knew came to mind.
"Yes, I love him," I declared bravely, feeling my heart race ten times as hard than it did before.
"Hmmm, he's a child you know, he wouldn't know what to do with you if he even went out with you."
"You know, this is coming from the same guy that would probably end up having sex on the first date.
"Haha, you don't beat around the bush do you?"
"Excuse me!" a shy voice said beside us.
We stopped dancing to turn our attention towards Kiku who was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of white bunny ears. I felt a wave of relief hit me when I saw him.
"I am so honorably sorry, but I'm stealing your polar bear here for a moment," Kiku said, abruptly sliding his arm through mine so we could lock elbows. I let go of Francis's hands to run off with Kiku from the scene.
"That was close, thank you so much, I don't even know how I ended up there," I lied.
"No problem I just had to tell Heracles that I needed to find a friend," Kiku explained.
"Anyways, I have a message from Raivis that he needs to pass on to everyone, so far the only people who have not gotten this message is Arthur, Tino and Yao, please pass this onto either one of them and tell them to pass it on to one of the others the same. Surprise meeting after the party in the secret meeting room in the dorm house, well I gotta go now please be more careful," Kiku bowed quickly before racing back to find his tortoise.
(Arthur's POV)
I can't believe I was forced to come here, and dressed as a dog! You know that Secret Uke Club is getting on my nerves saying that I'm the Club's dog, and they talk about helping other Ukes and to stop bullying, but they never do anything more except talk about sex and positions. It ticks me off.
"You, club dog," I heard someone say to me.
Oh great it's the nagging Chinese guy named Yao from the Secret Uke Club. Why does he call me club dog?
"What is it?" I spat.
"Tell that Tino boy there's a surprise meeting after the party and you have to come too, bye bye," Yao said leaving me to find where the bloody hell Tino is.
Ok, I can't find him anywhere, heck I accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up somewhere down the schools hallway. Then there was a sound coming from a door down the hallway. It was a cross between words and a moan with a couple other noises. When I was standing righting front of the door I was deciding whether I should open the door and see what sin side or if I should turn tail and run. No, I won't be such a wanker and leave with my tail between my legs. I grabbed the door knob and swung open the door. Inside it was pitch black.
"Hey who's in here?" I called out.
Suddenly I was pushed to the ground and I heard retreating footsteps running out of the room. I sat up rubbing the sore spots on my back too hurt to get up right away. I caught the retreating person wearing all black and their hair was blond... I think. Hissing in pain I got up and went into the room, flipping on the light switch.
My eyes widened in horror.
(Matthew's POV)
What a night.
I didn't think that being forced to shuffle with Feliciano and Kiku because we were fellow Ukes would tire you out. And now I had Party Rock Anthem in my head.
Everyday I'm shufflin.
Even after the song Feliciano insisted on hanging out with him and even after the party and we were heading to the dorm house with Kiku along with Felik and Toris Feliciano bursted out singing Party Rock Anthem and like odd ones that we were, the five of us joined in as a death toned vocal group. We were having a good time walking into the Secret Meeting room chatting and enjoying the Halloween night.
"Ok, who wants to hear the ghost story of a girl named Elizabeta Héderváry?" Emil said bringing a lit flashlight up to his face, illuminating his face in an wert manner.
He blew out the candles one by one, making the room pitch black.
"This is a true story in honor of Halloween. Four years ago a girl named Elizabeta Héderváry lived on the Omega floor. She was just an innocent and very beautiful Freshmen girl excited about the mysteries of high school. But there was another girl that was in competition with her beauty, her name was Duchess Aust. To ruin her reputation, Duchess threaded a rumor about Elizabeta sleeping with her lover and even made her lover tell everyone that it was true. More rumors started and Elizabeta became less trusting of people around her, even her friends started believing the rumors, and then-"
"Hey, where's Arthur and Tino?" Raivis asked everyone in a raised voice, cutting off Emil's sorry telling.
No one answered him. We haven't seen them anywhere after half of the night. Raivis started relighting the
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