Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
Book online «Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer
chick... I'll be there in three seconds for a threesome."
"No you sicko! The fucking quail eggs hatched! Dammit..." I sighed when I notice the call was dropped right after I said sicko.
Gilbert soon came bursting through the door and went straight into the bathroom until I heard a manly squeal which then came hurried footsteps and Gilbert came out of the bathroom with a chick in his hands, two chicks on his shoulders and three shuffling around in his hair like a moving crown.
"We have chicks! Oh, oh, this one is gonna be named Chester, that one will be Zoom, then Legit, the right one on my shoulder will be Awe and the other one Some and this one I found in the tub will be Maple!" Gilbert exclaimed excitedly with a goofy grin on is face.
"Because my Canadian friend Birdie found him first, look how awesome he is! No I didn't mean you two, hey don't peck at my ears! Hey stop that!" Gilbert huffed at the tiny miscreants on his body.
I sighed and leaned back with a small smile gracing my lips. "So what are you going to do with them now that they hatched?" I asked as Gilbert tried to tug Awe's tiny beak from his ear.
"Um... I don't know actually, maybe I can ship them back home?"
"Live cargo all the way up to Seattle would not be wise, plus they’re newborns so they'll need a lot of care, maybe you should wait a week or so, but that might be a problem with the no animals policy in the dormitory."
Gilbert sighed running a hand through his hair careful not to knock the chicks in his hair off.
"You know what, the awesome me will think of something, but for now come help me name some, they’re really awesome," Gilbert said getting excited again.
I chuckled lightly, following Gilbert back into the bathroom where we sat down with the basket of freshly hatched chicks snuggled contently among the broken eggshells. Before we could go through them all, Gilbert and I began removing the shards of the eggs that's when we found something.
"Huh, oh look," I said pointing out a spotted shell hidden under a drooping piece of cloth that covered the basket.
I lifted up the cloth to reveal a spotted egg smaller than the other eggs before they hatched.
"Looks like this one hasn't hatched yet," I pointed out to Gilbert whom frowned at the egg.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll hatch soon enough."
"Yeah, it looks like a he."
"Seems more like a she to me."
"Well how would you know."
"Canadian intuition, how do you know it's a boy."
"Cause I'm that awesome and I declare that egg will be boy and his name will be Früh."
"You and your weird German words, well I say it will be a girl and when she hatches her name will be Shelly and will be the only chick with all yellow feathers, I can just tell," I declared stubbornly.
"Nuh-uh, I say it will be a boy, so we'll see whose right when he hatches."
"Bring it on Beilschmidt."
It was only five days before Thanksgiving when my parents replied and told me that they were doing a busy Turkey Day at the restaurant so it wouldn't be a good time to come home then. I wasn't really disappointed, we early had some Thanksgivings at my house considering my dad grew up in Canada and my mother's parents were too busy for her when she was a kid so neither of them really cared to celebrate the holiday that much.
Anyways, something significant did happen on the following Monday, three days before Thanksgiving. I was heading back to my room after another Readers Club meet when I heard violent shouting coming from my room. I was about to open up the door and see what was wrong when Gilbert came flying from the room in an angry fit, not noticing I was there when he fled in an angry march down the hallway. I looked back into the room to find Gilbert's older brother Ludwig sitting on Gilbert's bed while rubbing his temples in a stressful manner.
I haven't held a conversation with Ludwig before, but I did know he was Gilbert's brother from the pictures Gilbert showed me of he and Ludwig back in Seattle. From the pictures nothing much seemed to be different about him, tall, slightly buff and a look in his ice cold eyes that screamed seriousness from the get go. I also know that he was Gilbert's little brother as well though they were both born a year apart and apparently Ludwig took from his dad's side while Gilbert got his looks from a rare line of genes on his mother's side of albinism. So it would be understandable to think that they were not related on any terms.
When I had closed the door Ludwig snapped from his stress filled state and looked up at me.
"You must be the Matthew my brother has told me about," he said without a hint of stress in his voice.
"Y-yes," I stuttered feeling suddenly shy under Ludwig's stare.
My eyes swooped down over to where the bathroom was. The door was drawn wide open, the light in there was on and the red cloth that held the chicks in the basket was messily sprawled out on the floor. Feeling a bit concerned for the eleven animals in the basket, I wandered into the bathroom for a moment to find the eleven little chicks in the bathtub with the water being two inches deep. But on the counter was still that one egg that hasn't hatched. I picked up the red cloth on the ground before grabbing the egg as well and wrapped it around the cloth before going back out to my bed and plopping down on the mattress. Ludwig pointed a finger at the egg in my hands.
"That's the one that won't hatch right?" he asked and I replied with a quick nod.
"Here," he said while tossing over a small flashlight to me.
"Hold the egg up to the light and tell me what you see."
I did as he said and flicked on the flashlight, holding the egg up to the light finding that unlike regular growing eggs, this one was just clear, no black spot to see a growing being, nothing.
"Just clear stuff," I said slowly.
"That's because it's a dead egg, it wasn't getting enough heat and humidity under the cloth, died probably a week or so into its growing rate I'd say," Ludwig said plainly.
That was the only thing for me to say at the time. I couldn't go into further expression, because of my racing mind.
"Is that why Gilbert stormed out of here?" I finally manage to say.
"Yes...and no."
"I don't follow," I said with a puzzled expression.
"It is a bit complicated, but Gilbert always gets upset when it comes to death. I'm sure he's never told you this, but when I was born I nearly died because of heart failure, Gilbert was two then and he watched it all happen... Except the birthing that would just scar him... Anyways because of that he got really scarred and wouldn't leave me alone afterwards until my health was out of the red zone, but from what dad told me, the whole time Gilbert kept saying that I wasn't going to die. I guess he took that to heart and now here we are."
Out of realization of what I was doing, I had walked out of the room and was heading for the stairs towards the roof with the egg still secure in my arms wrapped safely in the red cloth. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I had a feeling that I would find Gilbert on the roof. The scariest thing was that I was right. Gilbert was sitting up against the boundary wall that kept idiots from falling off the roof, with a somber expressing on his face. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his body once he was in my reach. I felt him sob slightly just for a small moment before he had his arms wrapped around me returning my hug.
When I had pulled back slightly, making eye contact I noticed the small wet places in the corners of Gilbert's eyes. I pretended to not notice and held up the cloth wrapped around the egg.
"Mattie?" he whispered softly.
"Früh really is dead isn't he?"
I let out a small chuckle for his amusement.
"Yeah, he is."
"Can we make a small coffin and bury him somewhere?"
It was early Thanksgiving morning.
And guess what I was doing?
Making an egg sized coffin in the Wood Shop classroom with Gilbert. Even though school was off on Thursday and Friday for the holidays students that need to do makeup or extra credit were allowed to stay in the classrooms as long as they were being supervised. The Wood Shop teach Mr. Benson was happy to supervise and let us use the shop for today. Though it was supposed to be sad and mourning to make a small coffin with your friend, we were actually having a lot of fun. Especially when I snuck up behind Gilbert and threw sawdust in his hair then it just got messy and dusty with sawdust. Mr. Benson had to scold us for a few minutes before we could continue our coffin making business.
When the coffin was done, I placed the red cloth from the basket into the coffin and Gilbert placed the egg in there before he closed the coffin and tied it closed with a red ribbon we got from the Home EQ room. It was all around noon when we were heading out of the school with the egg coffin.
"So where do you plan on burying the coffin?" I asked.
"I don't know, maybe I'll give her a Viking funeral instead, pour some gasoline on it and let it burn on the water."
I made an angry huffing sound before punching Gilbert in the arm. "No way in hell am I letting you burn that thing! We spent all morning making it and we are going to bury it properly in the ground in a pet cemetery..." I trailed off when I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks.
Up ahead by the school entrance stood a tall burly looking man with sharp cold blue eyes that seemed to mimic the intensity of knives. He had long blonde hair that was pulled back into a neat ponytail and his arms were crossed in a displeasing manner, especially when his eyes were being pinpointed this way. That's when I noticed Ludwig was standing a perfect younger clone of the man except for the hair and height.
Wait a second is that-
"Gilbert!" the man called out towards us, starting to march his way over here with Ludwig following him step by step.
Gilbert had a shocked expression on his face while looking up at the man coming his way.
"Vater? What are you doing here?" Gilbert said a bit befuddled.
"I noticed that twelve quail eggs had disappeared from Verbergen's nest and I knew it was you who took them, I told you that I would take care of them and yet you pull such a stunt like this- is that a tiny coffin
"No you sicko! The fucking quail eggs hatched! Dammit..." I sighed when I notice the call was dropped right after I said sicko.
Gilbert soon came bursting through the door and went straight into the bathroom until I heard a manly squeal which then came hurried footsteps and Gilbert came out of the bathroom with a chick in his hands, two chicks on his shoulders and three shuffling around in his hair like a moving crown.
"We have chicks! Oh, oh, this one is gonna be named Chester, that one will be Zoom, then Legit, the right one on my shoulder will be Awe and the other one Some and this one I found in the tub will be Maple!" Gilbert exclaimed excitedly with a goofy grin on is face.
"Because my Canadian friend Birdie found him first, look how awesome he is! No I didn't mean you two, hey don't peck at my ears! Hey stop that!" Gilbert huffed at the tiny miscreants on his body.
I sighed and leaned back with a small smile gracing my lips. "So what are you going to do with them now that they hatched?" I asked as Gilbert tried to tug Awe's tiny beak from his ear.
"Um... I don't know actually, maybe I can ship them back home?"
"Live cargo all the way up to Seattle would not be wise, plus they’re newborns so they'll need a lot of care, maybe you should wait a week or so, but that might be a problem with the no animals policy in the dormitory."
Gilbert sighed running a hand through his hair careful not to knock the chicks in his hair off.
"You know what, the awesome me will think of something, but for now come help me name some, they’re really awesome," Gilbert said getting excited again.
I chuckled lightly, following Gilbert back into the bathroom where we sat down with the basket of freshly hatched chicks snuggled contently among the broken eggshells. Before we could go through them all, Gilbert and I began removing the shards of the eggs that's when we found something.
"Huh, oh look," I said pointing out a spotted shell hidden under a drooping piece of cloth that covered the basket.
I lifted up the cloth to reveal a spotted egg smaller than the other eggs before they hatched.
"Looks like this one hasn't hatched yet," I pointed out to Gilbert whom frowned at the egg.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll hatch soon enough."
"Yeah, it looks like a he."
"Seems more like a she to me."
"Well how would you know."
"Canadian intuition, how do you know it's a boy."
"Cause I'm that awesome and I declare that egg will be boy and his name will be Früh."
"You and your weird German words, well I say it will be a girl and when she hatches her name will be Shelly and will be the only chick with all yellow feathers, I can just tell," I declared stubbornly.
"Nuh-uh, I say it will be a boy, so we'll see whose right when he hatches."
"Bring it on Beilschmidt."
It was only five days before Thanksgiving when my parents replied and told me that they were doing a busy Turkey Day at the restaurant so it wouldn't be a good time to come home then. I wasn't really disappointed, we early had some Thanksgivings at my house considering my dad grew up in Canada and my mother's parents were too busy for her when she was a kid so neither of them really cared to celebrate the holiday that much.
Anyways, something significant did happen on the following Monday, three days before Thanksgiving. I was heading back to my room after another Readers Club meet when I heard violent shouting coming from my room. I was about to open up the door and see what was wrong when Gilbert came flying from the room in an angry fit, not noticing I was there when he fled in an angry march down the hallway. I looked back into the room to find Gilbert's older brother Ludwig sitting on Gilbert's bed while rubbing his temples in a stressful manner.
I haven't held a conversation with Ludwig before, but I did know he was Gilbert's brother from the pictures Gilbert showed me of he and Ludwig back in Seattle. From the pictures nothing much seemed to be different about him, tall, slightly buff and a look in his ice cold eyes that screamed seriousness from the get go. I also know that he was Gilbert's little brother as well though they were both born a year apart and apparently Ludwig took from his dad's side while Gilbert got his looks from a rare line of genes on his mother's side of albinism. So it would be understandable to think that they were not related on any terms.
When I had closed the door Ludwig snapped from his stress filled state and looked up at me.
"You must be the Matthew my brother has told me about," he said without a hint of stress in his voice.
"Y-yes," I stuttered feeling suddenly shy under Ludwig's stare.
My eyes swooped down over to where the bathroom was. The door was drawn wide open, the light in there was on and the red cloth that held the chicks in the basket was messily sprawled out on the floor. Feeling a bit concerned for the eleven animals in the basket, I wandered into the bathroom for a moment to find the eleven little chicks in the bathtub with the water being two inches deep. But on the counter was still that one egg that hasn't hatched. I picked up the red cloth on the ground before grabbing the egg as well and wrapped it around the cloth before going back out to my bed and plopping down on the mattress. Ludwig pointed a finger at the egg in my hands.
"That's the one that won't hatch right?" he asked and I replied with a quick nod.
"Here," he said while tossing over a small flashlight to me.
"Hold the egg up to the light and tell me what you see."
I did as he said and flicked on the flashlight, holding the egg up to the light finding that unlike regular growing eggs, this one was just clear, no black spot to see a growing being, nothing.
"Just clear stuff," I said slowly.
"That's because it's a dead egg, it wasn't getting enough heat and humidity under the cloth, died probably a week or so into its growing rate I'd say," Ludwig said plainly.
That was the only thing for me to say at the time. I couldn't go into further expression, because of my racing mind.
"Is that why Gilbert stormed out of here?" I finally manage to say.
"Yes...and no."
"I don't follow," I said with a puzzled expression.
"It is a bit complicated, but Gilbert always gets upset when it comes to death. I'm sure he's never told you this, but when I was born I nearly died because of heart failure, Gilbert was two then and he watched it all happen... Except the birthing that would just scar him... Anyways because of that he got really scarred and wouldn't leave me alone afterwards until my health was out of the red zone, but from what dad told me, the whole time Gilbert kept saying that I wasn't going to die. I guess he took that to heart and now here we are."
Out of realization of what I was doing, I had walked out of the room and was heading for the stairs towards the roof with the egg still secure in my arms wrapped safely in the red cloth. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I had a feeling that I would find Gilbert on the roof. The scariest thing was that I was right. Gilbert was sitting up against the boundary wall that kept idiots from falling off the roof, with a somber expressing on his face. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his body once he was in my reach. I felt him sob slightly just for a small moment before he had his arms wrapped around me returning my hug.
When I had pulled back slightly, making eye contact I noticed the small wet places in the corners of Gilbert's eyes. I pretended to not notice and held up the cloth wrapped around the egg.
"Mattie?" he whispered softly.
"Früh really is dead isn't he?"
I let out a small chuckle for his amusement.
"Yeah, he is."
"Can we make a small coffin and bury him somewhere?"
It was early Thanksgiving morning.
And guess what I was doing?
Making an egg sized coffin in the Wood Shop classroom with Gilbert. Even though school was off on Thursday and Friday for the holidays students that need to do makeup or extra credit were allowed to stay in the classrooms as long as they were being supervised. The Wood Shop teach Mr. Benson was happy to supervise and let us use the shop for today. Though it was supposed to be sad and mourning to make a small coffin with your friend, we were actually having a lot of fun. Especially when I snuck up behind Gilbert and threw sawdust in his hair then it just got messy and dusty with sawdust. Mr. Benson had to scold us for a few minutes before we could continue our coffin making business.
When the coffin was done, I placed the red cloth from the basket into the coffin and Gilbert placed the egg in there before he closed the coffin and tied it closed with a red ribbon we got from the Home EQ room. It was all around noon when we were heading out of the school with the egg coffin.
"So where do you plan on burying the coffin?" I asked.
"I don't know, maybe I'll give her a Viking funeral instead, pour some gasoline on it and let it burn on the water."
I made an angry huffing sound before punching Gilbert in the arm. "No way in hell am I letting you burn that thing! We spent all morning making it and we are going to bury it properly in the ground in a pet cemetery..." I trailed off when I saw something that made me stop dead in my tracks.
Up ahead by the school entrance stood a tall burly looking man with sharp cold blue eyes that seemed to mimic the intensity of knives. He had long blonde hair that was pulled back into a neat ponytail and his arms were crossed in a displeasing manner, especially when his eyes were being pinpointed this way. That's when I noticed Ludwig was standing a perfect younger clone of the man except for the hair and height.
Wait a second is that-
"Gilbert!" the man called out towards us, starting to march his way over here with Ludwig following him step by step.
Gilbert had a shocked expression on his face while looking up at the man coming his way.
"Vater? What are you doing here?" Gilbert said a bit befuddled.
"I noticed that twelve quail eggs had disappeared from Verbergen's nest and I knew it was you who took them, I told you that I would take care of them and yet you pull such a stunt like this- is that a tiny coffin
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