Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
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close friends, but I don't know I'm just getting this vibe that we'll only end up being friends nothing more. On the other hand, I think Tino has been flirting with me, though I am not completely positive on that subject.
"Mattie!~" Tino called out down the hallway running towards me at full speed.
"Hey Tino," I greeted as Tino when he slowed down to a bouncy walk up to me.
Tino grabbed my arm in his usual and casual way as we walked to Math class.
"So Mattie, what are you doing for the holidays?" Tino asked.
"Um, I'm going back home for one and our family does this tradition of Christmas pancakes on the week before Christmas, we play hockey and then we take ice and crush and powder it down and make snowmen. And I guess like all families were going to exchange presents on Christmas. You know aren't you from Finland? How do you spend Christmas?"
Right after I asked that Tino's grip on me tightened and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Hehe~! I'm glad you asked, last time I celebrated it at my house we gathered up all my relatives in the Väinämöinen's Cabin that our family has had for centuries, we take a sauna bath and make Finnish Bread Pudding chop down the biggest pine tree we can find, then we have a big feast on Christmas day. But this year I can't make it home for Christmas, air fare from San Francisco to Finland is too expensive."
"Hm, you can come stay at my place for Christmas, I'll ask my parents but I think they would be ok with it."
Tino stared up at me with his big purple eyes.
"Yeah, if you’re ok with it."
"Then I would love to!" Tino gushed when we stepped into math class right before the bell rang.
Dear Matthew,
We would love to have your friend Tino to come stay with us, you can invite two other friends of yours. Sorry I have to cut this email short but your father just set the stove on fire!
With love,
I smiled just reading my mom's response to the email I had seen not too long ago. Well let's see who else could I drag back to Sacramento with me? I could ask Kiku what he's doing over Winter break and if he doesn't have any plans then I'll invite him to come stay over with me. I would ask Alfred, but from some previous emails I have received from my parents they became friends with Alfred's parents not too long ago and were planning on having them over for Christmas dinner. And Alfred does live close by and is in the same neighborhood as I am so we won't be separated as much. But the still remaining question would be: who else could I ask?
Just as I was thinking the bathroom door swung open with rolling clouds of moist and hot steam floating out from the bathroom and among it was Gilbert in nothing but a white towel around his waist showing off his naked perfect chest that was glistening with the water from his shower he had just took. Maybe I could ask Gilbert.
"Hey Gilbert," I called out as Gilbert was silently rummaging through his closet.
"Yeah Birdie?"
"What are you doing during Winter Break?"
Gilbert paused with a red t-shirt in one hand and a pair of boxers and black shorts in the other.
"Um, I'm staying at the dorms since that surprise visit from my parents kinda broke the bank for us with the air fare and hotel and dinner expenses on Thanksgiving, why do you ask."
"Oh well I was wondering if you would like to stay at my place during the break, my parents want to know if I had any friends that would like to come over during the break. And air fare from here to there isn't that expensive I guess," I rambled a bit.
Gilbert ginned brightly at me. "Well if that's the case then of course I'll spend Winter Break at your house!"
"R-really?" I said a bit shocked.
"Of course! The awesome me wouldn't pass up a chance to go stay at my best buddies place, I'll just have to make a reservation for a flight so give me the details later, now if you don't mind."
Gilbert reached down and moved the towel around his waist so that it loosened up and fell down to his ankles. My face flushed red, I immediately turned around and face planted into my pillow in embarrassment.
"I need to get dressed," Gilbert laughed his loud and echoing laugh he had.
I was sitting quietly in my seat during history taking my WW2 test with the handy notecard we were allowed to fill with stuff to help us with the test. Kiku and I went over some strategies last night while we filled out our notecards. He had this cute idea to make every country in WW2 be represented by a person so he sketched out these cute anime guys on my notecard and I can honestly say I'm really into it. I mean, sure he based the countries looks after fellow classmates and it was kinda weird to see me look almost identical to the Canada on my notecard, but it was such a good idea. But what made me chuckle or grin at was how Kiku made England's eyebrows extremely bushy and that he based the looks off of Arthur, isn't that hilarious!... Well I thought so.
By the time I was done with the test and it was time to pass the tests and notecards in I felt positively a hundred percent sure that I got a good grade on it.
"So did my drawings help you during the test?" Kiku asked sitting on a desk in front of me while the rest of the students hung out before the bell released us for lunch.
"Yes, I couldn't stop grinning at England though and you are right, Francis does fit the roles as France perfectly."
"Ohononon~ did I hear my name from lips of an angel?" Francis said in a flirty manner, creeping into the conversation.
Did I also forget to mention that Francis likes to get involved in every conversation I have and flirts with me constantly? Yeah, there is a lot of that now a days.
"Hi Francis," I said trying not to sound negative or displeased that he was here.
"So what were you guys talking about a moment ago?"
"These drawings I made to help study for the test on our notecards," Kiku said, taking a moment to reach into his backpack and take out a sketch pad, flipping it open to a page full of the countries he drew last night in chibi form and a couple others I haven't noticed before. Kiku pointed to France who was winking and holding a rose in a flirty manner that mimicked Francis.
"I made these characters to represent countries, I hope you don't mind but I based France's looks after yours as well as every other country on here is based off of looks of people I know now," Kiku explained to Francis who stared at France thoughtfully before his blue eyes sparkled.
"Wow, you made me so handsome and I'm guessing the one that says Canada is based off of Matthew's looks and that bushy brow England is from Arthur."
"Exactly," Kiku nodded withdrawing his sketch pad back into his backpack just before the bell rang. Kiku and I grabbed our bags and made our way out of the school and over towards the dining hall, sitting at our regular place once we got our food.
"So Kiku, do you have any plans for over Winter Break?" I asked.
"No not really, I'm probably going to spend Christmas at the dorms, Heracles is spending it at his aunts in San Diego but he can't take me," Kiku said with a bit of a wistful look.
"Well would you like to spend it over at my house? My parents would love to have you over."
"Yeah, I already have Tino and Gilbert staying so I can invite one more friend over."
"Well then I would be honored to stay over at your house."
"Great now I can tell my parents who's coming, now I'm really excited to have you come over Kiku, I'll give you a grand tour of Sacramento when we get there."
"What-cha guys talking about?" Alfred asked as he joined the table with Arthur by his side.
"Kiku staying over at my place during Winter Break as well as Tino and Gilbert too."
"Why Gilbert? He's loud and obnoxious," Alfred sneered.
"Well you don't really know him Alfred so you shouldn't judge people you don't know about," I said feeling very defensive about Gilbert.
"I know he and his buddy Ivan get drunk on Friday nights and that he prowls around with Francis and that pedophile Antonio plus I heard he had sex with his science teacher in middle school and practically fucked almost all of the female population of his school-"
"Alfred shut up!" I exclaimed frustrated and angry.
"That first one was a rumor that started long ago, second, of course he hangs out with Francis and Antonio they’re his best friends and the rest of that is in the past, I mean right now we're in an all-boys school for god’s sake he's not like Francis who will go around "fucking" boys who look like girls."
That was another thing I noticed about Alfred was that he judges Gilbert way more than Francis. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who knows Gilbert and to be honest it makes me a bit jealous seeing Francis and Antonio around him so much. I mean of course there his best friends and all but it makes me feel jealous that there's other people like me who know him like I do. It's infuriating.
I tried to drown out that angry defensive feeling from arguing with Alfred while eating my pizza. It sort of helped, especially while hearing Arthur chew out Alfred's ear on judging people by their past like I said. Apparently Alfred gets the point when Arthur explains it to him, but when I do it just goes in through one ear and out the other. Noticing that I got a little bit jealous of Arthur. I was friends with Alfred before him, but he seems to react better to Arthur, I wonder why that is.
"Veh~ Hi!" Feliciano greeted as he and his brother followed by Ludwig sat down, though Lovino kept shooting hateful words at poor Ludwig whom had no clue why he was being yelled at neither did I as well.
"What are you guys talking about?" Feliciano asked jumping into the conversation.
"Not much, England is just scolding America- oops, I used the wrong names," Kiku blushed furiously at his mistake.
Alfred just laughed out of hilarity, but Arthur was more intrigued.
"Wrong names?" Arthur asked.
Soon all eyes at the table were directed at Kiku in both interest and question. I nudged Kiku lightly.
"Show them the pictures," I said encouragingly.
"What pictures?" Arthur pester on as Kiku retrieved his sketch book.
"Yesterday Kiku came up with a great way to study facts about World War Two," I half explained when Kiku opened up the page with the Allies and Axis Powers of WW2 and showed them to everyone at
"Mattie!~" Tino called out down the hallway running towards me at full speed.
"Hey Tino," I greeted as Tino when he slowed down to a bouncy walk up to me.
Tino grabbed my arm in his usual and casual way as we walked to Math class.
"So Mattie, what are you doing for the holidays?" Tino asked.
"Um, I'm going back home for one and our family does this tradition of Christmas pancakes on the week before Christmas, we play hockey and then we take ice and crush and powder it down and make snowmen. And I guess like all families were going to exchange presents on Christmas. You know aren't you from Finland? How do you spend Christmas?"
Right after I asked that Tino's grip on me tightened and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Hehe~! I'm glad you asked, last time I celebrated it at my house we gathered up all my relatives in the Väinämöinen's Cabin that our family has had for centuries, we take a sauna bath and make Finnish Bread Pudding chop down the biggest pine tree we can find, then we have a big feast on Christmas day. But this year I can't make it home for Christmas, air fare from San Francisco to Finland is too expensive."
"Hm, you can come stay at my place for Christmas, I'll ask my parents but I think they would be ok with it."
Tino stared up at me with his big purple eyes.
"Yeah, if you’re ok with it."
"Then I would love to!" Tino gushed when we stepped into math class right before the bell rang.
Dear Matthew,
We would love to have your friend Tino to come stay with us, you can invite two other friends of yours. Sorry I have to cut this email short but your father just set the stove on fire!
With love,
I smiled just reading my mom's response to the email I had seen not too long ago. Well let's see who else could I drag back to Sacramento with me? I could ask Kiku what he's doing over Winter break and if he doesn't have any plans then I'll invite him to come stay over with me. I would ask Alfred, but from some previous emails I have received from my parents they became friends with Alfred's parents not too long ago and were planning on having them over for Christmas dinner. And Alfred does live close by and is in the same neighborhood as I am so we won't be separated as much. But the still remaining question would be: who else could I ask?
Just as I was thinking the bathroom door swung open with rolling clouds of moist and hot steam floating out from the bathroom and among it was Gilbert in nothing but a white towel around his waist showing off his naked perfect chest that was glistening with the water from his shower he had just took. Maybe I could ask Gilbert.
"Hey Gilbert," I called out as Gilbert was silently rummaging through his closet.
"Yeah Birdie?"
"What are you doing during Winter Break?"
Gilbert paused with a red t-shirt in one hand and a pair of boxers and black shorts in the other.
"Um, I'm staying at the dorms since that surprise visit from my parents kinda broke the bank for us with the air fare and hotel and dinner expenses on Thanksgiving, why do you ask."
"Oh well I was wondering if you would like to stay at my place during the break, my parents want to know if I had any friends that would like to come over during the break. And air fare from here to there isn't that expensive I guess," I rambled a bit.
Gilbert ginned brightly at me. "Well if that's the case then of course I'll spend Winter Break at your house!"
"R-really?" I said a bit shocked.
"Of course! The awesome me wouldn't pass up a chance to go stay at my best buddies place, I'll just have to make a reservation for a flight so give me the details later, now if you don't mind."
Gilbert reached down and moved the towel around his waist so that it loosened up and fell down to his ankles. My face flushed red, I immediately turned around and face planted into my pillow in embarrassment.
"I need to get dressed," Gilbert laughed his loud and echoing laugh he had.
I was sitting quietly in my seat during history taking my WW2 test with the handy notecard we were allowed to fill with stuff to help us with the test. Kiku and I went over some strategies last night while we filled out our notecards. He had this cute idea to make every country in WW2 be represented by a person so he sketched out these cute anime guys on my notecard and I can honestly say I'm really into it. I mean, sure he based the countries looks after fellow classmates and it was kinda weird to see me look almost identical to the Canada on my notecard, but it was such a good idea. But what made me chuckle or grin at was how Kiku made England's eyebrows extremely bushy and that he based the looks off of Arthur, isn't that hilarious!... Well I thought so.
By the time I was done with the test and it was time to pass the tests and notecards in I felt positively a hundred percent sure that I got a good grade on it.
"So did my drawings help you during the test?" Kiku asked sitting on a desk in front of me while the rest of the students hung out before the bell released us for lunch.
"Yes, I couldn't stop grinning at England though and you are right, Francis does fit the roles as France perfectly."
"Ohononon~ did I hear my name from lips of an angel?" Francis said in a flirty manner, creeping into the conversation.
Did I also forget to mention that Francis likes to get involved in every conversation I have and flirts with me constantly? Yeah, there is a lot of that now a days.
"Hi Francis," I said trying not to sound negative or displeased that he was here.
"So what were you guys talking about a moment ago?"
"These drawings I made to help study for the test on our notecards," Kiku said, taking a moment to reach into his backpack and take out a sketch pad, flipping it open to a page full of the countries he drew last night in chibi form and a couple others I haven't noticed before. Kiku pointed to France who was winking and holding a rose in a flirty manner that mimicked Francis.
"I made these characters to represent countries, I hope you don't mind but I based France's looks after yours as well as every other country on here is based off of looks of people I know now," Kiku explained to Francis who stared at France thoughtfully before his blue eyes sparkled.
"Wow, you made me so handsome and I'm guessing the one that says Canada is based off of Matthew's looks and that bushy brow England is from Arthur."
"Exactly," Kiku nodded withdrawing his sketch pad back into his backpack just before the bell rang. Kiku and I grabbed our bags and made our way out of the school and over towards the dining hall, sitting at our regular place once we got our food.
"So Kiku, do you have any plans for over Winter Break?" I asked.
"No not really, I'm probably going to spend Christmas at the dorms, Heracles is spending it at his aunts in San Diego but he can't take me," Kiku said with a bit of a wistful look.
"Well would you like to spend it over at my house? My parents would love to have you over."
"Yeah, I already have Tino and Gilbert staying so I can invite one more friend over."
"Well then I would be honored to stay over at your house."
"Great now I can tell my parents who's coming, now I'm really excited to have you come over Kiku, I'll give you a grand tour of Sacramento when we get there."
"What-cha guys talking about?" Alfred asked as he joined the table with Arthur by his side.
"Kiku staying over at my place during Winter Break as well as Tino and Gilbert too."
"Why Gilbert? He's loud and obnoxious," Alfred sneered.
"Well you don't really know him Alfred so you shouldn't judge people you don't know about," I said feeling very defensive about Gilbert.
"I know he and his buddy Ivan get drunk on Friday nights and that he prowls around with Francis and that pedophile Antonio plus I heard he had sex with his science teacher in middle school and practically fucked almost all of the female population of his school-"
"Alfred shut up!" I exclaimed frustrated and angry.
"That first one was a rumor that started long ago, second, of course he hangs out with Francis and Antonio they’re his best friends and the rest of that is in the past, I mean right now we're in an all-boys school for god’s sake he's not like Francis who will go around "fucking" boys who look like girls."
That was another thing I noticed about Alfred was that he judges Gilbert way more than Francis. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who knows Gilbert and to be honest it makes me a bit jealous seeing Francis and Antonio around him so much. I mean of course there his best friends and all but it makes me feel jealous that there's other people like me who know him like I do. It's infuriating.
I tried to drown out that angry defensive feeling from arguing with Alfred while eating my pizza. It sort of helped, especially while hearing Arthur chew out Alfred's ear on judging people by their past like I said. Apparently Alfred gets the point when Arthur explains it to him, but when I do it just goes in through one ear and out the other. Noticing that I got a little bit jealous of Arthur. I was friends with Alfred before him, but he seems to react better to Arthur, I wonder why that is.
"Veh~ Hi!" Feliciano greeted as he and his brother followed by Ludwig sat down, though Lovino kept shooting hateful words at poor Ludwig whom had no clue why he was being yelled at neither did I as well.
"What are you guys talking about?" Feliciano asked jumping into the conversation.
"Not much, England is just scolding America- oops, I used the wrong names," Kiku blushed furiously at his mistake.
Alfred just laughed out of hilarity, but Arthur was more intrigued.
"Wrong names?" Arthur asked.
Soon all eyes at the table were directed at Kiku in both interest and question. I nudged Kiku lightly.
"Show them the pictures," I said encouragingly.
"What pictures?" Arthur pester on as Kiku retrieved his sketch book.
"Yesterday Kiku came up with a great way to study facts about World War Two," I half explained when Kiku opened up the page with the Allies and Axis Powers of WW2 and showed them to everyone at
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