Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
Book online «Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer
things. Man I felt so sore from working so hard, I was also so hungry and tired from skipping meals because of Raivis's constant and nonstop study sessions, but don't worry I had half a granola bar this morning in between Raivis quizzing me on WW1. Though I do feel more wary as my feet continued in a sloth like manner.
After I had made it to the locker room before the last bell rang I got dressed out into my P.E clothes and joined the rest of the class in the gym feeling very limp and hungry. As the class started the regular warm up jog I felt my feet achingly slow down and feel heavy as if my shoes were made out of lead. My throat felt tight and my vision was a bit blurry for some reason until everything just went black.
I cracked my eyes open slowly. The first thing I felt was hunger, then thirst before my stomach growled at me like an angry lion. I felt like I was going to be sick, but my stomach was too empty to probably let me hurl. Instead I coughed twice and let out a hiccupping sound from my clenching throat. Suddenly I saw Lukas's face above me with a slightly worried expression in his eyes. Of course like the same Lukas I know, his facial expression was as frozen as mine is, I think it's a genetic thing.
"How are you feeling brother?" he asked.
"Hungry," I replied not holding back on what I said unlike other times.
Lukas placed his hand on my back and sat me up in the bed, fussing over my messy hair for a moment while I blinked and looked around. When I spotted a woman with a stethoscope around her neck placing syringe needles in order by size, I knew this was the nurses office. When the nurse noticed I was awake she shooed Lukas away and took over taking my blood pressure, temperature and asking me questions.
"When was the last time you ate?" she asked.
"Possibly a week or so ago," I replied.
I heard Lukas sigh and watch him flick his hair to the side over by the door.
The nurse pointed her pen at me. "Eat more, or your body will start eating itself, no woman would want a man that won’t eat her cooking," she gave me a bit of a hard pat on my back sending out the door with my brother.
It was a quiet and awkward walk back towards the dormitory with Lukas. Especially when he started to insist that he would walk me back to my room and make sure I was in bed. Raivis wasn't in so it made it less awkward for me to get tucked in bed by Lukas just like when we were kids. He even gave me a kiss on the forehead and even told me, Sov godt lillebror, exactly like he did when we were little. As much as going to sleep sounded good, I couldn't, or wouldn't, let myself fall asleep. But I should go to sleep, I can't do anything when I'm not fully rested.
Man I'm so hungry right now, I could just pass out again, but I wanted to eat something really warm like toast or soup, just anything warm really. My thoughts of toast were distracted by a knock at my door. I sat up slowly before answering.
"Come in."
The door slowly creaked open to reveal the brown eyed beauty of my affections. Kaoru stood there still in his school uniform with a bento in his hands and a calm and composed expression on his face. He took a slow step in closing the door behind him and taking off his slip-on shoes while I tried not to make any surprised sounds.
"I heard you passed out during P.E so I wanted to check up on you and bring you some food," he spoke softly raising the bento up a little to show me what he had brought.
Oh, well that explains things.
"Thanks," I said dully as Kaoru placed the bento on my desk and bowed.
"I hope you will be feeling better," he said so formally before putting his shoes back on and leaving. The dull tug of a needle piercing through my heart hurt. I wanted to reach out and snatch him from walking out that door. I wanted to tell him that I love him that I wanted to stay by his side even though our siblings disagreed. But most of all-
I picked up the bento on my desk and placed it in the trash bin by my bed.
-I wanted to cry.
"I hope you're feeling better Raivis," Tino chimed happily greeting me the next day in the chemistry lab after school.
"It's good to have you back Emil, these people were so unorganized with the plans for the next meeting," Yao complained, gesturing at Felik and Toris.
"It's not, like, my fault that Toris has a rape-able ass," Felik grinned slapping his Lithuanian "friend" on the butt making him yelp.
"I told you, if we were to have sex then I would be on top," Toris argued at Felik who whined at his sentence.
"But I like to, like, ride things ya know? Like ponies!" Felik squealed at the thought.
I grinned to myself. I haven’t missed anything, but I do wish there was some more proactive phrases thrown here and there just for my entertainment besides Felik's attempts to get Toris in bed... Now I need to put some cameras in their room just in case that does happen.
"Welcome back," Kaoru said to me making my heart speed up. "Emil," he said this with a bit of a different look in his eyes that seemed a bit... Lusty? Or was I just getting horny for no reason.
"Well anyways our notorious Uke Leader is back and because this is an "After School Special" club meeting we're just going to do a little study session... Before we watch the porn, which we will have a vote to watch which one since I only grabbed three DVDs of it, so let's crack open some books and the whip!" Raivis let out a little giggle at the last part.
As everyone got into studying at their own desks for a few moments before I noticed someone slip into the seat next to mine. I lifted my eyes from my text book to see that it was Kaoru opening up his textbook and filling out an assignment. Something was a bit off, first the visit, the look, now sitting by me? Is there something I'm not picking up on or am I just paranoid. Then, as if planned, Kaoru's pencil slipped from his grip and diagonally my way spinning over the edge and landing on my lap. Before I could grab it and give it back to him, Kaoru abruptly and slowly slid his hand down my lap purposely rubbing my crotch through my pants. I let out a small gasp and I heard Kaoru chuckle lightly, his hand obviously ignoring it's insured target and instead started kneading against my growing need.
"You know," he whispered right into my ear making me shiver slightly.
"This textbook says that humans are animals," Kaoru's touch grew a bit more harder and deeper into my pants making my resistance a bit harder on me. "So I was wondering what animal you would be... In bed that is," he breathed right in my ear hotly, making my futile resistance of a blush weaken and give in a bit. Then Kaoru withdrew his hand from me, taking his pencil and going right back to his homework leaving me with a small "tent".
I let out a shaky and shallow breath, calming down and relaxing my facial muscles before I started thinking of that dead carcass of a puffin I found when I was little with its eyeballs being pecked at by seagulls. Quickly my need was cooled down and so was my face and all it took was a dead puffin... Now I feel depressed.
"Ok Tino put on the porn!" Raivis demanded a moment later.
Oh god- fuck this I was not planning on getting hard two times in public because thinking about a dead puffin is enough for me to start bawling if I thought of it more than once in a day- fuck this!
I grabbed all my stuff, shoving it in my backpack and retreated from the room hearing questions directed at me from Raivis and some other club members.
No. Not now, not today, I don't want to be responsible for ten people today I just can't take it right now.
In the middle of my mind rant I didn't notice the person in front of me and ended up crashing into them with all my bottled up fury.
"Hey watch where ya going!" the guy spat.
I looked up at the bastard that said that, only to feel overwhelmed that I had ran into Mathias, my brother's boyfriend. Mathias was sort of an idiot to me I mean he is great and all and he is a pretty good and funny guy, but if I'm angry then I won't tolerate his sometimes annoying and idiotic nature.
"Oh sorry there Emil, didn't notice it was you since you’re so small. Man have ya been getting shorter because last time I saw ya were this tall," he said measuring a little up from my head laughing like a bumbling idiot.
"Piss off asshole!" I exploded before taking off, hearing my own ugly words echo in my ears.
Why did I just say that? I didn't mean to, I hope Mathias isn't offended at all and just take it as a joke. Oh god Lukas is going to lecture me about bad words and that I should act a bit nicer to his boyfriend. Well it's his god-damn fault I'm like this! If I still had a Kaoru then I wouldn't be feeling so shitty or enraged like this, I could be holding hands with Kaoru being the couple that we were deprived of instead of something so confusing and insanely twisted that makes my own head hurt!
These thoughts sent me on a roller-coaster of emotions as I ran aimlessly out the school doors feeling tears peek out from under my eyelids. I didn't know where I was running until I was starting up a match in the Club Room with shaky hands, lighting up a single candle before blowing out the match, feeling everything grow heavy on me again. I still haven't eaten anything this morning or afternoon and hunger was bubbling in my stomach so much that it just hurt to stand and I ended up passing back into the blackness.
A stinging sensation bloomed across my cheek.
It came again a few seconds later, but harder.
I heard someone cry out for someone to stop.
My eyes opened right before I saw a hand come down and slap me on my face so hard that my face turned to the other side. I let out a groan in pain while clutching my cheek.
"Raivis stop it! He's awake! No!" I heard Tino's voice in the background before there was some clamoring sounds.
I lifted my head up to see Tino holding back an enraged Raivis from lunging at me.
"Dumbass! I'm your friend! You need to tell me what’s wrong with you!" Raivis cried at me with angry tears streaming down his face.
"I could
After I had made it to the locker room before the last bell rang I got dressed out into my P.E clothes and joined the rest of the class in the gym feeling very limp and hungry. As the class started the regular warm up jog I felt my feet achingly slow down and feel heavy as if my shoes were made out of lead. My throat felt tight and my vision was a bit blurry for some reason until everything just went black.
I cracked my eyes open slowly. The first thing I felt was hunger, then thirst before my stomach growled at me like an angry lion. I felt like I was going to be sick, but my stomach was too empty to probably let me hurl. Instead I coughed twice and let out a hiccupping sound from my clenching throat. Suddenly I saw Lukas's face above me with a slightly worried expression in his eyes. Of course like the same Lukas I know, his facial expression was as frozen as mine is, I think it's a genetic thing.
"How are you feeling brother?" he asked.
"Hungry," I replied not holding back on what I said unlike other times.
Lukas placed his hand on my back and sat me up in the bed, fussing over my messy hair for a moment while I blinked and looked around. When I spotted a woman with a stethoscope around her neck placing syringe needles in order by size, I knew this was the nurses office. When the nurse noticed I was awake she shooed Lukas away and took over taking my blood pressure, temperature and asking me questions.
"When was the last time you ate?" she asked.
"Possibly a week or so ago," I replied.
I heard Lukas sigh and watch him flick his hair to the side over by the door.
The nurse pointed her pen at me. "Eat more, or your body will start eating itself, no woman would want a man that won’t eat her cooking," she gave me a bit of a hard pat on my back sending out the door with my brother.
It was a quiet and awkward walk back towards the dormitory with Lukas. Especially when he started to insist that he would walk me back to my room and make sure I was in bed. Raivis wasn't in so it made it less awkward for me to get tucked in bed by Lukas just like when we were kids. He even gave me a kiss on the forehead and even told me, Sov godt lillebror, exactly like he did when we were little. As much as going to sleep sounded good, I couldn't, or wouldn't, let myself fall asleep. But I should go to sleep, I can't do anything when I'm not fully rested.
Man I'm so hungry right now, I could just pass out again, but I wanted to eat something really warm like toast or soup, just anything warm really. My thoughts of toast were distracted by a knock at my door. I sat up slowly before answering.
"Come in."
The door slowly creaked open to reveal the brown eyed beauty of my affections. Kaoru stood there still in his school uniform with a bento in his hands and a calm and composed expression on his face. He took a slow step in closing the door behind him and taking off his slip-on shoes while I tried not to make any surprised sounds.
"I heard you passed out during P.E so I wanted to check up on you and bring you some food," he spoke softly raising the bento up a little to show me what he had brought.
Oh, well that explains things.
"Thanks," I said dully as Kaoru placed the bento on my desk and bowed.
"I hope you will be feeling better," he said so formally before putting his shoes back on and leaving. The dull tug of a needle piercing through my heart hurt. I wanted to reach out and snatch him from walking out that door. I wanted to tell him that I love him that I wanted to stay by his side even though our siblings disagreed. But most of all-
I picked up the bento on my desk and placed it in the trash bin by my bed.
-I wanted to cry.
"I hope you're feeling better Raivis," Tino chimed happily greeting me the next day in the chemistry lab after school.
"It's good to have you back Emil, these people were so unorganized with the plans for the next meeting," Yao complained, gesturing at Felik and Toris.
"It's not, like, my fault that Toris has a rape-able ass," Felik grinned slapping his Lithuanian "friend" on the butt making him yelp.
"I told you, if we were to have sex then I would be on top," Toris argued at Felik who whined at his sentence.
"But I like to, like, ride things ya know? Like ponies!" Felik squealed at the thought.
I grinned to myself. I haven’t missed anything, but I do wish there was some more proactive phrases thrown here and there just for my entertainment besides Felik's attempts to get Toris in bed... Now I need to put some cameras in their room just in case that does happen.
"Welcome back," Kaoru said to me making my heart speed up. "Emil," he said this with a bit of a different look in his eyes that seemed a bit... Lusty? Or was I just getting horny for no reason.
"Well anyways our notorious Uke Leader is back and because this is an "After School Special" club meeting we're just going to do a little study session... Before we watch the porn, which we will have a vote to watch which one since I only grabbed three DVDs of it, so let's crack open some books and the whip!" Raivis let out a little giggle at the last part.
As everyone got into studying at their own desks for a few moments before I noticed someone slip into the seat next to mine. I lifted my eyes from my text book to see that it was Kaoru opening up his textbook and filling out an assignment. Something was a bit off, first the visit, the look, now sitting by me? Is there something I'm not picking up on or am I just paranoid. Then, as if planned, Kaoru's pencil slipped from his grip and diagonally my way spinning over the edge and landing on my lap. Before I could grab it and give it back to him, Kaoru abruptly and slowly slid his hand down my lap purposely rubbing my crotch through my pants. I let out a small gasp and I heard Kaoru chuckle lightly, his hand obviously ignoring it's insured target and instead started kneading against my growing need.
"You know," he whispered right into my ear making me shiver slightly.
"This textbook says that humans are animals," Kaoru's touch grew a bit more harder and deeper into my pants making my resistance a bit harder on me. "So I was wondering what animal you would be... In bed that is," he breathed right in my ear hotly, making my futile resistance of a blush weaken and give in a bit. Then Kaoru withdrew his hand from me, taking his pencil and going right back to his homework leaving me with a small "tent".
I let out a shaky and shallow breath, calming down and relaxing my facial muscles before I started thinking of that dead carcass of a puffin I found when I was little with its eyeballs being pecked at by seagulls. Quickly my need was cooled down and so was my face and all it took was a dead puffin... Now I feel depressed.
"Ok Tino put on the porn!" Raivis demanded a moment later.
Oh god- fuck this I was not planning on getting hard two times in public because thinking about a dead puffin is enough for me to start bawling if I thought of it more than once in a day- fuck this!
I grabbed all my stuff, shoving it in my backpack and retreated from the room hearing questions directed at me from Raivis and some other club members.
No. Not now, not today, I don't want to be responsible for ten people today I just can't take it right now.
In the middle of my mind rant I didn't notice the person in front of me and ended up crashing into them with all my bottled up fury.
"Hey watch where ya going!" the guy spat.
I looked up at the bastard that said that, only to feel overwhelmed that I had ran into Mathias, my brother's boyfriend. Mathias was sort of an idiot to me I mean he is great and all and he is a pretty good and funny guy, but if I'm angry then I won't tolerate his sometimes annoying and idiotic nature.
"Oh sorry there Emil, didn't notice it was you since you’re so small. Man have ya been getting shorter because last time I saw ya were this tall," he said measuring a little up from my head laughing like a bumbling idiot.
"Piss off asshole!" I exploded before taking off, hearing my own ugly words echo in my ears.
Why did I just say that? I didn't mean to, I hope Mathias isn't offended at all and just take it as a joke. Oh god Lukas is going to lecture me about bad words and that I should act a bit nicer to his boyfriend. Well it's his god-damn fault I'm like this! If I still had a Kaoru then I wouldn't be feeling so shitty or enraged like this, I could be holding hands with Kaoru being the couple that we were deprived of instead of something so confusing and insanely twisted that makes my own head hurt!
These thoughts sent me on a roller-coaster of emotions as I ran aimlessly out the school doors feeling tears peek out from under my eyelids. I didn't know where I was running until I was starting up a match in the Club Room with shaky hands, lighting up a single candle before blowing out the match, feeling everything grow heavy on me again. I still haven't eaten anything this morning or afternoon and hunger was bubbling in my stomach so much that it just hurt to stand and I ended up passing back into the blackness.
A stinging sensation bloomed across my cheek.
It came again a few seconds later, but harder.
I heard someone cry out for someone to stop.
My eyes opened right before I saw a hand come down and slap me on my face so hard that my face turned to the other side. I let out a groan in pain while clutching my cheek.
"Raivis stop it! He's awake! No!" I heard Tino's voice in the background before there was some clamoring sounds.
I lifted my head up to see Tino holding back an enraged Raivis from lunging at me.
"Dumbass! I'm your friend! You need to tell me what’s wrong with you!" Raivis cried at me with angry tears streaming down his face.
"I could
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