Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
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I notice a small breakout of glistening sweat had appeared on Gilbert's forehead and a painful grinning tug on the corner of his lips had appeared in a nervous twitchy manner. His fingers gripped tightly on the coffin.
"Yes Vater, I'm sorry I took them, but they all hatched! And I already named them... Well only this one didn't make it... But I have been taking care of them, I give them food and water, even baths too."
"That is not the point Gilbert, you can't just go off and do reckless things without a limit unless you want to end up being a hobo with only a cardboard box to call home and I tell you I do not raise my kids to grow up to become homeless, do you understand me Gilbert Hans Beilschmidt," he ranted scoldingly at Gilbert.
I snickered under my breath. "Your middle name is Hans, like from Star Wars," I teased quietly trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"Birdie~" Gilbert groaned turning his head at me.
That was when the tall stranger's eyes shifted onto me. I nearly yelped and hid behind Gilbert at the intensity of his stare.
"Oh, I am sorry I did not notice your presence there," he said.
Like that's something I never hear addressed to me.
"Oh that's ok, I get that a lot," I said.
"Are you one of Gilbert's friends?"
"I'm actually his roommate, but I am on those terms as well."
"Ah nice to meet you, I am Gilbert and Ludwig's father, you can address me as Mr. Beilschmidt."
Oh wow. This sort of changes everything, I mean this is Gilbert's dad not to mention he looks as serious and scarily strong like Ludwig except stronger and more serious.
"I'm Matthew, it's nice to meet you," I introduced myself.
"Dad, can you stop bugging Mattie, why are you here?" Gilbert interrupted the conversation, making Mr. Beilschmidt snap his attention back to Gilbert.
"Yes, well... It's Thanksgiving, and you haven't contacted your mother or I since you got here, then when I found out you took the eggs, well we thought you ditched school and started a farming business in the South."
"Dad, that's totally unawesome for one and the South is not a good place to raise Bobwhite quails, Bobtails sure, but not Bobwhites."
"Don't get smart on me," Mr. Beilschmidt hissed. "I want those chicks now and then I want to take my boys out for Thanksgiving after your mother is done with her nap at the hotel, a.s.a.p.! So don't wear any of those skinny jeans or ripped shirts Gilbert, you’re a Beilschmidt not a prostitute.
Gilbert just snorted. "Dad I don't need to show some skin to earn a buck, I'm just that awesome-"
"Now," Mr. Beilschmidt cut off Gilbert in a dangerous tone, giving his son a scary, serious look.
"C'mon Birdie let's go," Gilbert said quickly before grasping my hand and practically dragged me back to our dorm.
Once inside and the door was closed Gilbert went ballistic. He had all the chicks gathered up in the basket while brushing his teeth violently as if he hadn't brushed in a month. After that a small hill of his uniforms and gothic clothing from his closet formed behind him as he frantically dug for something in his closet. I sat on my bed hugging Kuma to my chest while staring at Gilbert when he finally pulled out a black dress shirt and Prussia blue slacks that I never knew he owned. After he had laid them out on his bed, Gilbert dove back into his closet before retrieving a pair of nice black shoes, and by that I meant no Converses or ratty red or black sneakers, just a nice normal pair of black shoes. Next thing he dug up was a white bag with a black cross on it that seemed old and ancient to my eyes.
"What's that?" I asked leaning slightly to get a better look.
Gilbert held up the bag before opening it up from the ties that tied it shut and dumped out a black and white cross that had a nice new looking silver chain, all onto his hand before dangling it up for me to see.
"It's a heirloom from my mother's side, apparently this used to belong to Fredrick the Great, the King of Prussia a great nation that started in Berlin way back, but it became no more 65 years ago, in a way my mother is related to him in a long bloodline so I am too. But no one recognizes Prussia anymore so no one really knows about it except for those who study the seven years’ war and the east parts of Germany." Gilbert paused for a moment before continuing.
"It's known as the Iron Cross that both Prussia and Germany military wore for their duties in military acts, but if you look here," Gilbert said tapping a small faded engraving of the initials FW. "You can see the initials of my great, great, great... Ok let's just say he's my ancient grandpa," Gilbert said cracking a smile.
"So if he was the King of Prussia, then wouldn't you be a prince?"
At that statement I made Gilbert's face went entirely red in... Embarrassment? What did he have to be embarrassed about? I think it would be cool to be related from someone like that.
"I guess," he mumbled before grabbing all his clothes and disappeared into the bathroom for what seemed like an hour before emerging from the bathroom. And boy did I nearly have a heart attack at the sight of Gilbert when he walked out of there. His shirt was neatly tucked into his pants which were held up by a black belt with a silver buckle, his black shoe laces were tied up neatly in small ties and the Iron Cross he had shown and explained to me was hanging from his neck respectably. But what baffled me the most was his hair. Usually it was unruly and messy sticking all sorts of directions, but now it was all jelled and combed back in the style his brother had his hair in everyday.
Gilbert looked... Damn good.
"Well I'll be gone for a few hours," Gilbert said grabbing the basket of chicks on his way to the door.
"Happy Thanksgiving Mattie, I'm sorry I can't spend it with you."
That was the last thing he said before leaving.
"I'm thankful for no detentions so far this year, they get so fucking annoying."
"I'm thankful for the plentiful pasta~"
"I'm thankful for having lots of opportunities this year."
"I'm thankful for meeting lots of new friends," I said next.
"I'm thankful that we don't celebrate this where I'm from, we call it "Ship off all the Puritans in One Boat Day," Arthur said negatively, closing the little thanking circle the table went through before we lifted our heads, mainly eyeing Arthur who was sitting by me.
"What? It's true," Arthur defended himself.
Alfred slapped his hand on Arthur's back. "It's ok Artie! No one gets your Brit's humor anyways!" Alfred laughed.
"Stupid Yank," Arthur grumbled to himself.
It was around five o'clock and almost every single person on campus I knew was sitting at the same table in the Dining Hall for Thanksgiving. There was Kiku, Heracles, Romano, Feliciano, Tino, Berwald, Arthur, Alfred and I, sitting at the same table passing around various and traditional Thanksgiving day foods. Though Arhtur was actually from England and has never celebrated Thanksgiving before he showed a sour attitude towards the festivities, but then again Kiku, Heracles, Romano and Feliciano were all from some other continents as well and they don't mind at all... Well then again I guess it could be a bit more personal for Arthur considering the whole England claiming America then the Revolutionary war and stuff like that I guess. Then again he only seems to get angry around Alfred for all I know so he could just be angry at him again.
"Belch... I am full," Alfred sighed in content once he was done eating, I was done too, but I made sure to leave room for pie.
As I leaned back in my seat I watched Arthur slap Alfred on the hand with his napkin.
"Manners," he hissed.
"Excuse me," Alfred responded.
When everyone was done with the food, Tino and I carried the empty trays or leftovers to the kitchen and picked up our table's pies. We had three choices of pies; pumpkin, pecan and banana cream. I went straight for the pecan, but before I took a bite I caught myself and remembered the best topping to go with pecan pie. I left the table and went back to the kitchen and came back with a jug of maple syrup. Getting odd and curious looks, I continued to flip open the lid and pour a good amount onto my pie. I then put the first bite into my mouth, containing squeaks of the happy blissful taste of maple syrup on pecan pie, it was just to die for, no joke, go try it now. A few others got curious and tried some as well on their pies, finding it just as enjoyable as I did.
When all was eaten and stuffed away into our bellies, we departed from our table to go back to our dorms for a very long slumber.
Chapter 16: Its Christmas Part 1
It`s that time of season.
When giant pine trees are twinkling with lights and guys with fat suits dressed in red ask children what they want...
Now that sounded pedo-ish.
No, there will be none of that during the holidays- and if you haven't guessed yet, it's Christmas!
Well not right now, but it's coming up soon, like in three weeks and I can hardly wait. My family always had this week before Christmas tradition where we make pancakes in different shapes a day like a maple leaf, Santa hat, Christmas trees, bells etc. Dad and I always make them though because Mom would always end up getting distracted and burning the pancakes, but she does memorize the ingredients so we never have to use cook books when making them. Another thing we do during Christmas is play tons of hockey at the rink, and then get at least ten pounds of ice, crush and powder it down and make snowmen.
This year my parents said that there's going to be a big surprise for me at home for when I come home. It's sort of gotten me all hyped up and kept at the edge of my seat, just thinking and waiting until I get to fly back to Sacramento, not to mention with Alfred as well. My love for him seems to be growing thinner by the minute, yes we stay
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