Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗

- Author: Euphoria Writer
Book online «Welcome to High School: Parte Deux, Euphoria Writer [best novels to read for beginners txt] 📗». Author Euphoria Writer
the table.
"Haha! America looks just like me!" Alfred laughed.
"And England resembles me perfectly, so you drew these Kiku?" Arthur said.
"Yes, I based the looks after you guys, plus I know that Arthur, Feli-san and Ludwig have lineage with these countries so I matched them up naturally."
"Huh, so you didn't know Mattie was Canadian when you put him as Canada?" Alfred said confused.
"Your Canadian?" almost everyone at the table except Alfred and Arthur asked me.
"Y-yes, it's not a subject I get asked often s-so I don't bring it up," I stuttered shyly.
"Really?" Ludwig said a bit shocked.
"Yup," Alfred butted in swinging his arm around me grabbing my cheek with the hand of the arm that was around me. "He even has the cutest accent a Canadian can have."
"Oh! I wanna hear it!" Feliciano exclaimed looking at me with wide golden brown eyes full of eagerness.
I was about to explain that I disliked using my accent but Arthur beat me to the punch.
"He doesn't like his accent so don't bother," he said in a sneer that made me flinch back a bit.
I saw Alfred pinch Arthur’s cheek with his other hand playfully. "Don't be mean Artie not all people can have sexy British accents like you do," Alfred said in a teasing manner that made a light pink blush flush out on Arthur's face.
"What, I think British accents are sexy is there a problem with that?" Alfred said to Arthur. He was probably thinking that Arthur was blushing out of anger instead of embarrassment.
"I prefer Greek accents," Kiku commented just before Heracles joined us at the table sitting by Kiku and locking hands with him.
"Heh, I think the good old fashioned Italian accents are the best in the whole fucking world!" Lovino said smugly.
"Veh, I like Ludwig's German accent, it's so rough and cool sounding," Feliciano said grabbing Ludwig's bicep in a casual manner.
"I like German accents too," I almost said but I just bit on my tongue from saying anything.
Dear Matthew,
Your father and I are glad you'll be having your friends over for the break, and from some info you told us we got them some Christmas presents for the holidays. We can't wait to meet your roommate Gilbert he seems like quite the character, and something tells me your dad will have a fun time messing with him like what he does with Alfred. I hope you don't mind but we moved your surprise to your room for the moment so when you come home it will be waiting for you there. Remember to pack your iPod and gum for the flight tomorrow so your ears won't pop so badly.
I'll see you tomorrow night.
With love,
I smiled giddily when I received that email from my mom. Tomorrow was both the last day of school before Winter Break and right away when school is over Alfred, Tino, Kiku, Gilbert and I are taking a shuttle down to the airport with our bags. I couldn't wait, I want to know what my surprise is and to make some of my famous maple pancakes I've been craving a lot lately. I heard a buzz go off on my desk so I turned my head to see that I had received a text.
Tino: There's an emergency meeting in the club room in thirty seconds
I checked my clock to see that the time was eleven thirty PM.
I crept out of my room after closing my laptop, being careful not to wake up Gilbert and sneak off into the club room's secret entrance. When I entered the room I noticed something different. All the mountainous piles of pillows and visions were gone, now instead only a couple of couches, mattresses, pillows and visions remained. I could actually see the ground which was wooden and I could also spot a shelf of books and DVDs in the corner of the room. Everyone was sitting on a cushion around a low Japanese styled table with candles kiting up the room all around. I caught onto the conversation when I took my spot next to the free cushion between Kiku and Tino.
"So what kind of masks do we have for it?" Yao asked.
"We have three cats, three rabbits, two dogs and four butterfly masks," Arthur listed off.
"We are doing an assignment to get the club's name around campus," Kiku whispered to catch me up on what I missed.
"We're planning on stapling pink posters of our club's name around school, placing stickers on student's backs and I think the group that gets the butterfly masks to wear are going to glitter bomb the football team while they’re getting undressed and leave posters there too," I nodded understanding what Kiku said.
"Ok so all cats are going to place stickers on peoples backs, the rabbits will staple up posters, dogs will be the security prowling around so that no one gets caught and the butterflies will of course glitter bomb the football team in the locker room cheering: "Ukes rule, Semes drool!" very childish I know but that's what you have to say," Arthur said.
"Ok so from this list of divided jobs," Raivis said pulling out a sheet of paper. "Cats will be Yao, Tino and Feliciano, Rabbits will be Kauro, Emil and I, Dogs will be Arthur and Lovino and last but not least our beautiful Butterflies are Kiku, Matthew, Felik and Toris."
I felt my stomach drop. I-I have to deliberately go into the boys locker room while the football team undressed a-and glitter bomb them? I would get killed or worse found out that I'm in the Secret Uke Club and get suspended for glitter bombing the football team saying Ukes rule Semes drool! Great I'm going to die and the last thing I'll probably see is a guy's balls covered in glitter and my blood from killing me... What a nice image.
As I thought that morbid image the masks were passed out and I was given a black and red butterfly mask and three water balloons that didn't seem to be full of water but some other squishy substance.
"There are four buckets in the janitors closet by the locker rooms the water balloons are for backup, the football team will be in there to change out for their game during lunch tomorrow just put on the masks get the glitter and then make a mad dash out the back where Arthur and Lovino will be waiting for you guys by the secret passage, any questions?"
"Yeah, like, why are there, like, so many secret passages on campus?" Felik asked.
"Honestly Felik," Raivis said a bit fazed. "We have no fucking clue but they’re there."
Lunch time.
I was shaking and quivering like a leaf in the wind. I had three glitter bombs in my pocket and a butterfly mask tucked under my shirt while the strings hung from my neck. Kiku and I were not very pleased with the arrangements of things, and only Felik and Toris seem ok with the plan. Lovino and Arthur went ahead of us to see if the football team was getting undressed yet. They soon came back out and gave us the thumbs up. We worked quickly getting the buckets filled with pink glitter with hot pink flyers that said Secret Uke Club on them.
Why did everything have to be pink?
Kiku and I slid on our masks along with Felik and Toris before quietly creeping into the locker room. The muscly football team players were in the middle of stripping down when we snuck in. My heart beat was pounding deeply in my chest. The football players haven't noticed us yet and not one of us "Butterflies" made the action to throw the glitter. That was until Felik went all AWOL.
"Ukes rule Semes drool!" he cried out in a blood thirsty war cry before pelting the first row of surprised football players with flyers and glitter that just filled the room like a giant, pink, sparkly smoke bomb.
I found it contagiously funny and it seemed fun so I was the next person to glitter bomb them when the cloud of the first blow went down.
"For the Uke Club!" I cheered with a little bit of laughter in my voice when I nearly chucked the whole bucket at them. That's when things got a little bit chaotic. The football guys got a bit angry and starting cussing and move at us through the glitter. Kiku pelted his bucket at them for defense and Toris did the same as us Butterflies tried to retreat out the back door. With adrenaline pumping we dropped our buckets and schemed out the backdoor to meet Lovino and Arthur in their Dog masks waving at us. Once we had reached them, Lovino began pushing against the brick wall of the school until I noticed that he was pushing open an entrance that led to a dark tunnel. When all six of us were huddled into the small dark and cramped space we began crawling down the small tumbling path.
Everything was pitch black in there until small rays of light came up ahead near the end, which turned out to be an air vent leading out into the back hallway of the school. When we had rolled out of the vent after popping out the cover, only to noticed that we were covered in dust and cobwebs. Lovino cursed at the mess his clothes were in as the rest of us dusted off the dust and cobwebs from our uniforms. After that we tucked away our masks and had a long laugh.
"That was the craziest thing ever!" Toris exclaimed.
"Did you like see their faces they were like what the fuck!" Felik giggled manically.
"I quoted Sparta in there," I snorted a bit in laughter.
"I am going to laugh whenever I see my boyfriend now," Kiku smiled with a giggle.
"I'm just glad I didn't see any of their sweaty glittery balls," Lovino commented only making us laugh harder at the thought.
"Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie-"
"For the love of god, Alfred what is it?" I said very frustrated.
"Hi," Alfred giggled with the dumbest expression on his face.
I leaned back in my seat to swat him over on the head. This hour of torment was getting boring and very dull by the second. Having Alfred sit behind me in an airplane for the last hour was annoying. My patience was stressing by the minute, at least I get to sit by Tino and Gilbert though Tino doesn't do so well in airplanes so he's been in the bathroom every fifteen minutes and Gilbert was plugged into his iPod and looking out the window the whole time. Kiku on the other hand was sleeping in the seat next to Alfred whom was sandwiched between Kiku and an old lady that kept calling him Jacob for some reason.
"Jacob why don't you stop flirting with that lady in front of you and sit tight, I heard Haiti is really nice this time of year," the old lady said to Alfred who gave her an odd look.
"Uh mam that's not a girl that's a dude and we're going to Sacramento not Haiti," Alfred explained.
"Silly Jacob," she laughed a throaty laugh in her dry voice.
Then in a weird notion the old lady leaned over and kissed Alfred on the mouth! I snorted and laughed,
"Haha! America looks just like me!" Alfred laughed.
"And England resembles me perfectly, so you drew these Kiku?" Arthur said.
"Yes, I based the looks after you guys, plus I know that Arthur, Feli-san and Ludwig have lineage with these countries so I matched them up naturally."
"Huh, so you didn't know Mattie was Canadian when you put him as Canada?" Alfred said confused.
"Your Canadian?" almost everyone at the table except Alfred and Arthur asked me.
"Y-yes, it's not a subject I get asked often s-so I don't bring it up," I stuttered shyly.
"Really?" Ludwig said a bit shocked.
"Yup," Alfred butted in swinging his arm around me grabbing my cheek with the hand of the arm that was around me. "He even has the cutest accent a Canadian can have."
"Oh! I wanna hear it!" Feliciano exclaimed looking at me with wide golden brown eyes full of eagerness.
I was about to explain that I disliked using my accent but Arthur beat me to the punch.
"He doesn't like his accent so don't bother," he said in a sneer that made me flinch back a bit.
I saw Alfred pinch Arthur’s cheek with his other hand playfully. "Don't be mean Artie not all people can have sexy British accents like you do," Alfred said in a teasing manner that made a light pink blush flush out on Arthur's face.
"What, I think British accents are sexy is there a problem with that?" Alfred said to Arthur. He was probably thinking that Arthur was blushing out of anger instead of embarrassment.
"I prefer Greek accents," Kiku commented just before Heracles joined us at the table sitting by Kiku and locking hands with him.
"Heh, I think the good old fashioned Italian accents are the best in the whole fucking world!" Lovino said smugly.
"Veh, I like Ludwig's German accent, it's so rough and cool sounding," Feliciano said grabbing Ludwig's bicep in a casual manner.
"I like German accents too," I almost said but I just bit on my tongue from saying anything.
Dear Matthew,
Your father and I are glad you'll be having your friends over for the break, and from some info you told us we got them some Christmas presents for the holidays. We can't wait to meet your roommate Gilbert he seems like quite the character, and something tells me your dad will have a fun time messing with him like what he does with Alfred. I hope you don't mind but we moved your surprise to your room for the moment so when you come home it will be waiting for you there. Remember to pack your iPod and gum for the flight tomorrow so your ears won't pop so badly.
I'll see you tomorrow night.
With love,
I smiled giddily when I received that email from my mom. Tomorrow was both the last day of school before Winter Break and right away when school is over Alfred, Tino, Kiku, Gilbert and I are taking a shuttle down to the airport with our bags. I couldn't wait, I want to know what my surprise is and to make some of my famous maple pancakes I've been craving a lot lately. I heard a buzz go off on my desk so I turned my head to see that I had received a text.
Tino: There's an emergency meeting in the club room in thirty seconds
I checked my clock to see that the time was eleven thirty PM.
I crept out of my room after closing my laptop, being careful not to wake up Gilbert and sneak off into the club room's secret entrance. When I entered the room I noticed something different. All the mountainous piles of pillows and visions were gone, now instead only a couple of couches, mattresses, pillows and visions remained. I could actually see the ground which was wooden and I could also spot a shelf of books and DVDs in the corner of the room. Everyone was sitting on a cushion around a low Japanese styled table with candles kiting up the room all around. I caught onto the conversation when I took my spot next to the free cushion between Kiku and Tino.
"So what kind of masks do we have for it?" Yao asked.
"We have three cats, three rabbits, two dogs and four butterfly masks," Arthur listed off.
"We are doing an assignment to get the club's name around campus," Kiku whispered to catch me up on what I missed.
"We're planning on stapling pink posters of our club's name around school, placing stickers on student's backs and I think the group that gets the butterfly masks to wear are going to glitter bomb the football team while they’re getting undressed and leave posters there too," I nodded understanding what Kiku said.
"Ok so all cats are going to place stickers on peoples backs, the rabbits will staple up posters, dogs will be the security prowling around so that no one gets caught and the butterflies will of course glitter bomb the football team in the locker room cheering: "Ukes rule, Semes drool!" very childish I know but that's what you have to say," Arthur said.
"Ok so from this list of divided jobs," Raivis said pulling out a sheet of paper. "Cats will be Yao, Tino and Feliciano, Rabbits will be Kauro, Emil and I, Dogs will be Arthur and Lovino and last but not least our beautiful Butterflies are Kiku, Matthew, Felik and Toris."
I felt my stomach drop. I-I have to deliberately go into the boys locker room while the football team undressed a-and glitter bomb them? I would get killed or worse found out that I'm in the Secret Uke Club and get suspended for glitter bombing the football team saying Ukes rule Semes drool! Great I'm going to die and the last thing I'll probably see is a guy's balls covered in glitter and my blood from killing me... What a nice image.
As I thought that morbid image the masks were passed out and I was given a black and red butterfly mask and three water balloons that didn't seem to be full of water but some other squishy substance.
"There are four buckets in the janitors closet by the locker rooms the water balloons are for backup, the football team will be in there to change out for their game during lunch tomorrow just put on the masks get the glitter and then make a mad dash out the back where Arthur and Lovino will be waiting for you guys by the secret passage, any questions?"
"Yeah, like, why are there, like, so many secret passages on campus?" Felik asked.
"Honestly Felik," Raivis said a bit fazed. "We have no fucking clue but they’re there."
Lunch time.
I was shaking and quivering like a leaf in the wind. I had three glitter bombs in my pocket and a butterfly mask tucked under my shirt while the strings hung from my neck. Kiku and I were not very pleased with the arrangements of things, and only Felik and Toris seem ok with the plan. Lovino and Arthur went ahead of us to see if the football team was getting undressed yet. They soon came back out and gave us the thumbs up. We worked quickly getting the buckets filled with pink glitter with hot pink flyers that said Secret Uke Club on them.
Why did everything have to be pink?
Kiku and I slid on our masks along with Felik and Toris before quietly creeping into the locker room. The muscly football team players were in the middle of stripping down when we snuck in. My heart beat was pounding deeply in my chest. The football players haven't noticed us yet and not one of us "Butterflies" made the action to throw the glitter. That was until Felik went all AWOL.
"Ukes rule Semes drool!" he cried out in a blood thirsty war cry before pelting the first row of surprised football players with flyers and glitter that just filled the room like a giant, pink, sparkly smoke bomb.
I found it contagiously funny and it seemed fun so I was the next person to glitter bomb them when the cloud of the first blow went down.
"For the Uke Club!" I cheered with a little bit of laughter in my voice when I nearly chucked the whole bucket at them. That's when things got a little bit chaotic. The football guys got a bit angry and starting cussing and move at us through the glitter. Kiku pelted his bucket at them for defense and Toris did the same as us Butterflies tried to retreat out the back door. With adrenaline pumping we dropped our buckets and schemed out the backdoor to meet Lovino and Arthur in their Dog masks waving at us. Once we had reached them, Lovino began pushing against the brick wall of the school until I noticed that he was pushing open an entrance that led to a dark tunnel. When all six of us were huddled into the small dark and cramped space we began crawling down the small tumbling path.
Everything was pitch black in there until small rays of light came up ahead near the end, which turned out to be an air vent leading out into the back hallway of the school. When we had rolled out of the vent after popping out the cover, only to noticed that we were covered in dust and cobwebs. Lovino cursed at the mess his clothes were in as the rest of us dusted off the dust and cobwebs from our uniforms. After that we tucked away our masks and had a long laugh.
"That was the craziest thing ever!" Toris exclaimed.
"Did you like see their faces they were like what the fuck!" Felik giggled manically.
"I quoted Sparta in there," I snorted a bit in laughter.
"I am going to laugh whenever I see my boyfriend now," Kiku smiled with a giggle.
"I'm just glad I didn't see any of their sweaty glittery balls," Lovino commented only making us laugh harder at the thought.
"Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie-"
"For the love of god, Alfred what is it?" I said very frustrated.
"Hi," Alfred giggled with the dumbest expression on his face.
I leaned back in my seat to swat him over on the head. This hour of torment was getting boring and very dull by the second. Having Alfred sit behind me in an airplane for the last hour was annoying. My patience was stressing by the minute, at least I get to sit by Tino and Gilbert though Tino doesn't do so well in airplanes so he's been in the bathroom every fifteen minutes and Gilbert was plugged into his iPod and looking out the window the whole time. Kiku on the other hand was sleeping in the seat next to Alfred whom was sandwiched between Kiku and an old lady that kept calling him Jacob for some reason.
"Jacob why don't you stop flirting with that lady in front of you and sit tight, I heard Haiti is really nice this time of year," the old lady said to Alfred who gave her an odd look.
"Uh mam that's not a girl that's a dude and we're going to Sacramento not Haiti," Alfred explained.
"Silly Jacob," she laughed a throaty laugh in her dry voice.
Then in a weird notion the old lady leaned over and kissed Alfred on the mouth! I snorted and laughed,
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