» Fiction » Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗». Author Alex Morris

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as the morning sun and eyes an emerald green was briskly walking through the graves and towards the woods. Un-aware of my prescense I began to follow the handsome
boy into the woods, I could always tell when the sun would rise and knew I had 3 hours until it would awaken the sleeping world. I followed the boy farther and farther into the beautiful woods, I was so court up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice the trees giant root sticking up through the ground, I was so distracted I did not even have time to catch myself and fell hard onto the ground, cutting my biceps and chin. I gave the grazes just a second thought
and jumped up, desperately looking around. I had only been on the ground less then twenty seconds but somehow the boy was gone, out of my ever reaching eye-sight.
Looking back I should have gone, just turned around and go back to my life and forget the boy, but I could not, it was like their was a wall behind me and all I could do was go forward, so I searched for boy. I used my vampire senses to smell for his scent, listen for his breath and feel for his soul, even for a vampire I had extreordinary senses and it only took me a moment to sense his life force. Following my instincts I turned to my left and followed my senses. I walked for another twenty minutes and was beginning to think that my senses had failed me when I saw a glow seeping through the gaps of bushy trees and shrubs. Being quiet I stalked forward, allowing my primal self to escape in anticipation of danger and slowly pushed my way through the scratching bushes and into a large clearing causing me to catch my breath. Not for
its un-deniable beauty with large weeping willows surrounding the perimeter and the wide stream running at the edge in an 'S' shape with a Japanese bridge over it, making it look like magic in its purest form, but from the people surrounding a glowing flower, my eyes instantly found the handsome boy I had followed, who was standing in the circle with other, less handsome males and beautiful females that made me feel insignificent. The most beautiful couple stepped forward and to the head of the circle, stopping all chattering and capturing everyone's gazes. The man's low and powerful voice reminded me so much of Tobias, 'Welcome to our first meeting!' cheers errupted
and died almost immediately, 'I ask of the God's, Godesses and the spirit's of our ancestors to grant us their aids in our quest to rid this world of the darkness that has thrived
for far too long!'The women then spoke then with just as much power filling her voice, 'It is time for us to take our land back from these savages and turn it back into the
beautiful land we once knew'! At first I thought they were speaking of the humans inhabiting the city, or maybe I did know and I just convinced my mind it was not so. But the
womens next words chilled me to my bone and made me feel such anger and fear. 'We will use our ancient magic and power to kill these creatures. The sun will scorch them
and the wood will penetrate their hearts. They will die!' Loud cheers filled my ears and the ground shook with power, acting by itself my body whirled around and ran as fast
as it ever has back through the woods. In that moment I knew two things; These people were witches of the most powerful and dangerous kind and they were here to kill
Chapter 3...

For the second time that night I burst into Tobias's office knowing that even though there were only half an hour until sunrise he and Elzar will still be their. Ofcourse I knew bursting into his office wasnt the best idea, but how could this wait?
'Clara have I not told you about bursting into my office!' shouted Tobias obviously shocked by my entrance. Stifling the urge to roll my eyes at his 'Teacher' voice I continued as if I didn't even hear him.
'This cannot wait Tobias! Ther-'
Infuriating me Tobias interupted.
'I think it can. It is almost dawn and I must finish this' as if I was a little girl he waved me away.
'Tobias would you listen to me and not treating me like a little girl!'
'I will when you stop acting like one!' Tobias shouted back. His hand moved slightly, the order for Elzar to enter and take me out. Right on que Elzar entered and took me firmly
by the arm, half walking hald dragging me from the office while I struggled.
'There are witches in the area!' I shouted as i was being dragged.
'That does not surprise me Clara, this is a very powerfull place' answered Tobias with amusement dripping from every word.
Right before Elzar could slam the door in my face I put my foot into the room and half growling from disgust I said,'They are not the average witch, they are Talias, and they are
organising the take back of the land, through our deaths!' The shock in Tobias's eyes as he whipped his head up was almost amusing.
'How do you know of this?' snapped Tobias
'I was in the woods and came across their circle. They spoke of taking the land back by their magic.' My stomach flipped at the thought of telling Tobias and Elzar of where I had
really been and of the boy.
'How do you know they are Talias?' asked Elzar, obviously doubting my words
Curling my lip I snarled at him, 'I am not as foolish as you think, I know a Talia circle when I see one.'
'We must wake the others and call a meeting' said Tobias as he stood so abruptely he knocked his chair over.
'But Tobias, it is almost dawn.'
'Well then Elzar we will meet in the basement. Now wake them up!' shouted Tobias with such power even Elzar flinched but with just a slight hesitation rushed up the stairs to the
bedrooms. Sounds of banging on doors and shoating floated down the stairs as me and Tobias walked to the hidden stairs leading down to the basement.

Soon enough all eighteen vampires, including Tobias, Elzar and myself were crammed into the small room, tense and tired. Tobias voice was the first to break the silence,
'There has been a sighting of Talias in the nearby woods'
As the words were spoken everyone spoke at once, I caught just snippets of what they were saying, and knew some believed what Tobias was saying while others scoffed and
passed it off as a mistake or perhaps a joke.
'Enough!' Tobias voice easily boomed acroos everyone elses words causing them to all shut up as if he was a school teacher.
Sandra a coffee coloured female with long straight hair and dark brown eyes which held a glint of red around the iris spoke up,
'How is this possible?' she asked hesitantly, 'They have not come to this area in centuries what would bring them here now?'
'That is exactly what we are going to find out.' growled Elzar.
'How do you know of this?' asked Derek.
Tobias and Elzar through stares my way causing everyone else to do so.
'Clara tell them what you have seen' ordered Tobias.
I obeyed, telling them everything of the circle but leaving out everything about where I was and how I cam across the circle. As I anticipated everyone agin talked at once. Some scoffed and said I was lying and some gasped in horrow believing everything I said. Tobias allowed the babling to continue for a while until it died out by itself.
'I understand your denial, but what Clara says is true.Although I did not see it for myself I trust Clara to tell me the truth.'
Tobias seemed as shocked as I was that he said that by the expression on his face.
For the rest of that morning we talked of what we should do. One by One each vampire retired for the day until it was only myself, Tobias and Elzar left up trying to decide what to do.
'I say we attack now and stop their plans in it's tracks'
'I agree Elzar, but what if they are epecting that?'
'How could they know we know if what Clara said is right it was their first circle.'
They continued their discussion while I sat and thought, when an idea came to me.
'What if we did nothing' I accidently said outloud.
The two guys shot me amused looks. What the hell I thought might as well continue.
'What if we let them come to us? Leave them to plan, to allow us to plan. If we let them come to us and were ready for them we will have the element of surprise, not them.'
They looked at me in shocked silence, un-aware that I can actually come up with something useful.
'That.. That might just work' Tobias said addressing Elzar.
'It might, but how will we know when they will attack?'
Pushing aside the feeling that was screaming at me to protect these people, and above all the boy. I didn't want to protect them, I had to protect my people.
'Leave that to me' I said 'I'll find out.'

The cold wind whipped around me making the branches of the tree I was in to sway. I was high up in one of the trees surrounding the beautiful clearing, waiting for the circle to begin
It was five hours before dawn allowing me enough time to get to the clearing before the witches. Now I knew who they were and what they were doing it made sense as to why the met at this time. It was Early enough in the morning to prevent Vampires to come by but still dark enough for the circle to be at its most powerful. The blackened grass and wood that was obviously the space in which the held the fire suddenly came a light with a brilliant orange and the clouds shrouding the moon blew away lighting the clearing. Almost immediately after that, The Witches began to enter the clearing entering from every point of the woods. I looked down when I heard a crunch at the bottom of the tree. It was the boy! But he wasn't making any move to go into the clearing. No-one but me knew he was their, he was just standing their gazing through the gaps in the bush into the clearing. A sound behind him caused us both to turn and look. A young women was approaching him with a sexy grin, as much as I hated to admit it, she was extremely beautiful and her black her hung loose over her shoulders and brushed against her long, figure hugging dress that looked as if it had been painted on.
'Hello Elliot' said the girl with a toss of

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