» Fiction » Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗». Author Alex Morris

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Scared was good it made the blood sweater. I turned towards her backing her into a door way.
'Do not scream' I told her, even though I knew she would
I watched her eyes widen as she took in my changing face. My eyes turned a bright silver, the colour of beauty and danger. My features seemed to become more defined and slowly my fangs grew into long sharp points.
Naturally the women let out a er piercing shriek. Almost instantly my hand wrapped around her mouth cutting off the scream. I did not want to frighten her and felt a terrible guilt as I looked into her pettryfied eyes but my hunger was too great and I could not help but hiss and bite down on her neck hard. Her lifes blood rushed into my mouth filling me with such strength I almost crushed her neck. It used everything in my body to stop feeding, preventing her death, she slowly slid to the floor and her head drooped. Her heart was surprisingly strong and it has beating hard. Looking at her face I was sure I had met her before. Not wanting to hesitate I turned away from her and walked into the city. I didn't want to go back yet. I wondered through the streets, not knowing where i was going just letting my legs take me anywhere. I ended up outside a little cafe with booths along the wall and covered cakes layed out on the counter. I licked my lips, just because human food didn't sustain me didn't mean I did not enjoy it. I hadn't eaten any human food in years as Tobiaz thought it made us weak. No longer caring about Tobiaz's orders I walked inside and up to the small girl behind the counter, after choosing a big piece of gooey chocolate devils cake and a glass of coke I sat down at one of the metal tables outside the cafe. I was half way through my cake when I sensed someone sit across from me my eyes sharply looked up into a familiar handsome face.
'Hey you're the girl from the graveyard' Elliot's emerald eyes bore into Clara's making her feel very uncomfortable. Not allowing her to answer he carried on.
'How did you know my name? I've just moved here and have barely talked to anyone. And yet there you were, a girl with blood down her face in a graveyard at dawn, and using my name like she has known me for years. Now I don't know about you but that seems rather strange to me.' Elliot's eyes had turned sharp and searching. I had to remind myself of what type of witch he was and to guard my thoughts. He wouldn't be able to fully read my mind but he would definitely pick up on my emotions.
I have always hated when someone patronized me and his handsome face and beautiful eyes did not change that. I made my eyes turn cold and hard, as I leaned over I could see shock in his eyes.
'Why were you in the graveyard at dawn?'' I asked through clenched teeth.
'Thats my buisness isnt it?' He shot back.
'As is mine. Why I was in that graveyard at dawn is none of your concern, I had blood down my face because I tripped and hit my head. And as for knowing you're name? What can I say? A good guess I suppose. Now if you excuse me I have places to be.' I quickly rose from my chair and walked away from him. Annoyingly he followed me.
'Nu-uh, you are not getting away that easily' he grabbed my arm and backed me up against the wall. As much as it pained me I had to pretend to be the innocent, fragile type and allow him to corner me. He stared at me as if he was expecting me to tell him.
'Fine then. If you're not going to tell me the truth about how you know my name, its only fair you tell me yours.
I smirked at him. This angered him and it was surprising to see the change it made to his face. The anger of a witch is a powerful thing and is similar to a vampires bloodlust as in it seemed to change their faces. His eyes became cold yet proud and his face seemed to change to make him look just as powerful as he is inside. I door slamming behind him caught his attention, being very thankful that anger made him on edge, I seized my opportunity I bent my legs and jumped straight up while barely moving a hair on his head. I landed on the edge of the four story building he had backed me up against and looked down. As he turned back towards where I was supposed to be I enjoyed watching his anger turn to startled. He whizzed around and looked down both streets and as if he could sense me he looked up. Luckily I had just enough time to turn and run back towards the woods.

I cornered the girl against the wall and stared at her expecting her to give my her name. The power that came off me usually made anyone tell me what I wanted to know, but not her. She intrigued me but the witch blood that flowed through my veins turned that wonder into anger, the girl was not scared, more curious. My anger made my on edge and I became sensitive to everything around me. A door slamming behind me, made me turn around and glare at towards the direction the noise had come. A change in pressure in front of me set off alarm bells in my body and I turned my attention back to the girl immediately. Only to find she was no longer there. I whirled around and searched the streets for any sign of her. No way could she have gotten away that quickly. My curiosity made my look up at the building looking over me. Nothing was there yet I could sense a change in the air. I turned and walked back towards the clearing in the woods. The circle would not meet for hours yet but I needed to think and the clearing was the perfect place. My mind tried to figure out what had just happened and could only seem to settle on one word ; Witch.
Chapter six

I knew I had to tell Tobiaz about the planned attack but I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. And just thinking of spying on the circle made me want to pass out from exhaustion.
I knocked on Tobiaz's office door and stepped in. Tobiaz was on his own, which was very surprising but it did not faze me and I did not hesitate to tell him everything that happened during the circle, and nothing that happened afterwards. I rushed to tell him when they will be attacking and how many there are, to make sure I would make it to the clearing in time to see everything.
'The 6th?' he asked, 'They are overly confident if they think they will be prepared in a week'
'They do not know that we know. Perhaps they would have taken longer if they did not think they had the element of surprise.' I answered even though he did not ask a question.
'Do you not know the time they will attack?' He asked
'No but I assume as they are strongest at night they will risk attacking when we are also at our strongest'
'Yes I agree'.
Our exchange of words was brief but I told him all I knew. I left for the clearing just as Tobiaz called a meeting to tell the rest of the clan what I found out.
As always I was there just before the circle arrived and it still amazed me when the fire became ablaze and the moon shone down. Today it was the leaders that came in first then the others, my eyes were immediately drawn to Elliot and I became strangely annoyed when I saw the black haired girl take her place intimately close to him.
'My circle. We have much grievance news to tell you.' announced the beautiful women who seemed to be one of the leaders. 'Tonight Lucy was attacked, by a vampire'
Gasps ran out through the circle as the male leader helped a women into the circle. Shock spread through me as I realized that it was the women that I had fed on.
'Take this as an example to all those here who have any hesitance towards this attack. Vampires cannot be redeemed, they cannot be spared' Announce the male leader
'This will be the last pain the cause us, on the night of the 6th, Vampires in this area shall be wiped out forever!' Shouted the women
Cheers ran out through the crowd and I was shocked to see that even the caring Elliot who seemed to previously hesitate was cheering along. For the next two hours I watched as the 16 witches practiced their spells and threw balls of blue energy at one another. Like at the start they became a circle, but I was surprised to see Elliot begin to talk.
'Last night I discovered that there are more witches in the area. On the night of our first circle I came across a girl in the cemetry. Her power was undeniable and somehow she knew my name. And then again tonight she was able to block me reading her and escaped from me without me even noticing.' All I could do was sit and stare. He thought I was a witch? I had to withhold my laughter.
'Are you sure of this?' Asked the man
'I see no other possibility Silas' Elliot answered
Silas, the leader, began to laugh and laugh. 'This is excellent! If she is able to escape your grasp then she must be powerful. We could use her in this war, what do you think Shelby?' he looked towards the women
'Do you think you will be able to find her?' Shelby asked
'I've already found her.' Elliot said as he looked up into my tree and directly into my eyes, everyone else followed his gaze and soon enough everyone was starring at me.
This could work in my benefit I thought. I could get them to trust me. I swung from branch to branch until my feet were firmly planted on the floor, hidden behind the bush. I pushed it aside and walked into the clearing, my eyes travelling across everyone, quivering on the Elliot's eyes. Silas walked towards me and looked into my eyes trying to read me.
He began to laugh again, 'That's amazing. I cannot read her! What is your name young witch?'
Deciding to actually tell them my name I used my vampire strength to project my voice and make it sound powerful, 'My name is Clara sir.'
Shelby now approached my her gaze was more accusing, 'How long have you been watching us?'

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