» Fiction » Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗». Author Alex Morris

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her long hair.
Un-interested by her flirting he turned his back on her, 'What do you want Chantelle?'
Laughing a sleezy and yet flirty breathless laugh she said, 'You know what I want'
She walked towrds him and ran her hand down his back, it would have been a caring gesture, had it not been for the longing in her eyes and her deep breathing.
'Go away, Chantelle' Elliot said through clenched teeth.
Pouting pretendly, 'Oh dont be so mean' she whispered in his ear, 'And anyway thats not what you said last week'
Elliot whirled around and pushed Chantelle away, 'That was a mistake, my Mother had just died and I needed someone. You took advantage of that.' He hissed.
'Dont pretend you didn't enjoy it!' snapped Chantelle.
Elliot sighed as he walked into the clearing, leaving Chantelle behind, who seemed to growl and then stomp her foor like a child, before prowling into the clearing.
The witches cicled the fire leaving a space in the circle for what I assume were the head witches. I counted sixteen witches, not including the two missing witches, in the clearing. I was
shocked at the number of witches. Witches were like Vampires, their circles normally excisted of at most seven witches, just like how a Vampire colony contained about five vampires which
was why our's was so unique. It was because we were constantly fighting for power, it was a miracle my colony has lasted has long as it has with no deaths. But for witches to be the same
was so rare, most of them were even more power hungry then we were. The circle hushed as the same two beautiful people stepped into the head of the circle.
'Welcome back to our circle!' said the male 'This meeting is when we will plan our attack.'
Just like the other night cheers errupted and then died again.
'Myself and Silas have been discussing the best times for this to happen' the women had stepped out of her place and was walking around the inside of the circle meeting gazes as she spoke
'We believe March the sixth to be the best time to strike. It will have a full moon so we will be at our most power'
A young girl no older then thirteen spoke up then, 'But that gives us just a week? A week to plan and practise? Thats impossible'
Grunts of agreement came from many of the circle
'No it's not. Shelby is right, the sixth is the best time. Plus we seem to do the most powerful magic when we are least prepared' Elliot's silky voice sounded out of the circle and although he
did not have as much power in his voice, he commanded just as much respect as Shelby and Silas. 'It will also surprise them giving us the best chance to wipe them out.'
'So then it's settled' said Silas 'We will attack on the sixth.'
And with that I left, jumping down from the tree I raced through the woods, winding through trees and jumping over roots. I burst into the graveyard and had got half way to the gate when I
tripped, yet again, but this time I managed to whack my head against the edge of a gravestone and knock myself out.

The first thing I realised was that I was lying face down on the wet grass, and something wet and warm was dripping down my face. I groaned, what happened? My hand reached up and touched the tender spot on my head making me flinch. Then suddenly it all cam back, I remember the circle, the date, and falling and then nothing. I felt around with my senses and heard quiet foot steps behind me, I was just getting ready to snarl and kill whoever it was, when he spoke, his voice was just as silky as I remembered.
'Crap, are you okay?' asked Elliot with worry in his voice. He hurried up to me and then next thing I knew his hands were under my arms and he was helping me up.
'There we are. What happened?'
My back was to him but my heart was beating so hard I thought it would burst through my chest. Somehow I knew that if I turned and faced him, my life would change completely .But I
couldn't stop myself, slowly turning I eventually ansered his question.
'I'm...I'm ok' and then we were facing each other. My head was down with my hair hanging loosly around my face, hiding it.
'Erm are you sure? There seemed to be alot of blood'
My gaze travelled up from his stomach, to his toned chest, then to his sculpted face and finally my eyes met his and my world exploded into a mix of love, confusion and even destruction.
Chapter 4


I walked back through the woods after the circle had finished and the plans were made. I didn't really want to kill the Vamps, but I understood why we had to, the Vampires had reigned here for far too long and were no longer completely un-noticed. But I still felt a slight guilt at killing them all, even so I pushed the thought aside and thought of other things, which I knew was a mistake later on because for some reason my mind went to Chantelle. I don't know why I did it, I suppose itwas because I just needed someone to be close to, and although say she took advantage of that, I know deep down she didn't and that to be honest I just wanted to know what it would be like with her, after all I used to have a giant crush on her.

I entered the graveyard, as soon as I did alarm bells went off in my head as my ancestors blood that ran throug my veins sensed something was wrong walking forward slowly I looked around trying to find what caused me to feel so wrong, when a groan came from across the graveyard, it came from what looked like a lump in the ground but when that lump moved I realised it was a girl I could only see her dark brown straight hair and blood, a lot of blood. It dripped down the gravestone and overed her hair. I rushed towards her.
'Crap are you okay?' I flailed my arms about not intially sure what to do but I then realised I should help her up. I slowly pulling her up.
'There we are' I said 'What happened?'
The girls back was to me and she was breathing fast as if he was scared but slowly she turned to face me. Her face was pointed down with her hair covering her face.
'I'm..I'm okay' she ansered in the most delicate and shy voice.
Notconvinced by her answer I said.
'Erm are you sure? There seemed to be a lot of blood.'
The girls face slowly rose until she met my gaze, my breath caught in my throat as I looked into the face of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. My heart beated fast and hard, scared she would hear it I tried to calm my heart down. We seemed to just stare at each other for what seemed like hours but I knew was actually just seconds.
Laughing shyly she said, 'Oh yes I'm fine. I just tripped' she smiled sweetly up at me.
'It looked more than just a trip' I said
She smiled at me again 'I'll be fine Elliot'
'If you say s- i'm sorry what did you just call me?'
'Oh, I must go' the girl whirled around and began to leave.
Frozen with shock at the fact this stranger knew my name I just stard as she ran from the graveyard.

Chapter Five

I was curled up in a ball on my bed, with my hair spread wildly around me. I couldn't sleep, I just stared. For hours I just stared and thought. My mind would not stop screaming at me, how could I screw up so much? Allowing Elliot to know that, at the very least what I look like and that I know something about him. As much as I hated it I could not stop myself from smiling when I thought of him, inches away from me. In my haze of thought I did not realize that the sun was beginning to set until I looked out the window. I groaned out loud, knowing that i'll have to tell Tobiaz everything. No not everything I will not tell him about meeting Elliot, that he definitely does not need to know. Pulling on a sweatshirt and tying my hair up I stalked downstairs. As it was a Friday everyone who wasn't already gone we're preparing to hunt, joining them I looked at the map of the city and decided which streets would be my feeding ground tonight. No one noticed my hesitance to talk or the lacking of my usual excitement for the hunt. Tonight it felt more like a chore than a joy.
Stepping outside I allowed the cold air to wash away my thoughts. Automatically my legs began moving, taking me towards the city with in-human speed. I burst out of the forest and slowed into a human jog through the busy Friday night streets. Tonight the air was cold with strong wind, bellowing my hair around my shoulders. Like this I drew many attentions, the promise of blood hightened my senses and almost set a light inside my body. My eyes shined and my lips turned a deep red, this was my bodies way of attracting people in and making them feel safe until I ripped out their throats. Turning down an alley way I hid in the shadows until a women no older than 30 came into my view. Making my eyes water I ran out and crashed into her.
'Please, Please help me! Somethings happened' I wailed clinging onto the startled women.
'Oh my God. What happened?' asked the women.
'Down here. Please please come?!'
My hunting technique was flawless, I knew how to make every different person follow and trust me. I lead the women down the alley way into the darkest shadows.
'What are we doing here? Is this some kind of sick joke?' She demanded, obviously scared.

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