» Fiction » Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗

Book online «Awakened, Alex Morris [ebook reader computer TXT] 📗». Author Alex Morris

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Chapter one...

My life had'nt always been like this. There was a time when pain and suffering was just a scary story and I was safe behind the walls of my hometown. But not now, now pain and suffering was the main part of my too long of life. As I let the women's cold and lifeless body slip from my arms and fall to the ground I felt no remorse and why should I? This was natural for my kind, there is no other way for me to live.

The rain pelted against my face yet my body did not register the coldness of it only the vibration of the small drops of water hitting my skin. The dead women lay still at my feet, the last of her sweet and sticky bloody seeping from the two small holes I had made in her neck. I spared the women just a glance, after all why should this pathetic human waste anymore of my time? A peace shattering whistle came from across the City signalling for my return. I hated being told what to do, I hated having to be restrained, why should I not be able to feed when I want from whom I want? The whistle came again and a low primal growl came from the back of my throat. I did not want to leave yet. Surely Tobias would not mind if I fed once more?
'Clara!' the sound of my name sounded like a gunshot in the silence. I grimaced at the power coming from Elzar's call. His power was un-deniable,especially when he was mad. At times like these there was no wondering why Tobias made Elzar his second in command. I turned my back away from the womens body and ran back silently through the out skirts of the city with in-human speed and sped into the familiar darkness of my beloved forest.

As I ran through the seemingly endless forest I wished I could just stay in her forever more. At one point I started to slow down but I knew if i did run from this life, somehow they would find me. I shuddered thinking about what Tobias got Elzar to do to the last member of our colony that ran. Thats the thing with Tobias he will have no problem threatening you, but to do the dirty work himself? Forget it. Thats Elzar's domain, and to be honest his brain only seems to be in his muscles. I burst into the clearing where our colony's mansion stood in the exact center of the vast forest. The grassy space at the front of the house held what had been my 'family' for the last 500 years, and I was one of the eldest in the tribe. The lights which streamed out through the windows would have seemed homely to the others, but to me they just reminded me how much of a prisoner I am. As I marched through the crowd while anger radiated from me from being stopped from feeding. The crowd seemed to shy away from me, perhaps I was more angry then I thought. I marched up the creeky porch steps and slammed open the door so hard it fell off its hinges. I left the door on the floor and walked to the left towards one of the offices where I knew I would find Tobias. I slammed open the door and stalked in, a low growl forming in my throat.
'Ahh Clara I thought I heard you coming' Tobias said barely looking up from his book.
There was no denying that Tobias was handsome but I had long gotten over letting that distract me.
'What the hell Tobias?! I haven't fed in days and you expect one women to sustain me?' I shouted back, letting the anger inside me boil up. I was only
slightly aware that Elzar had entered the room.
'One person will sustain you. We need to stay hidden' Tobias said without looking up from his papers. 'To do that we cannot draw attention to ourselves'
'And yet you and Elzar gorge yourselves on as many humans as you wish!' allowing the familiar and welcomed hatred to bubble over I continued, 'How can you condone drinking three humans a day but allow your followers, your family to barely survive on four a week!'
'Oh come now Clara you know me and Elzar must stay strong to protect you all'
Fully aware of Elzar prowling in a circle around them, ready to attack me at any moment.
'If you would allow us to feed as we should, as is our birth right, we could defend ourselves and not hide like scared children!' I shouted at them both.
Only then did Tobias bother to actually look at me, in his eyes was an expected annoyance, but hidden away behind that annoyance, was a hint or hatred.
'You will control yourself Clara' he said with such venom that only me and Elzar had witnessed. Walking quickly to his desk, and pushing off the contents of it I got into Tobias' face. It was closer to a hiss then actual words when I said,
'It is not in my nature to control myself.'
Elzar lunged at me and all of a sudden I was flying through the air with no control over my body. I was slammed into the hard oak wood wall behind me. Elzar pressed his hand tightly aginst my neck. Instinctively my long canines grew and I gave a long hiss. Tobias walked towards me clearly taking his time, perhaps trying to frighten me.
'Do you wish to go back to the old days when humans hunted us down to near extinction?' The pain radiating from Elzars hand against my neck stopped what I'm sure would be an sarcastic answer.
'Do you!' Tobias shouted, the power in his voice caused me too flinch. I knew I had to answer.
'No' I managed to say through ragged breaths.
Tobias addressed Elzar for the first time since I had came in the room.
'Release her Elzar.' With only a slight hesitation, Elzar released me. I glared at the two guys and pushed past them heading for the door.
I looked over my shoulder, 'Yes Tobias' I said through my clenched teeth.
'Do remember your place next time you wish to question my order.'
I gave one small hiss and then left the room.
I rushed outside and into the gathering Vampires, pushing them from my way as I made my way to the only place I felt remotely at peace.
With her.

Chapter 2...

Chapter 2....
The graveyard was always beautiful, even on the most dreary nights. But tonight, tonight it was radiant, I could see an eerie mist seeped through trees in the surrounding woods. The moon shone brightly and turned the graveyard into beautiful, hidden world. I walked slowly through the graveyard, weaving carefully in between grave stones. I have always loved this place, the people burried here died far too long ago to have anyone in this time come and visit them. This allowed me to be alone with her, without anyone disturbing me. I smiled at remembering the last people
who disturbed me and did what I always do I fell into my mind and only focused on the memory. Three University boys had stumbled in reeking of alcohol and weed, I watched them curiously as they stumbled all over the place laughing and throwing beer cans everywhere. The anger I felt at their dis-respectfullness shocked even me. I wanted to chuck them head first at a stone wall, but restrained myself our of respect and hoped they would leave. The boy who I assumed
was the leader turned and made eye-cantact with me. His eyes widen slightly taken in what I'm sure was a beautiful girl basking in the shine of the luminouse moon. 'Hey boys look what we have here!' he slured as the other boys turned their boozy gazes on me. 'Well hellooo..' shouted the most handsome of the boys. They walked towards me trying to stay upright and throwing each other sly grins. 'Come party with us?' asked the leader. I curled my lip and gave a primal growl,
'Whoa! Fiesty..' The two talkers stopped a few feet away but the quiet one with eyes that looked black and a long puckered scar going down the left side of his face continued to come closer, 'Do not come any closer' I hissed at him. He hesitated for a moment and then lunged a hand out which court my wrist. He tugged it trying to bring me closer but my immortal strength over powered him, like a dad pickingup a struggling child. I pressed my hand tightly around with in-human speed causing the other two to take a step back, but not this one although he tried I will not allow him to escape, in my mind he seeled his fate when he touched me.
With his eyes locked onto mine I lowered my canines and hissed, I did not hesitate and lunged at his throat with my teeth and sunk them deep into his neck drinking his thick and delicious lifes blood. The other boys shrieked and ran away, I dropped the boys body not even bothering to finish him and stalked into the night. I squeezed my eyes shut wanting to end the memory that was causing me to have an emotion I had never experienced before, was that guilt? No, my mind
shrieked. I pushed away the emotion and continued walking through the graveyard, until I came upon the head stone I needed. I slowly sat down infront of it and like I had done so many other nights I read the words on the headstone, Luneh Clara Bell, Beloved Mother, Daughter, Sister and Wife 1450-1495. I read the words over and over again wishing that my Mother was still alive, still here to hug me and tell me everything would be ok. Then as if my body did it without me
realising, I wept, something only my dead human family had ever seen me do and something no-one ever would again. I looked up at the comforting moon, that was the only thing that gave me any real joy anymore, and prayed. I prayed with such force that I began to shake, I whispered up to the moon, 'Please, Please save me? Take me away from this hell!' A warm wind rushed around me as if the night itself was trying to comfort me, causing me to smile through my many
tears. I dont know how long I sat their crying but when I looked around the sky had begun to turn a light pink signalling the beginning of morning and the rise of the burning sun. I was just about to leave when a movement caught my eye from the side of the graveyard, a boy, around eighteen with hair as blonde

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