» Fiction » Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗». Author Taylor Riot

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I'll probably never see him again, so why bother thinking up his past, when i don't even know his first name? It's most likely better off this way. He could cause me a lot of trouble, and my parent's just wouldn't have that, even if i wanted a little bit of mystery in my life.

Ugh, there i go again, making up stories about a man i don't even know. Time to forget about him, and just think about the things coming up. Like school. I'll be a senior this year. Finally. After having kick-ass grades since pre-k, i finally get a slightly easy year. Of course i still have to keep up my grades, and hold my place on the dance team, but i have easier classes this year.

I wonder if mystery guy is in school. Most likely college if he was. Seriously? I bring him up at everything. Who knows what he does? Not me, and it's not in my worries. I need to stop focusing on him. He's probably glad he got away from the girl who forced him into her house, even though i saved him. He didn't even thank me. Enough!

Sighing, i shut off the water, and wrap my towel around my body, then step onto the cold linoleum tiles of my bathroom. I pull on a tank top and a pair of basketball shorts, then towel dry my hair. After my hair is a dry as it will get with a towel, i walk into my room and make sure my alarm is set.

It's the first day of school tomorrow, and i know, i procrastinated a bit on my school shopping. It's not like i can't just go whenever. I bet if i had gone some other time, i wouldn't have met mystery guy. He might have died if i didn't show up. I really need to stop thinking about him. Pulling the covers back on my bed, i get under them, and immediately get comfy. My eyes start to slowly lower, and soon i'm engulfed by the darkness.
Chapter Two

A piercing sound reaches my ears, and i turn in my bed, reaching for whatever it is. My eyes fly open and i realize it's my alarm clock. It's the first day of school. My senior year. I slam my hand down on the alarm, and lift myself up into a sitting position. Counting to three, i rip the warm comforter off of me, and set my feet onto the cold hardwood floor.
"Libby, are you awake?" my mother asks and knocks on my door.

"Yes mother, i'm up." i say with a roll of my eyes. She pushes open my door and sighs when she notices me just sitting here.

"Get ready Libby, this is your last first day."

"Is Lacey awake?" i ask, ignoring her comment.

"Yes, she's waiting for you in the kitchen." i nod and walk past her, and down the stairs.

"Hey cutie pie." my dad says when i walk into the kitchen, "i made your favorite." he places a plate in front of me with an omelet on it, and a glass of water. My parent's are health freaks, but i absolutely love my dad's omelets.

"Thanks, dad."

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After eating, i head back up the stairs and straight into my bathroom. I scrub my face, then turn on my straightener. Straightening my hair, my mind drifts off to last night.

I really need to stop thinking about him. Those captivating eyes, they haunt my mind. I wish i knew his name. I wish i could at least see him again. That sounds stalkerish, but i just want to know him for some reason. I need to stop this. This obsession over Mystery Guy.

My phone begins to vibrate on my night stand and i jog towards my bed. Nichole, my best friend since pre-k. Sliding the answer key, i walk back into my bathroom to finish my hair.

"Hey Nic." i grab my straightener and begin on my hair again.

"Libs! It's our last first day! Woo hoo!" she cheers and i laugh.

"Woo hoo! You're picking me up, right?"

"Of course. I'm not letting my best friend walk." she says and i can tell she's rolling her eyes.

"Aw! You're just the sweetest doll face." i say with a country twang.

"Be there at eight, don't be late, cause i won't wait."

"Got it, Dr.Seuss." we hang up just as i finish my hair.

I grab my tooth brush and brush my teeth before going back into my room, then into my closet. It's pretty warm today, so i think i'll wear shorts. I grab a pair of white shorts, a black tank, and a bright blue crop top and toss them on. Then i grab my black converse and slide them on, just as i hear a car honk outside. I look at my phone, and notice it's already eight. She better not leave me.

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"I was just about to leave you." she comments when i slide into the passenger seat.

"And i would have never talked to you again."

"Yeah right, you love me." she says with a smirk.

"That could stop anytime now." i retort and start to drum my fingers to an invisible beat.


"What? No." i respond as she glances at me.

"Then why are you drumming?"

"I need to tell you something." i say finally and she smiles.

"Go ahead!" she chirps.

"Last night when i was coming home from the mall, i saw these four guys about to like kill this other guy. And you know my stupidity, i stopped it and dragged the guy back to my house." i stop when she starts to laugh.

"I'm sorry, please continue."

"Anyways," i start, sending her a glare, "when i finally looked at him, i was stunned. He was the best-looking guy ever. Black hair, a chiseled sturdy jaw, and captivating green eyes." i gush and she smiles at me.

"Someone's got a crush! What's his name?"

"He wouldn't tell me." i pout and notice we're now in the parking lot.

"Maybe he'll be a new student." she says with a shrug and i shake my head.

"No, he looked like he would probably be in college if anything." i say and she nods as we get out of the car.

"Sean! Luke!" Nichole calls to our best friend, Sean and her boyfriend, Luke.

"Hey cutie." Luke says and pecks her on the lips.

"Hey sugar pop." i mock, pinching Sean's cheek.

"Hi snicker doodle." he plays along and Nichole glares at us.

"We do not act like that."

"You so do." me and Sean comment in unison.

"Whatever, let's just go. We have five minutes until the first bell, and we still need our schedules."

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"What classes do you have?" Sean asks as Nichole and Luke walk away from us. I hand my schedule to him, and look it over as i look over his shoulder.

1. English 12 - Fishburne

2. Trigonometry & 3 -Castello

4. History II - Regal

5. Adv. Biology - Smith

6. Gym - Carlyle

7. Dance - Fenton

"Who's Castello? I have him too, same classes." Sean asks and i shrug.

"New teacher probably. How many classes do we have together?"

"Castello, Regal, and Smith." he says and i nod.

"Well, i have Fishburne, so i'll see you in second." we split up, and i head towards my first period class.

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It's now second period, and i'm trying to get on the other side of the school before the bell rings. The minute bell rings, and i know i'm not going to make it. It's not my fault i needed to stop at my locker! I might as well carry everything with me, to spare getting a detention and a lecture from my parent's. The bell rings right before i walk into the room, and i let out a frustrated groan.

"Since it's the first day, i won't give you detention. Just don't make a habit of it Miss.." a familiar voice trails off, waiting for me to say my last name. My eyes snap to the man in front of me and i gasp. His eyes widen slightly then he blinks and clears his throat.

"Angel." i say and take my seat next to Sean.

"Next time it's detention, Miss Angel."

"Smooth, Libby. Try not to get grounded." Sean says and i roll my eyes.

"I had to go to my locker, which is on the opposite side of the school." i whisper, and a hand slams onto my desk, making me jump.

"Good afternoon, class. My name is Mr.Castello, and i will be your trigonometry teacher this year."

Groans chorus throughout the class, as i keep quiet, my eyes locked on my Not-So-Mystery man. He glances down at me and i look away. Sean locks eyes with me and raises and eyebrow. I give him a look that says Tell-You-Later, and he nods then looks away.

"Mr.Castello, how old are you?" a voice asks, and i recognize it as my friend Jacob.

"Twenty-two." he says simply and everyone's jaws drop, including mine. "Not that it matters to any of you." he states, glancing at me. My hand curls into a fist and he smirks at my reaction.

"How are you a teacher if you're the age of a college student?" Sean asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I skipped a grade in high school." he replies simply and i roll my eyes, "Oh, Miss Angel, i'd like to speak to you after class about your tardiness."

"But you said i wouldn't get in trouble." i state, staring at him in disbelief.

"You aren't in trouble." he chuckles and walks over to his desk.

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The rest of the day goes by pretty quick, and now i'm in dance. We're told to run up and down the bleachers until the timer stops. She blows the whistle, and we all clamber up the bleachers. The doors to the gym open, but i keep my focus on the rows of bleachers. Usually i'm pretty clumsy, so i'm surprised i can do this.

"Is a Libby Angel in here?"

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