» Fiction » Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗». Author Taylor Riot

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he asks, seeming interested.

"Blonde hair, about 5'7, brown eyes i think."

"Yeah, that was her." he says and i nod.

"What happened exactly?"

"That's not my story to tell, sorry." he apologizes as Mr.Castello walks into the room.

"Already apologizing? What did you do?" he asks and Chase smirks.

"I didn't do anything, did i Libby?" Chase asks, and they both look at me expectantly.

"He didn't do anything."

"Good." he comments and sits on the couch, "Pizza will be here in about a half hour. Do you guys want to watch a movie?"

"Sure! Can i choose?!" Chase chirps happily and i smile at his excitement. He was easy to please.
"Maybe Libby wants to choose?" Mr.Castello asks, and looks over at me.

"I don't mind, he can choose."

"You are awesome Libby!" Chase comments and i laugh. See? Easily pleased.

"Libby, why is your chest lighting up?" Mr.Castello asks, looking amused. My eyes drop to my chest and i realize my phone is in my bra.

"My phone." i reply sheepishly and pull it out, "Wow, i have 70 missed calls and 90 texts."

"Your parents?" Mr.Castello comments as Chase bounds over to the shelf below the tv.

"55 calls from them, and 62 texts. The rest are from Nichole and Sean asking where i am and if I'm okay. I'm going to go call them back." he nods as i push myself out of the chair and into the kitchen. I do a three way call, and listen as the lines ring.

"Libby!" they chorus together.

"Three way call."

"Where are you?" Nichole asks as i lean against the island in the kitchen.

"At the party." i lie and grimace. When did it become so easy to lie to them?

"That must be a boring party if i can't hear any music." Sean comments and i roll my eyes.

"I'm in the bathroom." i lie again.

"Oh, be careful!" they both say before we end the call.

"Some party, huh?" a voice asks, and i scream in surprise, turning on my heel to glare at Mr.Castello. He chuckles, leaning against the entrance way.

"I can't very well tell them I'm at my teachers house."

"True, did you bring any extra clothes?" he comments as he walks over to the fridge.


"I'm guessing that's a no?" he asks, looking up from the inside of the fridge.

"I didn't think I'd be staying here."

"You can borrow something of mine." he replies simply, "What do you want to drink?"

"Water please." he looks at me questioningly, "I'm not allowed to have caffeine."
"Why not? Get too hyper?" he asks with a smirk and i roll my eyes.

"I wouldn't know, I've never had any. My parent's are health freaks."

"Wow. Now you're going to break another rule, and have a root beer." he says and my eyes widen.

"You're allowing me to have beer?"

"Not beer, Libby. Root beer." he says with an amused smile.

"Oh. Shut up, i didn't know." he holds his hands up in defense and i take one of the bottles from his hand and twist off the lid. I look down the hole, and my eyes narrow at the brown liquid.

"Gonna drink it, or just stare at it?" he asks amused. I roll my eyes and bring the bottle to my lips, then tip it. The cold liquid rushes down my throat, and i begin to cough uncontrollably. "You alright?" he pats me on the back, still looking amused.

"What the hell was that fuzziness?"

"Carbonation." he replies simply, taking a drink from his own bottle, "Did you like it though? I mean, of what you tasted and didn't choke on?"

"Yeah, it's really good." i take another drink of the soda and feel a smile grace my lips. Someone begins knocking on the door, and Mr.Castello hands me the drinks before walking over to the door. I hand Chase his drink, and set Mr.Castello's on the table. Mr.Castello returns to the living room with three boxes in hand, and sets them onto the table.

"If your parent's are health freaks, how have you had pizza?" he comments taking a seat on the couch.

"School, the mall, hanging out with friends." he nods and opens the first box. Cheese. I grab a napkin and pick up a small slice. I take a small bite, aware that it's extremely hot, and that the two men are staring at me. "What?"

"Nothing." they both reply and Chase takes a large bite of the pizza. Isn't that hot? Confirming my suspicions, his eyes begin to water and he takes a large drink of his root beer. I smirk at him and catch Mr.Castello giving him an amused look.

"I forgot it was hot, okay?" Chase defends and i short bubble of laughter escapes my lips, "You have a cute laugh." i choke on a piece of my pizza and glare at him, before swallowing.

"I what?"

"You have a cute laugh." he says, looking amused, "I'm guessing nobody's ever said that before?"
"No, my friend Sean always scares off any guy that tries to talk to me."
"Maybe he likes you." Chase comments and i scoff.

"No, he's my best friend."

"So?" both guys chorus and my eyes flicker over to Mr.Castello's.

"She's naive." Mr.Castello states and i roll my eyes.

"I think it's cute." Chase comments, winking at me. I look down at the pizza in my hands, willing myself not to blush. "Awe! She blushed."

"Shut up." i mumble and take a bite of my pizza.

"What movie did you choose?" Mr.Castello asks, changing the subject.

| | | |

"I'm going to get going." a voice whispers, breaking me from my sleep.

"Okay, see you." another voice whispers, i recognize it as Mr.Castello's.

"Why are you whispering?"

"We thought you were asleep." Mr.Castello says and i hear both of them chuckle. My eyes flutter open, and i see both of them in front of me, staring at me.

"I was, now stop staring at me."

"Yes ma'am." Chase says, mock saluting me, "Nice meeting you Libby. Maybe I'll see you around?"

"Nice meeting you too, and yeah."

"Bye guys." he says and walks out of the apartment.

"Come on, I'll get you some clothes to change into." Mr.Castello says and pulls me to my feet. I groggily follow him into a room, and realize it's his room. He walks over to a black dresser, and pulls open the second drawer. "Here." he says, and tosses me a black shirt and a pair of white basketball shorts.

"Thanks. Where's the bathroom?"

"Right there." he says and points to a door in his room. I walk into the room, and shut the door behind me. Stripping of the dress i was previously in, i pull on the comfortable clothes, and tie the shirt up on the side since it's really big on me. I step out of the bathroom, just as Mr.Castello pulls off his shirt. I freeze on the spot and my eyes drop to his perfectly toned chest.
"Uh.." i say awkwardly and he spins around in surprise.

"You'll be sleeping in my bed, and i will be taking the couch." he says and i shake my head.

"No, it's your apartment, i can sleep on the couch."

"You're the guest, so you sleep in the bed." he says with a wink before walking out of the room. I sigh, and shut off the light, then walk over to the bed and pull the covers back. Cautiously lowering myself onto the bed, i get a whiff of Mr.Castello's cologne. Immediately getting comfy, i soon find myself drifting off to sleep.
Chapter Six

My eyes slowly flutter open, and the smell of cinnamon takes over my senses. I take my in surroundings, and feel my heart rate pick up. Where am i? Thinking back to the last things i remember, i realize I'm in Mr.Castello's room. Blushing, i push myself to my feet, and walk out of the room.

The couch is covered in messed up blankets, telling me Mr.Castello was once there. Where is he now? The scent of cinnamon hits me again, and i make my way to the kitchen. Leaning against the entrance way, i watch as Mr.Castello works, his back to me. What is he making? It smells so good. Deciding to make myself known, i clear my throat, and step into the kitchen. Mr.Castello whirls around and smiles.

"Good morning." he says and turns back to whatever he's making.

"Morning. What smells so good?"

"Cinnamon pie." he says simply, and i remember Chase telling me about Mr.Castello making the best cinnamon pie. I take a seat at the island and continue to watch him.

"Is it as good as Chase says it is?"

"Try it and find out." he says cockily, and places a plate in front of me. Just the smell of it made me realize every praise is beyond true. Picking up the fork off of the plate, and cut into the pie and get some on my fork. I lift the fork to my mouth, and notice Mr.Castello watching me.


"Try it." he chuckles and i blush.

"Don't watch me."

"I want to see your reaction." he says with a wink. I open my mouth and slide the fork in, taking the piece off of the fork. Oh my gosh. My eyes widen as i chew and swallow. "Hmm??"

"Wow, that is amazing."

"Knew it." he smirks and takes a bite out of his own piece, letting out a low moan. We continue to eat in silence, and i begin to hear my ring tone going off somewhere.

"Excuse me." i stand up and exit the kitchen, in search of my phone. Finally locating it on the coffee table, i blush at my lock screen wallpaper. I unlock it and almost laugh at my new wallpaper. Instead of Nichole and I at last years winter dance, it's now a picture of Mr.Castello making a funny face. I crack a smile before frowning. How did he know my pass code? Shaking my head, i search my missed calls.

My parent's.

Oh shit! I haven't told them where i am. They are going to kill me. Especially since I'm skipping school! Dialing my dad's cell,

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