» Fiction » Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗». Author Taylor Riot

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Chapter One

"Did you have any trouble today, miss?" the cashier asks as she rings up the prices on my clothes.
"No, thank you." i respond politely, even though i wish nothing more than to be home right now. School is starting soon, so my parent's sent me on a shopping spree while they take my little sister Lacey on one.

"The total is $2,832.85. Would you like to use cash or credit today?" she asks and i hold my finger up to her as i take my purse off my shoulder to find my money. Almost 3,000 dollars on clothes? That's totally not needed, especially when i could just go to Aeropostale or Hollister and get the clothes for cheaper.

"Cash, i suppose." i say, handing her the large wad of cash my parent's gave me. "Keep the change, i honestly don't need it."

"Oh, well thank you miss." she says sending me a greatful smile. What? It's better to give money, than waste it on clothes i don't need, considering i have a closet full at home.

"No problem." i say with a smile, and grab my bags, then walk out of the store.

Once i get to the front entrance to the mall, i notice it's already dark, and curse under my breath. I don't have my license yet, since my parent's won't let me get it until i'm eighteen, so i guess i'm walking.

Stepping out of the mall, i notice it looks like there could be a storm, but then again it was too dark to tell. After carefully crossing the road, I try to stay under the street lights, as the fear of something happening makes my stomach clinch painfully. Every little sound, sets me on edge. Even the soft sound of wind blowing. Nothing's going to happen, i need to calm down. I decide to take a short cut to my house, so instead of ten blocks, it's only seven. It's a more risky route, but i just want to be home already.

The sound of voices reaches my ears, and i turn quickly to see shadows ahead of me, coming from the park. Slowly approaching the fence to the park, i stay dead silent, to see if i can make out the voices. I locate the sound of the voices and see four guys surrounding another guy. I slowly take a step towards the fence, wondering what's goin on. You're probably thinking, is she stupid? In risky situations, i'm not the smartest. It's my worst quality, or at least that's what i think.

"We told you we'd come back for you. Now it's time for you to pay." a deep menacing voice says.

"Oooh, sorry. You pulled me out of my house before i could grab my wallet." another voice says, sounding calm, "No, wait a minute, i spent the last of my money on your hooker of a girlfriend." i gasp at his boldness and silent wish he'd shut up before they tried to hurt him. I don't even know the guy, but i feel like i need to step in.

"Shut up, smart ass." the first guy snaps, and takes a menacing step towards the calm guy. He swings, and the guy dodges it easily. "Not gonna fight back, pretty boy?"

"You think i'm pretty?" the man surrounded comments, sounding amused. "That's cute, but i told you i'm done fighting. Bribery will get you nowhere."

"After we're done with you, you'll be done with everything." the first guy threatens. He puts his hand in his jacket pocket, and pulls out something shiny. Oh no.. It's a gun. Throwing all caution to the wind, i decide to make myself known, and quickly run into the park, just a few feet away from the group.

"Wait!" i demand, and instantly regret it, as all four eyes are on me. The guy being surrounded tenses, his back to me, and he's probably wishing i would just leave. But, i'm already involved, so what now?

"Here to watch the show, little lady?" one of the guys ask with a smirk, and my eyes widen as i realize he's addressing me.

"I'll get you a front row seat." a guy behind me says and grabs my arms, then shoves me towards the group. I tighten my hold on one of my bags, and swing it back at the guy. He groans in pain, and i realize it has three boxes of shoes in it. Oh well. He lets his grip on me go, and i spring away from him.

"Come on! Run!" i scream, grabbing the man's hand and tugging him away from the other's, who were still shocked from my surprise attack.

I begin to sprint in the direction of my house without thinking twice about it. The guys start to run after us, shouting at us to stop, but that just made me want to run faster. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as i run down the street, keeping my tight grip on the man i'm dragging along. When we finally make it to my street, and i dig my hand into my front pocket, frantically searching for my house keys. The handles on my shopping bags slide down my arm, and weigh my wrists down, digging into my skin.

I run up the many steps to my house, still dragging the man behind me, and fumble with the keys in my hand. Letting out a frustrated groan, i finally slide the key into the lock and push the door open. I shove the man inside, shut the door and lock it. Breathing heavily, i double check the locks, just to make sure we're safe. Letting out a deep breath, i sink to my knees, trying to catch my breath.

I am in shape, since i do dance, but i have never run more than two blocks. That was like five. After a few minutes, my breathing turns to normal, but i stay in place, trying to calm my fast beating heart. What did i just do? That was so stupid! I silently curse to myself, running my hands through my long brown hair.

"Are you okay?"

A surprised gasp escapes my lips. I had completely forgot about him being here. Feeling embarrassed, i slowly push myself to my feet. "Yeah, you?"

"Never better."

Once more, i turn around and look out the side window, to make sure the guys didn't follow us. Seeing a shadow, behind me i jump, then almost laugh. I forgot he was there. Once again. How could i forget? I just forced a stranger into my house. Wow, that really was stupid. Why did i do this again? Returning to reality, i realize nobody is there, and let out a breath of relief.

"I think we lost them." i comment, finally turning around.

"That's good."

My eyes widen as my eyes finally land on the man before me. He lifts his head, and a gasp of surprise leaves my lips. When his eyes land on me, they widen a tad bit, and i realize i'm gawking. Feeling heat rush to my cheeks, i look down at my shoes, and bite my lip.

He had to have been the most handsome guy i have ever seen. The guy had to be at least 6 foot, which was a about six inches taller than me, and looks pretty muscular from what i can tell. Messy black hair, that falls into his eyes a bit, but perfectly frames his features. Deep green eyes. I have never in my life seen more captivating eyes. They were amazing.

"Are they gone?" he asks, snapping me out of my fascination on my Chuck Taylor's.

I slowly nod my head, feeling quite awkward. I've just now realize i practically forced him into my house. I don't even know him! That was incredibly stupid, but i was saving his life.

"I should probably go." he comments, pursing his lips.

"Already?" i ask, and feel my cheeks heat up, "i mean.. Of course."

"Someone else live with you?" he asks, as i hear the garage door go up.

"Yes," i say with wide eyes, "my family."

"I'm gonna now." he announces and i nod.

"Yeah, they might get freaked out if a strange man is in their house." i say as he walks towards the door.

"I'm not strange." he says, looking amused.

"No, you just get in fights at night in the park right?" i retort, and he smirks.

"Like you should talk. You knocked a guy out with a shopping bag!" he says looking amused and i feel a blush rise to my cheeks. "I must go now."

"Wait!" i demand, and he freezes as he pulls the door open.

"What?" he asks, turning to look at me.

"What's your name?"

"Secret" he says, putting a finger to his lips, "have a nice night." he says and walks out the door.

I shut and lock it behind him, just as i hear my parent's coming into the foyer. I hightail it up the staircase, and into my room. I shut my door, and set my bags down, then slink to my knees, still processing what had just happened. What did just happen? Did i really force someone into my house? Did i really just break up a fight? Where the hell did my boldness come from?

Standing up, i walk into my bathroom and strip of me clothes, then jump into the shower, making the water as hot as i can stand it. Grabbing my berries and cream shampoo and conditioner, i scrub my scalp, as many questions about the mystery guy flash in my head. Why wouldn't he tell me his name? Will i ever see him again? Why did those guys want to hurt him? Did he know know them?

How could i just force some stranger, into my house, when i didn't even know if my family was here or not? That was really stupid, and completely dangerous. If my parent's ever found out, i'd be more than dead. I'd be dead times one billion. He could have been dangerous! But, i highly doubt he was. Probably caught up with the wrong people at the wrong time. I have no right to judge, or make up a story about him, since i don't even know his name.

Never in my seventeen years of life, have i seen eyes that piercing green. So captivating, like they're searching your soul, and reading your every thought. Once you look into them, it's hard to look away, and then you just want to look at them some more. The simple color, yet so bold in his man's eyes, has me intrigued for the first time. My boring brown eyes are nothing compared to the soul-searching green he has.

Look at me, i'm already jealous of him. Talking non-stop about his eyes? Yes, they are extremely one of a kind and beatiful, but i don't even know this man. Who knows why he was fighting, though i try to keep good thoughts, it couldn't have been that good if he said 'Im done fighting.', which means he knows these men and have fought them once before. Did he get in trouble?

I really need to stop thinking about this mystery man.

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