» Fiction » Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Save Me, Taylor Riot [best classic books .TXT] 📗». Author Taylor Riot

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i wait for him to pick up.
"Libby Rochelle Angel. You have a lot of explaining to do." his stern voice answers.

"I know! I was hanging out with Nichole and Sean last night, and i got sick, so Sean called me off from school. I'm sorry i didn't call, i just now started feeling better." wow, I'm way too good at lying. That's terrible.

"Oh honey, feel better! I'll see you later. Me and Lacey are leaving tonight." he says and we hang up. Sending Nichole and Sean a quick text explaining everything and the lie, i toss my phone back onto the table and return to the kitchen.

"You should really quit lying." Mr.Castello comments, taking a bite of his pie.

"I know, I've never lied in my whole life. I'd feel too guilty, but now it's like i don't know how to tell the truth."

"Except to me." he retorts and i narrow my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"You can't lie to me." he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You don't know that. I could have lied to you before."

"You're lying." he retorts and i scowl.

"How do you know?"

"Cause you're easy to read." he says simply and i narrow my eyes at him.

"I am not."

"Really? Why wouldn't you tell me your dress size yesterday?" he asks with a smirk.

"B-because it's embarrassing?"

"Great, now tell me the real reason." he says with a wink.

"I..I didn't know if you would think i was too skinny or too big.."

"Size doesn't matter." he says simply, making me more curious as to what he thought. His phone begins to ring and he scowls at whoever it is. "Be right back." he walks out of the kitchen and i decide to look around a bit. Standing up, i walk over to the fridge and look at all the pictures on there.

One of a little boy, standing with a man and a woman, possibly him and his parent's? Another one of the little boy, the parent's, and a dog by the little boys feet. The smile on Mr.Castello's face in the picture brings a smile to my own face. He was so happy then. I wonder what happened to make him be like he is now.

"Those are my parent's." he says and i jump, making him chuckle, "Scare ya?"

"Just a little. So, your parents?"

"Yeah, they were the best people to know." he says, and i realize he said 'were' not 'are'.


"My mom died the same year that picture was taken, i was nine, and then my dad overdosed by the time i was thirteen." he explains and i gasp, covering my mouth with my hand.

"That's so sad."

"Usually when i tell people that they pity me." he says and i turn to look at him.

"Saying I'm sorry won't bring them back." i whisper, surprising myself by the softness of my tone.

"You and Chase are the only one's who get that. Other than my Aunt Jill. She was like a second mom to me. Especially when my parent's were gone." he explains and i try to discretely wipe away a tear. It's not often a strong guy like Mr.Castello tells you about what he's gone through.

"I should probably get home."

"Where your parent's think you're sick?" he asks, looking from the picture to me.

"I-um.. what am i supposed to do then?"

"You can go grocery shopping with me." he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Okay.. but i don't have any extra clothes."

"You just have a reason for everything, don't you?" he retorts and i blush.

"Not purposely."

"Which floor is your room on?" he asks walking out of the kitchen. I follow him out and into the living room.

"The second. Why?"

"Do you have a balcony or anything?" i narrow my eyes at him.
"Yes. Why?"

"I know how you're going to get more clothes. I'll tell you after I've showered and changed." he says and leaves the room, leaving me staring after him dumbfounded. Why can't he just tell me? Rolling my eyes, i sit on the couch and close my eyes, resting my head on the back of the couch.

Something begins to drip on my face, and i crack my right eye open, only to see Mr.Castello right in my face, his hair dripping onto me. A startle scream escapes my lips, and i jolt up, knocking heads with him. He begins to bust out laughing while holding his forehead.

"You asshole! I hope you get a knot on your head"

"It'd be totally worth it." he says still chuckling.

"Anyways... what was your genius idea?"

"Oh yeah," he starts, running a hand through his wet hair.

| | | |

"I cannot believe you talked me into this!" i say in a harsh whisper.

"I can be pretty convincing when i want to be." he retorts, pushing me up higher. Right now, i am standing on Mr.Castello's shoulders, trying to reach my balcony, so i can climb onto it and into my room.

"I hate you." suddenly, i feel myself falling and quickly grab onto the railing to my balcony, looking down to glare at Mr.Castello who let go of me. "What was that for?!"

"You said you hate me, so why should i help you?" he comments with a smug smirk.

"I'm sorry! Just help me."

"What's the words I'm looking for? Oh yeah, Ryan Castello is extremely handsome and the best fake boyfriend in the entire world." he says and i scoff.

"I am not saying that!"

"Then i am not helping you." he says simply and i let out a frustrated groan as i try my hardest to hold onto the railing.

"Fine! Ryan Castello is extremely handsome and the best fake boyfriend in the world." i say through gritted teeth, and he smirks in triumph. "Now help me, you ass." he chuckles and pushes me up higher. I swing my legs over the railing, and pull my keys out of my pocket, then unlock my balcony doors. Stepping into my room, i quietly sprint over to my closet, and quickly change into a pair of shorts, a white tank, and a lime green crop top with gladiator sandals. Tossing my hair into a messy bun, i hurry back over to the balcony and lock the doors once I'm out. Looking over the balcony, i see Mr.Castello leaning against the tree, looking like a freaking model or something.

"Mr.Castello!" i whisper and his head snaps up towards me.

"Done?" he asks, strolling towards the balcony.

"Yes, now how do i get down, genius?"

"I didn't think that far ahead.." he starts and i glare at him, "just.. jump. I'll catch you."

"What?! I am not jumping." i whisper harshly and i see him roll his eyes.

"Just do it." he says and i sigh, giving in. Swinging my legs over the railing, i look down at him to see him holding his arms out. "Ready?"

"Ready." he calls to me and i close my eyes, letting myself fall. His strong arms catch me with ease, and i instantly wrap my arms around his neck. "Told you I'd catch you." realizing what i was doing, i quickly let go of him and land on my feet.

"Let's go?" he nods and we begin to walk back to his car that he parked a little ways down the street so my parent's didn't get suspicious. He thought of everything except a way for me to get down. I bet he did that on purpose.

| | | |

I stare out the car window, watching everything turn to a blur as we pass by it. The whole ride has been silent, and it's killing me. Should i speak first? Noticing we just past the supermarket, i look over at Mr.Castello in confusion.

"Why did you pass the supermarket?"

"We're going a few towns over." he replies simply, and i narrow my eyes at him.


"Because if someone caught us shopping together, rumors would spread." he responds and i nod, then look at him again.

"Everyone is in school. I doubt anyone we knew would see us."

"Just being cautious." he says and takes a glance at me. I nod and look back out the window.

"What town are we going to?"

"Greens-burg." he replies and i think of how far that is from Columbus.

"That's like a half hour away, right?"

"Yep. By the way," he starts and pulls the glove compartment open, "I got you a drivers manual." he hands me the crisp, never been open manual, and i look at it in awe.

"Thank you."

"No problem. Study that, and then I'll take you to do your permit test." he says and i nod, "When do you turn eighteen?"

"October sixth."

"You will probably have your license by then." he comments and i look at him confused.

"I thought i had to wait like six months?"

"It's changed. Now you only need fifty hours in. Forty during the day, and ten at night." he explains and i nod.

"That's awesome." he chuckles at my excitement and glances at me. I open up the drivers manual, and let my eyes run over the words. "Are you sure you want to teach me to drive?"

"I was in a gang, where i did drag racing, I'm not afraid to teach a seventeen year old girl how to drive." he comments and i roll my eyes.

"I forgot about the gang thing."

"That's a good thing." he says and i look back at the manual. "We're here." i look out the window to see us pulling into the Greens-burg Walmart. He pulls into a parking space, and we get out of the car. I stuff my hands into back shorts pockets, and follow behind Mr.Castello, into the store.

"Why are we here again?"

"To get food? What else would you go to s grocery store for?" Mr.Castello asks, looking amused.
"Shut up. I meant why am i here?"

"Because you have nowhere else to go." he says simply, "Now, what do you want for lunch?"

"I don't know, what do you want?"

"Have you ever had bbq wings?" he asks, grabbing a shopping cart as we enter the store.


"Never?" he asks, looking surprised.


"Then we are having bbq wings." he decides and heads down an aisle. I go to follow him, but someone grabs my arm. I swing around in shock and let out a startled gasp.

"Chase! You scared me."

He chuckles and lets go of my arm, "That was the purpose."

"Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"What most people do at a grocery store?" he says looking amused.

"You know, you and Mr.Castello are so much alike."

"Is he here too?" he asks looking around.

"Well, considering i can't drive, and i stayed at his house... Yeah, he's here."

"Sarcasm isn't nice." he retorts, then his eyes
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