» Fiction » The Informant, Dale McMurray [book series to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Informant, Dale McMurray [book series to read TXT] 📗». Author Dale McMurray

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what? I was asked to be a undercover informant .”
"Yes sir ree, that’s a winner." Then I'd have to pick his unconscious body off the deck. I puttered around the garden while I thought over the situation. I avoided thinking about the conversation I was going to have when my loving spouse found out I might consider working undercover for the County Sheriff.
The dogs began to bark before I could see the red neon. As it pulled into the driveway the welcoming committee ran along side the car I smiled as I watched the circus. As he got out they mobbed him, not because they we're glad he was home but for the treats he usually shared after work. As I smiled and leaned in for a kiss he pulled back ,"What's wrong?"
"Nothing" I tried to sound innocent.
" I know that look." but he let it drop for now.

"Hurry up. Grandma's waiting" Mia dragged a brush through her curly brown hair. Abby, her six year old, grabbed a banana and slippped into her pink Hello Kitt flipflops. She put her daughter's hair into a yellow pontytail that bounced when she ran. They got into the minivan and backed out of the drive way.
The house was empty when Paco got home. He put his dirty laundry in the wash . The lipstick and perfume was thick on his clothes. He stained the shirt and turned the washer on. "What Mia don't know', he whispered as he went upstairs to take a shower.

Those six days at the Army base were like a vacation. One you got paid for. One day we were made up to look like we had been in a bombing so that the We ran those soldiers ragged and by the time we were all done I hoped that they were ready to go overseas. But today is fish fry. And I just can't get worked up about it. Dave had to be to work by four a.m. so I got a luxury of sleeping past six a.m.
I hadn't spent much to much time on the problem at hand. And the grace period was almost over. I called the cell phone. Some one else answered. "I want the sheriff."
"I speak for him"
" Not for me" and hung up.
"She called. "
"Well?" He told him that I hung up. They discussed what to do.
"She wants some financial security. And I promised it." The sheriff twirled a pencil in his fingers.
"Look I want your image to be sharp and clean. Paying for and promising things won't look good."
" I don't care Kyle do it."
He went through the patio doors to see his girls were setting the table and the BBQ ribs simmering in that sweet sauce he loved. He kissed his wife who was spotless in her white tanktop even after all this time she still had the figure if a cheerleader. His oldest son was home from school and was playing football with his cousins. The whole family was here to celebrate his first foray into politics.

Kyle took out his cell and called his office. He was not going to let anyone come between him and the govenenor's office. He had been close before but this time he felt that he could be the man behind the man.
He set things in motion. Then he lit the cigar that he had been holding in his hand.
"Fuck you." With a snide smile on his face he lit it and let the smoke fill the room before he joined the party.

Dave dropped me off and I worked my way to the kitchen. Karla who owned the bar and I manned the kitchenon fridays. I was usually early and visited with some of the regulars. Some one grabbed me and lifted me off my feet.
"Paco!!! put me down!"
"Hey there." he smiled at me. Then leaned over and asked if I would step out side for a moment. As we walked a distance from the entrance he stopped.
" How are things going?"
" Moneywise?"
"Tight" "I have a job offer. But its not all that legal its cash."
" I could do that."
" It's driving a package from Minnesota to here a couple of days a month."
" Yeah I could do that."
" Think about it I"ll be home for a few days." He got in his truck and drove off. I stood there.
"Now what do I do?" This is were its starts to get complicated.
Working a deep fryer is'nt rocket science but you have to pay attention. That would take some doing. But I managed to push the conversation out of my mind. Last time I was distracted I managed to scauld my left hand with the Clam Chowder. Second degree burns are not fun. We were busy and Karla worked the grille. There was no time to think about anything except fish, the deep fried kind. And if I do say so we have the best in town. There were a few pieces of burnt garlic toast but other than that no causualities. By the time we finally cleaned up There was a list of things to replace for me on Saturday. I was so tired that riding home I fell asleep.

As the sun began to shine so did the dogs . They started by joining us onth kingsize bed which after they joined us looked and felt like a single bed. Then if I didn't respond to the vibrating caused by wagging tales they kicked it up a notch with breathing in my face. If I turned over they started whinning. Now there are two humans in this bed but only one seemed to be picked on. How Dave slept through all that I will never know. When I returned from putting them out He was siiting on the side.
" Yeah?"
" I decided I want to retire as of now. I thought it all out and I know that we can do it. In two years I can get social security and I have enough money in my retirement fund to keep is going . Along with what you make at the bar we should do o.k. I will find some part time work to fill in the gaps. I just can't take the phsycial abuse any more."
I looked at him and my mind went offf like fireworks. HOw in the hell did he think I would react. So amny things flew by as I tried to understand. I knew his health was bad. But I had hoped that he would find a job that he could settle into that would last for the two years until he turned sixty two. On top of what I had to decide now he hands me this.
"Dale? You o.k with it? I have thought it out it will be o.k."
Sure Honey. It will take a few minutes but I will be o.k Really"

My head was spinning and I thought that I might just run screamming but getting myself under control I smiled kissed his unshaven face with a smile I might add and hurried to the bathroom. Throwing the cat out of the sink I brushed my teeth as I heard him put the dogs out. What would life be without a curve now and then. Just another day. Now I knew I had no choice. I would call the sheriff and agree. But I wanted certain assurances that would be my " Cover my Ass" protection.
I waited until he went to bed that night and called the cell number the sheriff had provided. Then I left one simple message on the voice mail.
" I will do it"

A package arrived the next day. It contained he file on the drug runners, specifically Paco and his partners. I decided that I needed help understanding this stuff. So I went to Patsy and Mick's house. They were good friends that ere well versed in all things internet. Patsy worked at the main branch of the Chicago Library and Mick was a analyst.
What next

I spent the morning on the computer looking for information on drug dealing. Then paid a few bills. I knew that on sunday I had to make a call to say yes or no.

This can't be happening

A Mistake?
The next day I felt as if god was telling me something. Someone stole my male german shepherd right from our front lawn.have We had gotten him a few months earlier and now someone who feels that the dog is still his took him and I have to try to figure out how to get him back. All this along with my newest endevour. When it rains it pours. Along with that our oldest, Freebie is

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